Iron corona adventures 28: season finale

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The team has gone from facing four villains, to one creepy merged monster, things aren't looking good for the team.

    "You think your other fights have been tough, you've never faced a criminal with the power of the corona aurora!" "Lucky for us we can still take you on!" "Oh yeah, then come and get me!" The team attacked, though they couldn't seem to land a hit. "Ha ha ha, these are the heroes that defeated all my forces? Your all just one big joke." "Oh yeah? Well just try to handle the full fury of our animal spirits, call to the beasts inside!" 18 animal spirits were unleashed, padmé found her animal spirit as a wolf while on an RRR mission. The spirits went all out on the monster, but, the the team's surprise, the monster did take damage, but it was far from destroyed. "What?!" "How's that possible?!" "No one could stand up to that kind of power!" "Ha ha ha, fools, I am invincible!" He fired ice and fire beams at them, they dodged and employed a new tactic. "Casey, let's fight fire with fire." "On it." Jeremy started shooting fireballs at him while Casey sent a barrage of ice arrows at him. "Hey, save some action for me, lightning strike!" Craig unleashed a barrage of lightning at the monster, while they were doing that, aka distracting it, the rest of the team were scoring hits. After a few minutes, Jack's com beeped. "Go Jarvis." "Jack, I'm sending you guys the iron super cannon." "Don't recall ever using it before." "I created it when I saw what you were dealing with. The duplicate legend diamond has the exact same power as the real one, so I thought I'd put it to good use, and build a weapon capable of destroying any monster, even one with the power of the corona aurora." "Alright, hope it works." The iron super cannon beamed in, the team put some distance between them and the monster an readied the iron super cannon. "Ha ha ha, you really think that device can hurt me?!" "We're about to find out!" "Iron super cannon, fire!" A powerful energy ball flew at high velocity towards the monster, direct hit. "Impossible! This can't be happening." Divarmorious exploded, the crown flew up high into air. "The crown!" The team scrambled to try to catch it. Jeremy caught it and immediately put it in a case that he'd brought to contain it. "There, the crown is back under light side possession."

    "Man, that was certainly a wacky adventure huh." The team was back at the palace, so Jarvis could give it the once over to make sure the crown didn't have any evil properties to it. "Tell me about it, we battled lizards, fish men." "The creepiest monsters." "We traveled to new planets." "And we ended a criminal era on Tatooine." "Sir, the crown is behaving strangely." Everyone turned their attention to the crown, bolts of electricity started to run through it. "Its gonna blow!" "Take cover!" Everyone ducked behind cover as the crown blew up, weirdly not damaging anything, all it did was turn into a person. They got out of cover. "Ok, that wasn't what I was expecting." "No damage sir, but according to my scans the midiclorians within him are off the charts." The man stood up. Saying nothing, he activated a weapon that was distinguishable by its shape and by the blade that it projected. "Is that a....." "A Sith Lord." "Hey, stranger, who are you?" "I am darth bane, the first Sith Lord, and the future of this universe." "We won't let that happen!" Jeremy, Ivan, and Craig activated their own weapons. "Ha ha ha, allow me to show you a taste of my power." He raised his hands and everything in the hanger started to spark as it all started to turn into balls of metal, luckily jarvis' hard drive was in a separate room otherwise he would've turned into a memory. Before bane could do any more damage, Jeremy Craig and Ivan attacked, causing bane to raise his weapon for defense, perfect prairie, he then used the force to push them all back into the back wall of the hanger. "Ha ha ha, you really think you can stand up to me? Consider this a warning, if you cause me problems, I shall show you no mercy, bye bye." He  beamed out of the hanger, the crown lay on the floor, still fully assembled. "Did we just?" "Yep, there's now a dangerous Sith Lord on the loose."

Wow, who'd have thought that a Sith Lord would be trapped in a crown? Find out what happens in iron adventures: the Sith war, as the adventure takes a dark turn.

Next time, a dark beginning.

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