08 | mightier than the sword

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can of worms — part two

"Go, pink and yellow ninja, go!" — the ninja

SURPRISINGLY, IRIS'S LAST VISIT TO NINJAGO CITY DIDN'T TAKE HER TO THIS PART OF TOWN. So her and the ninja pretty much had to trust that the tunnel they were in would take them to the right location. Oh how she hoped to the First Spinjitzu Master that they were going in the right direction. At least they were train lines and weren't sewer lines. That wouldn't have ended well for them. 

But as they continued their trek through the tunnels, they soon heard the familiar sound of hissing. They were definitely in the right place. 

The yellow ninja stayed close to the others as they crept closer to the Serpentine gathering because despite the bright colours they were wearing, they didn't want to be seen. All five tribes were there, united under one roof. Not good. And to add to it all, Pythor was the one standing up in front of the crowd, speaking to them. 

"I welcome you." He addressed his scaly audience and Iris gulped nervously. Bringing the tribes together like this, it just brought them one step closer to the Great Devourer being reawakened. And that COULDN'T happen. It would be catastrophic. 

As the ninja stared at the crowd beneath them, Cole pointed out. "That's a lot of snakes." 

Jay glanced at his teammates for help. "What are we gonna do?" He asked. 

Suddenly, the fire ninja perked up as an thought had just struck him. "I have an idea. Follow my lead." Now this was going to be interesting. 

Pythor was making Serpentine jokes as Kai explained his plan to them and Iris had to admit, she was impressed. Not just impressed though, she was proud. A lightness filled her heart as she listened to her student use the lesson she had just taught him to create a plan to disrupt the snakes. When Iris had left the monastery she never imagined herself returning, let alone becoming a mentor to new ninja. Yet somehow, it felt natural to her like it was what she was meant to do.

"—The good people of Ninjago imprisoned us in those insidious tombs, and I want to return them the favour." Plotted Pythor menacingly. The snakes below him cheered eagerly at his words which just made the five ninja worry slightly. But now was the time to put Kai's plan into action.

Sharing a nod between them, the ninja leapt into action. 

Kai went first. He slid down a rope into the crowd of snakes and whispered. "That sounds like a great plan, but you know the Hypnobrai will screw it up."

The power of rumours was a deadly thing. And the ninja were about to prove that. Although Zane's pink gi was proof enough.

"What said that?" Cried out a Hypnobrai, offended by Kai's words, and the rest of the tribe clamoured in outrage.  

Jay was up next. "Those buck teeth can bite my rear end." He remarked about the Fangpyres. 


"I bet they're drinking their own venom." Inputted Cole from the shadows.

Then Iris added, she too taking position in the roof above the gathering. "There's only one Anacondrai left, so they must be weak." It was the first thing that came to mind. She had to admit, she wasn't sure what she was going to say. As those words exited her lips, she sighed in relief and tilted back her masked head and took a deep breath. 

But it wasn't over yet.

Zane, still clad in pink, was in the roof with Iris. Then he leaned down and spread the rumour. "All that digging must have given them dirt for brains." Good one. 

The ninja had only spread one rumour each but already the entire Serpentine gathering was alive with arguing and tension. It seemed words really were mightier than the sword. Disrupting the relationship between the tribes was the best thing they could do at the moment. It was just set them back in their quest to reawaken the Great Devourer. Tribe turned against tribe as their yelling began to fill the previously quiet space.

Confused, Pythor turned to Scales — the new Hypnobrai general — and queried. "What's going on? Why am I losing them?" Iris just smirked triumphantly behind her mask. 

They were the reason the snakes were fighting amongst themselves. And that put a pin in Pythor's plans.

From their hiding spots, the ninja all exchanged a look and they all knew what it meant: they had to go. It wouldn't be long before they were discovered. Iris hurried off towards the exit as fast as she could as the snakes continued their feud below.

Somehow, without meaning to, she ended up trailing after the ice ninja as she left the Serpentine gathering behind. Jay met the yellow and pink ninjas by the tunnel exited and waited for Kai to join them. But before he could, the fire warrior was suddenly yanked under the now broken earth. Iris's heart raced inside her chest as she watched a Constrictai pull their friend beneath the ground.

She jumped back, startled, and fear quickly appeared in her eyes. That only intensified when the rumbling continued and marks appeared on the ground as they saw the movements the snake was moving beneath the surface. Eyes widened, Iris flickered her gaze between the two ninjas beside her who were sharing her panic. Then they ran.

The three ninja sprinted as fast as they could down the tunnels and away from the snakes. But guilt ate away at Iris at the thought of leaving the others behind with the Serpentine. But then she reminded herself that she was going to get help. That they weren't just going to leave the others.

They kept on running. But they weren't fast enough.

A group of Constrictai burst from the ground and seized Jay from all directions. Iris gasped and instinctively reached out to help him, but Zane grasped her wrist and pulled her along with him as he headed as far away from the snakes as he could. "RUN!" Screamed Jay as both the yellow and pink ninjas risked turning back to look at their captured friend.

So that was what they did. 

More snakes emerged from the tunnel floor as they hurried after Iris and Zane. His grip on her wrist just tightened in fear as he did not want to let the snakes get anyone else. They were the only two left. 

Zane led the way through the tunnels until they came to an old, abandoned subway station. Sweat beaded from Iris's forehead, only to be absorbed the mask around her head. Her limbs were starting to tire and it took everything within her to resist the urge to just use her powers and blast their way out of there. 

But the time for her reveal was coming soon, somehow Iris could sense it.

The yellow and pink ninja dashed across the tiled floor of the station until they came to an exit. Metal bars stood high as the gate separated them from freedom. But just as Iris was about to let relief wash over her, she noticed the length of chain wrapped around the gate. It was locked.

Zane and Iris exchanged a worried and fearful look. There was nowhere to go and the Serpentine were on their trail. It wouldn't be long before they caught up. 

The ninjas scanned their surroundings for any other way out of the tunnel, but there wasn't one. Apart from just more tunnel, there were just two large posters plastered to the walls. So they were trapped. But Zane didn't think so.

He took Iris by her hand this time and pulled her over to the poster furthest away from them. The yellow poster. Her eyes widened in realisation as he carefully guided her to hide amongst the yellow of the paper. They were going to try and use their gis to camouflage. Because next to the mainly yellow poster Iris was trying to hide in, was a massive pink one. Perfect for the new pink ninja.

And as Zane slid into his hiding spot, the Constrictai rounded the corner and began their way onto the platform.

No matter what she had to remain calm, Iris knew that. Screwing up her eyes, the yellow ninja turned away from the incoming gang of scaly serpents and tried to calm down her breathing as much as she could. Staying still was something the ninja was well trained in, but as the group of Serpentine walked past her, her limbs threatened to shake from the fear of being caught. 

They all went by and fortunately didn't spot the two ninja hiding in plain sight. It was almost a miracle. 

Then, realising they couldn't see the two runaway ninja anywhere, the Serpentine left. 

Sighs of relief fell past Iris and Zane's lips once the Constrictai had vanished from the abandoned platform. She quickly headed towards Zane and threw her arms around the pink ninja. Instinctively, he tensed at the sudden contact but soon started to relax in her arms and hugged her back. "That was genius." The yellow ninja stated as she withdrew from the embrace. "You saved us."

"Thank you." Replied Zane as he glanced down to the green floor. "It just came to me."

A smile appeared on Iris' face beneath her mask. "Thank the First Spinjitzu Master that it did." A moment of silence then encompassed the two as they took deep, relieved breaths. "Now, lets go get the others and leave this place."

"I like that idea."

Then the two ninja ran from the platform and headed back towards the Serpentine gathering. As they followed the tunnel back, they quickly formulated a plan to rescue their friends. All the while Iris was doing her best to keep her identity a secret from the pink-clad warrior of ice. It was getting harder.

Once they returned to the chamber, they climbed their way up to near the way they had first come in. Zane reached up and grabbed two ropes and handed one to Iris. Here went nothing. 

As they stepped upon the railing, ready to jump, an orange serpent spotted them. "Look, a pink and a yellow ninja!"

The two ninjas exchanged a nod and then jumped.

They swung upon the ropes held tightly in her hands and Iris was grateful for the gloves she was wearing otherwise the rope would have left marks on her palms. Zane made a beeline for Pythor and the Hypnobrai general whilst Iris swung towards where the other ninja were being held. 

"Go, pink and yellow ninja, go!"

Zane slammed the two Serpentine off the train carriage as Iris landed beside the three tied up ninja. She raised her blade and brought it down on the ropes, freeing her friends and students. And as the boys shed the rope, Zane appeared beside her. "Now let's get out of here."

And that was what they did.

The five warriors used the ropes to swing their way back up to the way they came, with Zane in the lead and the snakes not that far behind. They had to get out of there and fast. 

Iris ran as fast as she could with her tiring limbs alongside her friends. Then Zane exclaimed. "Let us blow this popsicle stand. Ninja, go!" And he spun himself into a small pink tornado. 

Laughter bubbled in Iris' throat at his words and it seemed the lightning ninja was also amused. "Popsicle stand! Ha-ha. I like it!"

Zane came to an abrupt stop which halted the four ninja behind him in their tracks. Raising his shurikens, he sent out a chilly blast down the tunnel so every inch of it was suddenly covered in ice. 

Wow, that was impressive, Iris thought. The entire tunnel had just become coated entirely with the frosty element. She was careful not to slip up and fall on her face as she took a cautious step forwards.

And just when she thought that was all, Zane threw out his golden weapons and materialised his elemental vehicle. Iris leapt onto the bike, wrapping her yellow-clad arms around Zane's torso. Then Kai jumped on, his arms settling around her. Cole was next and finally Jay. Somehow — Iris had no idea though — they had all managed to fit upon Zane's icy ride. 

Then he rode off down the tunnel, leaving the Serpentine in their icy dust. No way were they going to catch them now. The ice was too slippery. A smile formed on Iris' face as they sped down the ice tunnels, all holding on to each other and the elemental bike. They were going to make it even though they had previously thought otherwise.

This team truly did work together well. Maybe she didn't need to do as much work on it as she thought.

AFTER THE EXCITING EVENING THE NINJA — AND IRIS — HAD JUST HAD, THEY WERE UNDERSTANDABLY FAMISHED. Once they had exited the tunnels, Iris bade them her farewells before taking off into Ninjago city. And as soon as she was out of sight, she teleported back to the Bounty where she was ready to greet them and congratulate them upon their arrival.

It was safe to say they didn't yet suspect a thing.

Nya, on the other hand, Iris believed was getting more suspicious. 

Anyway, the ninja were back around the table, feasting on a well earned dinner. Zane had removed his pink gi for Lloyd to try and fix — which he offered to do all on his own and without Iris's nagging for once — so he was sat there in his pyjamas unlike everyone else.

Despite some of the ninja being taken by Serpentine, it was a rather good day. They had learned something from their two teachers and used it in battle. So Iris and Wu were rather proud. 

"You know, whether it was in a lesson book or not, we used the destructive power of rumours to our advantage." Recalled Cole as he reached over for more food. 

A smirk lined Kai's lips. "And now the Serpentine are further away than ever from getting their act together."

"Good." Stated Iris as she exchanged a worried look with her Father, because they knew the consequences if they did allow the tribes to become whole.

Jay then spoke up, musing. "I don't think we would've gotten out of there if it hadn't been for Zane." He glanced to his friend with a grateful smile. "And of course, mysterious Yellow." Now that made Iris grin to herself. 

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her Father's proud look towards her and her secret grin widened. Then Zane said. "Don't thank me. Thank Lloyd. If it hadn't been for his 'laundry skills'," Iris chuckled quietly as the white ninja air-quoted his words, "we all would've been found." Then instantly, the entire room was consumed with a contagious laughter.

Speaking of Lloyd, the screen behind them opened revealing her mischievous little cousin with a pile of whites in his arms. And that made a content smile appear on Iris's lips. "Well, it took me 20 loads, but your suit's no longer pink."

"Well done, little Monty." 

Then, the boy added. "And to show that I'm sorry Cole, I got you a can of nuts." He said and withdrew the can from his pocket. They all eyed the container suspiciously.

"Ha-ha, yeah. Don't think I don't see what this is. When I open this, a bunch of snakes are gonna pop out, right?" He questioned, but when the blonde boy said nothing, that was when Iris really started to get suspicious. "Yeah. No, thank you." Cole walked over to fridge and reached for the handle.

Then a bunch of snakes jumped out at him.

The earth ninja yelled out as the plastic and rubber snakes launched themselves straight at him, knocking him to the ground. Now that was funny.

Everyone laughed as Cole remerged from the mountain of fake snakes that had buried him with a smile upon his face. "You got me." He chuckled as he beamed at the young Garmadon. She had known Lloyd all his life and she hadn't seen him like this in so long: truly happy. And that made her smile and her heart lighten. Lloyd was home.

Iris had to be up early the next morning to prepare her day of training the ninja with her Father and Lloyd was still a child and growing children needed more sleep. So after the cousins helped everyone clear up all the snakes on the floor, she led the tired boy towards his room to wish him goodnight. 

He changed quickly into his pyjamas and slid under the blanket so that it coated him completely. Then, he looked up at his cousin who was sat beside him. "I want to give you something." Iris revealed before reaching into her pocket and withdrawing a singular photograph. 

Many of her photos had burned in the fire, but not this one. It was the one of her and Loralyn. She had another picture, of all three of them, but it was back from when the twins were six years old. This was a modern picture of her and her female cousin. A face Lloyd hadn't seen.

As she passed the young boy the picture, his face fell. "Loralyn." He said, knowing instantly it was the twin he hadn't seen since he was six years old. "She looks different."

"So do you, Monty." Pointed out Iris before she cast her eyes to the photo. "I thought you might want to know what she looked like. Even though you're apart, she's still your twin." All the boy managed to say next was two words.

"Thank you."

A small smile was present on Iris who then leaned down to press a kiss to the boy's forehead. As she moved away, she ran her thumb across his forehead. "Now you have nice sleep." She wished and then stood up to make her way towards the door. Her hand rested upon the light switch as she turned back to look upon her young cousin's tired face. "Good night, Little Monty."

Smirking, Lloyd replied with a groan. "I'm not little anymore, Iris."

The Wu girl chuckled. "Well, you'll always be Little Monty to me." With a shake of her head, she then added. "Sweet dreams." Then she turned off the light, casting darkness into Lloyd's room.

Now that Lloyd was in bed, it was time for her to do the same. 

Iris leisurely strolled through the bounty and towards her room, making sure to check in on the ninja along the way. Jay was playing video games, so the girl had to take practically tear the console from his grasp. Kai was playing with his golden weapon, creating small puffs of fire in the air. The practice was good, but not at bed time so with a few words from Iris, the sword was put down. Cole was already asleep, snoring loudly in their shared room, which wasn't much of a surprise. And Zane, he was lying completely still in his bed, awake, just not asleep yet. But once Iris was satisfied the ninja were ready for bed, she left them be.

Then she came by Nya's room and noticing the ajar door, she walked over to close it. But what she saw in the gap of the door, it surprised her to say the least. 

Nya was holding the Samurai's helmet. Nya was the mysterious Samurai. It all made so much sense.

"Oh my." Gasped Iris.

Hearing her, Nya spun around with a startled yelp. She dropped the helmet in the process, causing it to topple to the wooden floor with a thud. "Iris!" Nya squeaked as heat flushed her cheeks. "It's not what it looks like."

Iris quickly stepped into the girl's room and shut the door behind her. "Nya." She said softly, a kind smile upon her face. "It's okay. You're the mysterious Samurai. You're amazing." Blush formed on the girl's cheeks at the compliment.

"Please, don't tell the others." She begged.

"Of course, I won't."

Nya sighed in relief.

Then an idea hit Iris like one of Jay's lightning bolts and a small smirk flashed across her lips. "If I know your secret, it's only fair you know mine." Furrowing her eyebrows, Nya stared at the girl in bewilderment. But her confusion soon vanished once Iris used her yellow spinjitzu and once she had come to a stop, she was clad in her yellow suit.

Nya gasped in shock. "It's YOU." She whisper-yelled as she ran up to inspect Iris's suit more closely. "You're the yellow ninja. Wow." She breathed out in awe but then a frown appeared on her face. "But how?"

Raising her hand, Iris scratched the back of her neck nervously. "I have the ability to teleport. It's how I can be with the boys and then get back here in time." She explained and Nya nodded along in acceptance. 

"I can't believe that you're the one helping the guys." Laughed Nya with a smile on her face.

Iris giggled in response. "And you're the new mysterious Samurai." 

The fire ninja's sister just laughed even louder. "And they think we're both boys." 

Quickly, Iris used spinjitzu and changed out of her yellow suit and then added. "Oh, they're gonna be in for one hell of a shock down the line."

Then a smirk spread across Nya's lips as an idea came to mind. "Well, in the meantime, why don't we show them what girl power can truly do?"

The yellow ninja and the Samurai working together? Now that sounded like a brilliant idea. With a beaming grin, Iris agreed and the two girls smiled at each other happily. They were strong and badass and could honestly fight these Serpentine all by themselves, but they wanted to work together. 

They were friends after all. And friends had each others' backs.

Welcome to chapter 9!!!! Now that's five episodes done and dusted.

The era of the pink ninja has ended, but the time of the Samurai X and the yellow ninja team up has begun. My two badass girls fighting together, love it.

Iris is one proud teacher and she is so happy for her cousin as he has finally found somewhere he can be happy. And she gave him a picture of Loralyn, so sweet. 

Also, Iris and Zane this entire chapter >>>

Thank you for reading!!!

Sincerely Rosie aka Winter326

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