Jackie x Villain Reader

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Requested by: tasita_de_cafe23

[There is violence in this chapter and the reader dose get knocked out so if you don't want to read that please read something else, I don't know why but I feel people would report my book for it, it's nothing big. But who knows someone might find a problem with it, and if it does bother you than I apologize in advance and I'll remember to not write something like that again! Thank you and enjoy!!!!!]


It was a bright and sunny day, kids were coming out of school as it was the start of summer vacation.

Teenagers on their phones making plans with friends, as well as young and old couples walking around park areas enjoying each others company.

But the peace would all be interrupted by the sound of screeching tires of a black SUV,


The screams of our favorite superhero in the passenger seat next to his arch nemesis and best friend.

(Y/N) (L/N),

A manacle laugh left your lips as you flipped off the police that were right on your tail,

"When you told me to stay in the car, I didn't think you'd have stolen almost half the products (Y/N)! That's illegal!" Jackie screamed as bullets come flying threw the back widows,

You chuckled in amusement, "yeah no dip Sherlock!"

You snapped taking your hands off the wheel forcing Jackie to take it,

"watch the wheel kay bestie~"

you winked to him grabbing out your glock and shooting back at the police killing one of the drivers sending them crashing into the police car behind them.

Jackie gasps as he looks into the rear view mirror seeing the damage you had cause, once you turned back around you noticed a little boy coming up to the crosswalk headphones fully in looking down at his phone.

Jackie was bit too preoccupied with what just happened causing you to nudge him harshly in the rib,

"hey idiot look out!"

You yelled.

Causing him to look forward and scream as he moves the wheel quickly to avoid the kid, a sigh of relief escapes him.

You laugh again, "got some good reflexes on ya, but your still a moron for a get away driver" you tease causing him to snap at you, "I am not your get away driver (Y/N), and I'm turning you in!" He takes control of the car turning it a full 90 degrees taking you to the direction of the police station.

You snarl at him giving him a sickening grin, "oh like hell you are!" Following by you punching him right at his jaw doing everything you can to him so he would let go of the wheel, but he wouldn't budge.

He dose have super strength after all,

"You always know how to ruin a good dream don't you~" you sneered punching him again forming a bruise but he still looked on as if unfazed.

As if your day couldn't get any better another bullet fly's threw grazing your arm leaving a a small but noticeable tear in your clothes and skin, you gasp in horror Jackie looks over as well cursing under his breath knowing hell is about to break loose.

"You pricks! This is my favorite shirt!" You hissed turning to the cops again shooting at random not caring who you hit, the police soon stop and disperse knowing the situation has escalated. Jackie taking notice as he takes the back of your shirt and yanks you back into the car.

Now only seeing red you shot right at Jackie nearly missing his head, now Jackie equally as furious as you grabs your gun and chucks it out the window.

"You fu-" you weren't able to finish your sentence as Jackie grabs you and slams you down onto the wheel, hard enough to make you dizzy and calm you down.

You groan chuckling as you felt your forehead rubbing it with your hand, "Jackie you stupid~" Jackie ignores you as he continues his way to the police station.

You let out a slurred laugh as you hook your arm around the back of Jackie's neck, "y'know your my best friend Jackie, even when...we're fighting" you let out a sigh leaning your head on his resting contently.

Jackie lets out his own sigh already having mixed feeling knowing he was turning his friend to prison, he grips the wheel as he looked forward to the road.

And turns away from the direction to the police station,


It was getting to the afternoon Jackie hiding walking through the alleyway with you in his arms feeling like a failure for not turning in a criminal, he wouldn't have any trouble with turning in a low life that had done the same thing you did. It's because it was you that had done it, his....


He had gotten in deeper into the alleyway seeing as no one can find them now, he places you down on the ground still asleep. He noticed a bump on your head, he curses remembering a lecture from Henrik talking about head injuries and saying how it can cause major damage.

Jackie gets a bit paranoid thinking he might have hurt you and caused psychological damage, as you were already insane in the membrane he didn't want to contribute anymore.

"Just this once, don't make me regret helping you" Jackie says quietly to not wake you, he picks you up again and and decides flying would be a better option than walking.

He looks down at you again a tiny smile forming, but soon shakes it off remembering what you've done.

He can't get attached, not like last time, or other times he has fallen for your charm.

'This time will be different' he hopes.

[Timeskip again!]

Once Jackie had gotten home almost all of his brother bombarded him with questions as to why you were here, you all don't have the best history together.

Well maybe except for you and Anti,

Ignoring their questions Jackie pushes on with his own, "where Henrik? I need him to check on (Y/N) to make sure she is okay." Jackie says, Chase was about to say where when Henrik pops out from around the corner.

"I'm here now what's the-" he stops himself glaring at your limp body, "what's she doing here" he glowers at you.

You had once stolen from Henrik when he was at his lowest, it was too late for him to get them back as you had already sold it for money.

"All you have to know is that, we had a fight and I banged her head against the car steering wheel" Marvin cringes to what it might had felt,

"And I remember you talking about head injuries! I just want to know if she's okay" Jackie calmly states to him.

Henrik sighs reluctantly as he comes closer to you feeling your head and feeling the place where you had been struck,

"She has a small bump but that's about it, bring her to my lab so I can check for any internal bleeding" Henrik says turning to return back into his lab, Jackie follows suit looking down at you hoping there's nothing serious.

After a couple of minutes of testing Henrik explains that you are fine that you just needed rest, from the things you did caused major drainage in energy so it explained why you easily fainted.

Jackie sighs in relief as he looks to you, he couldn't help but smile.

You looked so peaceful, why we're you so peaceful when you slept but raised hell when awaken?

"So are you going to drop her off at her place?" Henrik breaks into Jackie thoughts with a judgement eyebrow raise,

"O-oh yeah of course!" Jackie grins looking away from Henrik sharp glare knowing Jackie was lying.

Jackie walks up to you about to pick you up into his arms-

Chase slams the lab doors open, "hey guys it's gonna rain pretty hard so, just to let you know...." he then closed the doors.

It was like a personal message from the fates, and they came at the best time for you.

But not for Jackie.

Henrik rolls his eyes as he takes off his glasses rubbing between his eyes, Hackie looked flustered as he lays you back down.

"There's a bed in the room over there" Henrik points to a wooden door reading his full name with a big 'do not enter'.

Jackie looks over to Henrik in bewilderment with a questioning look, "I'm not gonna-"

"Oh don't play that, save the act and just take it" Henrik opens the lab doors and walks out but not before saying goodnight to Jackie.

Jackie sighs, was this turning out like the previous times?

No, once tomorrow comes he'll let you go, yeah that's what he'll do!

Jackie yawns as he makes his way to the room Henrik suggested, it smelled like rubbing alcohol just like his lab. Would make sense since they are in the same, and it's Henrik.

He takes off his clothes leaving on his shirt and boxers as he flops himself down onto the bed, it felt hard but still nice.

As soon as he got into a comfortable position Jackie is soon knocked out fast asleep,

1:30 AM

The sounds of rustling from the other room wakes Jackie up from his slumber, he was known as a light sleeper anything could wake him up.

He gets up to check in Henrik lab seeing it being pitch black, he could see a couple of things.

Once adjusting to the darkness he notices your bed being messy, and you weren't in the bed.

He starts freaking out making his way out the lab and upstairs seeing the door to the kitchen was wide open,

Damn it.

Jackie curses as he makes his way out the door ready to start a fight when he sees you stuffing your face with pizza from dinner, you both make contact.

You finish the pizza quickly whipping your mouth with the napkin next to you, then grabs another slice.

"(Y/N) I know you have questions but just don't do anything crazy-"

"Dude I'm eating what am I gonna do?" You raised a brow a small grin forming,

"Let your guard down a bit Jackie~" you lean against the table taking a big bite from your pizza.

"Wanna join?" You ask,

2:43 AM

A chuckle escaped from both of you as the pizza was long gone from both Jackie and you.

"Then you knocked him out, you remember that Jackie?" You ask a smile plastered on your face,

"Oh yeah he was the worst he deserved it!" He points to you a grin on Jackie's face as well, his other hand occupied with a cup of soda.

"Hell yeah!" Causing both of you to laugh again,

4:23 AM

You finished another story the laughter dies down to content silence you not even minding as you ran you finger in a circular motion at the top of your cup,

"H-hey (Y/N).." Jackie scratches the back of his head feeling the need to say this to you.

You raise your head humming in response raising a brow,

"I'm...sorry for slamming your head, you were just going crazy and it was over a shirt, and someone could've gotten hurt!-" you stop him chuckling taking a swig of your drink.

"It's okay, I would've done the same" a fit of laughter erupts from the both of you,

"Wait like when I'm out control or on a regular base" you look away avoiding the question by drowning in your cup.

"H-hey answer the question!"

5:45 AM

You both looked tired talking all morning drained of energy of you and Jackie, making you both look sluggish.

A question poking at Jackie for awhile, but he's hesitant to ask.

"(Y/N)?" Jackie decides it's now or never knowing the answer at all,

You hum in response like your last interaction this time raising your head from you arms.

"What happened to you?" The question threw you off guard, you looked away "you know what happened Jackie-"

"No I don't!" His hands land on the table letting his anger take over,

"You just came over looking crazy, your hair was a mess you had dry blood everywhere and-"

"I was there you don't have to explain my whole attire"

"That's the only thing I know, all I could do was patch up your wounds while you sat in silence grinning" he clutched his undershirt holding in his fear.

"The look scares me to this day...after that you changed to a completely different person, so I'll ask again. What happened?" Jackie squints his eyes at you studying your features as if trying to find the answer just by looking at you,

"I-" a quick memory flashes by, the gun in your hand the people you were with looked blurry.

Then a flash, you woke up from the memory facing a impatient superhero,

"I-I don't want to talk about it" you mumble, getting up feeling your energy somehow come back. You make your way out the kitchen looking down eyes wide,

"Don't give me that, I deserve to know" Jackie hisses grabbing your hand, another memory coming up of a man grabbing your shoulder. You were tied up, there was a lot of screaming.

You jump back from Jackie pushing his hand away, "get the hell away from me!" You yell, Jackie looks to you scared and worry.

"(Y/N) please, I'm your friend we've been together since high school-" you interrupt him glaring up at him,

"We aren't friends" you glower, you walk away leaving him in shock a hurting look gracing his features.

5:59 AM

"I'm the villain, your the hero. We aren't friends, anything we had before isn't real so forget it." You force out looking directly at him,

He had his hand halfway out as if wanting to grab you,

You open the door, looking back to Jackie one last time before. "Get that one thing right in your life."

You close the door leaving him, you just wanted to forget everything.

seeing the sun start to rise from the distance cold air blowing your hair from your face, the blue sky with the little orange was littered with clouds.

The ground was wet from last night and morning rain, it looked beautiful thanks to the sun shining on the droplets that's raced down the grass.

But everything was blurred from your tears as you start walking home, you felt a vibration coming from your back pocket.

You grabbed it, seeing a new text from anonymous.

You read it,

6:00 AM

'I got another job for you.'

Sorry if this didn't make sense I was just letting my mind do whatever soooooooo, if you made it this far thanks!

I hope you enjoyed this,
Sorry this took so long.
Love you guys
Words: 2517

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