Iron Adventures: Prison Busters 1

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The alarms were blazing as the RRR max security prison, where the baddest of the bad reside, but they've all escaped their cells, Padme, dan and tourgdawg were outside the prison with several rrr police forces surrounding the only entrance and exit point. A sarge ran up to Padme. "Ma'am, we have the entrance surrounded, they can't get out." "Have the men ready, they're the baddest villains in the prison." "On it ma'am." Dan and tourgdawg loads their weapons. "General, should we summon the rest of the team?" "We can handle this, if things get tough, we can call for backup." The prison doors suddenly went to lockdown mode. "Trooper, what just happened?" "The lockdown mode was engaged, from the inside." The wide screen engaged with a menacing figure displayed on it. "Attention Rebellious Resistance of the Republic, I am lord arcanon, lord of all evil. This facility is under our control now, AKA my control, fall back, and you will be spared, this time!" The screen turned blank. "Sargent, tell the troops to head back to base." "We aren't going to fight?!" "We are making a tactical retreat, until we can come up with a plan to take back the prison." "Alright, everyone, fall back!" The RRR forces started their retreat. "Padme, what does arcanon want?" "I don't know, but it's not going to be anything nice."

    In the wardens office in the prison, arcanon sat at his new desk. "We have control of the prison, now its time to get to work conquering coruscant entirely." "But sir, the super iron avengers are back from their vacation." "It wasn't a vacation, but what ever it was, they will be defeated easily by our hand, find a manual to this place, and get reading." "Roger."

    At the naboo palace, Padme dan and tourgdawg briefed the rest of the team on the current situation. "So this arcanon guy just took over an entire prison?" "Unfortunately yes, and it is unknown what he wants now." "But what we need to figure out is how to get that prison back under RRR control." "Not just that, but we also need to figure out how to recapture all the criminals we put in that joint." Jarvis chimed in. "You could use the confinement cards that I upgraded all your ironizers with, so you could confine the escaped criminals." The alarms blazed. The screen showed the Jedi temple being attacked. "That temple just can't get a break anymore." "Let's go!"

    The Jedi temple, usually a peaceful place, until attacks on it started occurring. This time, arcanon had sent his forces with one goal, destroy the temple. The leader of this strike force, a red monster, looked happy. "Ha ha ha, finally, after all these years, I'll finally get my revenge against the jedi for putting me in prison, batlings, attack!" The foot soldiers charged, and were blown back by the Jedi rangers, currently unmorphed. "This temple shall not be touched foul beasts!" The monster was in no way surprised. "Ah, the Jedi rangers, the newest additions to the universal defenders, you may try to defeat me, but I know all your moves." "We'll see about that, let's ranger up." "Go go Jedi!" They morphed into their suits. "One, Jedi master, red!" "Two, Jedi master, blue!" "Three, Jedi master, green!" "Four, Jedi master, yellow!" "Five, Jedi master, pink!" "Six, Jedi master, silver!" "Seven, Jedi master, gold!" "Rangers ready! Power rangers of the Jedi order!" "Defenders of peace!"

A prison is now under the control of a crazed lunatic named lord arcanon, evil never rests, even when it's already been defeated. Stay tuned, as a new battle begins.

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