(Good)Anti x Glitch Reader

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Requested by: Katness111

You were walking down a dark ally way at the middle of the night coming back from a party that your 'friend' invited you too it was horrible parties weren't ever really your thing maybe with a small group of friends but other than that is a big nope.
Your friend completely humiliated you, not only did she spill beer on your shirt but she called you out in front of everyone when you some guy purposely tripped you your friend saying that you had "too much to drink" when you barely touched a drop.
It was too much for you that you ran into the bathroom and glitched out the party, you couldn't control it very well so you ended up an hour away from your house and your phone battery was completely dead so you couldn't listen to music to try and calm yourself down and not start crying. This was the third time that you've been humiliated in public by different people, it was too much you just want to go home you've been walking for thirty minutes, and just thinking about the times that you've been left and kicked aside was just boiling to come out. You didn't realize it but you started glitching like crazy you felt numb and you couldn't move no matter what you did you couldn't calm down.
You want it to stop
You need it to stop
Please stop
Please someone help me
"Hey! you okay?" I heard someone call to me, I looked up to see an odd man but he was glitching... just like me.
I tried to steady my breaths but it wasn't working. I felt him grabbing my hands and rubbing the back of them with his thumb, it felt nice.
"Shhh calm down deep breaths in through the nose out through the mouth." He was doing the practice with me his voice was pleasant as if it could lull me to sleep. I did as told and my breathing was back to normal my glitching also died down in the process. I opened my eyes again to see him smiling at me as if proud I couldn't help but smile back.
"Thank you" my voice rasped "don't worry I'll get you some water" he said then grabbed me pulling me into his black sweatshirt.
He glitched us both into a house that I wasn't familiar with but didn't make comment. He went to grab a cup from one of the cabinets filling it with water then handing it to me. It felt cold to my touch unlike his hands that were warm and comforting. I took a sip and it tasted like heaven, once it was finished I thanked him.
"Thank you-"
"Anti, the names Anti"
"Anti, thank you." I said smiling I'm not sure why but it felt good saying his name. "My name is (Y/N)."
"(Y/N)" he said as if trying it on his tongue.
"I like it" the room was filled with a short silence before he spoke again.
"So you're a glitch huh?" He asked, I nodded looking down a my empty cup.
"Were you born like that or what?"
"Born" I answered looking up only for a second to see him walking up to me cupping my cheek in his hand. I couldn't help be lean into his touch.
"Could you show me?" I looked at him shocked at his request seeing if he's joking.
He wasn't.
"I-I don't know, I've never shown anyone."
"It's fine you don't have to if you don't want to." He said letting go of my cheek,
"I'll take you home" he saids.
He took my cup and placed it on the counter then once again pulling me into his sweatshirt teleporting me home as he said. We were in my bedroom, "well (Y/N) I hope we meet again" he was about to leave until you stopped him.
"W-wait" he looked back to sparks around you.
"You really are beautiful (Y/N)" he said breathlessly.
I couldn't help my face from turning completely red at his comment.

I hope you guys like this one (and katness111 I hope this is what you wanted I didn't really know what to do for this one) sorry guys this one story took forever I was having writers block
But I have over come it.
Love you guys
Words: 740

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