06 | riddle me this

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never trust a snake — part one

"Yellow's here!jay walker

FOR SOME REASON, THE NINJA WERE EXTREMELY EXCITABLE THAT MORNING. And unfortunately, that typically meant the four students weren't going to be very focused on the lesson Iris and her Father had planned. Today they were sharing a lesson, something that was going to become a regular thing for them.

It didn't take the Master of Space long to get ready that morning. She rose earlier than expected and easily slipped into a comfortable outfit for today's lesson. Her raven hair was tied up out of the way but that didn't stop a few strands from falling in front of her eyes. It was just impossible to get every strand to stay in place, so Iris left it as it was.

She met her Father, both prepared for the day, on the bridge. Then the two Wu's strolled down to the deck together where the four ninja were waiting for them. Although it appeared they were more interested in whatever Zane had to say, not that she knew what it was.

"All right." Sensei Wu spoke up to gain their attention. Iris walked over and stood beside her Father so they were both then facing the four ninja. "Stretches." But then he turned to face the wide, calm cerulean ocean, so she did the same. "First, the Swooping Crane." 

Iris personally preferred Tai Chi when it came to things like this, but her Father's version wasn't that bad. Taking a deep breath in, Iris raised her arms and leg and when she was in position, let it out in a large, controlled exhale. She closed her eyes and her mind to allow a sense of tranquillity to wash over her. And a content smile spread across her features. 

But her calm didn't last long.

"The Green Ninja?!" Three of the four loudly exclaimed. Their voices made the two Wu's whip around to face them with slightly annoyed looks on their faces.

Zane was still in the Swooping Crane, his form perfect and unmoving, but the others... they weren't so crane-like. Instead they were staring at the white ninja in their own versions of shock. "That looks like the Shocked Monkey." Remarked Wu, annoyance hidden in his voice. "Bad form, more focus."

Iris returned to her peaceful state, trying to ignore all the whispers being shared behind her. Whatever they were discussing, it could wait, right now she was using this time to help her prepare for the day ahead. Meditation was always a good way to clear the mind and soothe the soul. 

"Am I right, Father, in saying that the next move is the Pinching Crab?" Iris inquired with her eyes still shut and the smile still present on her face.

The man hummed in response. "Yes, Iris, it is." 

Then the two teachers and their pupils all changed their stances to form the Pinching Crab. It was a strange one, Iris had to admit, but somehow it just worked. She couldn't explain it.

Changing their position did not stop the ninja from continuing whatever it was they were talking about. And by that point, Sensei Wu had had enough. He turned around and headed straight for the chatting fire ninja, who was so absorbed with his words to Zane, that he missed his Sensei approaching him. Wu grasped one of the spikey ends of Kai's hair before proceeding to tug harshly on it. Iris winced as he cried out.

"What was so important to ignore our teachings?" Queried Wu as he stared at his students curiously. By this point, Iris had given up trying to remain in her calm aura so she sighed in irritation before turning around and facing the four. 

"Uh, nothing."

Jay then insisted. "It was nothing, Sensei."

"Yeah, we don't talk while either of you teach."

"Everyone was paying attention."

A dubious eyebrow was sent their way by Iris. Because they may have been ninja, but they were terrible liars.

Clasping his hands behind his back, Wu sighed tiredly. "Since you all appear to be lacking in focus, then you can all share in the punishment." Her Father usually wasn't one for punishments. Everything he did was an attempt to constructively aid and teach his pupils, so if he was implementing a punishment, then there was a good reason for it.

Besides, she was also interested to see how the ninja would deal with it.



"It was all Zane." The earth ninja instantly spat out.

The accusation caused the ice warrior to start to panic. "I was merely answering their questions." He defended. Iris wouldn't personally punish Zane for answering questions, after all, it was all he did. But she knew her Father had a reason, so she didn't interfere.

"No free time and no video games." Irrefutably declared the Sensei. "The rest of the day can be used for training. And tomorrow for that matter." He glanced towards his daughter who was still stood there silently. "Come along, Iris, we'll leave them to it." Not sure what else to do, Iris started to follow her Father back inside the ship.

Kai groaned at their punishment. "Training? For how long?" 

Wu answered bluntly. "Until you can answer this simple riddle: What is the best way to defeat an enemy?" A smirk crossed the Wu girl's lips. Now this riddle she did know. She could remember when her Father set her a similar task to help her discover the answer. With a brief shake of her head, Iris broke free from the memory and returned her focus to the ninja. 

A smug smirk was present on Kai as he jumped into the air. "Easy, with a sword." Nope.

"Your fists." Definitely not.

"Spinjitzu." Not it either.

Zane then suggested. "Tornado of creation?" No, not that. 

It seemed this would take a while. At least the days the ninja would be spending training by themselves would give them some Iris some time to herself. That sounded nice. Perhaps she could go for a swim, the water did look nice.

"Incorrect." Iris told them, causing the boys to groan in defeat. 

As her Father started to head back inside, Iris followed him. It seemed their lesson was being cut short that day, not that she minded. "Ah. Pace yourselves. You have a lot of training ahead of you." The Sensei said as he walked back up the steps. "Make sure you sharpen your mind as well as your spinjitzu."

"And use each other, this does not have to be an individual task." Advised the Sensei's daughter as she joined her Father on the upper level. Then they left the ninja behind them and headed back towards the bridge for some morning tea. The warmth of the cup was the first thing Iris noticed as her Father handed her the porcelain. He had his own steaming cup in his hands which he then raised to his lips. But before Iris took a sip herself, she asked. "So, how long do you think it'll take them?"

Humming in thought, Wu then answered. "Longer than it took you. Of that, I am sure."

So what was the best way to defeat an enemy? Well, the ninja were soon going to find out for themselves.

IRIS HADN'T HAD SUCH A PEACEFUL DAY IN A LONG TIME. After setting the ninja the task of solving her Father's age-old riddle, the Master of Space finally allowed herself to relax. For days they had all been on edge, worried about what the Serpentine and her young cousin were up to. But finally, Iris allowed that anxiety to slip from her allowing a calm exterior to build around her.

She had to admit, though, doing nothing was boring. 

She had been raised to be active, to never give up, to always do something. So doing nothing was alien to her. Even during those years away from the monastery, Iris kept herself busy with new hobbies she had learnt and with meeting new people throughout Ninjago.

That was when the yellow ninja decided to go for a swim. She could hear the ninja back on the ship, discussing some dream Zane had had about the prophesised Green Ninja. Each of them believed they were the chosen one destined to wear the green gi. Iris was doubtful. For a reason she couldn't quite put her finger on, Iris didn't think any of the four of them would change the colour of their suits. 

Destiny was a fickle thing, the path leading them was never straight, so Iris was sure it had something else up its sleeve. 

Cerulean surrounded her as Iris allowed herself to relax in the waters. The liquid flowed around her body, crashing up against her sides as she caused small waves in the water. It was cool and refreshing yet at the same time not the sort of cold that would send shivers down to her bones. It was perfect. 

A content sigh fell from Iris as she shut her eyes and allowed herself to feel free in the water around her. She hadn't ventured far from the Bounty — their ship's name — but it felt like she was alone in a vast open ocean. Just her and water. It was beautiful.

The ninja were still training upon the deck, oblivious to their Sensei's daughter, and new teacher, out among the still waves. They were too busy trying to solve her Father's riddle after all. And they weren't getting that far with it. It seemed the dream Zane had awoken from that morning was more interesting to them.

Iris didn't know how long she had spent in the water. Time seemed to have faded away as she shut herself off from the outside world and gave herself to the sea. But after a while, the yellow ninja decided it was time to return to the Bounty. She knew she couldn't stay in the water forever. So, Iris swam back to the boat and pulled herself onto the deck, leaving wet handprints against the wooden rail she was clinging to.

Water ran off her body and splashed down onto the planks below as she stood upon the deck. Iris quickly grabbed her towel from where it was hung over the rail and wrapped it around her body to try off as much as she could before heading inside. A shiver shot down her spine as the breeze froze her wet body, making colder what was already cold. So Iris dashed across the ship to her room where she could change into something warmer.

The water had been nice, but changing into a set of warm clothes was incredible. Warmth spread across her body, diffusing into every chilly corner of her skin, and rid her of the coldness she had been feeling. Iris smiled happily and wrapped her arms tighter around her torso to feel more of the heat. 

What to do now?

She had the entire day — she guessed so anyhow — to do whatever she wanted and she didn't think it was fair to play video games without the ninja, especially when they were banned from them. So instead, the yellow ninja headed straight for her Father's room where he was busying himself with writing out a scroll. 

He didn't even look up from his page when he spoke up. "Did you have a nice swim?"

"Yes," Iris grinned, "it was very relaxing."

"Good." Hummed Wu as he dragged the inked brush across the page. "I fear we will have very tired ninja on our hands; they are no closer to solving the riddle." 

Iris made her way over and then sat down on the opposite side of her Father's table. "I believe they can do it." Stated the girl encouragingly. Her Father just hummed again in thought. 

Speaking of, the four ninja suddenly made their appearance at her Father's quarters, standing right in the now open doorway. It looked like they were ready to hazard another guess. "Oh. You must have found the answer to what is the best way to defeat an enemy?" Said Wu, finally tearing his gaze from his page.

Glancing between the two Wu's, Cole then said. "We have. It's— On three, guys. One, two..."


Iris smiled in amusement at their guess as they announced it together. It may have not been the one her Father had in mind, but it certainly wasn't a bad guess. Looking at his pupils, Wu questioned. "Is this what you all think?" The quartet laughed and hummed in agreement with each other as they confirmed their guess. "Sadly, you are all wrong." 

Groans of annoyance then spread through the team. 

"But it wasn't a bad try." Iris quickly reassured them and shot her Father an unimpressed look. These ninja had worked hard to come up with their answer, and as a matter of fact, it wasn't completely far from the truth. "You're getting warmer."

Then the ninja left Iris and her Father as they were before, alone in their silence. But before anything else could be said, the alarm was sounded. There was trouble in Ninjago.

The loud, blaring noise echoed through the Bounty, startling the two Wu's from their silence. In response, they both hopped to their feet and headed towards the source of the wailing. It was certainly an effective alarm... and very loud for that matter. So loud that Iris winced slightly as it continued to hammer into her ears.

Side by side, Iris and Wu rushed towards the bridge as fast as their legs could carry them. But before they could reach there, they could feel the ship shake beneath them as the engines were started and the Bounty began to lift into the air. "Iris," her Father quickly caught her before they could join up with the others, "they're going to need your help again."

"I know, Father." Iris said even though she didn't truly believe her own words. The last time they had encountered Serpentine, it seemed the ninja would have been fine without the yellow ninja's help. They were more capable than they let on.

Then the Bounty was propelled into the air and it sailed away towards where trouble awaited. But it wasn't just any old area of Ninjago. It was Darkly's Boarding School for Bad Boys. 

Lloyd's old school.

THE VERY SECOND THE NINJA DROPPED THROUGH THE SCHOOL ABOARD THE BOUNTY'S ANCHOR, IRIS VANISHED BELOW DECK. She quickly slipped into her room to change into her yellow ninja suit, far from the eyes of a most likely suspicious Nya. That girl was starting to keep a closer eye on her, Iris could tell. And after slipping into the strained material (her Father was still waiting to get her a new one, but he said that it wouldn't be much longer), Iris stared out of the porthole window and down at the school above.

With the image of where she wanted to go clear in her mind, Iris took a deep breath in and allowed her power to flow through her veins. It spread across the entirety of her body like a comforting warmth. Then she disappeared into yellow mist.

Iris wasn't exactly sure what Misako was thinking when she sent Lloyd to the boarding school and his twin to a monastery in another part of Ninjago. But now the boy had unleashed three Serpentine tombs single-handedly it had seemed and had seized control of a school that nurtured evil whilst his sister was somewhere far far away that he didn't know about. Despite it all, Iris knew there was good in Lloyd and that she had to help him find his path.

The yellow ninja reappeared outside the entrance to Darkly's Boarding School for Bad Boys which she then proceeded to bust open with one strong kick. She had gone in through the front, while the ninja... they crashed straight through the roof... and the following three floors. That anchor packed a punch alright.

Quickly, the yellow ninja dashed — and in some parts even teleported — her way where the ninja had landed. It wasn't long before she found classroom where students and skeletons had run from. Skeletons? They were still hanging around Ninjago? Anyway, Iris pushed open the door beside her to have her eyes meet the four ninja, all huddled around the anchor they had just dropped into the school by. 

"Hello, boys." Smirked Iris behind her mask as she leaned against the empty doorframe. "Are you also here for the class reunion?"

Jay grinned; and even though no one could see it, they knew it was there. "Yellow's here!" He yelled, pointing at her giddily. 

"It's good to see you again, yellow ninja." Said Zane, nodding his head at her in a greeting.

"You too." She returned with a soft smile. 

Suddenly, Kai's gaze shot up to find Lloyd all the way on the roof. "He's on the top floor." He informed them, pointing out the son of Lord Garmadon — Iris' cousin — to them. "Let's get him."

"Ninja, go!"

Cole immediately leapt onto the metal anchor chain, clambering up the links to reach the roof. Both Zane and Kai used spinjitzu as they spun out of the room and towards the stairs. And Jay... Iris thought she saw him heading towards the elevator. But the yellow ninja herself decided to run after the two spinning fighters as they headed upstairs.

Honestly, Iris was surprised by how many stairs there were. And how clean the school was considering it was meant to be feeding the young minds of future evil. Sure there was a bit of graffiti in places, but part of her expected the school to be almost failing apart. Turned out, it was the opposite. 

A faint sense of tiredness started to creep up her legs as the yellow ninja ran continuously up the stairs. She had to reach Lloyd. He was in danger. 

From the ship she had caught a glimpse of the new Serpentine at his side. It was an Anacondrai. They were the strongest and most feared among the Serpentine, and for good reason. Iris also couldn't help but worry over the fact there was just one. Where had the others gone? She knew the elemental masters had locked away an entire army of those purple snakes in the desert somewhere. But that was a concern for later. First things first, she had to get Lloyd out of there.

Floor after floor Iris ascended through Darkly's Boarding School, but when she almost reached the next floor, she spotted Zane and Kai stuck in a doorway. Slime had coated their entire bodies, forming a large pile that encased them entirely. If it had been at a better time, the master of space would've laughed. But they had work to do.

"You two okay?" She questioned as she rushed to their sides. Although they couldn't see her behind them, they both sighed in relief as they recognised her fake voice.

"Yes, we're just a bit stuck." 

Kai tried to wriggle his way from the slime's hold but to no avail. "Get us out of here!!!"

Iris rolled up her yellow sleeves. Then she reached out and took both the red and white ninjas by the back of their uniforms. "Hold your dragon, there, fire boy." Iris shook her head at his impatience. "I'll get you both out of this." Tightening her grip on the backs of their suits, Iris pulled back with all her might. Slowly she managed to pull the ninja from their sticky prison until they were free enough to finish the job themselves. Iris wiped her hands on her trousers. "There, you're free. Now we have to go."

Kia hurried past her and back towards the stairs, but before she could follow right after him, Zane caught her arm. He gave his friend a kind and grateful nod that the fire ninja hadn't and said. "Thank you for helping us. We're both very grateful for it."

Iris' heart fluttered at his words but she quickly shook her head. "No thank you's necessary." She insisted. "Just doing my job. If this counts as a job."

A grin tugged at Zane's lips beneath his mask, then he gestured towards the stairs beside them. "Let's go." A hidden smile spread across Iris' face too and then the ninja hurried after Kai who was heading straight for the roof. Hopefully Jay and Cole would meet them there, if they hadn't encountered any booby traps like the ninjas of fire and ice just had.

Whatever the others had faced, it was behind them now as they quintet reunited on the rooftop. Jay was already on the slanted tiles and headed towards her young cousin, swinging his nunchucks above his head. Iris the first of the other four and felt fear rise up inside as she watched the blue ninja corner the boy. She knew Jay wouldn't hurt him. But she was afraid of what Lloyd might do to them — and more importantly, himself — in an attempt to escape.

"Wait!" She cried out. 

At her voice, Jay turned to look at the yellow ninja over his shoulder. Lloyd too spotted his cousin, clad in a ninja gi, heading towards them. And that filled him with a bit of comfort. No one was going to hurt her little cousin Monty on her watch. Speaking of... where was the snake?

It had vanished. Not good.

As that worry settled in her mind, the Bounty pulled up by the side of the roof, allowing her Father — Lloyd's Uncle — to step into his nephew's gaze.  "Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, you come here right now." He demanded sternly hoping the disobedient child would listen. And before Lloyd could even utter a word, Jay stepped forwards and lifted the young boy over his shoulder as they all headed back towards the ship.

"What should we do with him?" Inquired Cole as they watched deviant child being carried aboard. "Wash his mouth with soap for a year?"

Then Kai suggested. "Ground him indefinitely?"

"Have him sit in a corner for a century?" Offered Zane. Their suggestions just made Iris smirk because she knew exactly what her Father was going to do. And it was none of those things.

Crossing her arms over her chest, the yellow ninja spoke up. "Help him." She said. All three of the ninja turned to her in confusion. After all, he was the son of Lord Garmadon and had unlocked three of the five serpentine tombs. He was a menace. But he was also still a child. A lost, lonely child just wishing to be like his Father. Before they could challenge her answer, the yellow ninja announced. "I have to go. I'll see you all soon."

"Goodbye, yellow." 

Then Iris nodded farewell and sprinted towards the edge of roof. She leapt off the tiles and dived towards the ground. Wind sailed past her as she cut through it and fell downwards. But before she hit the ground, she vanished. And the ninja were still none the wiser. 

IRIS REMEMBERED WHEN LLOYD AND LORALYN WERE JUST SMALL INFANTS, WITH HER NOT BEING TOO MUCH OLDER HERSELF. She remembered how when Lloyd would fall down or when Loralyn would scrape her palms, she would be there to help them get back up. The cousins once shared such an unbreakable bond, but time and distance had weakened it immensely. But for as long as she could recall, Iris had tried to protect her family. It was who she was.

Back on the bounty, she sat beside her Father as he read his nephew a story. A very special story. About how one must not trust a snake. Iris, meanwhile, just made sure her cousin's blankets were all tucked in as she ran her thumb across his forehead. It always used to help the twins sleep when they were younger. 

"'And that is why Jack the rabbit never trusts a snake'. The end." Wu concluded as he finished the tale. The book clapped shut in his hands and then he stood up to head out of the room. In the doorway, the ninja had gathered to watch in utter surprise as their Sensei welcomed the mischievous child into their home. They just couldn't believe it.

A smile then made its way onto Lloyd's face and that made Iris smile too. "If my Dad had read me that book, I would never have made that mistake."

"As long as you have you learnt from your mistake, it was never truly a mistake." Iris said as she continued to run her thumb across the top of Lloyd's head. Oh wow... she was starting to really sound like her Father.

Lloyd just shook his head. "I'm still sorry." They knew he was. 

It seemed he hadn't Loralyn to make him see sense after all. He did it on his own. Well, with a bit of help from them.

"Oh, you do not need to apologize. I'm sure that if your Father was still here, it would be the first book he'd read." He cast a look at Iris who was still rhymically stroking her cousin's head in soothing motions. "Goodnight, Nephew. Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight, little Monty."

With a yawn, the young Garmadon responded. "Goodnight, Iris. Goodnight, Uncle." 

Iris stopped her motions against the boy's skin as she leaned down to quickly press her lips there. After kissing him goodnight, both Wu's left the Garmadon boy to sleep as they were sure he would have a big day the following morning. Then the duo left the room and closed the door behind them, both noting the presence of the ninja who had quickly scattered once they started to retreat from the room.

So, they both left Lloyd behind and headed onto the deck where the ninja were waiting. Silver rays from the moon illuminated the wooden boards as light from the bright glowing orb shone down on them. Iris sighed contently as she bathed in the moon's glow. She was alright now. They all were.

"I don't get it, Sensei." A voice — Kai — spoke up from behind them.

Jay then interjected. "Why isn't the little brat getting punished?" Iris grimaced at the thought.

Then Cole chimed in. "Yeah, we had to train all day and he gets read a bedtime story?" They didn't understand, not yet, but they were about to. "It's not fair." Unfortunately, life didn't play fair. If it did, Iris would have her Mother still and the Serpentine wouldn't have been unleashed. But it happened. 

"Hm, you're right, I nearly forgot." Mused her Father as he remembered why he had set his ninja to train all day. "Why are you not still training? Did you find the answer to the riddle?" He asked. Iris immediately shot him a look of disbelief at his words. Was he really going to make the ninja continue training after the day they've had? All four of them sighed tiredly

Shaking his head, the fire ninja admitted. "No, Sensei, Iris, we still don't know what the best way to defeat your enemy is."

Turning to his daughter, Wu then asked quietly. "Would you care to do the honours?"

Iris grinned at him and then revealed. "It is to make them your friend." 

The four ninja chuckled and shook their heads, smiling at the obviousness of the answer. Of course, the best way to defeat an enemy was not to beat them in battle of the fists, but in the battle of the heart. As her Father liked to say: The greatest victories have no battle. And this was certainly the case with Lloyd.

Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon, was no longer their enemy. Not because they had captured him, but because they had offered him help and home. They had made him their friend.

Chapter 6!!! Goodbye episode 4!!!

I honestly really like this chapter. We have a bit of Iris and Ninja, Yellow ninja and other ninja. We have some Iris and Wu time. A bit of Iris and Zane. And some Iris and Lloyd. Not to mention, some Iris Wu wisdom and badassery. 

Looking forward to the next episode, that one will definitely be fun. I'm looking forward to seeing the developing relationship between Iris and Lloyd, that'll be fun.

Anyway, thank you for reading!!!

Sincerely Rosie aka Winter326

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