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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨𝓈𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝓉'𝓈 𝑜𝓊𝓉¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


Julianna slept over at Lexi's after they spent the rest of their day washing cement off of them.

She woke up to the sound of her phone vibrating on Lexi's nightstand. She groaned, reaching for her phone to see who was texting her. It was Miguel.

I came by your house last night. My mom wanted to give you guys so of her lasagna you guys love.

I didn't know you have a brother.

Is that Robby Keene?


Julianna practically jumped out of the bed, startling Lexi when the blanket was ripped off of her. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." Julianna whispered under her breath as she paced the room. "What?" Lexi tiredly asked and Julianna tossed the phone to her. After a few seconds, Lexi winces. "Shit."

The phone starts ringing, making both girls yelp, Lexi jumping out of the bed. "Who is it?" Julianna asked and Lexi leaned towards the bed, quickly flipping the phone over to see the caller ID. "It's Migue-" "Decline! Decline it!" Julianna yelled and Lexi quickly pressed the power button, silencing it.


"I'm glad you wore the bikini." Hawk smirked, grabbing Julianna's waist. She laughed, shaking her head. "Yeah, yeah. I'll have you know, I didn't do it for you. It's really hot out." Hawk smiled. "It's because of me right?" Julianna shrugged. "Probably me. I'm irresistible." She said, playfully flipping her hair. "Yeah, you are." Hawk whispered against her lips, pulling her into another kiss until someone threw a plastic water bottle at them.

"Hello? Cute couple? Yeah, hi. The single people want to play volleyball." Lexi said from across the net, Demetri nodding beside her. "Well, you two wouldn't be single if one of you grew a pair and asked the other out." Julianna grumbled but both teens heard her. "What'd you say?" Demetri asked and Julianna instantly started shaking her head. "Nothing!"

Julianna watched Demetri try to hit the volleyball from the other side of the ball net while Lexi stood beside him, waiting for him to hit the ball and Moon watched from the sidelines, a big grin on her face.

Demetri hit the ball, only for hit to bounce on the net and boomerang back to him. Hawk and Julianna sighed while Lexi groaned. "Mulligan. Send it back." "That's not how it works." Lexi mumbled and Hawk nodded, pointing at Lexi. "There's no mulligans in volleyball." Demetri scoffed, walking towards the towels. "Says you two."

"Uh.. says everyone." Julianna said as she walked towards the blanket Moon was sitting on to check her phone. 25 missed calls from Miguel.

"Shit." Julianna grumbled as Lexi looked over her shoulder and sighed. "Good luck with that." Julianna turned around, giving her a glare. "You're not helping." Lexi just shrugged.

"Cobra Kai? You guys won that tournament, right?" A girl none of them had seen before asked Demetri after seeing him holding the Cobra Kai towel. Demetri froze, turning to girl. "The All Valley? The Rumble in Reseda? Yes, uh... We- we certainly did."

Hawk and Julianna stared at the boy in confusion as Lexi cleared her throat, making everyone turn to her. "Yeah... he's not on the team." The girl stared at Lexi before turning to Demetri and walking away. Lexi turned to Julianna and Hawk with a proud smile that she drove the girl away.

"What was that?" Demetri whined and Lexi turned to him. "You're not even in Cobra Kai. You need to earn the credit. Plus, if she only liked you because you're in karate, she's not worth it." Lexi defended and Demetri raised his brows at her. "Okay. Then who is worth it?" Lexi froze, opening and closing her mouth, trying to think of words to say until a voice from behind them made them all stop.

"Jules. We need to talk." Julianna's eyes grew wide at Miguel's voice. "Run. Run. Run." Lexi whispered, grabbing Julianna and Moon's hands and running towards the shore of the water. "Why are we running?" Moon asked, laughing as they could hear Miguel and Hawk screaming Julianna's name.


Julianna and Lexi slowly walked into the dojo and could already hear Hawk and Miguel talking. "So, I did a deep-dive online, and you were right. Sensei is definitely Keene's father. He and Jules have the same birthday so they're-" "Twins. I just don't understand why they wouldn't tell us." Miguel said and Hawk shook his head.

"I don't know. But it explains why he's giving you shit for kicking Keene's ass at the tournament. Show no mercy, unless it's his son." Hawk snapped and Lexi cleared her throat, letting her and Julianna's presence known. Both boys stared down Julianna as she looked at them with hurt eyes. "Look I know I should've told you guys about Robby."

"You think?" Hawk asked and Lexi sent him a quick glare. "You guys can be mad at me all you want but if you can just let me explain. After the lesson. I promise it'll all make sens-" "Guys! Have you seen the commercial?" Aisha interrupted, running up to the group.

Everyone forgot about their conversation with Julianna and turned to Aisha. "What commercial?" Lexi asked. "Sam's dad started his own dojo and disses Cobra Kai." Aisha ranted, handing the phone to Lexi.

Before she could press play, Johnny and Kreese walk out of the office. "Fall in!" Everyone quickly did as they were told as Johnny walked up to the front, handing a kid a potted plant. "Stand over there."

The kid did as he was told as Johnny pointing at Julianna. "Grab your cellphone. Start filming." Julianna quickly pulled her phone out of her pocket and starts filming her father pacing.  "There's a lot of talk going around the Valley about free karate. But everyone knows that in life, you get what you pay for. You wanna really kick the competition?"

Johnny turned to the kid holding the plant and kicked it, shattering the pot. "Then you need to get your ass over to Cobra Kai. Screw that lame meditation bullshit. What you need is bone-crunching, face-smashing, good ol' American karate."  He turned to the punching bag and started punching it before elbowing it in the 'face'.

"Enough about self-defense. Learn self-offense! Don't be a pussy. Join Cobra Kai, and let me teach you the way of the fist." Julianna smiled, nodding her head. "And cut!" Johnny walked over to Julianna, looking at her phone over her shoulder. "Alright, did we get it?" "Yep."

"Just make sure the Cobra Kai snake comes in at the end, all right? I want it to really pop. Make it chrome. And throw Thunderstruck under it." Johnny said as he started walking to the back room. Aisha looked at him for a second before shaking her head. "I'm pretty sure the rights for that song will cost too much."

Johnny pointed a finger at her. "No, I already own it. Cassette's in the car. Oh. And put one of those hash browns at the end. You know, like, "Hash brown, Team Cobra Kai" or something. And then send it to the Internet!"

Miguel and Hawk started walking towards the back room until Hawk stopped and turned back to Julianna. He grabbed both her hands in his and raised them to his face. "Tonight. You can tell me everything. Is that good?" Julianna nodded her head and Hawk smiled, kissing her hands before walking back over to Miguel and Johnny.


Julianna lied on her bed in a starfish position. She was waiting for Hawk to show up so she could explain everything to him while Johnny did the same with Miguel. When she heard a knock on her front door, she practically shot out of her bed and ran to the door. When she opened the door for Hawk, she stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before opening the door more and letting him in. She walked him to her room when he suddenly stopped. She turned around and saw him looking around the house skeptically. Julianna let out an airy chuckle.

"My dad's out. You're safe." She watched as his tense manner instantly fell and he followed after her to her room. Julianna sat by the head of the bed while Hawk to the feet. She sighed, looking down at her hands.

"On Monday, February 4th, 2002, my mom was in labor for 17 hours at Encino Hospital." Julianna started and Hawk nodded his head, watching her intently. "Apparently, through the whole pregnancy, she was told they were having only one kid. My mom was telling my dad how badly she wanted a boy. But when it was time to push us out.... Surprise! Twins."

"Jul-" "So not only was she getting two kids when she was only expecting one, but she got a girl which she didn't want. And my dad was out getting drunk. His mom passed away a few days before so I don't blame him or anything. My mom just left me at his doorstep once she was free to leave the hospital. That was the first thing she did. Leave me."

Julianna sighed, picking at her nails, already feeling the hot tears prickling her eyes. "It's not like she's completely evil. She let me go and see Robby whenever my dad did. We called each other on weekends. I never told you guys because I was embarrassed. I know you guys knew about my mom not being around but I felt that if you guys knew that she'd go far enough to split up her twin children just to get rid of me, you guys wouldn't want me around." Julianna words turned into small sobs, making Hawk quickly wrapping her in a hug.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay. I got you." He whispered, running a hand through her hair. "You're not mad?" Julianna asked, slowly looking up at him. As Hawk looked into her eyes, he could see how broken the conversation made her and he shook his head. "Of course not, Sunshine. I could never stay mad at you."


"Cobra Kai!" All the students screamed as Kreese turned off Miyagi-Do's red lights and changing them to blue and Johnny started blasting rock music at Valley Fest.

The kids started chanting as they ran down the runway to get to the stage. Once they got there, the whole crowd started screaming for them. Everyone started doing fights, Lexi and Julianna going against each other. Lexi sent a quick kick to kick to Julianna's stomach and when the blonde hunched over, Lexi ran around behind her and jumped on her back, sending Julianna to the ground. Julianna coughed out a groan, turning her head to the side so she could see Lexi out of the corner of her eye. "Damn girl."

Lexi smirked, grabbing Julianna's arm and helping her up and running off stage so Aisha could do her performance; kicking and punching wood blindfolded. Once she kicked the last piece of wood, Hawk went to run on stage, dragging Demetri up from the crowd and making him hold a wood board up just a little taller than him. Hawk did a quick front flip kick, breaking the wood in Demetri's hands. Julianna noticed Lexi staring at Demetri and quickly elbowed her in the ribs, wiggling her eyebrows. Lexi sighed, upset she was caught as they walked on stage. "Shut up."

Miguel and Aisha dragged out a big paper banner with the Cobra Kai logo right in the center. Julianna and Lexi were hiding right behind it. They looked at each other, nodding their heads and at the same time they flipped into the banner, ripping it. They landed on their feet and moved their hair out of their faces, grabbing hands and doing a bow.

The rest of Cobra Kai walked onto stage and stood proudly at the edge. Julianna's eyes roamed the crowd until they landed on Robby. He had a disappointed look on his face, making Julianna's mood dampen a little until she saw Moon and Demetri cheering for all of them. She was glad that at least some people were proud of her.

-I feel like this chapters was kinda eh so I'm sorry

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