Jackieboy-Man x Superhero Reader

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Requested: DianaFrostYT

You were doing your nightly patrolling around the City for any bad guys or any suspicious activity, as you were making your final lap you noticed two people fighting down below, one was wearing brightly covered red orange clothing you knew it was the famous hero Jackieboy-Man but who was the other guy? Probably a criminal, you flew down to help Jackie.
Once you got there you stood a good distance away to watch when you should step in, the
"Give back the money criminal!!" Jackie shouted as he held his hand out for the crook to hand him the duffel bag full of money.
The guy chuckled quietly to himself as looked down as if giving up, "alrighty Jackieboy you want it? COME AND GET IT!" He yelled as he threw the large bag a Jackie's face knocking him off guard as the guy rushed forward to bring on lightning quick punches. Each were dodged except for one that was aiming for his face and the guy punched Jackie into a wall, you gasped quietly to not blow your cover as you thought now is the time to help. The guy reached into his pocket to pull out a pocketknife he gave Jackie a menacing grin
"Well, this was fun but if you don't mind and I know you won't after I'm done with you I have some important business to take care of, so if you won't mind standing still." He was about to stab him until he was blown back by an energy punch to the cheek he was knocked unconscious. You gave the criminal one last look to confirm that he's not getting up anytime soon. Your hands had stopped glowing as you calmed down and faced Jackie to see he's already getting up. "You didn't have to show up I had it all under control" Jackie said with a grin you only rolled your eyes "sure the guy about to stab and do god only knows what to your body shows that 'you got it' mhm sure" Jackie chuckled "thanks anyways (S/N)" he said as he flew up to leave probably to his favorite spot. You wanted to go there, but they're is still work to do as you had to pick up after his mess you swear sometimes you feel like a sidekick though I guess you didn't mind as long as you were with him.

You dropped off the crook at the police station and the money at the local bank, after that you went up to find Jackie and like you predicted earlier he was at his favorite spot the tallest building in the entire City it took awhile to get up there but once you did you saw Jackie staring down at all the colorful lights you'd be lying to yourself if you said he didn't look handsome.
"Hey Jackie, what are doing up here? Shouldn't you be home or at least going home?" You asked, Jackie turned around to face you surprised that you were up here but then turned around to face the City.
"I come up here to think about stuff and to get away from the loud noises and just to have a place for me and my thoughts, and I should say the same about you miss nosy." The last part he turned to face me with a mischievous grin as I huffed an annoyance "I'm guessing where you live isn't the most quietist, and sorry for asking" you said as you walked towards him to sit on the edge along side him. He chuckled "I live with my brothers they're an interesting bunch, if we knew each other on a better side of our regular form I would totally introduce you to them." He smiles I did too, I knew what he meant if we didn't meet as only superhero's things would be different between us we were both heavily guarded of our identities and rightfully so if villains knew who we truly are our lives and friends and families could be affected greatly.
"That would be nice" You stared down with a smile still on your face at the thought of meeting Jackie's family and being in a relationship with him it made your cheeks grow red. "You truly are beautiful (S/N)" Jackie complimented you as it broke you from your thoughts you faced him with a surprised look as you were looking down at his lips "(S/N)-" "(Y/N)" was all you said Jackie stared down at you surprised as if you betrayed him "why did you give me your real name (S/N)-I mean (Y/N)" Jackie said shocked "because I like you Jackie I've always liked you since we first met I want to know you in your regular everyday self I want to be with you you're everything to me" Jackie only stared at you, you took it as rejection as you looked down defeated as you were about to leave but Jackie quickly grabbed your hand to face him he then kissed you right on your cheek. "Meet me tomorrow at 10:00 at the park there will reveal our true self" was all Jackie said as he flew down and left you up on the building with your face red, you then placed your hand on your cheek where he had kissed you. You then smiled at yourself finally leaving the top of the building going home for the night as you couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring,
You couldn't wait to see his face.

Hope you guys enjoyed
Love you all
Words: 946

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