Jacksepticeye x tiny Reader

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Requested by: Alysepticsomething

I'm living with this guy named Seán McLoughlin or Jack is what he calls himself and what I prefer, he doesn't know I'm here really I got in one day when he left his door open it was really cold out I had know where else to go, so you can't blame me. It's dangerous for tinies like me I'm surprised I even made it this far really.

I don't plan on making myself known to Jack I honestly don't know what he would do if he found me out. Maybe he'd kick me out or worst maybe he'll kill me, anyone would do anything to get there hands on us just to break or torture my kind it's horrible. I've only heard stories but they sound so believable I even heard some try to eat us while I'd rather not have that no thank you.

I'm now watching Jack play a game he really funny not only that but loud, like really loud I'm surprised he hasn't gone deaf over the sound of his own voice. The game he's playing a horror one and it's super freaky. I'm trying so hard not to scream but I'm to curious on what choices he might take during this game. But it happened his character got killed by the monster that came out of nowhere and it got both of us, we both screamed but he seemed to have heard me as he stopped and looked around I quickly covered my mouth and hid.

A new fear replacing the old as I held my breath so that he wouldn't find me, but he did he looked behind one of his figures to find me hiding behind them. I screamed as I tried to run off but he quickly grabbed me with a shockingly gentle grip, just looking at him made me stop squirming as I stared at him like a deer in headlights.

"Hey it's alright I'm not gonna hurt you, promise" he said with a reassuring smile. I calmed down a bit as I finally blinked and looked away from him to look at the ground. I was really high up well there goes my escape plan, "what's your name?" He asked quietly I finally found my voice as I answered him "(Y-Y/N)" I stuttered "well then hi (Y/N) my names Seán though you can call me Jack whatever floats your boat" he said. He was so friendly when saying it to like he couldn't even hurt a fly, but I didn't trust him yet. "I-I know your name" I say as I feel my cheeks getting warm as if I was embarrassed with saying that, "huh, so how long have you been in my home (Y/N)?" He asked as he switched me into a new position where now I'm sitting in his palm, I gulped as I answer him "a-a few months" I'm expecting him to drop me or kick me out, but he didn't, he did take me into his kitchen which made me even more scared he placed into his table as he goes through his cabinets. 'I-is he going to eat me?' I think as he was now searching through his fridge for something he finally pulls out a container of spaghetti from his dinner from the other night. I'm now utterly confused as he places it into his microwave as we both waited a couple of seconds for it to be completely heated. He finally takes it out and places it on a plate then gives it to me. "You're probably hungry, so here eat" he saids as he slides the plate next to me the watches. It's true I haven't quite eaten for awhile more like almost three days he almost caught me one time I was a little paranoid since then. I finally take one of the noodles and eat it, it was good like really good I haven't had spaghetti for a long time and I forgot how it tastes. But now tasting it again it really couldn't be better, I finished after a few minutes finally full. "Thank you Jack" I smiled up at him "no problem I'm just glad you're feeling better, I can tell by you not stuttering" he laughs. "Yeah" I laugh along with him "I was scared you know the stories I've heard of other people like me getting hurt when getting discovered by big guys like you it frightened me" I told Jack looking down at my hands. "Yeah I don't blame you I can only imagine being in your position" he said with sympathy, "well you I mean you don't have to be scared now, because I'll protect you" he said with full determination it was cute. "Thank you Jack again" you smiled finally relieved that you can now rest easily, now that you have Jack. "Hey how about we watch a movie and then get to know each other better" he saids "sure is like that"

"Alright I'll let you choose."

I hope you guys liked it got one down more to go I'm actually really excited with making these stories you guys created so thank you for that anyways
Love you guys💜
881 words

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