Iron Adventures: Prison Busters 5

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The villains have just scored their first ever major victory against the iron avengers, they fried their ironizers, but Jarvis may have a solution to that problem.

    "During my solitude here while you were in another dimension, I came across something rather interesting, you know how Allie is able to summon her silver stallion using power symbols? Well, that's just one group of power symbols, there are many other power symbols that can grant extraordinary powers, and because I had nothing else to do, I did as much research as I could and using said data, I was able to create these." A panel rose to reveal a group of phone-looking devices." "Cell phones?" "They're not just cell phones, they're solar samuraizers, the power symbols all come from the ancient samurai Komosuka, and thanks to these, you can tap into the infinite powers of those same symbols." "Ok, but Jarvis, I think you may have a tiny building addiction." "These things were only a last resort thing, in case of situations like this." "Alright." The alarms blazed. "Looks like the solar samaruizers will come in handy now." "Lets go!"

    Electros stood in a courtyard, the super iron avengers charged in. "Well well well, your still willing to fight even without your powers." "This time your going down Electros." "And what can you do without your powers?" "Lets show him." "Samuraizers, activate!" They started drawing individual power symbols, each stroke made the symbol more powerful. The symbols were completed and they smacked them from the right. The symbols enlarged and went right through them, encasing them in samarui themed armored suits with samurai themed helmets with their respective animal spirit ears on the top. "Tiger samurai, ready!" "Eagle samurai, ready!" "Cheetah samurai, ready!" "Dragon samurai, ready!" "Wolf samurai, ready!" "Rhino samurai, ready!" "Snake samurai, ready!" "Bat samurai, ready!" "Phoenix samurai, ready!" "Elephant samurai, ready!" "Jaguar samurai, ready!" "Unicorn samurai, ready!" "Panther samurai, ready!" "Falcon samurai, ready!" "Hawk samurai, ready!" "Ant samurai, ready!" "Eel samurai, ready!" "Chameleon samurai, ready!" "Samurai together, universal defenders, never surrender!" Electros just laughed. "That's your plan? Beat me with ancient samurai techniques that are completely outdated?" "Don't underestimate the power of the samurai." "Oh yeah? If your so confident, then I'll give you a free shot!" "Big mistake, spin swords, activate!" The powers came with a sword and a set of discs unique to each avenger. They slid a disc into its spot on the hilt, spun them, and the swords started to glow. "Spin sword, quintuple slash!" All 18 of them swung their swords, and eighteen energy arcs hit electros right in the chest, blowing him back. "Ok, that's some power, but I'll just fry those bricks as easily as I fried you ironizers!" He let out a burst of electrical energy, it passed right through the team, and it did absolutely nothing. "What?! Your phones should be fried right now!" "Nice try, but no way are you frying our circuits ever again." "It doesn't matter, I'll still end you once and for all!" He charged, the super iron avengers charged back, using their spin swords to deal massive damage to electros. Sparks were flying off him, and he didn't get a chance to counter. "Augh, alright that's it, time for this fight to go mega." Into his come. "Lord arcanon, I need an enlargement!" At the prison. "Fire the enlarger!" The canyon fired, enlarging electros. "Ha ha ha, now I have enough power to fry this entire planet!"

The super iron avengers have new powers at their disposal, and with electros now a mega monster, are new zords available for the team? Find out, as the adventure visits the time of the samurai.

To be continued.

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