9. bullshit

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"Gillian..." Cooper's voice wasn't as sharp and cold over Skype, but it did its job of demanding an explanation all the same.

Aldana moved to sit on the armrest, so she could see all of them to speak.

"Irene grew up fast. She entered puberty when she was only eleven, and looked like a teen before finishing elementary," she said.

Tanya displayed a couple of old school pictures and drew a red circle with the mouse around Irene.

"This is Irene when she was twelve," said Aldana.

"You're right," said Ron. "She looks fifteen or sixteen."

"That's when she caught William Graff's eye," said Hank in a dull tone. "He mentioned something to Dawson and never went back to therapy."

"According to the date Dawson gave us, that happened about a week or two before he raped Irene for the first time," said Aldana.

Gillian couldn't help a glance at the computer showing the ongoing Skype calls. Cassidy had crossed his hands before his mouth and scowled as if he could make it all go away out of the strength of his glare. Cooper leaned toward her screen, narrowed eyes behind her thick glasses and lips pressed tight together. He didn't want to believe a single word of it. She was open to buy it if they gave her solid proof.

Aldana kept talking slowly, to let the others take in her words. "From then on, he kept abusing Irene at least twice a week over the next ten years. Until he got her pregnant."

"Where did it happen?" asked Ron. "How come nobody knew?"

"It happened mostly in Irene's bedroom," Gillian replied.

"By that time, the Graff brothers already lived where they live nowadays," said Brock, ignoring the questioning, almost accusing looks when the others realized he'd known the abuser's identity all along. "John Graff and his family at the fourth floor of a very exclusive building, and William Graff at the fifth floor. It's not crazy to assume William Graff had keys to his brother's home. He could come and go between their apartments using a secondary elevator and the backdoors whenever he wanted."

"You said the mother found out?" said Fred. "When did that happen?"

"About a month after it started," replied Aldana. "Her reaction added up to Graff's threats to keep Irene's mouth sealed all this time."

"Her reaction...?" asked Russell.

"She beat the crap outta her raped child," Gillian replied. "She called Irene a whore and hated her ever since. In her eyes, Irene stole away any chance she might still have to win her lover back."

The men needed a minute to close their gawking mouths.

"I wanna be the one who arrests her," said Ron. "And pray I don't get lost on my way back to the station."

"Get in the line," said Aldana.

"I call for arresting Graff," said Fred. "I'm afraid he might resist."

"Where's the evidence to any of this?"

All of them turned to the computer, where they found Cassidy arching his eyebrows, skeptic.

Brock's phone buzzed. He traded a glance with Gillian and walked out of the apartment to take the call. She turned to the computer and met Cassidy's cold eyes.

"We have about three-hundred entries in Irene's journal, about three-thousand words each, telling everything—that means date and time of every single abuse over the last six years. We have her shrink's confession, saying she told him about the recurrent abuse, and that in his professional opinion she was telling the truth—but he didn't report it because Graff had his secretary paid him not to. And we have Liam Graff's DNA to run all the tests we need."

"You only have a lot of hear-saying bullshit," replied Cassidy.

"We can check Graff's appointments and phone records for all those dates and times," said Gillian. "If we find out that he has no alibi for one of them, we'd have probable cause. The DNA test will do the rest."

Brock came back in and approached Gillian. "Niki Thompson says she'll only talk to me. We're meeting after dinner."

"How did she get your number?"

"Guess it's a little display of power to intimidate us."

"Can you save your domestics, Brockners?" growled Cassidy.

Gillian gifted him with a poisonous smile. "Niki Thompson is Graff's personal assistant. Among other things, she was the one who paid Dawson on Graff's name. And she told Irene where her child was so she could try to get him back."

Cassidy's face darkened.

Brock turned to him, blank scowl and flat voice. "You should warn the Deputy Director, sir. If Niki Thompson admits anything, we'll have enough to take the case to the Attorney General on Monday."

Now it was Hank's phone that buzzed. He checked the incoming text and flashed a wolfish smirk.

"My dear Doctor Nowak, from Tampa, says Daryl's mitochondrial DNA test is a 100% match with Irene's. More coming up on Monday. Meaning a preliminary on a reversed paternity test."

"English, Hank, please," said Gillian.

"Mitochondrial DNA is passed on directly from mother to children, no mix with the father's DNA. The reversed paternity test isolates the DNA that doesn't belong to Irene and gives a sample to compare to the DNA of potential fathers. And it tells if they share any genetic profile with Irene. Which would mean the father is blood-related to her in some degree. To determine the identity of the father, we do need a DNA sample. Since Irene had a boy, comparing the Y chromosome will work, 'cause it's like the mitochondrial DNA: it's passed on directly by the father."

"This first match gives us Irene's mother," said Fred. "Because she signed the adoption papers."

"The closed adoption papers," said Russell, grimacing.

"In order to process them, they had to make Irene sign some kind of authorization on behalf of her mother," said Gillian. "A power of attorney needs witnesses or a public notary. And it can't be secret. The adoption agency's bound to have at least a copy of it."

"There's no mention to signing anything in Irene's blog or her social networks," said Aldana.

"Then we should compare the sig to Irene's handwriting," said Ron. "Maybe her school notes?"

"Forgery," said Fred. "I like how it sounds."

"I gotta go, Gillian," said Cassidy, cutting them off. "Monday morning in my office."

He didn't wait for any answer and just disconnected.

"That's a Section Chief in trouble," murmured Ron.

"He's gone?" asked Cooper.

"Yes, ma'am," replied Gillian.

"Now you all listen to me," said Cooper, dead serious. "You better get ready before meeting Cassidy. Because it won't be only him. Be sure he's calling the Deputy Director as we speak, so you'll most likely face some kind of jury on Monday. Print that journal and any other thing you have. Get a written report of the DNA test. Make sure you have everything to make your case rock solid. Else, best case scenario, you'll be suspended and charged by Monday noon."

They listened to her in a surprised silence. Nobody had expected Cooper to believe them and take their side so easily. Which is very unfair, thought Gillian bitterly.

"I gotta go too, because my phone is about to ring any time now. Call me tomorrow evening. Good luck."

"Yes, ma'am."

They traded concerned looks when Cooper disconnected.

"We better get to work, lads."    

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