Iron Adventures: Cybertron 2

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"Co-first officers log, stardate 1859.6, it's been 2 days since my team and I arrived on cybertron, and we have already engaged the decepticons in numerous battles. For probable reasons pertaining to our successful recapture of the Allspark, the decepticons are retaliating more frequently then commander overdrive expected, but it's nothing me and my friends can't handle."

On cybertron, an autobots outpost was under attack. On the space station. "Autobot outpost 31 under attack, threat, decepticons. Threat level, extreme. Super iron avengers to deal with it." The super iron avengers and Isabella met at the transporter room. "This makes 10 decepticon attacks in two days." "They won't rest until they get their revenge." "Was the reality dimension decepticon cell this ruthless jeremy?" "No Isabella they were not. But they did inflict one serious injury." "What was that?" "They shot shrapnel into my chest that nearly killed me." "How did you survive?" "Our AI Jarvis made an electromagnetic device to suspend what shrapnel couldn't be removed." "And they've been there ever since?" "Yes, Doctor bashir has offered to remove the rest of the shrapnel, as well as replace my t-cog, but we already have a super iron avenger in the infirmary, so I'd like to wait until Casey is back in action before considering his offer." "Speaking of, how's Casey recovering?" "Her estimated discharge time hasn't been extended, and hopefully it will be shortened." "I hope so too, ensign, you've got the attack coordinates?" "Aye ma'am." "Then energize." The super iron avengers were phased out.

In the infirmary, doctor bashir was running scans on the combined keys that came from Primus himself, with the help of Casey. "These four keys seem to be reeking with matrix energy." "Yeah, and according to the micrometer, they each have a different symbol imprinted on them." "Do you know what they mean, by any chance?" "Not at a glance, but I have seen these symbols before, they are symbols used by the Japanese, a culture of humans use a different verbal and written communication system from the english language." "Intriguing, tell me, would your fleet carrier have the symbols and their meanings in its database?" "It should, I'll look into it once you clear me for active duty." "If we can determine what those symbols mean, it might give us a clue to help us find your long lost sibling." "I doubt it, I may not an expert in the Japanese language, but I don't think these symbols represent pieces of a set of coordinates." "Well, we shall soon know." Right then, one of the autobot medics under Bashir's command entered the room. "Sir, something's just come up that you need to see." "Excuse me Casey." Bashir followed the medic to the main medical computer. "Sir, I've been looking over the scans from Casey's last examination, the good news is Casey's arm should be all healed tomorrow, but something's cropped up that definitely wasn't there before." "If you have something to say lieutenant, just spit it out." "To put it simply, Casey is pregnant." Bashir's eyes widened. "Pregnant? Are you sure?" "Positive." The lieutenant tapped at a keyboard and the screen showed a side by side scan. "The one on the left is the result from the examination before the allspark returned to the core, the one on the right is the one we just did today, there's no doubt about it, one of those tiny sparks made its way to Casey." "But usually its several weeks into the pregnancy before we get a image like this. What's causing this acceleration?" "I don't know sir, but what ever it is, it's causing it to accelerate faster by the hour." "Lieutenant, you have the infirmary, I gotta go see commander overdrive." Bashir rushed out of the infirmary.

On cybertron, the super iron avengers had already defeated the con grunts and were focusing their efforts on the commander. "Grah, you will pay for stealing our power source you super brats!" Jeremy and Craig fired fireballs and lightning bolts at the commander. "We can keep teaching you cons a lesson all week, it's never, ever going to change." Isabella fired her suit's arm gauntlets at the con direct hit. "Jeremy, how about powering up to super matrix mode and finishing this con." "Good idea Isabella, vortech, super matrix time!" Vortech jumped into the air as he transformed to his key mode. "Matrix of leadership, full power!" The matrix projected the matrix morpher into Jeremy's wrist as he caught vortech and inserted him into the morpher. "Super matrix mode, activate!" The six weapons of the matrix of leadership flew out of the morpher and clamped themselves to his body. "Super matrix mode, ready!" The con turned confused. "What the hell are you supposed to be? A walking tool chest?!" "Not exactly, star saber, charging!" The star saber powered up. "Star saber, star slash!" Jeremy swung the star saber and sent a blue arc of energy straight at the con, destroying it on contact. Much to the dismay of megatronus. "Those super pests destroyed overload, then lets see them deal with our massive scale, fire the magma beam!" The decepticon fortress, a top turret fired a beam into the sky, the beam hit a satellite and ricocheted back towards the surface, hitting the commander. The con was revived and enlarged. "How do you like me now you pests!" The super iron avengers gasped. "I was wondering when they were going to pull that trick." "Looks like its time for your first lesson in megazord combat Isabella." "I've been waiting for this." "Jeremy, let's use the omega zord." "Good idea, with the power of the primes, summon omega zord!" In zord carrier one, the omega zord lit up as it took off towards the battle. Once there, it flew low enough that the super iron avengers were able to jump into it. "Ok, lets turn this con into scrapmetal!" "Activate omega prime megazord!" The omega zord split apart and reconfigured itself into its robot mode. "Iron super drive saber, activate!" The iron super drive saber phased into Jeremy's hand. "Iron super drive, activate!" All 18 armored suits bulked up. "Battle mode, engage!" Isabella looked around excitedly. "Woah, and I thought just morphing into the costume was exhilarating." "Think you can handle it Isabella?" "You bet jeremy." The omega prime megazord attacked.

On the top floor of the station, commander overdrive was looming over reports on his desk when the bell rang. "Enter." Doctor bashir opened the door and entered. "Commander." "Doctor bashir, how are you today?" "I'm fine thank you for asking, but something interesting has cropped up, concerning super iron widow." "Casey? She's recovering isn't she?" "She's due to be discharged tomorrow, but that might be delayed." "Why?" "Because somehow, a spark from the well of Allsparks made its way up to this station, and settled inside Casey, not only that, but the fetus is growing at an unusually accelerated rate, the cause is unknown, but there's going to be a fourth cosmos running around here by the end of next week." "Assuming we haven't located the sister of Jeremy Casey and Craig by then?" "Yes sir." "Well, thank you for bringing this to my attention, but try not to worry doctor, this is a thrilling moment for Casey, try not to ruin it for her." "I'll try, but I don't like not being prepared for this." "The baby is just going to be born sooner then normal, there's nothing wrong with that." "I suppose sir, but I can't shake the feeling that there's more to this then meets the eye." "Does Casey know yet?" "Not yet, I think it's better if I broke the news to her while her friends and family are with her." "Smart, the comfort will help ease the shock." "I'll let you know when I've learned more." "I know you will, dismissed." Doctor bashir exited overdrive's office.

Back on cybertron, the mega battle was still going on. "Woah, this guy's out of control." "Then I suggest racking up our own power." "Good idea vortech." Jeremy inserted vortech into the megazord's keyhole. "Activate omega prime megazord, brachio-tiger formation!" The brachiozord and Jeremy's animal spirit zord jumped out of the omega prime megazord's chest, split apart, and clamped onto the omega prime megazord. "Omega prime megazord, brachio tiger formation ready!" The con just continued to attack." "Merely adding armor isn't enough to stop me!" "That's what you think. Iron super drive saber, power up!" The saber started to glow. "Iron super drive." "Omega fury attack!" The megazord swung its axe and the con was sliced in half, effectively destroying it. "Yes!" "That was awesome!" "Super iron avengers, decepticon, deactivated!"

At the fortress. "I have never seen such weakness!" "But sir, the super iron avengers are more powerful then we thought." "Silence! Leave me be!" "Yes lord megatronus, as you command." The grunt scurried off. Leaving megatronus alone. "Grr, now I have to deal with my benefactor, he is not going to be happy."

Doctor bashir had just gotten word that the super iron avengers had just beamed back to the station. "Computer, where are jeremy and craig cosmos?" "Co-first officer Jeremy cosmos is at quarks bar with Isabella, Craig cosmos is in one of quarks holosuites." "Thank you." Doctor bashir started for quarks as he pressed his combadge. "Quark, this is chief medical officer bashir, I'm on my way and I need a favor." "Doctor, if you want a reservation here the next open spot is tomorrow." "This is serious quark, get Craig out of your holosuite, I need him and co-first officer jeremy." "Doctor, you know my policy, I can't interrupt a holosuite user until they finish." "Quark, it can't wait, unless you want me to get security chief odo involved, I suggest you make an exception." "You're bluffing." Another one joined in on the com conversation. "Is he quark? Or is it just possible that he is a doctor who doesn't joke around when it's serious?" Quark began to stutter. "O-o-odo, I uh, didn't know you had access to this channel." "I'm the security chief quark, I have access to all channels, and I suggest you comply with doctor bashir." "I am sorry, but I have a policy and I'm going to follow it, I have a reputation you know." "A reputation for con artistry, theft, and the occasional rape. Doctor, if he doesn't comply with you, call me, I've got a way with him." "Thank you odo, bashir out." Bashir continued towards quarks, his mind racing on the event to come.

To be continued.

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