Iron Adventures: Cybertron 18

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"Co-first officers log, stardate 1792.89. The total evacuation of space station alpha is nearing completion, and the complete defensive upgrade of SSA's defense systems is proceeding as planned, but, something has just come up that could compromise everything we've done to prepare for battle."

Megatronus appeared on overdrive's screen. "My lord. What is thy bidding?" "Listen you incompetent pest, I hear you are going to attack space station alpha." "Yes my lord, we've discovered that it is actually Autobot headquarters, we're giving them time to evacuate the civilians, then we'll blow them to pieces." "Before you do that, you should beam me off the station so that you won't destroy me in the process." "You're on the station?" "I command the station." Megatronus's eyes widened. "Overdrive! I've been takin orders from you?! I didn't think you had it in you sir." "When you are ready to beam me out, contact me." The connection was cut. Overdrive turned to look out the window. "Finally, after all these years, I will finally control Cybertron, and primus, once the autobots fall, my borg forces will annihilate the decepticons, then no one can stand in my way! Ha ha ha ha!" He heard someone familiar cleat his throat loudly. Overdrive slowly turned and saw Jeremy standing on front of the door. Tapping his foot. "Jeremy, hey, he he, how much did you hear?" "Oh, only all of it after Megatronus hung up." "Wow, I must be of been really getting into character there for a second, I'm gonna nail my role as the villain in the new movie-" "Oh just stop it Overdrive, the jig is up, and now you know what needs to happen." Jeremy pointed a fire pistol at overdrive. "Come quietly and we won't harm you." "He he he, do you really think it'll be that easy jeremy?" Overdrive suddenly rushed at Jeremy and shoved him out of the way, he then dashed out the door, leaving Jeremy on the dust. "Attention, this is co-first officer Jeremy, Commander overdrive has turned, initiate lock down sequence!"

Isabella had gathered the rest of the super iron avengers together when Jeremy gave that order. "Overdrive has turned?" "Would Jeremy ever lie to us? Let's get this station locked down now!" The super iron avengers and autobots began working to lock down every exit off the station. Overdrive passed one looked down door after the other. Trying to find an exit that wasn't locked down yet. Right behind him. Jeremy had used his jet mode to catch up to him. "Overdrive, there's no way your getting off this station without one hell of a fight!" Overdrive looked behind him. "Who said anything about fighting?" Overdrive noticed that the rest of the super iron avengers blocked his path. "Says the team that you mistakenly summoned to defeat the cons, now surrender, we've got you surrounded." Overdrive was indeed surrounded by both the super iron avengers and the autobots, who all had their guns pointed at him. "Well, looks like I'm not getting off this station by foot." Overdrive pressed a button on his wrist. "So I'll just beam out!" Overdrive phased away before anyone could stop him. "Grr, he got away." "I can't believe it, Overdrive was the mole who fed the cons info on our actions." "How could we not see it?" "He's a good actor, but, now we actually have a chance." "But who will lead us now?" "Well, it's traditional in any army that if the leader is unfit for duty, the second in command usually takes over." All eyes turned to Isabella. "Why is everyone looking at me?" "We're waiting for your orders." "Me, I-I can't lead the autobots, I-I just can't." Isabella ran off. "Isabella!" Jeremy ran off after her. Odo shook his head. "Well, if Isabella doesn't have anything for us, I guess we should just get back to what we were doing before this whole thing began." Everyone went back to what they were doing.

Jeremy ran up to Isabella's quarters. "Isabella, are you in there?" No answer. "Come on Isabella, talk to me." Again, no answer. Jeremy punched a few buttons on the keypad beside Isabella's door and it opened. Jeremy stepped in and found Isabella crying on the floor. "Isabella? What wrong?" Isabella looked up at Jeremy. "I trusted him with my life jeremy, I thought he was the only person I could truly trust, and then he's actually a decepticon." Jeremy sat down next to her. "Actually he's Borg, he's manipulated the cybertronians to turn against and destroy each other so the Borg will destroy what's left without any resistance." "Well, then he's succeeded at that, we're at war, and the final battle will be fought here, tomorrow. After that, the Borg come in and crush what's left, and that's it, Overdrive wins." "That won't happen isabella, the super iron avengers won't allow it to happen, but we will need the help of the autobots to defeat the cons, and the autobots need a leader." "Leaders aren't supposed to be easily fooled, I was. So therefore, we can conclude that I am not a leader." "Don't, say that. Remember when we first met, I was captured and was almost turned into a power source. Who led the successful rescue mission?" "Me." "And who's proven in countless battles that they will overcome anything the enemy threw at them? No matter how difficult it may seem?" "Me." "And who has shown the masters of fire, ice, and lightning what it truly means to be of Cybertron?" "Me." "So you see Isabella? You are just as capable of leading as overdrive, hell, you're more capable then he will ever be, simply because he was only acting, you are giving everything you've got to protect Cybertron. And if you need anything at all, I'll be here to help you through it." Isabella stared at jeremy for several seconds. "Thanks Jeremy, that means a lot to me." "Now, are you going to let overdrive get to you like this?" "No." "Then come on, show him, show the dimension what Isabella Morgan can do." Jeremy held out his hand. Isabella took it and they both exited Isabella's quarters together.

In the decepticon fortress, overdrive landed in front of the entrance, transformed from his starship mode to his cybertronian mode, and entered the fortress. "Megatronus!" Megatronus dashed over to overdrive. "M'lord, welcome to my humble home." "Silence, assemble our forces, we attack that pitiable station NOW!" "Now Sir?" "Now Now NOW!" "Yes Sir."

Isabella And jeremy entered isabella's new office. "First thing's first, lets check the office computer system, see if overdrive left anything behind." "Agreed, lets see if there's anything we can do to even the odds against the cons." "Alright, computer, access any and all files created by Commander overdrive, authorization code Isabella 6246813579." The computer got to work. "Accessing." Streams of data started filling the screen. Battle plans, schematics, even officer profiles. "I don't believe it, he actually had access to be entire decepticon database." "Now, So do we." Isabella and Jeremy started scrolling through the data. After a few minutes, they came across something interesting. "Hold on, go up a little, did that file say Cosmos?" Isabella zoomed in on one file. "Yes, it does." "I don't believe it, the cons had our entire family history on file." "Should we?" "Let's save it for when we end this war, we don't have the time to-" the station suddenly rocked violently. Odo rushed into the office. "Ma'am, The cons have begun their assault."

To be continued.

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