01. - 奇想天外

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Chapter 1 - Fantastic

You fluttered your eyes open and slowly sat up. You yawned without a sound and rubbed your eyes. 'What was that weird dream?' You thought to yourself. You jumped off your bed, dragging yourself over to your window. You opened the curtain, hissed without a sound at the bright sun, and squinted your eyes. You looked around your bedroom and it looked familiar yet different. You felt nauseated for a second when you stood up from your bed. You went to your study area and saw your backpack on the table with a note on it. You picked up the note and read it.

'It wasn't a dream. Go and explore the world you live in.' It said.

You gaped at the note and the memory of your so-called dream hit you like bricks, giving you a slight migraine.

'So... that means...'

Your head perks up when you hear sizzling in the kitchen. You felt your palms sweat and heard your breathing slow down as you slowly tiptoed your way to the kitchen, and peeked over the doorway. There was a lady with long lilac hair with pale purple tint in two low hanging ponytails. Your eyes started to clear up and noticed that everything looked animated. She started to hum a familiar tune. Your foot stepped to the side trying to see her face, but then made a creaking noise. You cringed at the sound and cursed in your mind.

"(Y/n), I know you're there." She said in Japanese, which you understand since you took Japanese classes in High School, her head perked up. Take that mom! Japanese is worth taking after all! She turned around and smiled at your direction, but not meeting your eyes. She had clouded lilac-purple eyes. Is she blind?

You opened your mouth to ask who she is, but nothing came out. 'Well damn. How can I communicate when she's blind and I'm mute.' A thought came into your mind remembering Stranger Things Season 2. You walked towards the table and raised your finger above the table and tapped on it, remembering the Morse code you've studied for your own curiosity (totally not because it was one of your hyperfixations).

'Hello.' You tapped hoping she knows American Morse code.

"Goodmorning!" She said, "I hear you're barefoot, and you're not wearing your socks for school. Are you not planning to go to school on your first day?"

'Okay. Woah. Is she my mom...? I mean this is my new life after all.' You think to yourself, 'I guess I shouldn't go to school for morning classes, so I can get information about the world I'm in.'

You started to tap again, 'Half day?' Then you thought for an excuse but then she beat you to it.

"That's fine, dear. Since your brother isn't here, why don't you get the groceries? The list is on the table." She said turning around and started to pay back attention to her cooking. You took the list, headed back to the living room to get the note and your backpack, and headed back to your room. You closed the door behind you, threw your bag on the bed, and set the list and note on your dresser. You started to pace around the room.

'Alright, since she wanted me to get groceries, this will be my chance to find out where I am. I already got four hints: Hero, Animated, Japanese, School. Well basically this is an anime. A shounen to be exact, but which one?' You sighed then started to get ready, you went and did your daily morning routine all finished in 30 minutes. You also noticed while in the bathroom how you looked differently in animation and how you looked like your freshman self. You had a different style a year ago. You cringe yet reminisce at your freshman memories. You put on a white shirt, and black jacket over it. You jumped in your denim jeans and cuffed up the bottom of them a bit. You slipped on your mismatched socks. You took the list and headed to the door to put on your converse. You hear footsteps behind, you turn to see your mom with her hand out with the money on it. You smiled and took it out of her hands. You took the time to tap on the wall, 'Thank you.'

"Be careful!" She waved at you, once you were out of the house. You jogged down the road and gradually slowed.

'Crap. I don't know where to go.' You frantically looked around and then sighed, 'I guess I'll just wander around until I find the store.'

You march down wherever your instinct tells you to go, and then 10 minutes later you find yourself in front of the convenience store. You awed your animated surroundings. 'I can't believe I found it.' You stepped forward then the door opened itself sensing a presence in front of the door. You skipped inside, taking a basket and went around to get all the things needed.

You finally got everything and then reached the cashier. The employee gave you a smile, which you returned, and checked your groceries and put them in a plastic bag. Thanks to the Japanese classes you took, they taught you how money worked, you calculated and paid. She bowed saying, "Thank you for shopping." You nodded and took the plastic bags. It was surprisingly light. Then suddenly people ran outside.

'What's the commotion all about?' You followed everyone and saw a crowd piling up before you. You looked up and saw a familiar titan-like figure. You had to get closer to get a good look at it. You slipped your way through the crowd and finally got out in front.

"Turning into a monster?! What a crazy quirk!" Someone exclaimed, "What did he do?"

'個性(Kosei)?' You found yourself wondering about your Japanese vocabulary, 'Doesn't that mean individuality or characteristic?'

"He tried to steal a purse and started rampaging when he got cornered."

"A villain appeared... That's right. I'm at the train station. Not sure when I'll get in."

"Who's fighting him?!" You hear a familiar voice. In the corner of your eyes you see a familiar character right beside you.

'Midoriya?!' Your eyes widened then you looked towards the villain to see a wooden man jumped up to fight him.


"Illegal use of abilities during rush hour, as well as robbery and assault?" The hero, Kamui Woods, said coolly, "You're pure evil."

'Wait a minute... 個性 means quirk! There's Midoriya right next to me an- and t-there's Kamui Woods!' You squealed in your thoughts and panicked internally, 'HOLY CROW! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M IN MY HERO ACADEMIA!'

"It's Kamui Woods!! The popular young superstar!" You hear Midoriya fanboy about the young pro-hero next to you.

"A running commentary, huh?" A man with weird stars on top and sides of his head said, "Kid, are you a fanboy?!"

"Uh, no heh heh..." Midoriya laughed nervously.

'Oya?' You thought as your free hand went up covering your smirk. 'Midoriya, you little liar. Just admit that you are one.'

"Your punishment." Kamui Woods said.

'Oh my, that's quite kinky--' Your filthy thoughts were cut off by the guy who previously spoke to Midoriya.

"Take him down treeman!"

"Here it comes! It's his preemptive binding..." Midoriya exclaimed Kamui Woods' move.

"... LACQUERED CHAIN PRISON!!" Kamui Woods' right arm extended into branches reaching for the villain, until another Titan like upcoming hero in white and blue jumped in and kicked the villain exclaiming her move,


And with that kick, the villain loses consciousness as Mt. Lady landed perfectly. Then she bent over showing off her bum and picked up the villain's pant leg.

"Today's my debut!" Mt. Lady said as she turned her head towards the crowd and winked, her behind was purposefully shown to the crowd, "Pleased to meet you all! You can call me Mt. Lady."

Then suddenly a bunch of photographers slid in, blocking the way and taking pictures of the hero, "It's her! It's her! It's her!"

Midoriya took out his notes and started to write down information about Mt. Lady and muttering out loud. "Gigantification, huh? It's a common and quite powerful quirk, but could the threat of public property destruction limit its use? Well... Depends on whether or not she can manipulate her size at will."

You looked at the character in awe, 'Wow, this is so different from watching it on the phone.'

"Taking notes?! I guess you wanna be a hero yourself. Good luck!" The man beside him cheered, making Midoriya perked up flustered and smiled.

"Thanks! I'll try!" You swore you saw his face brighten up like the sun and flowers blooming around this boy. You squealed inside. The crowd began to disperse as the police took the villain away.

'Time to get back home!' You thought, marching back home.

Surprisingly you found yourself back home. You unlocked the door, and walked in. Remembering Japanese daily lifestyle you are supposed to yell out that you are home, but since you didn't have a voice you decided to knock loudly instead, 'I'm home!'

You set the groceries down as you started to take off your shoes. You hear your mother's soft footsteps.

"Ah! You made it safely! Where are the groceries?" She asked, you used your free hand and tapped the groceries on the floor. She used her hearing to find the groceries and picked them up. She used her free hand on the wall and used her hearing to listen to her own footsteps to guide herself to the kitchen.

You took your shoes off, then you set them aside with the others. You went into the kitchen to help her out with putting away the groceries. You see her taking out the groceries from the plastic bag.

You tapped on the table, 'You need help?'

"Yes please." You walked over and helped put away the groceries. After that she said, "You need to eat your brunch and change already."

You tapped a simple, 'OK.' You sat down at the table and placed your hands together mouthing an 'いただきます(itadakimasu).' Then you start to dig in your food. You felt a sudden bliss as you savored the flavour, not even questioning how your mother cooked blindly. You finished eating, took a big gulp of water, and mouthed a 'ごちそうさまでした (gochisousamadeshita).' Then stood up and left the kitchen to change into your uniform.

You found your school bag and uniform already set on your bed. You waste no time, so you change out of your casual clothes then into your school uniform. You were about to sling your bag over your shoulder but you glanced at your backpack that you used when you fell in the pond. You opened your backpack to see all your stuff that you remember packing up. You took out your phone and earphones and put them in the pocket of your skirt. You were ready to go.

You walked in the room, and saw your mom waiting at the door for you. She heard your footsteps and looked in your way and smiled. You approached the door and slipped into your shoes.

"Alright, I have your shoes just for the inside of the school already in your locker. Remember you have your whiteboard and dry erase marker in your bag. You need to head to the principal to get a copy of your locker number and class schedule. Don't forget to--" You cut her off by placing a hand on her shoulder. She smiled, her hands finding their way on your shoulder, reaching up and cupping your face, giving you a kiss on the forehead. It felt weirdly comforting.

"You know where to go." She said to you as her hands fell to her side.

You turned away and reached for the doorknob. You exhaled and inhaled then turned the knob opening it, as the sun shines down on your face once more.

Once again on the road as your instinct tells you where to go. You wonder how you're able to find your way even though this is your new life, and you may or may not try to make up some theories. You shake your head from thinking about theories, and start planning how you are able to communicate with others.

'My new mom said that I have white board in my bag so that's good, but I'm not sure about how fast I can write in Japanese. Kanji may be difficult, but if I keep using Hiragana and Katana, the sentences will only look longer. I'm a top student in my Japanese class, so I shouldn't worry then. Other than writing, I only know American and Japanese sign language and American Morse code. I have to learn Japanese Morse code at some point just for my new mom. I can also mouth my words for others if I'm talking to a lip reader.' You thought as you walked down the sidewalk. You were glad you had a lot of free time at home to study sign language, both American and Japanese. 'There's no doubt I will mix things up between the two.' It's very convenient that you learned those in your past life like it was almost... fate.

You shook your head to dismiss the idea then stopped and looked at the side to see the entrance of Aldera Junior High. You closed your eyes, inhaling slowly, calming your nerves, and gathered up some courage. You opened your eyes showing determination in your eyes, you were about to walk in until a guard stopped you. You expected an intimidating guard and started to sweat nervously, but when you looked at him, he looked sweet and young. You calmed down and smiled at the police, you pulled out the letter out of your skirt pocket, giving the guard the letter. He read the letter and gave you a nod for you to proceed inside. He was... A man of few words you would thought, though he didn't even spoke a word other than, "Hey!" For you to stop earlier. You walked in the building and wandered around, with your instinct leading you where to go.

At the entrance doors of the school, you see lockers lined up, 'Oh! My shoes. I hope the principal won't mind until I get my locker combination...'

You found yourself in front of the principal's office, you brought your knuckles up and knocked on the door. An elderly man's voice came from inside and called out for you to come in. You turned the knob and went inside, you admired the well organized office as you closed the door behind you. The principal sitting in his office chair behind the desk looked up, giving you a kind old smile, which reminded you of Mrs. Young from your old apartment. He looked like he was around his 70's and had a quite small fragile body, smaller than the intimidating huge office chair. He had a nice calming aura coming off of him, which made you less nervous talking to the man. He motioned for you to come and sit down, you did just so.

"I believe you are 椛(Momiji) (Y/N)?" He asked for confirmation. You nodded confirming your name. He leaned back in his chair, "I heard from your mother that you are mute?"

'Momiji? I guess that's my new last name.' You nodded, then you looked into your school messenger bag and pulled out the whiteboard and dry erase marker. He observed your actions as you wrote something down. Your eyes squint once and while focusing on the kanji characters then you turn the board around, 'Do you know Japanese sign language?'

He thought for a moment digging into his memories and said, "Yes, I know most simple ones, but not complex sentences."

'That's great. It would be easier.' You wrote down your response.

"Well, here's your locker number, schedule, and school ID." He slides the items toward you. You took your school ID and wore it, then packed up your board and marker. Then he asked, "Would you like me to send a student to help you throughout the day?"

You felt like you would be a bother to the student and felt that it's not necessary, so you signed no.

"Well, I hope you have a great school year in Aldera Junior High." He smiled and clasped his hands together. You nodded and smiled standing up to bow as a thank you as he nodded back. You took the student information paper with you and left the office.

You looked at a small information about yourself on the schedule information, you scanned through as something caught your eye. Your quirk. You raised your brows in interest, as your lips parted.


Your lips pressed thin and thought, 'Well, that's just a perfect quirk for a mute like me.' You sighed and thought about your quirk a bit more, 'I guess I'll have to find out how my quirk works then I would start training. After all, I have to get into the UA to make the best out of my new life.'

You smiled as your eyes sparkled with determination, and marched back near the front area of the building where they keep their lockers. You found yours, and opened it seeing the indoor school shoes that your mother told you. You changed into your indoor shoes and placed your outdoor ones inside the locker, closing it after. You checked out your classroom information, and started to try to find your way to it while observing the classroom numbers as you go by. You went upstairs, and as you went down the hallway you looked into the windows on your right and saw two familiar characters. You glanced at the classroom number on top of the front doorway and checked your information paper. You're in their class. You went towards the doorway not knowing what to do next, so you stood there awkwardly as only a few students noticed your presence. The teacher noticed that few of her students weren't paying attention and were looking at the doorway. Her eyes followed theirs and saw you standing there with a nervous smile. You walked in as eyes followed your figure.

You handed the lady your paper as she looked at the slip of paper attached to it notifying the teacher that you are a new student with a side note that you are mute. She looked up and smiled, handing back your paper, and spoke to you, "Why don't you write your name on the board to introduce yourself?"

You nodded as she gave you a chalk to use. As you're writing your name along with your new last name, you secretly glance at your information paper to write Japanese characters of your name in a vertical order. You placed the chalk down, and turned around, sliding a bit to the left to show your name.

"Class, meet our new student, Momiji (Y/n). Please take care of her." She said as you bowed down, then straightened up and gave a soft, kind smile. Some students awed at your presence, a few were intimidated, and there of course a few who didn't really care. Then your teacher spoke up, "You'll be sitting in the empty chair next to Midoriya-san. Midoriya-san, please raise your hand."

Midoriya jumped in his seat from the teacher mentioning his name as he raised his hand slowly, and looked down at his desk shyly. You almost forgot that Midoriya and Bakugou had attended Aldera Junior High.

'Such a precious cinnamon roll!' You thought fangirling, and contained your over excitement. You walked over to your new desk as he placed his hand back down, you sat at the desk next to him. The teacher continued on with her lecture. After you settled your things down, you looked at Midoriya next to you, noticing his glances at you once and a while. He saw you looking at him, then his face turned red from embarrassment. You waved your hand at him reassuring he was fine. You faced forward and listened to the lecture.

' ' '

It was the end of the school day, you ran out of the classroom before anyone could even try to talk to you. You wanted to introduce yourself to Midoriya by saving his notebook. You rushed to your locker, and switched your shoes then ran outside to find that fish pond. You finally found it and just in time, you hear an explosion from the 2nd floor. You see the notebook falling, you were about to catch it but it slipped from your fingers. In slow motion, you cringed and clenched your eyes imagining something covering the pond and catching the book. You expected to hear a splash, but instead it was a thud. You opened your eyes and gaped at what you saw. There is an actual glass pane hovering above the pond, preventing the notebook from falling onto the pond. You took the notebook in your hands then the glass suddenly faded and left a few sparkles in its place and disappeared as well. You stood there shaking.

'Imagination.' You thought of it as an animated picture of Spongebob making a hand motion making a rainbow and the word imagination appear with sparkles pop into your mind.

You snapped out of it as you heard someone's footsteps running and then approached slowly then stopped. You looked to your right to see Midoriya with pink tinted on his cheeks. You smiled and waved the notebook filled with hero information at him. He stood awkwardly waiting for you to say something. You noticed awkward silence and sighed, simply handing out the notebook to him. His hands shakingly took his notebook from your hand, and shyly smiled at you. You decide it best if you give him a sign that you are mute. You motion at him to pay attention to your hand motions.

You repeated the motions again to make sure he got the idea. His head perked up from realization.

"You're mute?" He asked, you nodded with a smile. He then stuttered as he bowed gratefully , "T-Thank you for saving my notebook."

You held up a hand to wait as he straightened up and looked at you with curiosity as you rummaged through your school bag, then you took out the whiteboard and marker and then slung your school bag onto your back. You wrote down, 'You're welcome. We should become friends.'

Midoriya read the board and it took him to process the word friend in his head, then his face filled up red and started to stutter words that you wouldn't be able to understand. You had a confused look on your face then remembered how Izuku is like when he talks to girls. Your mouth is shaped into an 'o' from realizing that fact. You used your free arm and motioned him to slow down. It took awhile for him to calm down then stutter, "Yes! We'll be friends!"

'Becoming friends with the protagonist, mission complete!' You mentally pat yourself on the back congratulating yourself. You then wrote down on your board, 'Do you want to walk home together?'

"Sure!" He said excitedly, you swore you saw stars in his eyes. Such a sweet boy.

You both walked out of the gates of the school, you decided to introduce yourself again. You wrote down, 'My name is Momiji (Y/n). Nice to meet you.'

You turned the board to him, he looked at you and smiled, "Nice to meet you, Momiji-san. I'm Midoriya Izuku."

You slightly cringed at your new last name, not being used to it. You wrote down, 'Please call me by my first name. I prefer and mostly respond to my first name.'

"Alright then, Mo- (Y/n)-san." He stumbled with his words, not accustomed to getting on a first name basis after just meeting. You smiled then thought about a certain hot-head, Bakugou Katsuki. You try to make up a story in your head then write down, 'What happened in the classroom? I heard an explosion then I caught your notebook.'

You turned the board towards him, he read what you wrote then his face fell into sadness as he looked down at the concrete. You both stopped walking, you went in front of him and you put your free hand on his shoulder. He flinched from your touch and looked at you with sad eyes. You sighed as you removed your free hand and wrote, 'I'm your friend now. You can tell me anything.'

His cheeks light up pink from your boldness, declaring that you were a friend. He hesitated then spoke up, "It was Kacchan. In the homeroom this morning, he learned that I wanted to go to UA like he does. He picked on me and everyone laughed at me... For being quirkless. Yeah I know I sound crazy going for UA--" You cut him off by placing a finger near his mouth, you wrote down passionately causing him to widen his eyes a bit from your sudden action.

'Being quirkless does not define who you are and that doesn't stop you from becoming a hero. Being a hero is such a big dream, and from what I think of you.' You showed him the board waiting for him to read it completely. He looked up at you in awe. You then continue as your handwriting becomes sloppy and smaller as you are running out of space to write on, 'You're one of those people who work hard and never give up on their dreams. You're a nice friend, though we're still strangers to each other. I just know that you will become a hero! With or without quirk!'

You turned the board with determination, and smiled at him brightly.

''' POV Change to Midoriya Izuku '''

As I read (Y/n)'s board, my eyes started to water and looked down at my feet, my heart welled up with overwhelming emotions as I thought about what people have told me in the past.

"So Deku, the quirkless wonder..." Kacchan's voice echoed through my mind, "Thinks he can play hero, huh?"

"I'm afraid there's no hope for him..." The doctor, "He possesses no quirk at all."


"You're totally quirkless!" Kacchan today, "If you think you'll have a quirk in your next life... Go take a swan dive off the roof!!"

'Even though these are the things I have heard, I decided not to care what anyone says!! To keep my chin up and keep moving forward!!' I thought as I looked up with burning fire in my eyes, and looked into (Y/n)'s eyes.

'Thank you, (Y/n)-san! For your support!!'

''' Back to normal POV '''

You flinched once his head looked up from the ground and looked into my eyes with burning passion in his eyes. You had a feeling he had an inner monologue just now. He nodded and then he marched forward into the tunnel with his fist up laughing as if mimicking a certain number one pro-hero, you processed what just happened and just followed him. You felt this tunnel was quite familiar to you, and had a bad feeling about it. Cold sweat on your back as your hands become clammy.

'What scene was this again...?' You just looked at the back of Midoriya's head, then heard sloppy noises behind you.

"A medium sized boy... To hide in." You and Midoriya glanced at each with fright and looked around to see a green slime like monster.

'Oh now I remember... Fan-freaking-tastic.'

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