Yandereiplier x Depressed Reader

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Requested by: Ebonythepurplewolf22

You sat on the bench alone staring up at the clouds it was a warm sunny day in spring there was a small breeze that messed with your mild tangled hair, cheery blossoms flew around you but you didn't care all you cared about was the sky and how it looked so peaceful with the birds flying free. You wished you could be free too...

"Senpai, good afternoon!" Yan said cheerfully skipping over to you holding two different pastel colored bento boxes in each hand, that's right you forgot your lunch at home as you noticed his lunch. But why did he bring two?

"Hey Yan, so...why two bento boxes?" You greeted and asked mumbling but still audible for him to hear. He moved one of the boxes onto the bench fixing his skirt "you keep forgetting your lunch silly so I thought why not bring you one, I accidentally made extra last night, so I thought why not bring you one. Y'know," he said looking up to face you smiling the pushed the box on the bench closer to you.

He did this for you? Why? He shouldn't have, he shouldn't worry about you, your not worthy you thought, dark thoughts start to plague your mind about how you weren't worth his time or kindness. You took a deep shaky breath holding back tears threatening to fall as you tried cracking a smile "no thank you Yan...but thank you for thinking of me." You declined his offer then went to staring at the floor, "but I haven't seen you eat lunch for an entire two weeks, you need to eat it's not only good for your health but for your academics as well," Yan said trying to pull out any reason for you to eat even begging for you to take a bite or nibble but you shook your head "I had a big breakfast so I'm not-" your stomach let out a loud growl your cheeks flushed red.

Yan sighed picking up your box opening it and picking up a rice ball with the chop sticks inside "say ahh Senpai~" Yan cooed holding the chopsticks to your mouth you have him a confused look, "what are you doing?" You asked he giggled.

"I'm trying to feed you, you're so stubborn Senpai, now say ahh," he said again with a grin. You looked around wondering if any students were looking luckily none were as they were eating there own lunch it looked so good. You sighed closing your eyes then opened your mouth not caring anymore you could hear Yans giggles then felt the rice ball land on your tongue, you closed your mouth opening your eyes again then chewed feeling the flavors explode in your mouth you'd be lying if you said you didn't want more.

You swallowed it after savoring the flavor "thank you Yan..it was good," you said looking away from him who was totally about to have a heart attack from you just saying you liked his cooking, "I'm glad Senpai."

As you were looking down you got lost in thought you started thinking bad thoughts you hugged yourself as the thoughts continued the what if questions started piling in your breathing got heavy, you wanted to stand up and walk around but what would Yan think of other people if they saw you pacing around they might think you were crazy. You hugged yourself tighter your breathing didn't change you felt helpless what do you do?, what can you do? You tried convincing yourself that you were gonna be okay but it was ignored what do you do?

You felt a hand being placed on your shoulder you looked up to see Yan in front of you blocking you from the students "(Y/N) what's wrong?" It's been awhile since you've heard Yan use your name and not the nickname he gave you, "I-I I'm sorry" you chocked out you don't know why your sorry but it was the first thing that came to mind. Yan gave you a sympathetic look he then brought you into a hug "it's okay (Y/N), it's okay to cry I'm here don't worry about those thoughts it's okay." He comforted you, you then let it all out saying sorry as your cried into his uniform your cries were muffled from his shirt. Yan didn't mind he just continued to hush you and pet your hair going through the tangles as he smiled reassuringly.

Lunch soon came to an end as the bells rung by then you were finished "come on Senpai let's go clean up okay?" Yan asked as he picked up his empty bento box and your full one he grabbed your hand pulling you into the bathroom, he grabbed a paper towel giving it to you as you gratefully took it he then grabbed one for himself "I-I'm so-" Yan stopped you "don't be sorry (Y/N)," Yan said smiling at you.

Once you both were cleaned and felt better you both headed to class being five minutes late but you both didn't seem to mind, before Yan could open the door you hugged him from behind which caught him by surprise "thank you Yan for everything," you looked up at him as he looked down at you he looked like a tomato he wanted so badly to kiss you but he had to wait for the right moment so he took a deep breath as his cheeks turned to pink "you're welcome senpai," you then smiled at him a genuine smile.

Hope you guys enjoy and I hope you all have a wonderful day too unless your reading this at night then I hope you have a wonderful night
Love you all
Words: 969

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