17:I need to be with Becky right now

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Chapter Seventeen
I need to be with Becky right now

3rd Person POV

iris woke up to the smell of smoke and loud neighing as she heard yelling and she felt bullet nudge her. she lifted her head and she coughed as she tried to stand up but she couldn't. the smoke had been stuck in her lungs for too long and she couldn't do anything.

"HELP!" she tried to call and then she heard the others but she saw bob letting the others out of their stalls and she felt pride with him.

"wheres iris? iris?" someone called and she called out again

"help! please!" she yelled and she passed out. she didn't feel someone pick her up or cover her or bring her to a room.

when she woke up, she had a towel wrapped around her shoulders and she went to sit up but someone pushed her shoulder back and she looked around and saw Marcus staring at her with maggie and a doctor next to her

"how are you feeling?" Marcus asked and iris went to open her mouth but she couldn't speak so she just shrugged and maggie sighed

"we didn't know you stayed here, we thought you came home" maggie said and Marcus handed iris a bottle of water as she opened it and swallowed. the water cooling her throat that had felt like it was on fire with the stables.

"I fell asleep in bullets stall by accident, I'm sorry" she apologized and maggie shook her head as she leaned down and hugged her. iris hugged her back

"its okay, we're just glad you're safe" she retorted and iris heard the word. safe, safe she thought. bob

"is bob okay?" she asked and she watched everyone's eyes drift to the ground and iris felt the sadness drift over the room.

"I need to be with Becky right now," she said and she went to sit up but Marcus stopped her and she shook her head.

"my friend needs me, my throat hurts not my legs" she spoke in a groggy voice as she stood up with the blanket around her and she walked to the tent where becky was with bob. she opened the curtain and becky looked up at her

"you're okay" becky said and iris nodded as she walked over and sat down next to her as the nurse put the blanket on and she nodded

"ill be okay" she said and she walked over as she wrapped her arms around becky and they held each other close. iris felt tired and she leaned her head against becky as becky leaned against bob and they stayed together.

"becky did I tell you that when I came here, I got a call that my horse back home , Kansas, he got really sick?"iris asked and becky shook her head as she looked at iris

"no, is he okay?" she asked and iris nodded with a smile.

"he got through it and I don't want to give you false hope but I think that bob can get through this. he saved the horses, he saved bullet and Priscilla. bobs a hero"iris said and she ran her hand down bob as she felt him huff and she sighed sadly for him.

"and the hero never dies" becky said and she leaned down as she hugged bob close and iris did too. she heard voices outside and she lifted her head as pin walked in and he looked at iris

"are you okay? zoe told me" he said and she shrugged as she lifted her head off of bob and sighed.

"my throat hurts and I feel so tired" she said and pin walked over as he ran his hand over iris's arm and sighed.

"do you need me to do anything?" he asked and she looked down at bob

"Just stay here with us pin, if you can help him please," she said and he nodded as he looked at Becky and then at the others.

"I think I know something that can help," he said and he got up as he turned to her and sighed

"ill be back," he said and he left the tent. iris heard the others bringing the horses to holloway and she only hoped that whoever had bullet was taking care of him and making sure that he was safe. iris hated not knowing these types of things but she also knew what it was like to fear losing your horse and to almost lose them. she felt Becky's pain and she needed to be there for her at that moment.

"thank you for staying" Becky said and iris snapped her head toward her and she nodded

"I'm here for you Becky, always" she said and she leaned her head on her as maggie walked in and looked at them

"what did the vet say?" Becky asked

"I'm afraid it's not good news. he's suffering, sweetheart and that's not far on him or you. if you love bob, It might be time to let him go" she said and iris felt the tears swell up in her eyes but she stopped them. she couldn't cry, she needed to be there for Becky. maggie walked out and jade looked at them

"maybe you should think about it," jade said and iris sighed as she heard Becky go off on jade and she sighed again for the second time in a row. jade got up and she walked out of the tent and iris leaned her head against the wall as she began to stare at the ceiling in sadness and fear. she didn't hear the others walk in and she didn't see them either not until zoe came over and she grabbed iris's shoulder

"hey" she whispered and iris smiled at her tiredly.

"hi" she whispered back and that's when she noticed that rosie and ben had walked in and began to show them photos of bob and iris smiled at them as she watched jade store one and then she left again. she heard the others and she ran in her hand over beckys shoulder as the nurse walked in with the others.

"fireflys outside i wont bring him in but" mia said and iris smiled

"its okay, bob knows he's here" becky said

"we wont forget him forget him Becky" mia stated

"no one will, okay i think I'm ready" becky said and then jade walked in with susie and mr.duck

"mr.duck you found him, i thought you weren't allowed back in the stables" becky said and iris smiled

"we're not" jade stated

"she went straight through the police line like in mission:impossible or something" susie said

"jade. you broke a rule? for me?" becky said and jade handed becky mr.duck as becky handed it to bob and she cried more.

"goodbye, my hairy friend. i always knew you were a legend. now you're a part of island history. whenever things are unexpected, whenever someone goes that extra mile" becky began

"whenever there's a strange, unidentifable smell..." ben said

"people will stop and remember the brave bob" becky said and maggie kneeled down

"its time, my love" she said and she got back up as the nurse walked over and went next to becky and then pin ran in

"wait, i think i can help" pin said and iris smiled as he walked over to the nurse

"have you tried this?" he asked

"where did you get hold of that?" the nurse questioned and iris laughed. of course pin had things that he shouldn't so he could be able to save the horses.

"its a therapeutic solvent. they use it in horse racing in Ireland" he stated

"there isn't a horse on this island that pin cant heal" zoe said

"at least let him try" maggie said and pin did what he does best and everyone left the tent for him to help bob. then the curtain opened and the nurse walked out with pin

"just tell me, i can take it"becky said and iris grabbed her hand

"he'll be off riding for six months and he'll require constant medical attention which your friend has agreed to" the nurse said

"off riding for six months? you mean" becky said

"that young man just saved your horse" the nurse said and iris hugged becky as they all walked back in and iris smiled at pin

"you did it. I'm proud of you pin"iris said and he smiled at her as they all stood and watched. iris watched pin leave and she smiled at him again as he left.

she was happy but she was sick and maybe, just maybe that would change everything for better or worse.


the way I changed part of the storyline because I needed iris to be there and for something bigger to happen is crazy to me but I also love this storyline so much.

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