🎆New Years Special Chapter!!

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Never knew I'll be actually doing some kind of special, but I guess I just had enough time to make this!

Happy New Years, Everyone!!!


New years is coming up soon, I'm really excited to experience a Japanese New Years. I remembered studying about Japanese New Years celebration in my Japanese class that adults give children New Year money. Yes, that's what I'm actually hyped about.

I was heading my way to Midoriya's household to invite Midoriya and his mom to come over for New Years Eve at my house. I didn't realize that I started skipping once I'm nearing their house, I must that excited. How could you not be excited? Especially living in Boku No Hero Academia world! I was fangirling in my thoughts until I was pulled out of my imaginations by bumping into someone, luckily I caught myself before falling backwards.

"Watch it!" I hear a familiar voice snapping at me, then I looked up to see Bakugou glaring down at me, I squeaked at the sight of his angry expression.

"What the hell are skipping around for and not paying attention of what's in front of you, dumbass!" He snapped at me again like the angry crab he is as I backed away from the explosive boy.

'Oh crap. What should I do? I should apologize! Yes! That's the normal response right?' I thought frantically then I looked up and flinched at his dark aura emitting from him, 'How could I apologize when he snapped at me like that? I shouldn't sass him though like I would usually do normally back then in my old life. Uwaaahh, I may have watched the series and read the manga, but he still sure is scary. No! Be brave! Aaaahh-'

"Oi! Are you just going to stand there? Speak!" He commanded me like a dog as I snapped out of my thoughts once again. Forgetting I had no voice, I opened my mouth then closed when nothing came out.

'Oh right. I'm mute, and not to mention he doesn't know that I am mute.' I thought then pulling out a white board and a dry erase marker from my snazzy and useful satchel that Toshiaki gave me for Christmas, with this action made Bakugou started with a curious and odd expression.

'I'm sorry for not paying attention, Bakugou-san! If you didn't know yet, I'm mute.' I wrote and turned the board towards him. He scanned the board and looked at me.

"Mute, huh?" He said surprisingly calm which me relieved but then he said, "I bet if you're able to speak, your voice would be annoying to hear."

'Oh hell no-!' Before I continue in my thoughts and charge at him, I calmed myself down and took a deep breath, 'Be calm. He's Bakugou Katsuki. He's not worth of facing my wrath right now for I need to see Midoriya today, my precious cinnamon roll.'

I humphed with my nose up and walked around right passed him, making him scowl in defeat.

"Oi! Don't ignore me like that!" I hear him yell out behind me, I hear his footsteps nearing me and felt a hand on my shoulder turning me around; accidentally, he was way too close to comfort and both of our noses was touching. My face filled up red, as he exploded not literally though.

"Where do you think you're going?!" He growled at me without stepping away not realizing what kind position we were in.

'AAAAAHH!' I was internally screaming in my thoughts feeling my face warming up, 'HOW DARE HE?! HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO ASK ME LIKE THIS, AND I JUST CAN'T-'

I felt like my brain going to self destruct at the fact that I'm rambling in my thoughts and couldn't handle the situation I'm in. Soon Bakugou realized how close he was to my face, that when his face actually exploded with red appearing across his face, as he backed away. That's when I finally calm down, and started to write on my board.

'First of all, let's forget that happened. Second, it's not of your business. And third,' I exhaled before I continued writing, 'Do you want to come over at my house to celebrate new years?'

I turned the board towards him as I looked to the side, not bothering to look at his face expected of some kind of harsh rejection, then I hear him mutter under his breath, "Whatever. Stupid muted nerd..."

And with that I watched him walked away, as I lowered the board down and clearing it, putting both the marker and the boar in my satchel.

'Well that's that. I should get going! It's cold!' I thought rubbing my hands together and placing it on my warm cheeks, turning around and started to head again to Midoriya's house.

I arrived at their door and knocked, Midoriya's mother opened the door with a smile, "(Y/n)-Chan! Surprise to see you here! You came to see Izuku?"

I pulled out my board and marker again to write down, 'Actually, I came down here to see you both!'

I turned the board to her as her face lit up, "Well, that's wonderful of you! Come on in!"

I bowed as she stepped back opening the door wider for me to enter. I closed the door behind me as I took off my shoes, nudging them aside. Midoriya's mother told me Midoriya was in his room, then went to the kitchen to make some snacks. I went ahead to Midoriya's room, and knocked.

"Ah! Come in!" I hear Midoriya yell from inside. I turned the knob and stepped inside to see him on his computer. I looked around the room to see so many All Might merchandise, and thought, 'Oh wow... I was expecting he would have some All Might merchandise, but not this much. Sure, I could relate but I don't have enough money and time to buy all of my favorite anime and manga merchandise- Woah, wait a minute, is that an All Might body pillow?'

"Mom?" Midoriya turned around in his sea and saw me at the doorway as I was snapping out of my thoughts, he yelped and he fell out of his seat making me run to him with a worried expression.

'Oh crap! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!' I repeatedly thought as I frantically waved my hands around. He sat up rubbing his back, looking back up seeing me panicking. He waved his hands repeatedly saying, "It's okay! It's okay!"

I grabbed my marker and board again and swiftly yet messily wrote down, 'Are you sure? Are you okay?' I turned it around to Midoriya. He scanned it and looked up.

"I-It's fine! Really! Uhh, can you help me up?" He asked holding out his arm, in which I grabbed helped him up forgetting to control my strength, I pulled him too hard making him crash into me. We fortunately caught each other as we both closed our eyes together.

I fluttered open my eyes to see Midoriya's face close to mine, my eyes directly staring into his beautiful green eyes. I then noticed his face filling up with many shades of red, his body flinched and step back letting out a squeak. I realized what just happened and the color of pink dusted across my cheeks, my hands flew up to cover my face, and shaking my head. 'N-Not again! What's going on today?! All I just want to do is to invite Midoriya and his mom!'

We both stayed quiet for a while, then I removed my hands away from my face and inhaled the air, then I finally took up the courage and strength to write on the board, 'Anyways, My family was wondering if you and your mom can come over for New Year's Eve.' I turned it to him and hiding my pink blushed face behind it.

"O-Oh, Y-Yeah! Definitely! W-We should go and head down to talk to mom." I hear him stutter. I brought down my arms and looked at him to see the color of red on his face started to fade. I smiled at him and nodded.

Fast forward to New Year's Eve, I was helping out with mom with the food. Toshiaki and Rieko were outside pounding down making mochi and as for Sachi, she was organizing and cleaning the house. Later on I joined in with Sachi for the decoration. Toshiaki and Rieko finished making mochi and brought it to mom, and decided to make sure the sparklers and fireworks are safe and ready to use. Midoriya and his mom soon arrived, with extra food for all of us to share. My mom and Midoriya's mom was off in the living talking about whatever motherly things they usually discuss. Meanwhile the rest of us were outside in the backyard. Rieko and Toshiaki were nudging at me about the idea of the 'spark' of relationship between Midoriya and I as Sachi glared at Midoriya with a bit of jealousy at the fact at his closeness with me. In which we both blushed madly yet brushed it off later on. We were having such a fun time, as we light up some sparklers, laughed (except for me of course), and danced around except for Sachi who just stood and waved hers unenthusiastically. I then remember Bakugou's face and wonder where he was. I sighed and then noticed something in the corner of my eyes. I sneakily left the group, making my way to the frontyard to see a familiar pale blond hair over the fence. A smile plastered on my face as I rushed out of the gates to see Bakugou leaning against the fence with a thinking expression. I sneaked to his side and tapped his shoulder, he flinched from my touch and started at me with a surprised and angry face. I quickly pulled out a board and marker and wrote, 'I'm so glad you came over!' Before he opens his mouth to yell at me for startling him, I turned the board to him with a grateful smile on my face.

"Tch." He looked to the side with pink dusted on his cheeks, "My mom forced me to go."

I raised a brow having a little feeling that he wasn't telling the full truth, but I shook it off. I wrote down, 'You should come on in! I'm sure the countdown for the new year is near!' I turned it to him, when he finished reading the board, I quickly put it away.

"Yeah, no- OI!" I cut him off by grabbing his hand and dragged him inside leading him to the backyard. I saw Midoriya watching Rieko and Toshiaki already had the fireworks and ready, while Sachi watches from the other side away from Midoriya far as possible. Midoriya heared Bakugou's and I's footsteps approaching and turned. Bakugou looked back at Midoriya making him flinch out of fear, then Midoriya stared at my hand interwind with Bakugou's then his fear fade away feeling a little jealous.

"You! Deku! Why are YOU here-" He cut himself off remembering then corrected himself, "Oh wait. Of course, you two nerds are friends."

I rolled my eyes dragging him closer to Midoriya who just stood there still looking at our hands. I tilted my head at him, then I hear my mom yell out from inside the house.

"Countdown from 10! 9!" She started counting down out loud as she and Midoriya's mom rushed out for the fireworks, Midoriya snapped out of it as we all looked up at the starry night sky, with a few clouds spreading out, and the moon shines down upon the earth.

"8!... 7!" Rieko counted down excitingly as my hands felt warm.

"6... 5..." I hear Sachi countdown unenthusiastically, then my body felt warm as well.

"4!... 3!" Toshiaki yelled out as he and Rieko lighted up the fireworks and stepped back away far as possible.

"2..." I hear both Midoriya and Bakugou mutter under their breaths.

'1...!' I finished off in my mind as the firework shoot up just in time and exploded, sparks of different beautiful colors filled the sky. Everyone but Sachi, Bakugou, and I made amazed reaction noises such as "Wow!" Or "Woah!"

A huge smile plastered onto my face as my chest felt warm for hoping for the best for this new year. I was way too distracted admiring the colorful explosions in the sky to notice Midoriya holding my left hand and Bakugou holding my right. I kept admiring the colors bursting in the air, as the two boys stared at my face. They both met each other eyes, Bakugou glared at Midoriya, making him flinch and look back up. Bakugou took a glance at me then stared back at the sky.


I'm so proud of this special! I know it's not much, but at least it's something. It's not yet completely edited, so I would appreciate it if you guys keep pointing out the errors for me! Thanks!

Anyways, let's hope for the best of 2018!

Fresh new chapters are up and ready to be send to your way. I'm so glad I got some chapters done before school starts again. I'll try to manage my time and schedule just to make some more chapters. After all in UA Academy, the motto is GO BEYOND!



Toshiaki: Hold it! *Poses like Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney*

Author/Pan-Q: Woah! What?

Rieko: You're forgetting something really important!

Author/Pan-Q: Oh, right! Yes, the "Ask the Momiji Family and the Author!"

Sachi: You could just shorten as Q&A...

Author/Pan-Q: Yeah right whatever.

Yes! You read that right! Ask me and the Momiji Family! Ask any kind of question! Answers will appear every end of chapters. Thank you for reading this short note!

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