...he saw beauty.

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- Status -
Andy's mother: still dead.
Andy: conflicted.

It was a she
She, with her
She, with her

And she,
with her big eyes
They were by far
much darker
than Andy's
and yet
she danced in
the light
all the time

that caught
her sight
made her eyes

It was more
than that
Her eyes reflected
all the feelings
and all the colours
that existed
and Andy
could only be

he thought
for he had heard
of the term
in his art class

It was when
an object seemed
to change colours
as rays of light
hit it at different

She caught light
with her bare hands,
and Andy found her

She also was
an artist
in the way she admired
the world
and how she
spread beauty
anywhere she went

He didn't understand
how this girl
could bear him

No one ever did
since his loss
But she just
sat there,
next to him
and smiled

She told him
that she liked
his drawings
very much

He was shocked
to hear that
for no one
had ever complimented
his works

He had grown
to be accustomed
to the fact that
he did not
deserve happiness

She changed
his self-opinion

Andy tried to
add colours
to his black ink world
and sketched
her face
with soft strokes
When he came
to the eyes
he didn't know
which shade to pick

He tried once
He failed
He tried again

Two months later,
Andy was drawing
a portrait
of his mother

He used the
brightest pigments
for his mother's
pretty features
and finally felt

Andy worked
all year long
to pass his classes
and once he did
she, the girl who
was eager to change
the world
was proud of him

As summer break
kicked in,
they walked home
He was lost in
the colour of her irises
She took a walk on
the freckles of his face

When they arrived
to her doorstep,
she rose to her toes
and kissed his cheek
oh so ever gently
before grinning

Andy knew
that it was possible
to be happy

This aim
was not out
of his reach
and he looked up
to the skies,
thanked his mother
and headed home

He still felt her lips
on his skin
irradiating sunrays
It was as if
she gave him a
morsel of her

For the first time
in years
he laughed
until his ribs hurt

For the first time
in years
he was alive

went from him
to the end of time

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