Ok Google

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"Guess what I got!" Wilford called into the house as he pranced into the living room with a shopping bag.

A few egos who were around, somewhat curious but also concerned, made their ways to the living room to see. Darkiplier heard the call, but decided to ignore it and stay in his office. If it was something bad, he was going to find out about it one way or another. "What did you get?" King smiled, staring at the bag.

Wilford shook his head, twirling the bag on his finger. "I said guess!"

"Nobody has time for your fucking games." Ed huffed, crossing his arms.

Bim straightened up a little, grinning. "But I do love a good game. Is it a weapon?"

Wilford hesitated, looking at the bag. "It's not supposed to be."

Eric whimpered, hiding behind King. "Wh-what does... uh... what does that mean?"

"Will could probably turn anything into a weapon." King shrugged. "Is it candy?!"

Chuckling, Wilford shrugged his shoulders. "Not this time."

"I hate this even more now. Show us what's in the damn bag, you maniac." Ed rolled his eyes.

Wilford let the bag fall to his side as he pulled his gun and pointed it at Ed. "I'm not gonna take this shit from you." Without batting an eye, Ed simply stepped out of the room, leaning on the other side of the doorway to break line of sight. Eric on the other hand began to shake violently as he ducked down more behind King.

Bim cleared his throat, trying to catch the mad man's attention. "Is it a surprise?"

Wilford glanced at Bim, suddenly smiling. "Why yes, it is. I suppose... that's close enough." He wiggled his mustache as he opened the bag and pulled out a box."

"That's a light bulb!" King grinned, proud of himself for guessing correctly, even if it was after the fact.

Bim rose an eyebrow. "A light bulb?"

Grunting, Ed leaned back around the corner to look. "A damn light bulb? Oh, you've really lost it this time."

"Watch!" Wilford grinned, turning and was suddenly standing on the couch, unscrewing a light bulb from a lamp. He quickly replaced it with the new light bulb and dropped down to sit on the couch. "Oh Gooooooooogle!" He called, crossing his legs.

The others just watched in confusion until the android appeared in the doorway. "What have you broken this time?"

"Ok Google, turn on the light!" Wilford commanded, clapping his hands for effect. The lamp turned on, and Google glared at Wilford, while the mad man turned his attention to the others. "Smart lights!"

"I... I thought... uhm... don't be mad, Mr. Warfstache... but I just thought, he didn't like... um, that... you know... saying." Eric mumbled out, twisting his handkerchief in his hands.

"He does not." Google Blue growled.

Ed chuckled, walking towards the lamp. "Alright! So you haven't lost it. That's kind of nifty. Ok Google, turn the light off now!"

The lamp turned off, and Google Blue walked towards them. "I insist that you-"

"Ok Google, turn the light on!" Bim chimed in, watching in fascination as the light came back to life.

"I will kill you all!" Google Blue declared.

Wilford only smirked, standing up and placed a hand on Google Blue's shoulder. "That's my job. This is yours."

King frowned. "He didn't mean that Google."

"I am NOT a light switch!" Google Blue shouted, his volume raising quite high.

The commotion catching his attention, Darkiplier appeared in the doorway of the room. "What is the problem?"

"No problem." Ed smirked. "Wilford actually did something cool for once."

Wilford tilted his head, popping up beside Dark and smirked. "Everything I do is cool."

Bim shrugged. "Watch." He smiled at Dark, before looking at the light. "Ok Google, turn off the light."

As the light turned off, Dark nodded slightly as he glanced at Google, who's hands were clenched into fists. "Google, if you are not in the room, they cannot activate you in such a way."

Google Blue turned to stare at Dark. "You are taking their side? Why must I make it so they cannot abuse my programming? Why can they not be the ones to control themselves?"

"Wilford Warfstache doesn't take shit from nobody." Wilford grinned, crossing his arms.

Dark sighed. "Wilford barely understands what controlling himself means."

"Exactly." Wilford smirked.

Google glared at Ed and then Bim. "And the others?"

Bim sighed. "We were just playing with the new light bulb. We didn't mean-"

"You're a machine." Ed shrugged. "This is like your whole purpose for existing."

"I am not a light switch!" Google Blue repeated. "I am an android of great complexity who-"

"Was built to serve humans." Ed smirked. "Doing dishes, laundry, yadda yadda."

Dark shook his head slightly. "Ed, do not help."

"He is not trying to help!" Google Blue walked towards him, and Ed was quick to back away. "Let me serve you Ed." Google growled.

"Googleplier." Dark groaned. "Kitchen. Now."

Google Blue hesitated, glaring at Ed as the man ducked down behind Bim, who offered an apologetic smile. "My secondary objective will catch up with you Ed Edgar." Google threatened, before making his way to the kitchen.

Dark looked over the room, shaking his head. "Do not follow." He cautioned, before heading after the android. "I am not taking anyone's side." He began to explain.

"You clearly are. Humans sticking together." Google Blue muttered.

"I am not human." Dark growled. "Not anymore. They are simply fascinated by their new device... they will forget about it soon. Just avoid the living room, and feel free to ignore them calling for you. It is easier than trying to change Wilford's mind." Without giving Google a chance to respond, Dark headed back to his office.

Over the next few days, all four Google units avoided the living room at all costs, and ignored Wilford, Bim and Ed. Dark's plan did work, even though Google wasn't very impressed by it. That was, of course, until a few things that Ed had ordered, arrived. "Google?!" Ed called, standing in the middle of the living room. "Come on ya rusty bucket of bolts!" Suddenly, he smirked. "Ok Google, come to the living room!"

Google Green appeared in the doorway. "What do you need, Ed?" He grunted, glaring at the man.

Ed contently cleared his throat. "Ok Google, turn on the lights!" As all the lights in the room came on, Google Green let out an annoyed whirring sound. "Ok Google, turn on the TV."

As the television powered on, Google Green glanced at it, checking the devices in the room. A smart TV, smart lights, smart outlets... even the air conditioning was on the grid now. "What is the meaning of this Ed?"

"Just wanted to watch some TV with my favourite robo buddy." Ed smirked, sitting down on the couch. "Ok Google, turn up the volume." As the TV got louder, Google Green turned to leave the room. Ed chuckled. "What do you think you're doing? Ok Google, come back here." The whirring sound got louder, gears crunching a little as Google Green tried to resist, but ended up standing over near the couch. "You know Googs... all this time, we were all so afraid of your little command... because you're a death machine. But, I can just command you not to kill me."

Wilford seemed to appear on the couch, holding his jaw awkwardly to the side as he stared at the TV. "Something is different."

"It's a new TV. A smart TV." Ed smirked.

"Oh... fabulous." Wilford grinned, leaning back. Then he smiled at Google. "You gonna sit down?"

Google Green hesitated, and then sat down next to Wilford when he realized it hadn't been a command. The android was processing the information and his choices while the others watched their TV show. Wilford was showing signs that he didn't think of the android as a remote control, and he WAS easily confused. Dark had been right, the mad man was just excited about his stupid light bulb. Ed was the problem.

"What are you watching?" Dr. Iplier asked as he settled himself in the arm chair.

Ed shrugged. "Dunno. Ok Google, change the channel."

The channel changed and Dr. Iplier rose an eyebrow. "That's new."

"We have an intelligent television now." Wilford grinned. "Isn't that fancy?"

"And a fancy new channel changer." Ed smirked.

Finally, Google realized something he hadn't before. Sure, Ed could command him to do anything, but Google had control over the electronics on his own. Within seconds, the air conditioning had shut off, the lights were flicking on and off madly, and the TV was scrolling through all the channels at an awful pace.

Wilford jumped, disappearing from the room, and Ed covered his ears, closing his eyes. "Ok Google, stop!" He shouted. Dr. Iplier closed his eyes tightly to stop the flickering lights from driving him mad. Everything stopped, for about five seconds, and then Google quickly started it up again.

Ed huffed, crossing his arms. "Ok Google, turn the lights on, and LEAVE them on. Ok Google, STOP changing the channel. Ok Google, turn the air conditioning on, and LEAVE it on." He quickly spat out, and finally, the madness stopped.

King hovered in the doorway, having been attracted by the sounds of the TV freaking out. "He doesn't like that." He reminded quietly.

"He'll get used to it." Ed muttered. Google considered going to Dark about the problem, but decided that if he hadn't helped before, he wouldn't help now. King glanced at Google, before sadly heading out to the back yard, wanting no part of it. The rest of the evening, Google Green was caught as Ed's personal assistant. Luckily, he let the android go when he headed to bed.

"Google!" Ed screamed from the living room the next morning. Deciding not to fight it, Google Yellow appeared in the room, his attention drawn to the disastrous mess. He recorded the broken glass from the smashed light bulbs, the busted TV laying on the ground and the ripped up wires disconnecting the air conditioning and other devices, making notes about some of the damage. "What did you do?" Ed asked.

Google Yellow only smiled. "What I was built for." He answered simply, leaving the room.

At that very moment, Google Blue was knocking on Dr. Iplier's bedroom door. In response, came a feigned feminine voice. "Dr. Iplier's office! Do you have an appointment?"

Opening the door, Google Blue shook his head slightly at Dr. Iplier, who was seated behind a desk. Deciding not to address the imaginary receptionist, or nurse, whichever Dr. Iplier was pretending to be, Google Blue simply stared at him. "All of the smart devices were destroyed."

"Oh?" Dr. Iplier leaned back in his chair. "What a shame."

"The wires appear to have been cut with a scalpel..." Google Blue pointed out.

Dr. Iplier sat forward, leaning on his desk. "Are you... accusing me of something Google?"

Google's eyes swirled a moment before he simply answered, "Thank you doctor." And turned to leave.

Smiling, Dr. Iplier leaned back in his chair. "Take it easy on Ed! He's just power hungry!"

By the time Google Blue arrived at the living room, Darkiplier was standing in the middle of the mess with Ed. "He destroyed ALL of my new shit!" Ed huffed.

Dark nodded, glancing at Google Blue, then looked back to Ed. "Then I suggest you keep your things were he does not have access to them."

"What?" Ed grunted, glaring at Google.

Google Blue smiled slightly and turned, walking off. Maybe Dark didn't actually take sides, but the look on Ed's face when he thought Dark was taking Google's, was priceless. It was enough to satisfy the android... for now. To avoid future hassle, Dark held a house meeting the following day and banned smart electronics, as well as banning the Ok Google command outside of emergency use.

Wilford seemed mildly upset, but was already talking about stealing Mark's new VR headset and trying that out. At least it wouldn't get him into any trouble with Google.

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