The story of lost Lyra

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Blue, orange, almost red gradient of the sunset is dyeing itself with the dark conjuring night while the people start brightening up the light for the main feast of the summer festival. Colourful lights connecting one house to another, showing excitement for the festival and to brighten up the streets, decorating the sides of the streets with the candles, chocolates, flowers and colourful sands.

"Adriel, bring it here." Sibel yelled at his cousin, who was standing with a box full of colourful sand, observing others with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Why are we not decorating our homes?" Adriel asked while putting the box beside Sibel.

"Because we need to highlight the way towards the destination." Sibel answered while drawing another line across the grey street.

"And where is the destination?" Adriel asked.

"Not here." Sibel kept his answers short, "I will tell you the story later, first help me with the decoration." 

Adriel, who lived his first eleven years of his life in the big city of Wuise, had never seen the bright colours, and summer festival of Drithe, which was it popular for. So, he let curiosity get the best of him and worked with his cousin, till the whole Street looked like they were celebrating the arrival of the president. 


"Adriel, Here you are. Do you want to join us for a walk along the side of the street?" Sibel, asked with his cheerful smile.

"We have just showered, and I am really tired. Why don't you tell me the story and then we can go out for a walk, please." Adriel pleaded, to which Sibel took a low sigh.

"But I want to go, and almost everyone will be out there. We still have time left, we can catch up to them." Sibel eagerly explained but Adriel still didn't wish to go out.

"I will tell you the story, when we are walking." Sibel said and began to walk out of the door while Adriel walked behind him a scowl but curiosity in his eyes.

Both boys began to walk in between the group of people who were walking beside the street leaving their hard work on display, and that piqued the curiosity of Adriel as he asked his first question, "Why are we not walking on the road?"

"Because we are guiding the spirit." Sibel answered.

"There are spirits on the road?" Adriel asked with a shocked smile.

"No, but there will be, at the night and we can't go out then, so we are creating the energy to guide them." Sibel answered with astonishment.

"That's so cool. So, we can see the spirits at night? How many will be there? Is it like their party?" Adriel began to flood Sibel with questions.

"No... We can't see them. We shouldn't disturb her, when she is going to her home, and it's only one spirit, her name is Lylah. Do you want to hear her story? It's like a fairytale!" Sibel enthusiastically said.

"Yes, Tell me the story!" Adriel said with the same enthusiasm.

"So, Lyra was a witch, who can do tons of magic and she lived in a castle with her mother. Her mother was an evil witch, who performed magic on children and killed them. Lyra, didn't knew that, and when she got the hint that the murders are by her mother. She became furious, and attacked her mother, and she won. But in between the fight, a part of her was lost in her house, and she can't leave without that part of her soul, so she looks for it, at almost every end of the summer." Sibel said.

"She was a good person. So, why can't we look at her or talk to her when she is going?" Adriel asked.

"Because she needs to look for a part of her soul. And the part of her soul will call for her. And if we talk to her, or try to look for her, she will be confused and might take us." Sibel answered.

"Has she taken someone before?" Adriel asked in shock.

"No, but people who saw her went insane." Sibel answered as they reached the end of the road and everyone began to scatter out to their place. 

"It's almost time for her visit. Let's go back." Sibel grabbed Adriel's hand and they ran back to their house. Sibel's parents took them in and locked all the doors and windows, turned off all the lights and guided the kids into the basement room.

After making them comfortable in the room, they ate their dinner and soon the darkness fell upon them and everyone except Adriel seemed to have fallen into slumber. 

Adriel wished to see the spirit, for whomst all this preparation had been done. She is a nice and heroic spirit from the story, what's worse that can happen. 

Adriel went towards the window in the living room and slightly propped his head upwards while hiding himself to watch the tales unfold, and after a few moments, it did happen, A girl with bright red hair and skin that seemed to be glowing in dark came into view walking the road. She looks across the different houses and goes there to knock on their doors and yell something that appears inaudible from this long distance. Adriel almost made eye contact with her, but Sibel pulled him down and covered his mouth. 

The spirit arrived and banged on the door loudly and began screaming, "HELP ME! PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!". If Sibel wasn't covering his mouth, Adriel would have screamed already. After what felt like hours, of the constant screaming and banging, silence fell upon them and the clouds began to cheer the end of summer and the rain washed away the coloured sand on the road.

Adriel and Sibel sat there in silence for a while before going back to the basement, both of them had the same question in their mind, which none of them could answer.


Thank you for the reading!

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