10. look sharp

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"Then what's with the serial element?" Gillian asked, her eyes moving around as if looking for the answer. "That would only stall the investigation."

Her words made his fingers tinkle. That was her sharp instinct talking, and he knew better than overlooking it. Especially when it added such a meaningful piece to the puzzle.

Careful now, Brockner. You don't want her to take offense. "That may be an excuse to get me onboard," he said. "But I don't quite get why he needed me in."

That. Good. She'll pick it up right away.

And she did. She scowled, parted lips as if about to gawk. All of a sudden everything made sense. Brock made it all make sense. Stupid genius. She loved the way he guided her mind. Cassidy, on the other hand...

"Son of a bitch!" she growled, and faced Brock to say, "To control me, sir. That's why Cassidy wants you on this case."

Brock studied her. He knew that plain, open tone of hers. No second intentions in her words: she was just stating a fact. That was the real measure of the professional she was. She'd just brought in such a sensitive personal issue into the equation, to use it only as an indicator to understand what worried her about the case. But he still had to be careful to pick his words and state his position crystal clear.

"He thinks I'm loyal to the Bureau above all, while you wouldn't care to expose whatever dirt you may find..." he said. "Does he expect me to dissuade you to let go if you find something that compromises the Bureau?"

Gillian pinned a note to her mind board, to come back later to how relieved and even happy she was at hearing him say that. The next note was about punching herself for ever doubting him. Her relief reflected on her voice, once more energetic.

"Not the Bureau, sir. The DD's friend."

Brock almost smiled, but that would've stirred Gillian's suspicion. She'd just put behind any doubt about him she might harbor. He had to root her certainty.

"Right, Senator Graff. So how do you wanna do this?"

She couldn't help a smile, but managed to keep it tight. And this is why I love you, stupid man. "Fast and quiet, sir. Both ways. Let's catch us an electro-sadist..."

"And stay sharp for anything else we might find out."

"Exactly." Well, one of the hundred reasons why I love you.

Brock lowered his face to sip his tea. It'd been three long weeks away from her. Especially when it took her but minutes to make his blood pump. She always made him feel alive at so many levels.

Oh, feeling bold, Brockner?

Yeah, a little.

He met her eyes and she felt a chill down her spine, because his thin lips looked ready to purse while a mild frown furrowed his brow. At least he kept his controlled, formal tone.

"I know you didn't invite me to the case, Gillian. You even think I might be a censor of sorts. But I wanna thank you for taking me along anyway, and share your concerns with me."

Gillian breathed deep, knowing she'd regret later what she was about to do. But there was no way she could fight the temptation of seeing again that smiling frown she loved. And she wanted him to know she trusted him completely, as usual.

"You shouldn't thank me, sir. True, I didn't even think of inviting you in. But I'll be damned if I don't take advantage of having you here, and drive you nuts with my questions and crazy ideas."

He scoffed, surprised and flattered at such a blatant compliment. But the best of it all was the way she smiled back at him. After her harsh rejection in Savannah, he'd thought he wouldn't see her smile at him like that for a long, long time. It was such good news, finding out he was wrong.

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