Robbie x self conscious Reader

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Requested by: lindathedemon1
(a gift of a cute adorable motivational cat from me to you, you stay cute cat meow~

You were staring at your reflection in the mirror as you felt around your body nitpicking places you hated, you did this everyday since you were in high school. You had bullies pick on you about your appearance, they always made it their mission to make your life miserable it always made you second guessing on your appearance and you hated it.
One time you went without eating for a month going on a strict diet but it wasn't really a diet you only let yourself eat a tiny amount of cereal everyday that month and nothing else for the whole day. Luckily your mom found out and got you help, and it did help you eat better and your body feeling healthy but you were still unsatisfied with yourself even with your mom and friends support.
You then heard your doorknob jiggle a bit then a groan you knew it was Robbie you had locked the door so that no one would get in.
"H-hold on Robbie" you pulled back on your shirt and went over to unlock the door for the poor zombie.
"It's open Robbie" you said as you went to sit on your bed Robbie had open the door and went over to sit with you.
"Hi...(Y/N)" Robbie greeted you with a smile,
"Hey Robbie" you said with a sad tone and Robbie seemed to have noticed.
"Is (Y/N)...okay?" Robbie asked as he gave you a concerned look it made you look up at him surprised, you didn't mean to sound upset even if you were you didn't want to bum Robbie out with your problems.
"Huh?, oh no I'm fine just been thinking y'know?... Robbie can I ask you something? a-and be completely honest okay?" You said not knowing why this came to your mind to ask him this problem of yours but it seemed your mouth was faster then your head today.
The purple zombie nodded his head then gave you his full attention "of course (Y/N)... you can tell Robbie...anything" he said, you took a deep breath and quickly asked
"doyouthinki'mfat?" As if ripping of a bandage but maybe you pulled a bit to fast as the poor zombie had no idea what you had said as he gave a confused look.
You covered your mouth as if what you said was fire or something dangerous that needed to be contained.
"Robbie doesn't...understand" Robbie said as he was even more confused with your weird behavior today, "What's...wrong?" He asked as he grabbed your hands from your mouth and pulled them towards your lap you then took a shaky deep breath.
"Do you think I'm fat? I'm sorry I know it ridiculous to ask and I shouldn't push my problems on to people but-" as you kept going you kept getting faster you needed to take a breath as you were getting a bit chocked up with tears filling your eyes.
"How long...has (Y/N) felt this..way?" Robbie asked as he wiped the tears that were escaping from your eyes, "um, well, it started in high school these people made me feel bad about myself and it made me do dumb things to help improve myself but it only hurt me in the end." You said as a few more tears slipped by, you licked the corner of your mouth where they fell as they tasted salty. "Chase saids shouldn't pay the people who bring you down...but the people who bring you up.." Robbie said " you (Y/N) so...many people love you.." Robbie finished as he hugged you. You finally let the tears run down your face as you embraced your friend thanking him repeatedly, as you put your face in the crook of his neck and he rubbing your back slowly like what you and Chase would do for him when he cry's. "You're welcome...(Y/N), Robbie loves you."

Hope you guys enjoyed
Love you, you all are beautiful!
Words: 683

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