Iron corona adventures 15

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The first jewel in hand, the team now heads to mon cal, an underwater world that housed the second jewel.

    The iron racers were racing inside the space bridge vortex to the water planet of mon cal. "Alright everyone, prepare for submergence." "Wait, does that mean that the second jewel is underwater?" "Spot on Casey." "But we aren't equipped to go underwater." "We might not be, yet, but our iron racers can convert to minisubs." "Seriously?" "Yep, so everyone convert to minisub mode, we're coming out the other side." They were suddenly dumped into an endless sea. "Alright everybody, welcome to mon cal." In the oceans around them contained coral reef like cities with calamari like citizens. "Whoa, this is pretty impressive, I wonder how they managed to stay alive while they built this place." "According to my database the natives of this world are called mon calamari, they have gills that allow them to breath underwater, and air too." "Amazing." "Yep. Is anyone picking up any jewel readings yet?" "Yep, it originates from the bottom of the ocean, and according to this, we're right on top of the jewel." "Then let's descend." The 15 iron racers began diving towards the ocean floor.

    On coruscant, Dan and tourgdawg were sitting at a lunch table, talking about something. "Hey tourgdawg, do you think that it's time we asked for tougher assignments?" "I don't know, I don't know if there's anything tougher then hunting down criminals." "I'm talking about the corona aurora." "What about the corona aurora " Suddenly, padmé sat right next to them. "General amidala, how's it going?" "Great, just got a message from Jeremy saying that they just got the first jewel of the corona aurora." "Great, which actually brings me to a question, uh, don't you think it's time to seek out a jewel or two, to reduce the risk of them falling into the wrong hands?" "Sorry guys, that can't happen, we do know where the jewels are, but their defenses might be beyond all three of our abilities combined." "But your a super iron avenger, and with me a Dan backing you, we could overcome any obstacle." "You don't understand, not only would we have to worry about the jewel defenses, we'd also have to worry about these alien monsters that are out to unite them for evil purposes." "And how do you know that we can't handle them?" "Because I actually fought them, and they do not go down easily, that much I can guarantee." "But what about us? How do you know that we can't defeat them, they haven't seen invisibility, or stretching abilities." "Look, if Jeremy contacts me for help, you two can come along, but until then, we continue our work here understood?" "Yes." "Yep." "Alright." No one said another word.

    Back on mon cal, the iron racers were racing around mon cal, being chased by divasubs, subs that specialize in getting jewels no matter what. And they were chasing the super iron avengers because the team had the second jewel in hand. "Argh, these subs just don't give up do they." "We need to lose them before bridging out of here." "Let's try maxing speed." The iron racers accelerated. Fortunately, the divasubs were already at max speed, so they couldn't keep up. The team made a few sharp turns and left the divasubs in the dust, finally bridging back to naboo.

The team is on a roll, two jewels are already in their possession, but three jewels and the crown still remain hidden. And Divatox, and the alien brothers have none, so, stay tuned for the third jewel adventures, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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