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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨𝒶𝓃𝒶𝓉𝑜𝓂𝓎 ¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


The group had sat in one of the semi circle booths in the corner of the restaurant to fit all of them. Aisha on one end of the booth, then Demetri, Hawk, Julianna, Lexi and then Moon on the other end.

They all lifted their glasses of coca cola in victory, cheering as Aisha turned to her phone to talk to her live stream. "It was supposed to be a round of drinks, but the waitress was not feeling Hawk's fake ID." Hawk's head whipped to Aisha, a worried look growing on his face. "Hey, don't talk about that. My parents follow you." Aisha cringed turning back to her phone. "Sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Moskowitz."

Julianna grabbed a nacho and just as she was about to bite it, Hawk took it from her, a huge smirk on his face. Julianna pouted, watching as her boyfriend ate her nacho. Hawk looked at her and shrugged. "What? You deserve it. You didn't give me a victory kiss for winning." Julianna went over his words in her head. "I did give you a kiss! And plus, shouldn't you be the one giving me a victory kiss since I won?"

Hawk scrunched his face up, thinking about the question as well before leaning towards Julianna, pecking her lips. "There we go." Julianna smiled at Hawk, pulling him in for another quick kiss as Demetri grabbed a nacho. "I gotta say, it's nice to be at a victory party." Just like Hawk had done with Julianna, Lexi took the nacho from Demetri. "Except you had nothing to do with the victory." She hummed, plopping the nacho into her mouth.

Even though she felt as what Julianna and Moon could only call heartbreak from watching him try to talk to Yasmine, Lexi tried to act like everything was fine but she'd still do things she wouldn't have done before the party. For example, if Demetri never tried to talk with Yasmine, Lexi would be sitting next to him not someone else.

Demetri shrugged, not meeting Lexi's eyes, guilt still pouring inside of him for leaving her alone. "Well, then I consider it a belated party for... the coding competition we won at computer camp. Remember? Demetri and Eli binary brothers!" Demetri sang the last part, doing a little robot dance with it.

The girls all laughed at the song. Lexi and Julianna heard it when the boys first got back from camp and they absolutely loved it. "Hey, cool it with the nerd shit, huh?" Hawk asked and Julianna turned to him with a small pout, trying everything in her to hold back her smile. "Aw... Come on. You know we love that song." Hawk sent her a playful glare before it turned into a big grin.


The next day, Julianna, Lexi, Miguel and Hawk were all at Julianna's house before karate and not wanting to have to walk, they rode electric scooters to the mini-mall, the four trying to cut each other off as they did a race.

Lexi won, jumping off the scooter and throwing her arms in the air in victory. Once she was done with her over exaggerating cheering, she walked beside her friends as Hawk talked about his amazing idea he had come up with. "All right. So, I get my license next week. My mom's gonna give me her Sentra. I'm thinking about putting a blue racing stripe down the middle, hood to tail."

Julianna smiled, grabbing Hawk's hand and nodding at the idea. "I like it." Hawk smiled, putting a quick kiss to her temple before looking at the entrance of the dojo and laughed. "Looks like we got some new students." Miguel hummed and Lexi nodded her head. "Fresh meat."

As the four walked over, one of the kids pointed to Julianna. "It's the champ." Julianna sent him a smile as Hawk leaned towards Julianna's ear. "Check this out." Julianna immediately started shaking her head no as she laughed. "No, come on, don't" She giggle out.

"Hey, mouth breathers. Move it." Hawk demanded and one of the boys quickly moved out of the way as the other one reached for the door for them.

"So, you guys wanna be Cobra Kais, huh?" Hawk asked before pretending to throw a punch, both boys flinching. Lexi smirked, shaking her head. "You two got a long way ahead of you."

Miguel, Hawk and Lexi went into the dojo but Julianna stayed outside, putting her hand out for the boys to shake. "I'm Julianna. Welcome to Cobra Kai."

The boy that had opened the door for them shook her hand first, letting out a breath of relief that she was nice. "Chris." Julianna smiled and nodded at Chris before turning to the boy beside him. "Mitch." 

Lexi came back over to Julianna, tugging her into the studio. "Was your dad home last night?" Lexi asked and Julianna thought about it for a moment. "Uh... he got home really late. Why?" Lexi motioned towards the wall of mirrors, the middle one shattered while the wall beside it was burnt. "What th-" "Quiet!" Julianna jumped at the sound of her father as he walked towards the new students. "The dojo's closed for new students today."

"We just wanted to sign up after we saw the tournament." Chris said as he took a tiny step towards Johnny. "Do I need to say it again? Get out!"

Mitch quickly nodded. "Yes sir. Sensei. Come on. Let's go." All the new kids started walking out. "Move it. Come back tomorrow. and bring your check books." Once they were all out, Johnny turned towards his students. "Everyone, fall in!"

"Must've been a rager, Sensei." Hawk cheered as they lined up, Miguel nodding his head. "Were you celebrating all weekend?" Johnny looked at Miguel with an emotionless stare. "Celebrating what? My students are a bunch of pussies." Everyone frowned at his words. "Diaz, Lawrence! Up front!" Johnny screamed, startling Julianna as she walked over to the front of the class with Miguel.

Johnny turned to Miguel as the boy tried to look anywhere but Johnny. "Diaz. Did you purposely attack your opponents injury that you had caused?" Miguel looked at Johnny for a second before nodding his head. "Yes, Sensei." Johnny nodded, turning to Julianna. "Lawrence. Did you know your opponent was injured but competed against him anyway?"

Julianna stared at her dad with her jaw dropped. Is he serious?

"You're joking, right?" Julianna asked, raising her brows at him but he ignored her question. "Did you or did you not?" "He never said he had to stop! And I didn't even touch his injury once!" Julianna screamed at her dad. "So you knew he was injured?" Johnny asked, taking an intimidating step towards his daughter but she was used to it. "You're really gonna play this game?" Julianna asked, mimicking the glare she had learned from her father.

"You think that makes you badass?" Johnny asked and Julianna looked ahead, biting her lip so hard it bled to hold back anything she might say to her father that she'd regret. "What's the matter, question too tough? Maybe you need some help. Miss Robinson!"

Aisha stood straighter at her name being called. "Yes, Sensei." "Two cobras in the jungle. One kills the strongest lion, the other kills a crippled monkey. Which Cobra do you want to be?"

"The one that kills the lion, Sensei." Aisha quickly answered and Johnny nodded. "And why is that?" "Because it killed a stronger animal." "Correct!" Johnny screamed into Julianna's ear, pulling her last string. "But I didn't attack his injury! I made sure to stay clear from it!" Johnny shook his head. "So you showed mercy?" Julianna's jaw practically dropped to the floor. It was a lose lose situation. "Are you shitting me?!"

"Please watch your language Miss Lawren-" "So I get in trouble for competing against my opponent even though he's injured but I'm scolded because I didn't show mercy? Do you even hear yourself?" Johnny ignored her again, making Julianna take in a slow breath, digging her nails into the palms of her hands. "Cobra Kai is about being badass. And the baddest badass is the one who beats their opponent when they're at their strongest. Not when he's injured! Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sensei!" Everyone said except Julianna and Johnny turned to Julianna. "Is that understood Miss Lawrence?" Julianna looked into her dads eyes, giving him an evil glare. "Yes, Sensei."

Johnny nodded. "That means no more cheating. No more fighting dirty. From here on out, those are pussy moves, and you don't want to be pussies, do you?" "No, Sensei."

"Good. It's why I had you wear your white belts. We're starting over. Diaz, Lawrence, 50 push up on your knuckles. Miss Gomez, warm them up." Johnny said before heading to his office. Lexi nodded, standing in front if the class to warm up the kids as Miguel got down to the floor to do push-ups.

Julianna glared at her father's office door before stomping over, Hawk went to reach for her hand but after seeing how angry she was, he let her go. Julianna shut the door as soon as she got in. "What the hell was that?"

Johnny didn't loom up from his magazine when he answered. "I'm teaching you a lesson." Julianna crossed her arms over her chest. "Okay, sure Miguel but why me? You know I didn't hit Robby's shoulder once." Johnny sighed, nodding his head. "I know. I know."

"If you know that, why did you embarrass me in front of the whole class out there?" Julianna questions and Johnny set down his magazine. "Look, Jules. You did great and I'm proud of you but something... something happened. Something definitely not good." Julianna furrowed her brows, realizing how upset her dad was. "Wait dad, What's wrong?"

"Kreese is alive. And he's back."

Julianna did a double take at his words. "Did you just say Kreese is-" "Alive? Yes, I just said that." Johnny interrupted, letting out a dry laugh. "Showed up at the dojo last night trying to pick a fight."

"He's gone though, right?" Julianna asked and when her father didn't answer, she grew more worried. "Right dad?" Johnny nodded but Julianna didn't believe it. She watched her dad fidget and grumbled to himself. She hated Kreese. Sure she had never met the man but hearing the awful stories and seeing how stressed he made her father, she was sure she didn't like him.


"Did you find out why your dad got so pissed today?" Hawk asked. The two were currently in Julianna's room, lying on her bed, watching Netflix in her computer. It was late. Later than Hawk should stay but Johnny wasn't home, he was at the dojo repainting the burnt walls. "He's just a little stressed." Julianna breathed out, leaning into Hawk and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

The two sat in silence, watching the movie when Hawk turned to Julianna, closing the laptop as he stared at her. "How about we have some fun?" Julianna smiled, raising her eyebrows. "Like what?" Hawk smiled, leaning towards her. "This."

He grabbed the edge of her jawline, pulling her to have their lips meet. Julianna smiled into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. Hawk leaned over Julianna, towering over her own the bed without disconnecting their lips. Hawk removed his hands from Julianna's face and went to grab her waist but was caught off by her bedroom door opening.

Hawk jumped, turning to look at the door and he looked like he had seen a ghost. "H- hi, Sensei." Hawk stuttered out as Johnny stared at the scene in front of him. A teenage boy on top of his teenage daughter.

Johnny looked at the boy, trying to keep his cool. "Hi Hawk. What the hell are you doing here?" Hawk looked around, trying to find an excuse before grabbing the textbook that still sat at the foot of Julianna's bed. "Studying. Yeah. We're studying."

Johnny looked at the book, his eyes growing wide. "Is that a human anatomy book?!" Julianna's eyes went wide as she turned to Hawk. "Any book you could've grabbed and you grab that one!"

"In my defense, Sensei, you do always tell Miguel and I to find hot babes." Hawk tried to reason but he only made it so much worse. Julianna cursed under her breath as her dads face dropped. "Did you just call my daughter a hot babe?" His voice dark and scary to both teens.

"Go. Run while you still can." Julianna whispered to Hawk and he didn't hesitate to run out of the house, Johnny stared at Julianna for a few seconds. "We're talking about this later." With that, he ran after Hawk.

anywayyy here's the first chapter of season 2🥳

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