12: Goddamn Traitor

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Chapter Twelve
Goddamn Traitor

3rd Person POV

iris looked around the stables as she sighed and shook her head. it felt empty and quiet. it was only 5 in the morning and no one was around. she hadn't gotten any sleep the night before and it was all going to come crashing down on her but not in that moment. in that moment , she was annoyed with herself and mad.

she walked into bullets stable and she sat down on the ground ad he nudged her hands with his head and she smiled as she pet him again. she leaned her head against his and sighed.

"iris" marcus said and she looked up to see him standing there in his jacket. he walked in and sat down next to her as he pet bullet and he nudged his hand away

"yeah i deserved that" he exclaimed and iris laughed as she leaned her head on his shoulder

"how's pin?" he asked and she shrugged

"texted me , told me that's he's fine but that's all he said" she spoke shortly and he nodded

"that's a relief because the thing is i.. it's my last day iris and i want to spend it with you. can we forget that i got weird about you and pin?" he asked and she nodded

"look at mr.perfect having a dark side" she said and he nudged her shoulder

"don't call me that iris but i really am sorry" he told her and she lifted her head as she ran her hand over his jaw and smiled at him

"i know" she spoke and she leaned in as she kissed him softly and he kissed back. bullet huffed and they pulled away as they looked at him and smiled . she leaned her head on his shoulder again as they watched the sunrise together

it was perfect until someone walked in and looked at them together with bullet

"this is cute" the man said and iris lifted her head before she shot up and so did marcus. he held her hand and stood close to her as they stared at him

"who are you and what are you doing here?" she asked and marcus smiled softly. he liked this side of iris, the one who would protect her friends, family, and her horse

"i'm james forsythe. you're iris phillips and you're marcus green ridge. i'm your new trainer" he said and iris scoffed again

"new trainer?" iris asked

"training starts in 30 minutes lovebirds don't be late" he told her and she nodded as he left. she groaned and marcus looked at her

"i can't be your trainer anymore but tell me you won't knock him out if he does something you don't like" he said and she shook her head

"i can't promise you anything" she retorted and he laughed as he kissed her forehead and laughed as he left her alone. 30 minutes later, iris stood in the arena with mia, jade and susie

"wait where are our horses?" iris asked

"a champion horse needs strength, balance, agility and the ability to follow orders so does his rider" james stated and iris scoffed under her breathe but she continued to listen

"from now on, the order of importance is me, then your horse, then the buckets , then the fence and then you" he said and then he whistled as the girls picked up their buckets and started to walk around. iris scoffed as she walked holding the buckets before they were told to grab the haybales and etc

iris went through this with an annoyed look on her face and she was pissed off. she dropped the last haybale and walked over to jade

"oh no" jade spoke

"what?" iris asked in an already annoyed tone

" I set up a bright fields news alert" jade said and mia continued for her

" The article about irises heist must be up." Mia stated

" OK this isn't right this is pin stole the cup him self" Iris said as she grabbed jades phone

" Oh this is perfect. If pin takes blank, this year's reputation remains intact" Mia spoke

"he's one of us mia" Iris retorted

"yeah , he was" mia said and iris sighed

" He could be charged with this Mia" Iris said and she left the arena as she got onto priscilla and she rode to holloway. she walked in and was met with a girl

"can i help you?" the girl asked

"i'm here for pin" iris said

"i'm afraid you're too late" the girl told her and iris scoffed as she looked out into the field to see pin on a horse

"that goddamn traitor" she spoke and she called the others as they all shows up. iris stood between and zoe as they watched pin

"i can't believe this" Zoe said

"no way is that pin" jade spoke

"i didn't know he could ride like that" marcus stated

"he's amazing" susie said and iris started to block out everyone as she heard zoe and mia arguing with each other. she then watched as the others walked away

"i'll talk to him iris. you go with marcus" zoe said and iris nodded as she made eye contact with pin one last time and then she walked away with marcus as they left.

"i'm glad you're here with me" he said to her and she nodded as she held his hand and got onto priscilla. it felt wrong being with priscilla and not elvis who was with pin

"let's head back" marcus said to her and she nodded as he got on monty and they rode back to the stables. they got off of them quickly and walked in as they heard cheering

"thanks, guys" He said and iris smiled at rosie as she smiled at her

" Well, what do you think? I can only do so much with what I was given. What happened? Is Pin okay?" rosie asked

"pins fine. better than fine, actually" he said

"world order is restored , here" rosie spike and she handed marcus the plate as they smiled at each other. iris watched marcus talk to james but she shook her head

"iris" he said to her and she turned to him as he put his plate down and he leaned in as he kissed her. she kissed him back and smiled before they walked into bullets stables and held each other close. they were happy and comforted for that moment

"oh come on you love birds team photo" susie called and they walked out as they met up with everyone and they took the picture before they watched Becky talk to marcus. iris smiled as she hugged jade and watched them talk to each other. marcus kissed becky's cheek and iris laughed

"let's go to the boat" he said and they left the stables. they got in the car and drove to the pier. they got out and walked to the boat before iris looked at marcus

"we're late" he said and she sighed before they sat down and marcus looked around

"i'm the reason you and..." He said but rosie stopped him

"he loves you" she shouted and iris turned to marcus

"i'm sorry what?"iris yelled and she turned back to rosie

" He didn't know how to tell you and I was like some secrets are too exciting to keep. While others are best left unsaid. Look I know I shouldn't have blurted it out like that, but but I really love you two together and I want it to stay that way and now i'm gonna awkwardly back away" Rosie stated and she walked off

"that was unexpected" marcus said

"yeah tell me about it. is she telling the truth though? do you love me marcus?" she asked and marcus nodded as he grabbed her hand and they walked to the rail

"i do love you iris, i just didn't know how to say it" he told her and she smiled

"i love you too" she told him but it felt wrong. she didn't feel right saying it to him, it felt wrong and she hated it.

she didn't know how to tell marcus that though even though she knew she would never tell him

miris holds my heart but piris is the main goal

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