Hunting To Hitting a Tree To a Door

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I was walking through the forest looking for my bow and arrows. I was just here yesterday and my bow is missing. It was hand craved by me and made of the sturdiest, prettiest, and splinter less wood of all time. Tao wood. Native to these parts in Montana. The string feels like silk but is as strong as horse hair. All of my arrows are handmade by me, too. I have hunted with them for only a year and they are magical in my opinion. But they always disappear for some reason.

Mr. and Mrs. Reesh are expecting me to hunt our dinner or get enough money to get food from the store. Not like I could complain. My real mother and father abandoned me so this is the most love I have gotten in years. I have hopped from foster home to foster home like no other. I have been to places where they love me, but can't keep me. To places where they beat me senselessly. I have been to places much to strict and others with no boundaries at all. I am probe of greeting horrible foster homes. It was until two months ago where me and my trusty bow went to meet the Reeshes.

They are different story. They love me and are my adopted parents. There oldest son and daughter left to college so they wanted another one. I came and they treated me like their own own daughter. They decided to adopt me. It was the greatest moment of my life. Then just a month ago, it all crashed on me like my favorite book case. Why in the world am I this unlucky? The Reeshes and a thousand others lost all of their money after a robbery at the state bank. I had to hunt more often and pick pocket. I hate it and so do my adopted parents, but a person got to do a what a person got to do. Now back to finding my bow.

"Come out, bow. I won't be mad," I whisper knowing if I yell then no food at all. Normal hunting skills. After an hour or so, I was losing my patience.

"Where in the name of-Bow! How did you get here, you rascal?" I asked and then went to grab it. My arrows were there and everything. Perfect. I was about to get up until I saw something from the corner of my eye. A black shadow.

As long as I could remember I have been afraid of the dark or the shadows. They brought a sociologist when I was young to find out why I can't sleep at night and had panic attacks. I hear screams of horror, pain, and sadness. I saw bright colors being swallowed up by darkness. Then, I hear the same words every night. "The light is gone. The darkness has risen. Only the true master can save us all." I saw a bright golden light with hope say that then the shadows come and destroy it. I cry at this part, when surround by the shadows and they tell me I am nothing. I am weak. I am pathetic. Last part which I always wake up in was where someone says Irath. It ends. I am drenched in sweat and tears and a lot of annoyed and concern looks look at me. Instantly after, panic attack.

I ran. I ran far from the shadow. I couldn't have panic attack here with no one to help me. That is just signing my life away. I ran for what seemed like a forever, but it was only a mile. Come on. I needed a break.

So I leaned against the nearest tree and it was Tao. I thought. I was so tired, but I wasn't sweating at all. That is so weird. I can run a mile, but I am usually covered in sweat and grime.

Then, I closed my eyes for a second and saw the shadow. No I thought saw it. I punched the tree. Hitting it and kicking it until I had no more energy. The tree didn't get damaged, but my foot was only part hurt. I screamed in rage.

"Why? Why must I be creeped out about something as stupid as the dark? Why just why." I cried and laid my head against the Tao tree. Suddenly, I heard a voice.

"Irath." It was barely a whisper. I had a complete headache so I closed my eyes. Complete mistake done by me. Stupid just stupid.


A girl and boy about 25 or 26 were standing in an arena with a calm look and tons of glowing bracelets on their arms. On the other side their stood two people again boy and girl around the same age. They all grabbed their wrist and murmured something I couldn't hear. Then, a flash.

I saw multiple colors around each team. I think that is what they are. A commentator I think started the whole match.
"This is the battle for the Grand Master. Loser leaves Kala forever. Winner becomes the new Grand Masters and will decide if they want to rule. We have the current Grand Masters right now, Trisha and Sicar vs the challengers who are the closest rank to the Grand Masters, Jeffery and Alyssa. The Irath the challengers have chosen are the bossy, anger, sadness, night owl, and the truly allusive nightmare. Now the Grand Masters have chosen optimistic, helpful, loyal, courage, and the rare soul bending earth Irath. So you know the rules, I hope. Let the battle of the century begin!!!!!!!!!!!!" After whoever said that you hear and see the lighting and thunder in the back round. A storm was coming and it will be deadly.

They ran I the arena and the colors went and attached like no other while the people were fighting with the colors help. I made my judgement that the colors are the mysterious Irath. Every five minutes or less one of the Irath goes away. There were gasps, screams of booing and cheering, and the now the storm that was on them. Lighting and thunder were the only things you could hear and see. Those flashes showed us an high intense battle and the Grand Masters were losing.

I heard a high pitched scream that didn't just silence the arena it silenced the storm and world of Kala. The girl, Trisha, was on a knee clutching her heart while the boy was shouting at the other team with anger, but with also a worried look. I guess they are dating or in love. Same for the other team. I heard a loud, crackling voice that filled the arena.

"Surrender or she dies," said Jeffery. I was so worried. I was feeling tears form in my eyes so I closed them.


No! No! Why, again? I looked at the tree I laid my head on and saw a crack. There was a huge circular crack that was on the whole side of the tree. I felt the little space in between thinking that knife just did this but it was to perfect and deep. I pulled at the crack, opening it. It opened like a door. I was weirded out so I was about to just leave and get home. I would be in so much trouble if I didn't get food so going hunting hopeful. Great that means I won't get anything.

I did the dumbest thing I did in my whole life. I looked in the door. It was to dark to see anything. Before I was able to get out to grab a match, I was pushed in. I fell in and it was like a hole. I fell down, but I saw the shadow and heard the lasts words I hear in my life.

"Have a good trip, Sigh," it said. My life flashed before my eyes. I was going into a panic attack, but it didn't matter. I was already dead.

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