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We then left at the point where SuperBoy has gotten his chances beating Omni-Man into a pulp, yet again he told him to leave earth and never coming back....Omni Man agreed to it...and yet did left that time, SuperBoy flies his way to GDA, and to go check on Mary, and so he did...he arrived at HQ, and to walk down all bloody and beaten up...Debbie was with her and the two noticing him entering the room...

Debbie: Oh my god! (YN)!

Mary: (Y-YN)..!!

Debbie approaches to him...

Debbie: Oh gosh, your all bloody, and that chest wounded is barely opened! A-Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! D-Did he...

(YN): ....I'm fine Ms.Grayson, my shoulder is just stiff only.

(YN) then walks over to Mary, as he sits down and holds her hand...Mary then stood up from the bed, and slowly hugs (YN), and she quietly started sobbing and relief to know he's alive after all....

Mary: Im glad you're not...dead anymore...*sniffs*

(YN): ...I's okay, I'm here for ya....and Sorry  that this happen to you Mary...

Mary: ...It's fine...I-I just...don't wanna talk about it.

(YN): ...I understand.

Mary: So...what happen between you and him-

(YN): I let him leave...not cause I wanted to, I just had...a reason, you know. And I'd make sure he doesn't come back...and...I know it sounds messed up for me telling you this and your mom-

Mary: I-It's okay...I's just....

She shed tears, and then to lay back down...and looking away....(YN) knows how hurt she is after finding out about her father lying to her her whole life...Debbie wanted to try cheer her up...but (YN) stops her...and nods at her, letting her know that Mary needs some time herself....she nods and then leaves the room...

(YN): ...We'll give you some alone time, rest easy.

And as he was about to leave the room, he stopped for a sec, and to then turn back to Mary, approach to her, and then to land a soft kiss onto her forehead...which surprise Mary, and then (YN) walked out...Mary stood quiet after that kiss she she then lays back down...and to rest...and think about (YN)...
As he and Debbie leaves the room...Cecil then appears...

Cecil: (YN), Debbie.

Debbie: Cecil.

(YN): Hey old man.

Cecil: Jesus boy, you look like hammered shit.

(YN): Hm, could've been worse.

Cecil: Head over to a medical room, I got doctors and nurses ready for you after...well...

(YN): Right.

He then walks away and gets himself treated from the wounds...and then Cecil starting to speak with Debbie about Omni-Man not here on earth anymore...

Cecil: Debbie...I wanting to...tell you about....*sighs* If it's too much, just say so, if you were me, it'll ease you mind for everything to have things taken care of-

Debbie: Just get on with it Cecil.

Cecil: ...Since Omni-Man left earth for good, thanks to SuperBoy....and we aren't preserve bout his secret identity, and to keep you and Mary safe, Nolan Grayson official die across the house the street explosion due to leaking gas. I know his travel books always sold well, but sales will see significant spike after his and Mary will be fine for the money. And don't be alarmed if you see yourself on TV news, we send proxies to the funeral so your lives can go back to normal.

Debbie: Normal?

Cecil: Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean-

Debbie: No, it's fine. It's very kind. Thank you, Cecil.

Cecil: know, Nolan was doing everything under my nose, and I never saw it. I wouldn't be able to live with it myself if things didn't went right as they be.

And so Cecil leaves....and yet...things have change a lot, and I mean a lot....finding out who killed the guardians, SuperMan...and Omni-Man being the killer....and yet the fight between him and SuperBoy....and Nolan hurting Debbie and Mary's feelings and lying to them...


Two weeks have pass...Mary was still at GDA, as she is fully recovered from the wounds still resting, and yet to slowly wake up from her rest...and then noticing seeing (YN) sitting down with her...

Mary: (Y-YN)...

(YN): Hey Mary...glad you're awake.

He holds her hand...

Mary: ...Seems like you're wounds got treated.

(YN): Heh, yeah. But what's more important is you...glad you made it out okay.

Mary: ...Yea...almost I guess....(YN)..

(YN): Yea?

Mary: ...Cecil told me everything about your fight with my dad...After your fight with him, he fly away for good...did you know where he go?

(YN): That....I don't know...I just...*sighs* I just told him to not come back...ever, and I know it sounds messed up for me to tell him, but for everything he's done-

Mary: I-I know , I get it. But...can you at least tell me what happen afterwards, what he said? What happen before he left?

Cecil: That depends.

Cecil then appears in the room...

Mary: Cecil. O-On what??

Cecil: If you wanna be a hero or not?

Mary: ....I don't know.

Cecil: ...Come with me, you can come with us if you want (YN).

Cecil leave the room, as both Mary and (YN) were wondering what Cecil wanted to show them, so Mary got off the bed, changed into her clothes and her and (YN) following they did, they soon arrive with him in a huge room, nothing but white, everything blank...

Cecil: Mary...just wanted to let you know your mother heard everything your father said. So you don't have to go through the trouble explaining it to her.

(YN): Wait what??

Mary: What?! She heard everything?! How can you do that??!

Cecil: Don't you think she deserves the truth?

Mary: Y-Yea but-

Cecil. Your mother knew he killed the guardians, but she was holding out hope for a good reason for it, so was I...better for her to know everything about Nolan.

Mary: *sighs* ...Maybe your right.

(YN): Say old man, where are we?

Cecil: Oh right, lights.

Then, lights turn on and to yet reveal a huge room around them, scientists working on experiments, and yet to see Mm to have Immortal with them, patching his Jody back and up and experimenting his body...

Mary: Woah.

(YN): Woah indeed.

Cecil: That's enough.

Soon the room goes white blank again...

Mary: H-Hey Woah! The hell just happen?!

(YN): Yea, everything went white again, are we ima. Room or what??

Cecil: The water in America drinks so conveniently that their tabs is lasted for their chemical wombs, that inhibit the abilities to certain frequencies of light, and are used in this room.

Mary: So it's all invisible?

(YN): Or holographic?

Cecil: You two, and all around America, did not have the ability to see things through. You'd two be surprised how often we use this.

Mary/(YN): Woah.

Cecil: ...Mary, to answer your question you told (YN)...we'd monitor your father until he left the solar system. He didn't change his projectors so he's going somewhere damn far. Which means....we might need a replacement.

Mary: ....N-No...not now, not yet.

(YN): ...

Cecil: ...Your father never leave me any options Mary. Even if we have (YN)...we may not know if we need you too.

Mary: I know...I'm sorry it's just...too much.

Cecil: I should have never brought this up and have soon....anyways, let's get you and your mother home then.

Cecil walks away, and Mary feeling down for not even thinking about if she even wants to continue being a hero...(YN) feels her, so he cheers her up to hold her hand...Mary softly smiles and blushes as she and him both walked with Cecil.....


Later that day, it was noon, Cecil has dropped Mary and Debbie to their home...

Cecil: We fixed your house, talked to your school and Debbie's  work. If you either need know how to reach me.

Mary: Thanks Cecil.

Cecil nods and to walk away...Mary and Debbie both entered the house as Mary floats...

Mary: Heh, much better

Debbie then grabs her purse on the counter and sweater....

Mary: Where you going?

Debbie: I'm heading over at Arthur's shop, see how he's holding it up.

Mary: Oh...yea sure.

Debbie: Be back soon.

Mary: Wait, mom.

Debbie: Yes hon?

Mary: ...You sure you're okay? You don't want me to company you?

Debbie approaches to Mary, hugs her and kisses her on the forehead...

Debbie: I'll be fine, don't worry.

Mary: Okay.

And so, Debbie leaves the house, and Mary having the house all by herself...and soon the get calls from William Amber and Eve about her fight with her she calls them and feeling them she's fine and okay, they were relieved to hear that..
Later on, it was about to theme night any minute...Debbie was still with Arthur...and Mary in her room, on her she yet started thinking about her father lately...and yet doesn't want she tries forgetting it, but couldn't, the lies from him keeps haunting her....until...she gets a call from (YN)...she answers...

Mary: (YN).

(YN): Hey Mary, just checking up on you, see how's it going.

Mary: It's going fine...for now...

(YN): Yeah, I here's your mom? How's she holding it up?

Mary: Pretty okay, she's with Arthur, you know, keeping him company.

(YN): Thats good to hear...but hey, if anything is going on with you, just letting you know I'm here for matter what.

Mary: *smiles softly* Thanks (YN)...*sighs*

(YN): Still not over it?

Mary: No...I just...I don't know how I'm gonna forget it the fact my father has done this to me...I just need a little distraction.

(YN): We'll, if you aren't doing anything, we can go out and get something to eat, sounds good?

Mary: Sounds....Sounds....

(YN): ...Mary? Are you there? 

Mary then suddenly stood she then barely started to think about (YN) for now...knowing how much care he's got for her, always in her side, always been a good friend to her, and yet keeping her accompany as well....and yet, these pass days, she knew deep down that she and (YN) like each other a lot, or to say more than just liking, she can see it and feel it, she can even remedy the time the two were about and close to kiss....she then places her hand onto her chest...and yet to slowly hit her bottom lip...

(YN): Mary???

She then replies...

Mary: Actually (YN)...why don't you come over? We can...hang out at my place.

(YN): Heh, sounds cool, be there in a minute then.

Mary: Cool...see you in a minute then~

She then hangs up....and then started thinking about him again...and then say to herself...

Mary: A minute he says...guess I'll have time to fly over to the store real quick.

She then gets off from her bed, and flies off to the store and buy whatever she's getting and to come back and wait for (YN) to arrive at her home...

What is she planning? 🤔


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