Iron Adventures: Rise Of the Lantern Corps 7

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The war goes on as Galvamax's minions locate a way into an ancient and powerful warship.

Galvamax and his entourage came up to a small ravine on the outskirts of town. "Within moments, we will be within the most powerful ship on this planet, and soon, the rangers will tremble at its very name." "Uh, sir, are you actually planning on launching the ship?" "Horseheads will be annihilated as a result, speaking of annihilation, that reminds me, I've come up with a surefire way to destroy those rangers, and they'll never see it coming."

Later that day, at an orphanage for babies, a married couple walked in and were met by the orphanage director. "Ah, mr and mrs gazelion, great to finally meet you, I'm miss puff, I will be assisting you through the process of adopting your new little son." "Thank you for receiving us. Ever since our older son started to feel lonely around our house, we thought he'd love a baby brother." "Well then, of you'll please follow me." Unbeknownst to them, Galvamax's latest monster, which looked miraculously like a baby, had scared off the other babies in an effort to ensure his plan would work. And sure enough, within the hour, he was 'adopted' by the gazelions.

Underground in the secret lantern corps base. Zach and Justin were training by sword fighting with their lantern sabers. All of a sudden, zach's phone rang. "Hm, wonder whose calling." Zach picked up his phone and answered it. "Hello?" A lot of chatter. "Ok, see you in a bit." Zach hung up. "Sorry justin, I have to split, my parents want me home for some reason." "Alright man, see ya later." "Later dude."

Zach biked home and immediately noticed something was up. Zach's nose twitched. "Why does it smell like a new baby is around here?" Zach got off his bike and entered his house. "I'm home!" "We're in the kitchen honey." Zach made his way into the kitchen, and immediately got his answer to why it smelled like a new baby was around. "Hey Zach, meet your new baby brother!" "My baby brother?!" "You did say you wanted a little brother right?" "Yes, but this is so unexpected." "That's the point of a surprise." He baby started crying. And all of a sudden it smelled like a skunk stunk up he room. "Ooh, little Toby needs a diaper change hank." "On it Lisa." Zach's dad took little Toby to get a diaper change, while all Zach could think about was. "Why does the baby have glowing green eyes?"

The next few weeks were crazy for the gazelion family, particularly in the new baby department, Toby needed so much attention, Zach had to start taking little Toby to school with him just to get Toby to not cry. And while his friends thought Toby was adorable in the suit and tie everyday, Zach was getting sick of having to tend to Toby during each and every class he was in. Then one day, Zach took a trip down to the lantern corps base, and of course, Toby came with him. Zach entered the base through the exit door so he could wheel Toby in his stroller. All the other Rangers and mick were already down there and of course, they all huddled around the adorable Toby. "Zach, your parents did the right thing to adopt this little cutie." "Yeah, but does anyone else find the glowing green eyes a little freaky?" "Yeah, but that could mean any number of things." "Besides, if he was a monster of Galvamax, the automated defense turrets would've kicked in." Just as mick said that, the alarm started to go off. "A monster attack?" Mick checked the monitors. "No, it must be some kind of miraculous accident." Auto turrets popped down from the ceiling and aimed their barrels right at little toby. "Mick, shut the defenses down!" "I'm trying." Much franticly tapped at a keyboard, meanwhile the guns were charging up. After a few seconds, the auto turrets were ready to fire. "I can't shut them down in time!" Zach unstrapped toby from his stroller and got beneath a table, just as the auto turrets fired, destroying the stroller. After that, mick shut down the system. The auto turrets ceased fire. "Phew, that was way too close." Mick began checking the program for any possible errors. "There's nothing wrong with the program." "So why in tarnation did the guns just randomly open up and fire?" Ashley suddenly noticed something was missing. "Hey Zach, where's Toby?" Zach looked down and saw that Toby wasn't in his arms anymore. All eyes turned to where the lantern power prism would be, and it wasn't there anymore. "Take a wild guess what happened." "Toby is actually a monster of galvamax's and was sent to steal the prism." "I knew there was something off about him!" "I just don't know how your parents didn't see it Zach." "Mick, can you whip up a mind eraser, because I sure can't explain where that little runt is gonna be in the next few hours." "I'll get right on it, just get that prism back."

In the cave, Galvamax for the news from his new command center on the ark. "Yes! Babyneer did it!"

On the streets of horseheads, toby, AKA babyneer, held the prism above his head as he weaved in and out of sidewalk traffic, with the Rangers not far behind him. "I gotta give it to him, he's fast for a baby monster!" "He can't outrun us for long." Babyneer saw that he was being pursued. And he laughed. "Ha ha ha, you rangers never saw it coming, now Galvamax will destroy you when I deliver the prism to him." The Rangers continued pursuit. Babyneer turned a corner and realized he made a big mistake when he saw a dead end. The Rangers quickly blocked his way out. "Bad move little one." "Nice try toby, but the prism will never reach galvamax." "Are you so sure about that?" Into his com. "Galvamax, I need to be gigantified!" On the bridge of the ark. "Creepox, has the gigantifier been installed?" "Yes sir." "Then gigantify!" Creepox pressed a button, and babyneer grew to mega level, and changing into a more monstrous form in the process. "Right into mega mode eh." "Its lantern time!" "Power rings, lock in!" They locked their rings and pressed the button. "Activate, let it light!" They morphed into their ranger modes. "Alright everyone, let's get that prism back!" All of a sudden, a bunch of kudobots came out of hiding and attacked. "Zach, we'll deal with these scrapheads, go deal with your ex-brother." "Right, zord coin, lock in!" He locked his zord coin in. "Lantern boxer zord, out of the darkness!" The red boxer zord came out of hiding and ran toward babyneer. Zach jumped in. "Alright toby, this is going to end here, and now!" "I am Toby no longer, I am babyneer!" Zach charged at him. "Robo boxer punch!" The boxer zord sent a fury of punches at babyneer, to zach's utter shock, the punches went straight through babyneer as if he was made of jelly. "Ha ha ha, being a boneless baby does have its advantages!" He began punching at the robo boxer, and landing all his punches. "Gah, this is one tough baby."

Back on the ground, the Rangers finished off the kudobots. "And that's the last of them." "Now we can help zach defeat his brother." "Let's call in the cavalry!" "Zord coins, lock in!" They locked in their zord coins. "Lantern zords, out of the darkness!" The remaining 5 lantern zords came out of hiding and rushed into the battle. They intended to slam into babyneer to knock him back, but just as zach's punches had no affect, neither did the 5 zord ram. "What?" "It had no effect!" "Ha ha ha, fools, I am invincible!" "That's what you think, but let's see you try to get out of this, Astro zord coin, lock in!" Zach locked the Astro zord coin into his morpher. "Astro lantern zord, out of the darkness!" The Astro zord came out of nowhere and attacked babyneer, landing its shots and actually dealing damage to him. "Gah, hey, what's the big idea?!" "The big idea, is that you're about to hand over the prism, or else!" Babyneer laughed. "Or else what?" "Lets who him, Astro lantern corpse megazord, combine!" The Astro lantern corps megazord combined. "Hey guys, mind if I get into the fray?" "Not at all Levi, Astro lantern corps megazord, bison rider mode!" The megazord hopped onto the back of the bison zord, riding it like an an actual four wheeler. "Astro bison lantern corps megazord, bison rider mode, ready!" Galvamax watched the screen and was shocked. "What?!" Babyneer just charged. "No matter what you have, you can't destroy me when I have the prism in hand!" "Wanna bet? Let's see what this thing can do!" The bison zord began racing around babyneer, the lantern corps megazord shooting its blaster at him when it could. "Yes, we're finally doing some real damage to him." "Now let's finish this!" "Right, Astro bison lantern corps megazord, rev up and charge up!" The horns of the bison zord began to glow as the Astro blaster began to charge up. "Astro bison lantern corps megazord, final charging attack!" The Astro blaster fired as the whole thing charged at babyneer and collided with him. "Gaaaaahhh!" Babyneer exploded, and the prism fell to the ground, undamaged. "Yes, we did it!" "Lantern Rangers, that's a bright win!"

In the ark. "Gah, I was so close, so very very close!" Creepox entered the bridge. "Sir, our engineers report that the damage to the ark is repairable, but we'll need parts that we can find in horseheads." "Get a shopping list written up, each monster attack form here on out will be diversions for the recovery team to get the required parts."

In the lantern corps base, the prism was back where it belonged. "There, that was a close one." "I'll say, I can't believe we fell for galvamax's monster baby." "Yeah, but, we're ready for next time." Mick entered the room. "Got the memory eraser all finished, so that baby won't be missed for much longer." Zach's phone rang. He answered it. "Hello?" A bunch of chatter that sounded like yelling. "Ok ok, I'll be home in a bit." The connection was cut. "Well, here comes the hard part." "You sure you don't want one of us to do it zach?" "Thanks, but its best if I do it." Zach took the memory eraser and headed out.

It was well past nine pm when zach got home, and the second he did, his parents started pampering him with questions. "There you are zach, where've you been?" "Who were you wth?" "Where's Toby?" "Where'd you leave him?" Before they could ask anymore questions, zach activated the memory eraser and his parents stopped asking questions, and anything having to do with the baby monster was removed from the gazelion house simultaneously.

Galvamax was close to getting the prism, but he will have to fight harder for it, meanwhile, the ark is undergoing repairs for liftoff, how will that try out? Find out, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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