Iron corona adventures 18

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The diversionary aspect of the plan a has blown up in the team's faces, but the extraction aspect is still good.

    In the lower levels of jabba's palace, Casey stealthily moved through the hallways in search of the corona jewel. She turned a corner and spotted the jewel on display guarded by two goons. "Hello jewel number three." She quickly subdued the guards and grabbed the jewel, sensing the removal of the jewel, the alarm blazed and guards started pouring in. Putting the jewel in her secure pocket, Casey started to fight her way out, using her surroundings to her advantage. Though the guards were tougher then expected. "The diversionary aspect has failed, of course they're going to be tougher." At one point she found herself surrounded. But that the last second, guards started flipping on their backs and tripping. "Looks like help has arrived." Dan became visible and tourgdawg's arms retracted to their normal lengths. "You alright Casey?" "Yeah, but we should probably get out of here before more guards show up." "Right, take my hand, and I'll get us out unnoticed." Dan then turned himself, as well as Casey and tourgdawg invisible.

    Outside, the battle with the bounty hunters continued. With no end in sight. "Is it just me, or do these bounty hunters seem to know our every move?" "Yeah, and it's getting old." Then, ice throwing stars flew out of nowhere and hit several bounty hunters, followed by several more being knocked down by an invisible force, finishing it off with several bounty hunters being tripped by extended arms. Jeremy turned to see Casey Dan and tourgdawg running towards them. "Hey Casey, did you get the jewel." "Yep, though I'd probably still be in there if Dan and tourgdawg hadn't shown up." "Just glad we could help Casey." The others met up with them just as an explosion knocked them all off balance. "If there's one thing I hate, it's bounty hunters with good aim." "Then I think play time is officially over." "I agree." Suddenly, something beamed into Dan and tourgdawg's hands. "Uh, Jeremy, I think something awfully familiar beamed into our hands." Jeremy spotted the ironizers and immediately contacted Jarvis. "Jarvis?" "No time to explain, but in war, or time pressing situations, there's no time to wait until after the trials to armor up." "Jarvis, I remain astonished that you can juggle so many things at once and do them perfectly." "One of my many talents." He turned to Dan and tourgdawg. "You guys up for the challenge?" "Oh, yeah." "Then it's morphing time!" "Avengers assemble!" "Magical source, iron force!" "RRR, emergency!" They suited up for battle. Catching the bounty hunters off guard. "What?" "Who in the name of the universe are they?" "With the power of fire, and the strength of a tiger, super iron America!" "With the power of ice and stealth and the wings of an eagle, super iron widow!" "With the speed like a cheetah, super iron quicksilver!" "With the power of a dragon, super iron wizard!" "With the power of the sith, and the allegiance of a panther, super iron panther!" "With the feathers of a phoenix, super iron Phoenix!""God of Thunder with the power of an eel, super iron Thor!" "With the power of a rhino, super iron hulk!" "As unpredictable as a falcon, super iron falcon!" "With the eye of a hawk, super iron Hawkeye!" Resilient as the sea with the spirit of an ant, super iron Ant man!" "With the power of the sun, and the stealth of a jaguar, super iron man!" "With the power of magic, and the majestic unicorn, super iron witch!" "With the power of the mind, and the smash of an elephant super iron vision!" "Through the power of the force, with the senses of a bat, super iron knight!" "Racing to the rescue, super iron rescue ranger!" "With the slither of a snake, super iron snake eye!" "With the power of perfect camouflage, super iron chameleon!" "Animal and Dino spirits unite as one." "Universal defenders, never surrender!"

And that's that, they're now a team of eighteen, but will it stay that way for long? Find out, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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