Iron Adventures: Cybertron 12

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"Station security log, stardate 1871.7, the job of a security officer is never done, my work consists of interrogations, arrests, espionage on the station, and confiscations, which is what I'm about to perform right now."

Security chief Odo made his way to the infirmary, where he found Alice sitting in a waiting chair. "Madam Morgan, I'm Odo, Chief of security on this station, I've been ordered to ask for the flower you currently have in your hair." Alice stood up and stared at Odo. "For what purpose?" "We believe that there may be something hidden in there that may have caused this entire thing." "What? How dare you accuse me of causing this catastrophe, why would I want to hurt my own daughter?" "Relax madam, I'm not accusing you, if anything I'm accusing the flower, now, please hand it over." Alice reluctantly pulled her flower out of her hair and gave it to Odo. "If you damage it, I will hold you personally responsible." "Don't worry, it'll remain untouched."

Garak was in his shop, continuing to replace his eaten merchandise when he heard the bell ring, he looked up to see Serena and Jessica. "Ah, if it isn't the master of earth and her niece, welcome to auto fashion, where we make the fashion future, How may I help you?" "Garak, we need your knowledge." "Con knowledge? How can I help?" "Cybertronian cloud viruses, ring any bells with the cons?" "Oh, so that's why the super iron avengers are in the infirmary, Yes, the cons have a chip that can deploy the dreadful virus." "How did the cons sneak it in?"

Flashback to two nights ago.

"Ha Ha Ha, this is my most diabolical plan yet, my first officer's mother is coming, meaning I've got the perfect opportunity to eliminate those brats, once and for all!" Overdrive placed the chip on the transporter pad, then beamed it to the astronomically precise coordinates of Alice's flower. He then proceeded to erase the event from the computer to cover up his tracks. "Now it's only a matter of time."

Flash forward back to the present.

"Best guess, cons beamed it in." Serena reached into her pocket and pulled out the chip. "You know how this works?" "Its programmed with a target and when it's in a certain proximity to that target, it releases the cloud." "And then spreads to all others like that target?" "Yes, Speaking of, I see you have the target on right now?" "Our AI siri is currently ejecting the virus from their systems, so this thing isn't harming anyone anymore." "Yes, But it also has a secondary and tertiary function, the second is that it's a listening device, and." The chip suddenly started to shake. "It also has the ability to turn into a con grunt." The chip blasted smoke as it grew to the size of a con grunt. The smoke cleared and the con was laughing. "Ha Ha Ha, you auto losers are now toast! I now know where your base is!" The con jumped off the table and began running. "Hey!" Garak got out from under his desk. "Serena, might I suggest leaving Jessica with me? I need to fit her for her new school uniform anyway." Serena turned to Jessica. "You be a good girl for mr. Garak ok?" "Alright, now go get that meanie head."

The con was charging through the promenade, with Serena close behind him. Odo tried to intercept the con. "You are breaking so many station laws right now! Surrender and prepare for detainment!" The con just kept charging, tearing through the security line. "I ain't stopping for anyone!" Serena rushed up to the security force. "If That con gets to the transporter pad, this whole station will be destroyed." "Don't worry Odo, That con's going down, whether he likes it or not." "You chase after him, I'll make sure chief O'Brien cuts power to the transporters." Serena and Odo ran off in different directions. Serena closed in on the con, who actually ran past the transporter and made his way to the docking bay. Serena tapped her Autobot combadge. "Commander overdrive, have all ships undock from the station, we have a con trying to escape!" "On it Serena, I'm also gonna send everyone we've got after him." "He knows that this is an Autobot base, so that would probably be a good idea." Serena cut the connection and continued running. The con looked behind him and saw that Serena was still on him. "Impressive you little brat, But you're never going to catch me!" Serena readied herself. "I'm not so sure about that, rock slide!" Serena blasted rocks at the con, knocking him off his feet, thereby halting his escape. "You still think you're gonna get away? Now, tell me how to get the cybertronian cloud out of my friends." "The only way to do that is to destroy me, and I will not allow that!" All of a sudden, he faded away. Leaving Serena with empty space. "Blast, siri, locate that con!" "He's in the sea of rust." "Thanks, you think I'm ready to morph siri?" "That's why you have the ironizer on." "Good, Because I'm gonna need it."

The con phased within firing range of the sea of rust outpost. "Perfect, I can succeed in the failed first attack, and ensure the autobots' destruction, once and for all!" He was suddenly struck by a bunch of rocks flung at him. "Too bad it's never gonna happen eavesdropper!" The com turned and was surprised to see Serena so soon. "Your persistence is impressive brat I'll give you that, but no amount of rocks can keep me down!" All of a sudden, dozens of con grunts phased in all around the con grunt, much to Serena's surprise. "Woah, I see you called for backup." "Ha Ha Ha, what's wrong? Is a little girl scared of a few playmates?" "Au contraire, this is exactly the kind of warmup I've been looking for, Looks like it's my turn to morph." She readied her ironizer. "Avengers, assemble!" She morphed into her new super iron suit of armor, the energy released from the change destroyed several of the dozens of cons that surrounded her. "One With The earth that makes up the universe, super iron groot!" The con just laughed. "Ha, a simple costume change won't save you now! Let's get'er boys!" The cons began charging. Serena readied her new blasters. "Time to test these bad boys out, rock blast!" She fired at the incoming cons

In the infirmary, Doctor Bashir took hold of a test tube. "Alright, this probably won't work for everyone here, but hopefully it will work for the cybertronian SIA." He handed out 3 test tubes to his assistants and proceeded to inject Jeremy with the contents of his test tube. Within a moment, the cure was working and jeremy slowly came to. "Ugh, what happened?" "Rise and shine, your ironizers fizzled out and knocked you all unconscious. Luckily though, I've found a cure for the cloud, for cybertronians, I still need to make it work for humans. But the important thing is that you are all alive." "How did our ironizers malfunction?" "A decepticon chip, which was unknowingly hidden inside madam Morgan's flower, released a virus that caused your ironizers to stun all of you, fortunately Serena wasn't wearing one at the time otherwise she and Siri wouldn't have fixed the problem." "Siri? I thought she was playing Ambassador?" Alice stormed in. "Not anymore." She stormed over to Jeremy's bed. "You've got a lot of nerve turning the rank of ambassador into a joke." Jeremy got up. "Excuse me?" "Don't play innocent, Quark told me how you and my daughter were planning to turn my rank against me." Isabella got out of bed. "It was only to help you out of the phase." "Did I ask for your help? No, so I have no idea why you would do something as stupid as that." "We did it because we wanted to help you through the phase quickly, you told me once that the phase was a dreaded thing." "But That didn't give you permission to turn the title of Ambassador into a joke now did it" "It wasn't supposed to be a joke mom." "I am the daughter of the fifth house of Cybertron, holder of the sacred chalice of t-cogs, and I do not like being turned into a joke Isabella Morgan!" Commander overdrive rushed in unexpectedly. Seeing that Jeremy Casey Craig and Isabella were cured, he smiled. "Good, some of you are up, we've got a big problem, a con knows that this station is an Autobot base, and he and his friends are giving Serena an unfair fight." "Serena's down there alone?" "She was all we could spare, you 4 had better get down there and help." The cybertronian SIA members went to the lab to grab their ironizers. "Siri, did you pget these things working again?" "Yes Jeremy." "Alright, let's go guys." Isabella strapped on her ironizer as she faced her mother. "Two hours, my quarters, you and I are going to have a long talk about your behavior over the years." The four cured super iron avengers rushed out of the infirmary.

Back in the sea of rust, Serena was throwing everything she had at the con platoon, but it just didn't seem like enough. The con grunt dodged everything that came his way and laughed. "Ha Ha, Without the rest of your friends, you can't take us all on can you?" All of a sudden, bolts of fire, ice, lightning, and rainbows came flying at the platoon, demolishing several troops. These bolts were followed by the vehicle forms of Jeremy Casey Craig and Isabella, who ran over the grunts and stopped beside Serena. "Going off to fight grunts on your own, are you crazy?" "I honestly didn't think this would happen, I thought it was only going to be the one grunt." "Well, let this be a lesson, never go to Cybertron alone during wartime." "Good lesson jeremy, now, let's hurry up and finish this!"

To be continued.

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