Anti x Witch Reader

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Requested by: Assassins_poison

"Oh come on (Y/N) just one more" Anti begged
"No Anti can't you see I'm busy, now either make yourself useful or get out."
"Geez you're more cranky then the doctor" You rolled your eyes at Antis petty comment. He seemed to notice and only went on further,
"What's the harm in showing me another one of yer party tricks?"
You sent him an unamused look then looking back down at your book, taking a large wooden spoon and toads foot to your boiling cauldron.
"I don't want to waste my energy on your stupid games, and don't you dare ever call my magic, party tricks." You dare venom dripping in your words, "alright, alright don't get your hat in a twist."
Anti smirked knowing he got to me "Anti if you don't get out in three seconds you're gonna need to get a new knife." He gasped then glitched out, "hehe always works" You smiled half heartedly, "now back to work."

You wiped the sweat off your forehead as you looked proudly at your newly made potions and spirit animals you summoned. It took almost the whole day but you got to it, you smiled as you're familiar perched itself on your shoulder. "Hey buddy" you greeted as you scratched under its chin, you then heard a knock at your door it was probably Marvin or Robbie.
Marvin usually came in to learn new spells or to borrow potions and or ingredients along with your spell book as he was the only one you could trust with it.
While Robbie would just come in for cuddles or just to get away from the others as you're room was the quietest in the whole house, he would also come and play with your familiar which they both loved.
"Come in" you said the door slowly creeped open to reveal Anti which utterly confused you as he was one to just glitch in and not even once bother to knock which always annoyed you to know end as you couldn't count the number of times his surprise visits would mess up your spells. He had an annoyed look on his face as if someone dumped a bucket of water on him.
"Anti? What's wrong?" You asked a bit concerned as he could just be on one of his moods.
He only dragged his feet towards you slowly, your familiar clocked its head to the side as a shown of confusion your familiar and Anti have never seen eye to eye they seemed to always be arguing of course your familiar couldn't speak only make little noises but Anti seemed to be the only one that understands it, besides you and Marvin of course.
"An-Anti!? What's wrong with you?" You asked again as he put his hands on your shoulders your familiar had disappeared once he touched it. Anti cheeks looked a little pink and flushed, he then brought his face close to yours. You're face turned pink as he got closer until he set his chin on your shoulder you can feel his breathing on your ear, you didn't dare move. You have no idea what's wrong with him, "(Y/N)? Do you like me?" He asked in a hush voice as if he could shatter you if he spoke any louder.
"Wh-What kind of question is that?" You asked your voice was a bit higher then usual you could feel your cheeks getting hotter.
"It's just that stupid doctor said that you would never love a glitch bitch like me and it got to me, I always mess with you and get in your way I act like a huge-y'know" you nodded your head as you relaxed a bit. "I-I actually like you (Y/N)." Anti confessed "Anti I like you too" You said not fully understanding, he groaned "no I love you (Y/N)!" Anti then pulled back to kiss you, you could feel electricity running through your lips. He then let go to look at you your eyes were still closed but you soon opened them to see a smile on his face it was rare but it looked amazing on him.
You couldn't help but smile too as you wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer into another heart warming kiss. You both then pulled away,
"I love you too Anti."

Hope you guys liked it
Love you all
Words: 742

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