Robbie The Zombie x Reader pt. 2

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Not so bad after all

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"
"(Y/N) You need to wake up, please" you could faintly hear your mother your family calling for you desperately wanting you to wake up. But you couldn't you didn't want to face the cruelty's this world had to offer.
"(Y/N) please!" Can't they see you wanted to be left alone to rot. "Wake up, wake up" your  siblings called out. "Wake up"

"Wake...up p-please" you were starting to wake up to hear another voice a voice you never heard before but it did sound familiar, but where have you heard it from?
"Please Robbie is...sorry for...scaring friend"
Your eyes started to open, it was dark but you could see a curtained up window that faintly showed daylight. "Ngh...wh-what happened, where am I?" You looked to your right to see a man he looked relived to see you awake "your...okay Robbie saved friend." When your eyesight finally adjusted you could see the man more clearly, and what you saw almost made you scream.
Robbie could see your horrified expression you tried to move away but you quickly bumped into a corner. "Why didn't you kill me, why am I here, and how can you speak" you asked already bombarding him with questions. Robbie looked confused not only did he not know half of the things of what you said, but he was also wondering why your first response wasn't kicking or screaming at him in the face.
Robbie started answering your questions and telling you what happened about the zombie attack and how he saved you which you thanked him for. He also told you where you were, you were in an abandoned house that he had found while traveling he was searching for someone but he didn't say who. After awhile you both talked about yourselves then moved onto random topics as if you to were close friends. And for the longest time you were smiling the whole time.
You checked outside to see it was starting to get dark you didn't want to go back out there but you knew you had to you started wondering of the things that were out there. Robbie saw your face then looked at the window his smile dropped into a frown until he got an idea. "Friend stay....Robbie protect friend" what he said broke your train of thought. "Robbie I can't soon enough those zombies will find me it would be better for me to keep moving not to stay in one spot. Also this house is decaying it wouldn't protect me" you said sadly Robbie face again dropped into a frown "there-then...Robbie will come with you." You thought about it looking over the pros and cons until you made a decision.
"Alright Robbie you can come with me I could use someone like you" you said smiling again. He loved that smile you grabbed your bag and jacket to see your photo was still there it was you then placed back where it belonged. Robbie stored canned food that was left in the house and some he picked up recently from the broken down stores and super markets. He placed them in your bag then you both left the house.
You were starting to feel more positive and hopeful now that you had Robbie a lot of weight was lifted off you shoulder. Maybe this won't be so bad.

Hello wonderful people
I hope you enjoyed this and I'm sorry for posting pt. 2 so late school had been utter sh!t recently sorry for my language🥺😰😅
But anyways reminder you guys can send requests another why I haven't updated is because I don't have any ideas
Anyways love you guy

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