Septic AU x Reader

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Requested by: Katness111

"Wow, this is weird." You stood in front of the closing portal Marvin pushed you in as he wanted you to experiment what was on the other side. Of course as usual having your doubts but with him explaining how simple it was to bring you back, you couldn't say no.

As you stood in front of the alternate men's in the room, you noticed some distinct differences from the original boys you know and love.

They all stared at you as if two heads had grown from your shoulders. "H-hi there" you waved awkwardly, some mumbled some hellos you first noticed Jamie who looked like a steam punk it really catches your interest, you walked over to him first.

"Hello your Jamie aren't you?" You asked him tilting your head slightly to the side, he nods and ruffles your hair, "you bet sweetie" he winks. You were absolutely amazed the Jamie you knew was quite, actually he didn't talk at all absolutely silent. You looked like a fish out of water.

Jamie chuckles as he cups your chin closing your mouth, "close ya mouth honey your gonna catch flys" he chuckles as he takes your waist wrapping it with his mechanical arm. It pinched you a little but you paid no mind to it, "so how'd you end up here?" He asks arching an eyebrow. You cleared your throat getting ready to explain the entire song and dance of how you ended up here.

"And that's how I ended up here" you finished an hour had passed by and a new ego had came to join and listen on the conversation, it was Anti. He looked more nervous the cocky playful attitude was completely gone, he was now a big cuddle bug. You had your what ifs about him at first but soon warmed up to him, "that really happened?" A new visitor had joined, it was Chase.

He had a cigarette in his mouth his hat looked a bit messy but it still looked nice, he looked tired I wanted to ask about his kids but I don't know how he'll react. He already had the 'don't mess with me' look, I didn't want to make anything worse. As if the gods were listening to my curiosity Anti spoke, "d-did she take them?" He asks looking away from the intimidating man who was throwing away the used cigarette, he brings out another and sighs "yea it was a pretty long week huh?" He chuckles dryly as he comes over to sit next to you. His black jacket smelled of smoke you couldn't help but cover your nose, "sorry" he mumbles.

"N-no you're fine" you smile to him, "s-so what's different with, Marvin, Henrik, and Jackie?" You ask, Jamie then speaks your answer "Henrik is a Veterinary and takes care of animals" Anti then steps in, "Marvin tampers more with dark magic, he's always hiding away" Anti whispers looking around the room as if he'll show up any second. "And Jackie...he's a villain, we don't talk about him" Chase finishes as he puffs out a cloud of smoke into the air.

You look down seeing how different things were, you sorta wanted to go home. You wondered if yourself was here, you wondered if they even existed. It gave you deep thoughts about the world here it was all upside down it was making your head spin.

You saw something spark in the middle of the living room Anti gasped jumping away in fear as he held onto Chase shaking like a leaf. Chase looked to him unfazed, the portal sparks open as Marvin's head pops out as he chuckles. He holds out his hand for you to grab, "c'mon (Y/N) the portals open" he looks to you cheerfully, you nod standing as you looked back at the opposites you waved them goodbye as they did the same. You grabbed Marvin's hand as you leapt through the portal.

You were dizzy holding your head, "never do that again Marvin" you looked to him to see three, he scratches the back of his head apologizing promising to make it up. You see Chase run in with a nerf gun as he shoot at Marvin.


Sorry for posting very VERY late
Love you guys
Words: 730

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