Chapter 14

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I sighed, curling up against Erik. I was so scared.

 "What if he gets hurt? What if they kill him?" 

After getting all that news, I just plopped down on the floor, put my face in my hands, and slipped into sleep. I woke and found Erik next to me, and I suddenly got terrifying images of Drake being ripped apart.

 "What if who gets hurt? Drake?" I nodded slowly. 

"He'll be fine. I'm sure of it." We heard a thump above us, followed by screams and shouts. Jessy and Graven exchanged glances, backing up from the wall. Erik stood, eyeing them. 

"Erik, nice knowing you. We need to leave now, thank you for bringing this little bit of information to us. And thank you, Iris, for everything. Good luck, Little Miss Demon Blood Wolf." They both laughed, shifted, and busted out of their cells. Erik tugged me to my feet and opened the cell door, dragging me with him upstairs. 

"Can you shift?" I nodded, stepping back and shifting into my beautiful wolf, Crimson. He shifted into his and we jumped through the basement doors. 

There were people fighting all over. A woman was leaning over a dead body, weeping. I recognized Drake's wolf. I took a step forward and a pain busted out through my stomach as someone collided with me. 

"Iris!" Erik ran over, tearing off the wolf.

He nuzzled me and I rose to my paws. Drake sniffed the air and his eyes landed on me. My stomach did a little flip of joy as he ran for me.

 I saw my uncle running strait for him. Before Erik could stop me, I busted out into a run, head butting Bill in the stomach with my snout. Drake let out a loud growl at the same time Erik did.

 Everyone in the room stopped to see me frozen with fear, crouched low with my ears flattened, teeth showing, the hair on my back standing up. I let out a snarl. Bill circled me, growling. No one dared to move. Drake spoke to me through the link. 

"Iris, I love you please don't die. Please be careful!" I had had enough of my uncles crap. I was going to end it. 

Letting out the deadliest snarl I could muster, I lunged at him. My teeth sunk into his neck and he yelled, soon kicking me off with his hind legs. I hit the floor, slowly rising. I let out a low rumbled of a growl, and my head rose to reveal my eyes a deep blood red. 

I changed to a human, then I experienced something so painful no words could describe. Drake also shifted, the same thing happening to him. His eyes were red and we were both crying out in pain. Then the pain stopped. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw a wolf that looked a lot like me. He had blood red fur with black specks everywhere on his body, the specks being in the same places as mine. "Leland."

 I then realized that there was wings coming from my body. Drake had the same problem. His were dark black, matching his hair. Mine were silver with red lining and specks. Leland changed to a human, than to a vampire. This wings were black and had red lining and specks.

 Leland and Drake walked over to me, eyeing me, looking me over. I had this feeling deep inside of me. It was a feeling of bloodlust. I looked at Drake. I could tell he had the same problem. 

Erik yelled. He and a lot of others had shifted to their human form. Graven was attacking him. 

"No! Erik don't kill him!" It was too late. Erik tore him into pieces, anger evident on his face. "Remember? He and Jessy aren't hybrids." Jessy nodded, walking over to Erik. 

"We are just wolves. Wolves with a mission." He swung a kick at Erik's head, which was blocked and countered with a punch.

I looked over and saw Bill was gone. "Dang it!" Drake changed back to a human, Leland and I doing the same. Drake gave me a bone crushing hug, he was on the verge of tears. 

"God I'm sorry! I didn't protect you!" Drake put me down and handed me to Leland. Shifting and killing Jessy easily. He changed to a human and I found myself holding onto Leland.

 "Leland, I thought he killed you when my parents died!" Leland had been living with Bill, the poor boy. Then, when my parents died, everyone thought he was dead. Instead, Bill must've kicked him out. I was surprised that he had been able to start a pack all on his own. "I know. I never thought I was see you again. God I missed you. You've changed so much, you're so beautiful." I felt the tears sliding down my face. I looked up and saw my brother, he had black hair with the tips red. His eyes were creepy, black with red specks. He was a little different than my human form. His lips were red, black tinting on the edges. He pulled me back into a hug. I felt someone pulling me off of him and Erik soon had me a few feet from Leland's reach. "Don't touch her!" Erik's features softened when he realized who he was talking to. "Leland. No way." Erik took a step towards him and he laughed. "Yes way man! It's been forever!" Leland pulled Erik into a hug. "God, my bro is back! Yes!" Erik squeezed him to where he was mouthing the word 'help'. I laughed, wincing and holding my side. I forgot that my clothes were ripped and covered in blood. Drake was beside me in seconds. "Get her some clothes and the pack doctor. Hurry up!" Erik nodded and ran off, barking orders at his new pack. Leland rushed over to us. "Iris, did Bill do this to you?" I nodded, biting my lip. "Consider him dead." He stood, yelling at the members of his pack. "FIND BILL NOW OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!" Everyone scattered, leaving just us in the large room. A few members of Drake's pack were here, but not many.

That's when I realized the amount of bodies on the floor. But, none of them were Drake or Leland's pack members. My hand rose to my face in horror. They were the women and children of Erik's pack. I pushed Drake away in disgust. "How could you do this?!" I bent down, moving a strand of hair out of a small girls face. "It wasn't us, they threw themselves in front of the men, the children doing the same. We had no idea it was coming. It was so sudden, no time to react. Then they were all dead. So quick, it was the most inhumane thing I've seen in a while." Then I saw Bruno and Kyle. When they saw me they immediately ran for us. My eyes went wide when I saw Connor walk out behind them with Hannah in his arms. He had a wide grin on his face, and I saw the mark on her neck. Connor looked up from her face and met mine. Relief flooded his face. He carried her towards us and sat her down on a non bloodied spot. "Since she has wolf blood in her I was able to change her. She couldn't handle it so she passed out. Isn't she beautiful?" He moved a stray hair out of her face and she stirred, but didn't wake. "Shh, Hannah's a really light sleeper." We whispered. Leland took a seat and I sat on his lap, which earned me a possessive growl from Drake. I rolled my eyes and leaned back into Leland's warm body. "Oh hush up, he's my brother!" Bruno started to heal me while Kyle and Drake talked. Erik still hadn't come back with my clothes. Leland randomly started to scratch my back. I laughed and moved to where he was scratching the perfect spot. "Oh yeah, perfect!" He laughed. "I remember how, when you used to visit, you would always want me to scratch your back." I sighed as he stopped, laying back into him. Bruno smiled and started to talk to Leland, but I tuned them out. My heart quickened at the sight of a little dead girl, still lifelessly clutching to her mothers hand. I grabbed Leland's arm tightly. Bruno's words finally reached my ears. "Iris, you need to calm down, you're hyperventilating and you need to stop." Leland grabbed both my arms and held them in place as I started to shake. Everything blurred. "Iris you need to stay awake, Iris talk to me, Iris!" I gulped in a bunch of air and stumbled out of Leland's grasp. Screaming, I pushed a dead body away from me. "Iris! Iris!" Kyle and Drake were running at me, so were the others.

Their faces twisted to look like Bill, sneering at me. "I've got you now!" I screamed and thrashed around, kicking and squirming. I felt hands grab my wrists and ankles. I was held off the ground, completely helpless to move. Tears leaked down my face. "Drake!" I felt someone squeeze my wrist. "I'm here, baby. I'm here. It's ok, just calm down." I took slower breaths and soon they released me. I stumbled when I stood and Drake caught me, lifting me up in his arms. Erik came walking into the room, a girl with clothes in her arms following him. "Iris, this is Helen. She will be helping you while you are here in our pack." Erik didn't even notice how terrified I looked. He started talking to the others, then Kyle explained what happened. "Man, I swear she was gonna get her foot lose and kick me in the face! She was thrashing around like there was no tomorrow!" Leland stepped closer to Kyle. "If you'd been through what she had, you would be living in a world where that might always be the case." Everyone went silent, but I felt everyone's eyes on me. Helen cleared her throat. "I can take her from here, Alpha." Drake was hesitant, but I gave him my best pouty face and he gave in. Hannah stirred and Connor sat next to her. I noticed Lionel walking up the stairs with a strange look on his face. "Helen, can you take me to a bathroom upstairs?" She nodded and led the way. At the top of the stairs I bumped into Lionel, who steadied me before I fell. "Iris, you look like crap! I'm glad you're ok, though." I nodded, moving him out of the way to stare at the hall in front of me. "I know, it's creepy." It was dimly lit and not welcoming at all. "This way honey." Helen walked down the hall, made a few turns, and stopped in front of a door. She handed me the clothes. "Let me know if you need anything dear, I'll be right here." Lionel stuck at the end of the hall, looking at pictures and trailing them with his finger. I thanked her and stepped inside, removing my old clothes and took a shower. When I got out I put on the new clothes, liking the way the skinny jeans and sport shirt felt against my skin. I splashed my face with water and noticed that Lionel was right.

I did look like crap. I opened the door and peered out into the hall, not seeing Helen anywhere. I saw that Lionel was staring at one picture, as if in a trance. I quietly approached him. "Lionel?" I put my hand on his shoulder and he jumped, slapping my arm away. I held my hand to my chest in surprise. "Sorry, you scared me." He looked back at the picture and I followed his gaze. A sob came out of my lips and my hand flew up to cover my mouth. It was the picture of my dead dog. I stepped back and looked at the other pictures. Most of them were of me after a night of torture, cowering in the corner with a puddle of blood around me. Chained to the wall by my wrists and ankles with cuts all over me. Lionel took a step closer. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea." I shook my head and turned to look a the other wall. A scream came when I saw a picture of my dead parents. Lionel caught me as I fell back. I closed my eyes as I trembled in fear. "Iris?!" Leland came into view, then he saw the pictures. He looked at all of them, then he saw the one of our parents. His fists tightened. He slowly walked towards me and knelt down. "Lionel, go tell the others she's fine." Lionel nodded and ran off. I noticed that Leland had tears in his eyes, but mine were already falling. I hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck as tightly as I could. "Leland I missed you so much!" He hugged me tighter. "Not as much as I missed you, my little princess." I cried on him, the events of the day coming back to bite me. My eyes closed as I cried myself asleep against my brother.

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