Iron corona adventures 3

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Padmé, the first person the team meets upon arriving in the far Galaxy, an undercover vender based in visitor square, general of the RRR authority, and now a part of the greatest team of heroes ever assembled. She's now officially a triple threat.

    "Alright, let's see here." Padmé had taken the team into the RRR archives, the only place to find everything there is to know about everything. "Ah, here it is, the archive data on the corona aurora." She slid the card into a holoreader and a hologram of what looked like a cover page of an essay popped up. "We recovered this data from the archives of the old republic. It says here that the corona aurora is way older then the universe itself." "It also says that the crown, and the five corresponding jewels have been hidden in separate locations across the entire universe." "If those aliens are looking for the corona aurora, then we have some catching up to do." "If there are six pieces, then all we need is one piece to stop them." "That's not an option, they can always storm the holding facility and steal the piece, we need to find all of them, and make sure they can't fall into the hands of those psychopaths." "How's anyone supposed to find them when no one knows where to start?" "In the old days, before the age of the wars, the republic mapped out the locations of the jewels and crown, but the map was forgotten when the republic fell." "Is the map in the archives?" "We just need to find it."

    In the alien brothers hideout, the brothers were discussing the events that have just transpired. "That was a waste of forces." "No it wasn't, we now know who our competition is." "Who have the power to destroy us." "Then why don't we test just how powerful they are?" "What'd you have in mind?" "Send HIM to battle the avengers." "And risk losing our strongest warrior?" "He's one of our strongest, but he's certainly most destructive." "Fine." "Tell Vulcon to go to the naboo flatgreens."

    In the RRR archives, the team was having zero luck in finding the map. "Man, it's like finding a needle in a haystack." "Well look at it this way, everywhere we look narrows down to the map's location, we should find it eventually." Suddenly, Jeremy's ironizer beeped like crazy. He tapped the flashing button, and a location was projected. "Looks like there's trouble in the flatgreens, again." "You guys go on ahead, I'll stay behind and look for the map." "You sure padmé?" "We need a lead as soon as possible." "Alright, we'll call if we need help." "Alright."

    Vulcon was standing there, alone, waiting. The team showed up in no time flat. "What, is that thing?" "Another alien, no doubt intending to find the corona aurora." Vulcon turned to face them. Then he fired energy blasts at the team, who dodged them all. "Whoa, this guy doesn't mess around." "Then let's armor up!" "Super iron mode, activate!" They suited up. "Super iron mode, ready!" "Well, if it isn't the super iron avengers, I've been looking forward to this." "Your going down stink face." "I doubt it."

The super iron avengers are about to embark on the corona journey, right after they finish off vulcon, stay tuned for more, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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