Iron Adventures: Rise Of the Lantern Corps 1

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"Earth, birthplace, of the human race. It felt like yesterday, the super iron avengers had saved the earth from the evil forces of the Titan named Galactus. But with great victory, comes great loss, the super iron avengers made the ultimate sacrifice, leaving the earth somewhat defenseless, or so we thought. My name is Zach, me and my friends attend horseheads high school and little did we know, our lives were about to change, forever."

In earth's orbit, a mysterious prism soared down towards the planet, surviving earths firry atmosphere, headed toward the small town of horseheads.

In a secret cave in the mountains surrounding horseheads. "I sense the prism approaching earth, its contents will ensure that I take over the planet, ripperat, get the lantern prism, and bring it to me." "Yes m'lord, now that the super iron avengers are history, taking it will be a singe."

At horseheads high school, it was the end of the day as a kid held a backpack over his head, smaller kid jumped up and down, trying to get it back. "Come on bulk, this isn't funny anymore." "Oh yeah? Then how about we play keep away? Hey skull, catch!" The kid named bulk threw the kid's backpack high over the kid's head and over to his friend. "He he he, is wittle Monty going to go cwying to his mommy wommy?" Both bulk and skull laughed at that joke, the kid named Monty didn't. "Come on guys, please, I need to get to my bus, just give me my backpack back already." The hallway suddenly became quiet. As all eyes in the hall turned to one kid, whom bulk and skull recognized instantly. "Well well well." Bulk dropped the backpack skull has thrown back to him as he stepped closer towards the kid. "If it isn't mr. goodie two shoes popular kid Zach Gazelion." "Come on bulk, let Monty have his backpack back, and be on his way." "I don't remember giving you permission to give me orders Gazelion." "Oh that is not an order, it was a friendly request that requires no response, just a simple movement." "Oh, a simple movement, well, how's this for a simple movement!" Bulk sung his fist up, intending to punch Zach out cold, but Zach simply moved to the side and bulk went flying up and crashing to the ground, followed by laughter around he hallway. "Come on bulk, just stop before you embarrass yourself even further." Bulk got up and skull rushed to his side. "This isn't over Gazelion, not by a long shot!" Bulk and skull walked off, leaving the hallway. Monty picked up his backpack and approached Zach. "Thanks Zach, that was amazing." "No problem Monty, now, run along, you have a bus to catch." "Right, see ya later Zach." Monty ran off, while two more people approached Zach. "Hey Zach, you chased off bulk an skull, again." "Brian, Justin, how's it going?" "Great, I just finished my latest invention, the convertible hoverboard." Justin took out a small cube from his pocket and held it up for brain and Zach to see. "Uh, dude, it's just a cube." "Remember how I said it was a convertible hover board, but we should probably go outside." The three of them exited the building, from behind a wall, a girl watched them leave. "Sigh, Zach, so brace, so handsome, we are so soulmates." "Hey Ashley." A voice from from behind the girl named Ashley said. Surprised, Ashley turned and saw her best friend Molly. "Molly! Hey, how're you doing?" "Good, but more importantly, what are you doing?" "Well, certainly not spying on Zach gazelion, the awesomest guy in all of horseheads high school, definitely not doing that." "Mm hm, so, what has Justin invented this time?" "A convertible hoverboard." "Ah, and how would you know that if you weren't being a spy?" "Ugh, alright fine, you got me, yes I was spying." "Well, I have a better idea, how about we go see what that hover board is all about?" Both Molly and Ashley followed the trio outside.

Outside in the bus pickup zone, Justin placed the cube onto the ground. "Gentlemen, I present to you, the latest in travel technology, the convertible hoverboard!" The cube started to transform and grow, in a few seconds, it was full sized hoverboard that looked like it could hold at least 3 people. "Wow dude, you've really outdone yourself this time." "Thanks, and the best part, it's as strong as a freight train, and faster then a rocket, and if you have a whole party of people, the board can be extended to the required length." "Cool!" All of a sudden, all three of them heard a thunder noise in the sky. They looked up and saw a multicolored beam of light soar through the sky and crash down in the woods adjacent to the school. "Whoa, guys did you just see that?" "A mysterious glow crash down into the forest, yeah." "Think we should check it out?" Justin got on the hoverboard. "All aboard." Brian and Zach got on behind him and the hoverboard zoomed on into the forest. Catching the attention of Ashley and Molly. "What, did you just see that?" "They ran off into the forest." "Should we go after them?" "Let's hurry!" Both of them raced off after the boys.

In the forest, the monster named ripperat searched through the forest, searching for the prism. "Where is it, it's got to be here somewhere!" He saw something in the distance, it was glowing in multiple different colors. "Ha, there it is!" He ran over to the prism, and saw that it had 9 little circles in it. "All the power rings are still inside, now, lord galvamax will become the ruler of the earth! Ha ha ha!" He kept laughing until the boy trio slammed the hover board right into him. "Sorry pal, but just because the super avengers are gone, that doesn't mean you get to come in and take over." The monster slammed into a tree, Zach Justin and Brian disembarked from the hoverboard just as Molly and Ashley caught up with them. They saw the monster and panicked. "Oh dear lord, is that an alien monster." "Whatever it is, you two shouldn't be here." "We came in here after you, you three can't run off to some forest and not have some one watching your backs." "Uh, guys, the monster is getting up." The monster got to his feet. "Grah, ok, now, I'm angry!" Justin suddenly noticed something glowing brightly, it was 5 of the rings in the prism. "Hey guys, over there." All 5 of them approached the prism. "There's, something in there, but what?" "They look like, rings?" Zach reached out and into the prism, pulling out the red ring. The others followed his lead. Brian pulled out the blue power ring, Justin pulled out the green power ring, Molly pulled out the yellow power ring, and Ashley pulled out the pink power ring. Much to the dismay of the monster. "Hey! Those don't belong to you, give them back!" Zach examined the red power ring. "Whatever these things are, I think they don't belong to this monster." "But how are we supposed to keep these from him?" As if to answer Ashley's question, 5 flat objects with handles on the backs of them appeared. "I think we are about to find out." The monster was getting madder and madder. "No, I will not let you access the power of those rings!" He charged at the 5. "Uh, guys, might I suggest we put these rings into these thingies and see what happens?" "Alright, lets lock'em in guys." Zach put his ring into the object, the others followed his lead. "Power rings, lock in!" They then closed the hatch on the object and pressed the button it produced. "Activate, let it light!" The objects began to glow and so did their bodies. "What's happening?!"

The earth is under siege literally days after the super iron avengers defeated Galactus, will a new team emerge to face this threat? Find out, as a whole new battle begins.

To be continued.

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