Chapter 4 - フォワード!! (Forward!!)

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This chapter dedicated to:

A reader who just can't wait for the update, DaniLucille. And a hyped up reader, weebstick. Thank you for reading and commenting.

Key Legend:
Italics - 'Thoughts'
Bold - 'Written Words'
Underlined - 'Morse code tappings'
Normal - 'Sign Language'

Chapter 4 - フォワード!! (Forward!!)

       "AAAARGH!!" I hear the familiar hot headed character's screams, explosions, and the crowd's commentaries from afar.

'I'm almost there!' I push myself running faster. I stopped around the corner and jogged towards the crowd. Through the crowd I see him struggling inside the monster, 'Bakugou!'

~{Present in Midoriya's POV}~

'You need to be realistic.'

'Even as a third-year, he still can't face reality.'

'It's time to start thinking seriously about your future.'

Voices started to echo through my head as I walked down the sidewalk. Even the best of the best said it. I sniffled, bringing up a fist and wiped under my nose. 'Don't you cry! You knew already, right?! This is reality... It's because I knew... That I tried so hard...'

Hearing a loud commotion on my left across the street, I stopped and looked up. 'So hard not to see. To ignore reality.'

~{POV Change Back}~

       "Why're the heroes just standing there?"

"Seems the villain's grabbed a middle schooler."

I looked around trying to find Midoriya, 'I shouldn't take action until he runs to help out Bakugou.' I thought as I keep frantically looking across the crowd and push my way through the people to get a good look, then in the corner of my eyes I see a familiar green haired boy flashed through the crowd and ran in. 'There he is!' I followed him and got through the pro heroes.

"GET BACK HERE, YOU FOOLS! STOP!!" The pro hero, Death Arms, yelled from behind.

"It's those kids." The monster said overlapping Bakugou, "Deku?"

I noticed Midoriya's notebook fell out earlier and opened up to a certain page. Page 25, the notes on Kamui Woods. Midoriya slid off his backpack and swung it at the villain making him growl and back away. He reached towards the villain and started to claw away the monster's slime from Bakugou. I hesitated for a moment for that I knew that I wouldn't make a change, but at least try to show support towards Midoriya and to show Bakugou that I'm not just an ordinary new student. It's better to try than nothing. After all, my new goal is become a hero and a supportive friend. Adrenaline rushed through my veins knowing that there's not much time to think strategy. I decided followed Midoriya's action.

"Kacchan!" He yelled out for his childhood friend.

"You two! Why?!" Bakugou, out of shock, asked both Midoriya and I.

"My legs just started moving! Why? I don't know!!" Midoriya exclaimed as tears and sweat runs down his face.

'I'm just going with the flow of the plot that the author is planning but I can't answer that question right now, because I'm mute! Dammit!' I exclaimed and cursed mentally (and yeah just casually broke the 4th wall--).

"You..." Midoriya seemed like he was forcing a grin mimicking the number one hero. I knew he was afraid and at the same time he didn't realize how heroic his action is for he wanted to save his childhood friend. "You looked like you needed saving."

Hearing those words coming out of his mouth made me smile and reminisced how I was screeching watching this scene back in my old life. Like every other fans, I was so proud of him. I'm still proud of him today, and I hoped that I wasn't in the way of his path, but to support his way down on that path.

"Stop... It!" Bakugou cried out in anger.

"Just a bit longer." The villain growled at Midoriya, my eyes widen remembering this scene. I stepped back grabbing Midoriya's arm and bringing him behind me as in the corner of my eyes, All Might came into the scene grabbing Bakugou's arm. The corner of my lips curled up in relief.

"The lesson I left you... I should practice what I preach!!" All Might exclaimed bringing his other arm back. I brought up my free arm in front of my face to prepare for the strong wind. "A PRO SHOULD ALWAYS BE READY TO RISK HIS LIFE!!"

And with that the mighty hero brought his fist into the villain, blowing the monster away and causing a force of wind blowing in every direction making as the monster's body scatters. Without knowing, I created a strong glass barrier around Midoriya and I to prevent us blowing away from the wind. Midoriya's eyes widen from shock. The air pressure that All Might sent created a rising air current, then started to rain down along with the villain's slime. All Might let an unconscious Bakugou down on the floor, as I realize a heavy weight on my back, I turned to see Midoriya out cold as well. I gently put him down on the ground as the glass surrounding us shattered and disappear.

"No way. The air pressure... That rising air current..."


"Amazing that's... ALL MIGHT!!"

The crowd cheered for All Might for his heroic performance. Afterwards, the pro heroes collected the villain's scattered remains for the police who managed to get him into custody. Once the two, Midoriya and Bakugou gained consciousness the heroes lectured and scolded us for our risky actions.

"There's no absolutely no need for you to put yourself in danger!" Death Arms scolded. I puffed in annoyance while beside me was a shivering Midoriya. I looked over at Bakugou being praised for his quirk.

'I seriously don't get how Bakugou get to all the praise meanwhile Midoriya and I, the ones who first took action and risked our lives to save this hot potato hedgehog, get to be scolded.' I looked away from Bakugou and looked at the ground, flickering a piece of rubble. 'After all, All Might said, quote "A PRO SHOULD ALWAYS BE READY TO RISK HIS LIFE!!" End quote.'

"And you, Momiji-san!" Death Arms gestured at me making me snap out of my deep thoughts, I looked up with a surprised faced curious of how he knew my new surname. "You better get home soon. Your brother just left before this incident, and I'm sure he's going to be all over you if you go home later than expected."

'My... Brother?' I thought as I raised my eyebrows in interest. I moved up my hands and signed, 'Yes, sir.' Then I stood up and I glanced at Midoriya waving a quick goodbye. He nodded at me for me to go home and waved back. I adjusted my backpack and scuttled away from the scene.

' ' '

       Approaching my house closing the gates behind me, and jogged up to the door. I opened the door with a spare key that I found in my bag. I went in closing the door behind me and taking my shoes off to put them at sides of the wall. I knocked on the door twice to signal that I was in present in the house. No one calls out in response. I sighed dragging myself to the living rooms and plopping myself on the sofa and pushed my bag beside me. I looked around observing room then a picture frame caught my eye. I stood up and skidded across the hardwood floor approaching the picture of a family.

       I picked it up and saw my new mother in the center, who holding a child around the age of 3. Then suddenly voices went through my head.

"Do it again! Do it again!" A voice sounded close to mine when I was younger spoke.

"...Fine..." A timid voice said.

And then a picture flashed before my eyes of the girl in the picture. She had glowing red eye, her left eye was covered with her raven bangs. She had a beautiful ruby colored butterfly appear in her hands.

'Woah.' I shook my head at the memory as my eyes moved to both of my mother's side, there was man and teenage boy. The teenage boy had a girl on his shoulders, the girl at an estimated guess aged around 7, and the teenage boy around 15 or 16.

New voices came through again...

"Can't catch me now! Haha!" A raspy yet energetic child like voice said.

"That's not fair! You're using your quirk!" A voice with a bit of masculinity and voice cracks here and there said.

"Oh come on, she just couldn't control her quirk. She does it by... Ins... Inski...  Instinct!" The familiar voice that I heard from the other flash.

A picture flashed a blond teen with baby blue eyes struggling to chase a girl who had raven hair with green tint and amber colored eyes who seemed to zoom around the teen dodging him.

After the flash I looked over to the man on the other side, carried a girl around age of 4. She looked familiar with the faded mixture of (H/C) and brown hair and faded mixture of (E/C) and blueberry eyes.

'Is that me...?' My eyebrows narrowed and nose scrunched up, squinting my eyes bringing up the picture closer trying to get a good look and wished for a small flash again. Then looking at the reflection of the glass I saw someone behind me. I turned and accidentally dropped the frame. Before it hits the ground the man in front of me caught it with his left hand. He stood straight up and waved it in front of my face, giving me a closed eyed smile.

"Be careful now, (Y/n)-Chan!" He piped up and opened up and showed his baby blue eyes.


Thank you for reading!


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