Iron Adventures: Return Of The Titan 16

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Time in trouble once again! As Galactus prepares to complete his ultimate plan, the super iron avengers and the United military prepare their plan for ending the war. Once and for all.

    General Picard and Jeremy were in Picard's office. Discussing the plan of attack. "Thanks to your AI and that diamond of his, we have enough fighters to take out galactus' space forces." "And thanks to united intelligence, we have galactus' land base in sight." "They also said that Galactus has summoned his remaining grown force to protect it." "Right, so getting to Galactus won't be easy." "Just leave them to the United army Jeremy, you and your team just focus on rushing in, and finish what your predecessors started." "Alright, then let us begin."

    In space the remaining six star destroyers sat there, waiting. On the bridge. "Lieutenant, anything to report?" "No sir, all clear." "Sigh, I wish lord Galactus would transfer me to the ground. The only thing up here is a vast void of emptiness." The alarms suddenly sounded. "Sir, I'm detecting multiple enemy fighters, and a massive ship coming straight towards us." "Launch all fighters, and alert point base to launch all their fighters." "Copy that." The fighters were launch. "Zord carrier one this is alpha leader, mind dealing with the carriers and the moon base while we deal with the fighters." "On it." Jarvis continued towards the capital ships while the space force handled the fighters.

    At HQ. "Sir, the fighters have engaged." "Perfect, Galactus isn't getting any airstrikes or reinforcements, commander, time for the land attack." "Copy that general, commencing attack." On top of a hill, the entire United army had assembled, ready for the fight. The commander addressed his soldiers. "Alright men, this is it, galactus' army is just in front of that cave down there, our job is to battle that army, and leave fighting galactus himself to the people trained in that field, is that clear?" "Sir yes sir." "Alright, then let's give them a shock, heavy artillery, fire!" Several cannons in the rear fired, the blasts hit the galacticorps army in splashes. The shockwaves from the blasts shook the cave, alerting galactus. "Lieutenant, what's going on." "It appears to a full scale attack from the earth army." "Any sign of those pests?" "Negative sir." Several laser shots blasted all the soldiers in the cave. Followed by the super iron avengers. "Because they slipped right past you." "What?" "Don't worry, I've got this." "It's over galactus, we're taking the universe off the menu now." "Oh yeah? Well then I guess I'd better activate my time machine activated." "Not if we can destroy it first, let's use our strongest modes, it's morphing time!" "Samuraizers, activate!" "Super iron dino mode, activate!" "Somoire uniso catastros!" "Overdrive, accelerate!" They morphed into their strongest modes. "Super iron dino mode, ready!" "Stallion knight, battlizer ready!" "With the power of the power of the primes and the furious strength of a tiger, super iron America!" "With the power of ice and stealth and the wings of an eagle, super iron widow!" "With the speed like a cheetah, super iron quicksilver!" "With the power of a dragon, super iron wizard!" "With the power of the sith, and the allegiance of a panther, super iron panther!" "With the feathers of a phoenix, super iron Phoenix!" "God of Thunder with the power of an eel, super iron Thor!" "With the power of a rhino, super iron hulk!" "As unpredictable as a falcon, super iron falcon!" "With the eye of a hawk, super iron Hawkeye!" Resilient as the sea with the spirit of an ant, super iron Ant man!" "With the power of the sun, and the stealth of a jaguar, super iron man!" "With the power of magic, and the majestic unicorn, super iron witch!" "With the power of the mind, and the smash of an elephant super iron vision!" "Through the power of the force, with the senses of a bat, super iron knight!" "Racing to the rescue, with the courage of a wolf, super iron rescue ranger!" "With the slither of a snake, super iron snake eye!" "With the power of perfect camouflage, super iron chameleon!" "With courage and might, ready to fight!" "Earth's defenders." "Never surrender!"

The final battle has begun, as the fate of the universe hangs in the balance, who will emerge victorious? Find out, as the war reaches its final stretch.

To be continued.

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