Love ❤️ Potion 🧪

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~Slight lime sorry if you cringe not good and it's my first time writing one!!!! \(//∇//)\~

Anyways enjoy and happy Valentine's Day!💞

I walked down the hallway going to my room from the kitchen, all the doors were closed making it rather dim in the hall.

But you didn't mind as there was a light shining from Marvin's room.

You were wondering what he was doing since he almost never had his door opened,

He didn't like how everyone could see into his business.

You walked into the room to see Anti snickering as he looked through the many shiny and colorful potions that were on display,

You gasped when he grabbed one and attempted to take the cork screw off.

"H-hey! What do you think you're doing? You know what'll happen if Marvin catches taking his stuff!"

You hissed as you tried grabbing the light pink potion from the demons hands.

He pulled back from your strong grip with the potion still in hand,

"I could give two f#cks what he'll do"

Anti grins containing his attempts on taking off the screw.

"What the hell are you doing!" You and Anti look up and see Marvin with a black bag full of supplies.

You stutter out a response until you ropes tie around your body, it was tight enough to restrain you.

You gasp as you try to wiggle free but your attempts were useless, "M-Marvin I swear I did nothing it was Ant-"

You try to explain but it was hushed by a gloved hand placed on top of your lips,

"oh sure (Y/N) I see you everyday eyeing my potion and always questioning their strengths. I knew it was only an act to get close to my power"

He then turns to Anti seeing as he got the potion to open pink smoke was dusting out the top, the demon chuckles and puts the bottle to his lips to drink it.

Marvin growls as he jumps at Anti to take the potion back, the liquid splashed in the bottle some spilling on the floor and some on both the boys faces.

Anti hisses at the burns he was feeling from the potion as well as Marvin as pink smoke surrounded them leaving you out to only watch.

"G-guys! Are you two okay?" You asked looking at the thick smoke still tied and hopping around to try and get a good look at what was happening.

You coughed as the smoke finally disappeared revealing both guys on the floor coughing with a broken bottle beside them.

"A-are you guys cool?" You asked again, they finally looked up but their was something different about them.

You tilted your head waiting for a response until Marvin stood up with a hand on his head as if to sooth a headache.

"I..think so?"

He then looks to you with light pink eyes, were his pupils heart shaped? You asked yourself.

He then smiles and brought you into a warm hug,

"M-Marvin?" You look at him you chin resting on his shoulder, you then hear him taking in a deep breath.

"You smell just like lavender bunny~" he sighs as if in a dream haze burying his face into the crook of your neck.

His breath tickled you making you blush, you whimper and focus your attention on to a now growling Anti who was shooting daggers at Marvin.

"Hey cat! Quit touchin' my puppet!" Anti flowers as he glitches behind you grabbing the side of your waist and yanking you out of the magicians grip.

Marvin hisses at him like a feral cat it was truly scary, "give her back glitchbitch" he pulls your body to his own as well.

Keep in mind the rope hasn't fallen off so it was uncomfortable when they kept grabbing parts of your body.

Your face was on fire as you hid it in Antis black shirt, he notices and grins

"I think we made them embarrassed~" he purrs lowering his head to the crook of your neck taking in your scent.

Marvin chuckles as well forgetting the fight and moves closer to you squishing you between both men, this was truly weird but you couldn't stop the feeling of living this.

"Really?" Marvin asks placing his two fingers under you chin lifting your head to look up at him.

You shyly nod your head looking away, your blush never fading.

[Lime Warning]

You jump when you feel Antis rough tongue on your neck starting his way down up to your cheek, you softly moaned when you felt him lick a certain spot.

"You like that~" he asks not bothering to face you,

You could only nod not able to find your voice as you were silently contemplating your life.

Marvin snickers and joins in taking the other side of your neck nibbling on your soft skin,

You whined as you held your head up giving them both access to your neck.

You then feel Antis hand roaming down your body slowly as if teasing you,

Your body begins to shake with unknowing pleasure, you feel Marvin lowering the collar of your shirt and starts to leave love bites all over.

You couldn't move your body out of their grip as you feel it beginning to get a little too hot in here,

"G-guys please, w-we shouldn't do this" you try to reason in a soft whisper, but something inside you really didn't want this to stop.

Marvin looks to you licking his lips at you as if you were a snack,

"We're just having a little fun with the person we love~" Marvin whines still smiling playfully.

Anti removes his hand from below your stomach, you wondered where his hand was gonna go after that.

"Fine puppet you want us to stop we'll stop~" Anti says smirking as he makes his way to the door as Marvin pouts and unties you.

You sighed with relief as you begin to fan yourself of the hot scene.

[End Lime]

"C'mon, I got some chocolate! I was gonna eat it myself but now that I have two special people we can all eat them!" You chuckle shyly making your way to your room with both boys following.

They grin when they see a small medium sized box full of tiny pieces of chocolate with different variety's and flavors to choose from.

They grin and go over to sit on your bed both on either sides of you keeping you close to their warm bodies.

You blushed, "l-lets watch something and cuddle!" You suggest hoping that'll settle them of wanting to touch you in such inappropriate ways.

They both nod agreeing as they pop differs chocolates into their mouths,

Once you found something good and in themed for today's holiday, you all cuddle occasionally stuffing your faces with desserts.

"Best valentines ever~"

Words: 1156

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