Iron Adventures: Flashpoint 10 Samurai encounter

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Jessica: My name is Jessica cosmos, and I am the fastest girl alive. My best friend and I were thrown into this world, where we learned of the vermillion star, a terrorist group threatening crystal city. Together with my friends Taylen Theo And Jeffrey. I defend the city from the terrorists. Someday, me and taylen will find our way home, but for now, I am, the flash!

Theme intro plays

Fades into the forensics lab, Theo fiddling with a piece of equipment, and taylen working on her laptop, while in communication with Jarvis through her earpiece.

Taylen: Jarvis, how are those new arms working for you?

Jarvis: they are working fine miss Roberts, thanks to these my usefulness to the flashpoint brigade has increased by 50%. I'm just about done repairing Jessica's morpher.

Theo: she'll be happy to hear that. But it still took this long to repair, it still needs to be protected from flying ice shards.

Taylen: right, any ideas?

Theo: we could try applying a coat of thermal radiation on it.

Taylen: thermal radiation?

Theo: it's a type of radiation on crystola that protects electrical equipment from freezing over in cold temperatures. Nowadays it's applied as part of the assembly so that the equipment can used in any environment right away.

Jarvis: That could work, I'll need a sample to analyze to know for sure though.

Theo: craz jessica and Jeff are at the bank investigating a robbery, i can give them a call and see if they can procure a sample from the the electronics factory at the docks.

Taylen: you think they can?

Theo: the police has good relations with Electronics Inc. I'm sure they'll be happy to help.

Taylen: should we give them a cover story?

Theo: from what I've seen, craz already has a million stories already worked out.

Taylen: true. Just as long as his cover stories are stories we can actually make true to throw off tucker.

Tucker suddenly bursts through the door.

Tucker: Theo, taylen, hows That blood test result coming?

Theo: we're waiting out the equipment now, just a few more minutes.

Tucker: good. Thanks for turbocharging the lab Taylen, efficiency in this lab is up 50% now.

Taylen: it was nothing really, I just like tinkering.

Tucker: well you seem to have a natural talent for it.

Theo: yeah tay, you could probably give the top inventor in the world a run for his money.

Taylen: I wouldn't go that far.

Tucker: I would, anyway, let me know when those results are in.

Tucker leaves.

Taylen: talk about perfect timing.

Theo: thank god the lab is capable of blocking all sound going out.

Taylen: anyway, I'll give craz a call.

Cuts to the crystal city bank, Jessica examining some footprints on the ground while Jeff and craz question the witnesses.

Jeff: alright, thanks for your cooperation mr cooper.

Craz: thanks for the info ms Bellem.

Jeff and craz both head over to Jessica.

Jeff: well, we may be dealing with a new supervillain here.

Craz: their descriptions don't match any known villain appearance. Logically meaning a new villain.

Jessica: well, if it is a new villain, one of their powers might be flight. There are no footprints beyond this point and no tracks from any motor vehicles.

Jessica gets up off the ground.

Craz takes a closer look at the prints.

Craz: our perp doesn't have the power to fly, he just has a jetpack device.

Jeff: jetpack?

Craz: you can't see it but there are traces of scorch marks made by a jetpack. If they had the power of flight there wouldn't be any scorch marks.

Jessica: so he has an advantage over the flash, who can't fly, as far as we know.

Craz: why wouldn't you-

Before craz could go forward, Jeff puts his hand over craz's mouth.

Jeff: careful what you say partner. Too crowded for, that, discussion.

Craz: paranoid much?

Jessica: can't take any chances.

Craz: of course.

Craz's phone rings. Craz answers it, after a bit of chatter, craz hangs up.

Craz: Jessica you and I are going to the electronics factory at the docks. Jeff you go back to the station to report our findings.

Jessica: What?

Jeff: What was that?

Craz: Jessica and I are going to obtain some thermal radiation. I'd explain why but, too crowded.

Jeff: ok, what should I tell tucker?

Craz: nothing, we'll get back before anyone notices.

Jeff: how? You don't have a car.

Craz: I don't, but Jessica does.

Jeff realizes what craz means.

Jeff: see you when you get back.

Jeff starts for his car while craz gestures towards the alleyway nearby.

Craz: shall we?

Jessica and craz start for the alleyway.

Jessica: hands off my steering wheel, feet off my pedals, just tell me when and where to turn.

Craz: of course. No one can hear me when I'm in your driver's seat right?

Jessica: I think so.

Craz: Good, I'll explain the radiation on the way.

They get to the alleyway. Jessica transforms into her car mode and craz gets in.

Craz: turn left onto the street.

Jessica turns left into the traffic and starts going down the road.

Jessica: so, what's thermal radiation anyway?

Craz: it's a type of radiation used to keep electrical equipment from freezing over. It's applied as part of all electronic component production.

Jessica: so that it's cold resistant right out of the box. Good move.

Craz: Yes. It is a good move.

Jessica: so what do we need it for?

Craz: your AI Jarvis wants a sample to see if it can be applied to your morpher to protect against captain frost.

Jessica: that's actually a good idea. If it works, Frost won't be able to fry it with ice shards again, ugh, still sounds weird. Something fried with ice.

Craz: it shouldn't even be a thing but here we are.

A few minutes pass and Jessica parks in the parking lot of a factory. Craz gets out.

Jessica: I'll stay here in car form and keep a headlight out for trouble.

Craz: you expecting any?

Jessica: we have a new supervillain on the loose, anything's possible. And before you go, what's your story for needing a sample of radiation?

Craz: The CCPD is investigating a crime and we require a sample of thermal radiation to compare with traces we found at a crime scene.

Jessica: Good story.

Craz: I'll be back.

Craz walks off. Leaving Jessica in her car form parked in the parking lot. Jessica notices that there aren't any other cars there.

Jessica: hm, must be a visitor parking lot, School field trips.

Her onboard sensors start beeping as she notices a flying object off her rear view mirror.

Jessica: What is that thing?

The flying object suddenly sends an arc of energy on a collision course with her.

Jessica: whatever that thing is, it sure is hostile!

Having no choice, Jessica accelerates of of the way, just as the arc impacts the lot. Jessica skids to a halt still in car mode.

Jessica: ok, no more mrs nice car.

Jessica quickly finds a secluded area cut off from view.

Jessica: well, time to put my transformation suit up practice to good use

Jessica drives into the area, and changes into the sonic streaker suit while transforming to her human form. She super speeds back to the lot just in time to see the object land. She sees that it's a person wearing armor and a jetpack.

Jessica: ok what's the big idea buddy? Just slicing up a car for no reason.

Person: flash, I am samurai X, and you have the honor of being the first speedster i have ever faced!

Jessica: I take it you robbed the bank this morning?

Samurai X: to draw you out. I knew you'd be looking for me. Now, ready your weapon!

Samurai X draws his sword.

Jessica: any day of the week pal.

Jessica produces a sword Made of ice.

Cuts to craz with the manager of the facility.

Manager: lucky for you I had several canisters of thermal radiation stockpiled just in case the police ever needed a sample.

The manager hands a small canister to craz.

Craz: Thanks mr burnes. We're grateful for your cooperation.

Manager: anything to help crystal city's finest. Allow me to see you off.

Craz and manager reach the door, they walk through it to see flash and a samurai looking guy duking it out with swords.

Craz: burnes, you better get to safety.

Burnes rushes back inside while craz coms Jessica.

Craz: well it seems you were right Jessica.

Jessica leaps over samurai x and swings her sword, samurai x dodging it.

Jessica: Samurai X, anyone you know by any chance?

Craz's eyes widen.

Craz: he's from Gem City! What the frack is he doing here in crystal city?!

Before anyone can respond, samurai X suddenly swings his sword and smashs Jessica's ice sword and knocks her back.

Samurai X: you put up a better fight then I thought, but unfortunately for you this ends now!

Samurai x prepares for the final blow when craz yells at him.

Craz: hey X, you're in the wrong city!

Samurai X turns to see craz.

Samurai X: if it isn't my favorite detective. What are you doing here?

Craz: I could ask you the same question, but I'd rather provide you with a much better opponent.

Craz takes a pen out of his pocket and presses a button. Upon doing so the pen extends into a sword. Jessica's eyes widen.

Jessica: craz, What the heck are you doing?

Craz: saving you from this lunatic.

Jessica gets off the ground. Samurai X sees that he's facing opponents on both sides.

Samurai X: I'll get you detective, and then I'm coming for you flash.

Samurai x blasts off, leaving craz and Jessica. Craz puts his sword away.

Jessica: craz, What the heck was that?

Craz: That, was me saving your tailpipe from that lunatic of a samurai.

Jessica: That was crazy, you could've been killed.

Craz: maybe, but I would've been able to hold out a lot longer then you.

Jessica: what's that supposed to mean?

Craz: your swordplay was sloppy, you exposed your flank several times, and your weapon of choice, was easily shattered.

Jessica: I guess my swordplay does need a little work.

Craz: it needs a lot of work. Fortunately for you my swordplay is almost as good as that samurai's. I can teach you a thing or two.

Jessica: you will? Thank you.

Craz: but for now, let's get this radiation to your AI.

Jessica: right.

Jessica transforms into her car mode and she and craz drive off.

Fades to black.

To be continued.

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