Iron Adventures: Cybertron 4

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"Co-first officers log supplemental. A lot has happened since our battle with the cons this morning. Casey's apparent pregnancy, which occurred the previous night, my first official date with Isabella, and the apparent fact that the combiner keys presented to us by primus himself appear to have Japanese symbols on them. Isabella and I have gone to zord carrier one, retrieved the data Siri has obtained pertaining to these symbols. And are now in the infirmary with the rest of the super iron avengers so that we can all find out what these symbols mean."

"Siri has done a search through her database for a match to the symbols found on the keys, and they appear to represent the elements of fire, ice, lightning, and earth." "The elements that bind the universe together." "Exactly Paige. Because of this, we can now safely assume that the fourth cosmos currently out there is in fact the master of earth." "All four elements coming together, sounds a bit cliche don't you think?" "If you're referring to the combiner function of the keys, then yes, a little cliche." "But it doesn't matter, because when you four come together, the effect is magnificent." "I take it you have a fascination with the art of combining doctor?" "It's one of cybertron's greatest mysteries, one that I would very much like to solve." "Pretty ambitious doc, but not unreasonable." "Thank you Isabella." "So, when we find the location of your long lost sister, how are we going to go about approaching her?" "We will figure that out when we have more information on her, and what planet she's on." Doctor bashir started tapping at a datapad. "Well that's where you hit a roadblock. Other then her name, there's literally nothing in the computer banks about your sister." "Well, a name's a start, what is it?" "Serena. Serena cosmos." "Naming their kids was clearly a strong suit of our parents." "Clearly, now, the only way to get more information is to ask around." "No kidding." "Well, I guess we should start asking around then." Isabella started for the door. "I'll see if quark knows anything, he may be a shady businessman, but he is reliable with some encouragement. For some reason, he's madly in love with me." "Madly in love?" "Don't worry jeremy, he's fighting a useless battle, you're way cuter then him." Isabella proceeded to quarks. While jeremy turned to his teammates. "Ok, while she's doing that, how's about the rest of us go around, see what we can learn."

At quarks, Isabella entered the bar. "Quark." Quark noticed her arrival and ran to the counter. "First officer Isabella. Usually a reservation is needed, but for you, a table is always open for you." "Thank you, but I'm not here to eat, I need information." "Information on what?" "About someone called Serena cosmos." "Serena cosmos?" "Daughter of Steve and Stella cosmos? The master of earth? That ring any bells?" "There are a lot of Serenas in the universe that are farmers and have parents named Steve and stella, can you be a little more specific?" "She's physically able to wield the power of earth, one of the four elements of the universe?" "Oh, that Serena cosmos. Well, the only thing I can tell you that isn't common knowledge, is that she said she was headed to a planet where she would never harm anyone again." "Why would she do that?" "That's where my knowledge ends, but as for common knowledge, when her parents moved to the reality dimension, she was about, 3 years old, she knew she couldn't leave cybertron, not because she didn't want to, but because she knew any other planet would be put at risk because of her." "And that's considered common knowledge?" "Indeed, so, she became the charge of an old friend of her parents, commander overdrive I believe. they lived many happy years together, but then, she just left, and no ones seen her since." "Thank you quark, you've been very cooperative." "Wait a minute, why would you want to know this stuff? You're not a cosmos?" "Nope, but my boyfriend and future team leader is." Isabella left. Leaving quark shocked. "What? Hey, I thought I was your boyfriend, I thought we had something together!" Isabella ignored him as she tapped a button in her comlink. "Jeremy, you there?" "I'm read you Isabella, what's up?" "Are you on your way to commander overdrive?" "I'm almost at his office." "Good, quark just told me the commander overdrive once took care of Serena in her childhood years." "So commander overdrive would know something about her that could help us find her." "Yes." "Alright, thank you Isabella."

"Serena cosmos? You bet I know her, I used to take care of her in her younger years." "As a babysitter?" 'No, when your parents decided to move to coruscant in the reality dimension, Serena chose to stay behind, not because she didn't want go move, but because she knew she didn't have full control over her powers yet, she knew that she would be a danger to any planet rich with earth, so I told your parents I would look after her. For a while, it was working out, but one day, she lost control over her powers, rock formations started tearing our house apart, she knew she was the cause of it, so she packed her things and ran away. All she said was that she was going somewhere where she would never hurt anyone ever again, and that's the last I saw of her." "Has anyone tried to look for her?" "Yes, but none have succeeded." "How close has anyone ever gotten?" "They've managed to locate the system she's in. The rocka system." "How far away is it?" "I can give you the star chart of the system, but I suggest you wait until Casey is out of the infirmary, I'm sure she'll want to go with her brothers." "That's what we were planning on, thank you commander, you've been a big help." "Anything to get the cosmos quartet back together again."

"First-officer's log supplemental. The super iron avengers have all gathered in a conference room to put together what we've learned about Serena cosmos, sister of Jeremy Casey and Craig."

"Everyone on this station seems to know the same thing about Serena, that she ran away to not hurt anyone, and she is in fact the master of earth." "Well then, luckily quark and commander overdrive had more info. Because we now know which system she's in, and some more insight as to why she ran away." "Yeah, I've been wondering about that, cybertron doesn't have any form of earth in it, so why would she be able to hurt anyone?" "Commander overdrive said that she didn't have full control over her powers, and that was confirmed when she started causing rocks to appear in chaotic formations one day, she ran away to make sure her uncontrollable powers could never harm anyone ever again." "Do you think she's gotten control over them yet?" "She's had decades to learn, but we can't just assume that she has total control yet, so when we go in, we are gonna have to go in ready to smash." "So which system is she in?" "The rocka system." "The rocka system?" "Yes, it has 9 planets, all in the habitable zone of the system." "9 planets in the habitable zone. Impressive." "Yeah, but, recently, we've picked decepticon activity in that system, at least 5 warships and 10 attack frigates." "Decepticons in the rocka system? Do you think they've discovered Serena?" "I don't think so, not if she was smart and made her home where her signal wouldn't be detected." "Then how are we going to find her?" "ZC1's scanning equipment is capable of scanning through rock, so scanning the system won't be a problem, but we are going to have to go in a smaller vessel then ZC1, we can't attract any unwanted attention." "But the cons have got to have forces on the planets themselves, so how are we gonna avoid them?" "Siri's been working on that very thing." Jeremy pressed a button on the wall console and the screen changed from the star chart of the rocka system, to Zord carrier one's hanger, where an unfamiliar ship sat. "May I present, the iron cruiser mark F." The iron cruiser mark F had nacelles attached to its sides via pipes running at an angle, and it was wedge shaped in nature. The rest of the team gawked at the ship. "Wow, Siri's fast." "It's been fitted with enhanced sensors that can detect even the smallest organisms and penetrate anything known material. And it has the cloaking technology we saw on Isabella's ship when she broke into our fleet carrier." All eyes turned to Isabella. "How many times do I have to say I'm sorry, I told you I had to make sure you were the deal." "Relax Isabella, we forgive you." "Good, because I don't appreciate people holding grudges against me, especially teams I am going to potentially join." "Moving on, when designing this thing, I took into account how the last ship was destroyed, so I took the liberty of requesting some anti-missile technology from the engineering level, and they were more then happy to provide. No one is shooting the iron cruiser down ever again." "Nice, we definitely needed that." "So, how many can it fit?" "20 fully armored super iron avengers." "20?" "We'll need the extra seat for Serena." "And I'm coming with you, regardless if I'm officially part of the team or not." "Going into a heavily fortified system teeming with con vessels? I'm surprised commander overdrive is allowing his first officer to go, even though the purpose isn't family for you." "As an autobot it is my duty to ensure the safety of every cybertronian we are not currently at war with." "So I guess the decepticons are out the question?" "I don't think I need to answer that." "So, I guess the only thing left to do is prepare." "And in the mean time, we continue to fight off the decepticons. And hope that the cons don't get to Serena before we do." "But, if they do, we've got experience in rescue operations we can use to get her out." That made everyone chuckle a bit.

To be continued.

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