Iron Adventures: Flashpoint 1: Pilot

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It's night time as a city comes into view. In one area, it's completely a mess as two figures fight it out. One is speeding around the other like a maniac, the other is a giant ogre. The speedster runs straight at the ogre. Just as their punches are about to collide, the frame freezes.

Jessica: For those of you who don't know me, hi, I'm Jessica. Jessica cosmos. You guys are probably wondering why this is happening. Well, I'll tell you. But first, we need to go back to the beginning. No not to when I was born, but to how this started. It started on the day my accelerated aging finally ceased.

A meeting room of the starship Zord Carrier one. Quark And casey are setting up concessions for the party while talking about recent events.

Quark: So, let me see if I have this right. While we were planet hopping and saving worlds from the Borg, Zord Carrier one and the Enterprise was orbiting earth. Where you ran into your parents' killer, destroyed him, and Jessica got super speed. As if four of the elements weren't enough already. No offense to you or your siblings of course.

Casey: That's pretty much what happened, it's hard to believe how far Jessica has come in the first year if her life.

Quark: I'm not even going to try to understand accelerated growth, but what I want to know is why this has to be a surprise party. Trying to surprise a speedster is like trying to surprise a cybertronian fox, you just can't.

Casey: And how many speedsters have you met Quark? Besides, right now, The fleet is in an asteroid field. So Taylen and Jessica wanted to take the iron cruiser out to one of the larger asteroids to test how fast Jessica could go in space.

Quark: And you let them go?!

Casey: Relax, Siri's with them, and they've been given strict orders to stay within transporter range. So as long as they abide by that, I have no problem with letting them explore an asteroid field.

Quark: Ah huh, so how much time does that give us?

Casey: As much time as we need, Jessica and taylen seem to have wanted to run as many tests as possible, meaning, unless they get some promising results on their first try, the only reason they'll be back in a hurry is when we order their return.

Cut to iron cruiser landing site on a large asteroid. Jessica, Taylen, And siri are about to run a speed test.

Taylen: Ok Jessica, you ready to run?

Jessica: Born ready Taylen, just tell me when I can start.

Siri: Guys, I think this should be the last test we run, we've been out here for a while, and there's a pretty good chance there could be a Borg patrol vessel headed this way.

Taylen: Doubt it, Captain cosmos said that the Borg stay away from this field due to their ships not being streamlined like ours.

Jessica: Plus, we have their entire database on file on Zord Carrier one. If they had a streamlined ship, we'd know about it.

Siri: Good point.

Taylen: Alright, now that we are all done worrying about the Borg, Jessica, start your engines.

Jessica: Anything on the course that I should smash on the way?

Taylen: There is a massive boulder halfway through the course, think you can smash it to tiny pieces?

Jessica: With my speed, I can smash anything to tiny pieces.

Taylen: Also, you should try morphing into your cosmic force mode at high speed, see if the process is speedproof.

Jessica: Got it, siri, call it.

Siri: On your mark, get set, one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and, go!

Jessica speeds off and grabs her cosmic morpher from her belt.

Jessica: Go, cosmic!

She successfully morphs into her cosmic suit at superspeed. Cut to taylen and Siri. They loom over a screen watching the built in speedometer.

Taylen: Mach 4 speed already, that's faster then super iron quicksilver.

Siri: He's gonna be mad, he can only go Mach 3, and that is in his strongest suit.

Jessica continues to run as Taylen's voice comes through her helmet's Communicator.

Taylen: Alright Jessica, the Boulder is coming up, give it your best shot, destroy that boulder!

Jessica spots the boulder and immediately sets course for it.

Jessica: Time to blow that rock!

At high speed, Jessica produces several rocks of her own, sets them on fire, and flings them at the boulder. Upon doing so, the rock explodes ultimately halting Jessica's advance.

Taylen: Woah, are you ok Jessica?

Jessica: I'm fine, but I can't say the same for the rock, but maybe I could for what was in the rock.

Siri: There was something in that rock?

Jessica: A gold oval with a silver delta in it. That sound familiar to anyone?

Taylen: Hold on jessica, we'll come to you, in the meantime, Siri, you suggest we Com all this back to base?

Siri: Already on it.

The iron cruiser lifts off, a few minutes later, Jessica, Siri, and taylen loom over the mysterious object. Wondering what the heck it could be.

Taylen: It doesn't resemble anything in our database, in fact, I don't think there's any mention of it anywhere in this dimension.

Siri: Then where did it come from?

Jessica: I have no idea, but maybe we should take it back to Zord Carrier one for analysis.

Siri: Good idea, we can do a more in-depth analysis in the lab.

Taylen: Then Lets load it up.

The three of them load the object onto the iron cruiser and take off.

Cuts to the bridge of Zord Carrier one.

Jeremy: Well, time to order them back, let's get this party started.

Before he said another word, Siri's voice came over intercom

Siri: Siri to ZC1, come in.

Jeremy: We read you Siri, what's wrong?

Siri: We're on our way back with a mysterious object, request that the quarantine chamber be prepped so bashir and I can do a in-depth analysis.

Jeremy: We permit you to run speed tests and you go treasure hunting?

Siri: The object was found during testing sir, besides, it's not like there's much else to do.

Jeremy: Good point. ETA?

Siri: a few minutes.

Jeremy: See you Then, ZC1 out.

Cut to the iron cruiser entering Zord Carrier one. Behind everyone, the object starts to glow bright. When they are about to land, the object lets out a wave of energy that zips past Jessica and taylen and blasts Siri out of the pilots chair, through the window and down on to the floor of the hanger.

Jessica and taylen: Siri!

Siri gets up off the floor just as Jeremy and his siblings join her.

Jeremy: Siri?

Serena: What happened?

Casey: And why is the iron cruiser's cockpit windshield shattered?

Back aboard the iron cruiser, the object starts shaking as begins releasing some kind of growing vortex.

Jessica: What the heck is that thing doing?!

Taylen: I don't know, but let's get out of here!

Jessica and taylen start for the now open cockpit, they try to get out, but the vortex has grown to a point where it sucks in the iron cruiser with them still in it. Once the iron cruiser is out of view, the vortex closes instantly. Leaving the cosmos siblings and Siri in shock.

Casey: No, no, this isn't happening, Jessica and taylen were not just pulled into a strange vortex to who know where, this is all just a bad dream. Someone please wake me up.

Casey feels a sharp, painful poke at her back.

Casey: OW!

Casey turns around and sees Vortech transform from his key mode.

Vortech: You are wide awake Casey, it just happened.

Casey: Yeah, thanks for that captain obvious.

Siri: Well, who's have thought of this would happen?

Jeremy: let's get to the bridge, now!

Jessica: And that's how we got sucked into this mess. Now it's time for you to know the title of this show, cue the music!

Theme intro plays.

Jessica: Now hows That for a kick butt intro? We have all our main characters displayed, and what each  of them is capable of doing. Anyway, back to our story.

The vortex opens and spits out an engine damaged iron cruiser on a crash course with a green planet.

Jessica: We're losing altitude!

Taylen: We lost all engines, so what ever power we have left I'm rerouting to forward shields!

Jessica: Hurry up, I don't like how fast we're approaching that planet!

The iron cruiser leaves a trail of smoke as it falls to the ground.

Jessica: are those shields at max?

Taylen: Yes, Hopefully they keep us from dying!

The iron cruiser hits be ground hard, slides several hundred meters, then stops when it hits a tree.

Jessica and taylen both start breathing again.

Jessica: Well, I say those shields held.

Taylen: we're alive! We are actually alive!

Jessica: thank god, but now the iron cruiser is a total wreck. My mom's gonna kill us.

Fades to black.

(Note: if possible, this is a good place to allow ads)

Fades to Zord Carrier one's bridge. The cosmos siblings, Taylen's parents, and Siri step onto it.

Taylen's Dad: Captain, where are they?

Taylen's mom: are they Alright?

Jeremy: we're gonna find out, I promise you that.

Siri seats herself at her station.

Siri: running long range and short range scans for the iron cruiser, or either Jessica's or Taylen's energy signatures. One of them is bound to pop up.

The screen shows a star chart and no dots pop up.

Jeremy: Well, that's just cosmic.

Casey: I don't believe it, of all the asteroids they could've chosen, they choose the one that has the vortex generating artifact on it.

Taylen's Dad: So we are we supposed to do? Just sit back and hope that they are alright?

Jeremy: for the moment, that's all we can-

Jeremy gets an idea.

Jeremy: Siri, is the trans dimensional communicator operational?

Siri: I installed it on the iron cruiser just before we took off, and the one onboard is fully operational.

Casey: if they are in another dimension, that TDC can reach them.

Jeremy: unfortunately that's all we can do without knowing their coordinates, but at least we'll be able confirm that they're safe.

Taylen's mom: and we know that they will be able to receive it because Taylen is the best technological scientist in the galaxy.

Jeremy: Let's hope so.

Fades to black

Fades in to taylen in the wreck of the iron cruiser. Taylen is fiddling with the coms and sensors when Jessica speeds back.

Jessica: there's nothing but forest for the next 10 miles, then there's a large city, and a temple high in the sky.

Taylen: did anyone see you in that city?

Jessica: probably, but what they saw would've resembled wind. Plus, I saw a few spacecraft leaving orbit so at least they're not a primitive people, meaning, we can interact with them.

Taylen: That's Good, But, That might not matter...

The console flickered on as it powered up.

Taylen: Because I just got this communications console working again.

Static can be heard as Jeremy's voice comes through.

Jeremy: ZC1 to iron cruiser, ZC1 to iron cruiser, can anyone read us?

Taylen: we read you ZC1, we are down, but we're still alive.

Cut to Zord carrier one, Casey and Taylen's parents sighed with relief.

Jeremy: that's good to hear, is your onscreen display working?

Taylen: no, but just give us 2 seconds.

The screen went from static to showing Jessica and taylen.

Taylen: And we have a visual.

Taylen's Dad: oh, thank god you two are Alright. Do you have any idea how worried we were?

Jessica: I imagine pretty worried.

Casey: like you wouldn't believe. How's the iron cruiser?

Jessica: Well, about that, it's sort of...

Taylen: a complete and utter wreck, beyond repair.

Siri hears this and gasps.

Siri: you two crashed the iron cruiser?!

Jessica: it's not our fault, if anything, blame the object that created the vortex which damaged all our engines and spat us out too close to the ground.

Jeremy: Where's That thing now?

Taylen: still in the back of the cruiser where we left it before we got stuck here.

Taylen's mom: do you have any idea where you are exactly?

Jessica: not in the slightest, but there is a city nearby that may provide us with the answer.

Jeremy: is this city interstellar?

Jessica: 100%, from what I saw in my run, this city is as modern as you can get.

Jeremy: Good, because you two are going to need to interact with the population to find out exactly where you are.

Jessica: Good, because we don't think we can keep our sanity any other way.

Casey: in the mean time, we're gonna try our absolute hardest to find a way to get both of you home.

Taylen: That would be a wise course of action ms cosmos.

Jessica: and dont worry, we'll stay safe.

Taylen's mom: that's all we can ask of you right now. We love you.

Taylen: love you too mom.

The connection is cut.

Jessica: tay, you are the best scientific engineer in the multiverse.

Taylen: Yeah, I know, so, think we should head to that city?

Jessica: Indeed, hold on tight.

Taylen grabs hold of Jessica as she begins to run, with Taylen in tow.

Fades to black.

The end

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