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"Lex! We gotta go!" Julianna screamed at the very asleep Lexi. "Lexi..." Julianna groaned.

She hopped up onto her bed and stood right above Lexi before jumping and landing on top of her. "Alexandra!"

Lexi jumped at Julianna's voice. "What!? What?!" Julianna instantly started laughing, falling off the bed, making her laugh harder.

"We need to... We need to... go and help.... Moon with the party." Julianna said in between laughs. "Do we have to go? I mean come on. You and me going to a party? Really?" Lexi asked, sitting up from the bed and looking down at Julianna.

"We promised we'd go. Plus, Pipers gonna be there and you know how badly Moon wants us to meet her." Julianna said as she walked over to her closet and dug through to find clothes. Once she found clothes for the both of them, she threw Lexi's outfit at her. "Now come on! Lets go!"


"Hey Moon? Who did you invite again?" Julianna asked, not taking her eyes off the drinks tables as she set up. "Oh! Uh... Just Sam and a few other people." Moon awkwardly said and Julianna sighed, seeing right through her lie.

Just after that, the door bell rang and Moon immediately perked up. "People are here!"

Julianna continued setting up the drinks until she heard familiar voices. She looked up and her eyes landed on Hawk, the rest of Cobra Kai behind him. She turned to Moon who was quickly running away before sighing and looking down at the drinks in front of her. "I'm gonna need a lot of you tonight."


Julianna was outside doing a drinking game with Tory. The idea was to stand on a stool with one leg and keep drinking until you either fall or need you other leg to stand. Julianna was doing pretty good against Tory who seemed to not get drunk as easily as Julianna who was in the middle of taking her fifth cup, that's when she started to feel a little dizzy. "Uh Oh. Looks like you're getting a little shakey there, Jules. You good?" Tory playfully asked as a kid handed her another solo cup. Julianna smirked, nodding. "I'm fine. Hand me another cup."

The boy giving out the cups looked at her skeptically before giving in, handing her the cup. Tory quickly downed the cup and Julianna slowly looked down at her cup before lifting her head up and downing the drink. As soon as she brought her head back to face Tory, she felt a wave of dizziness hit her and she started to shake under her stool.

Before she could lose the game, an arm grabbed her elbow and dragging her off the stool. "Wh-" "Come on, Jules! Pipers here!" Moon sang as she dragged the drunk blonde into the house. While Moon passed the couch by the door, she grabbed Lexi away from Demetri and brought them to a girl talking to Hawk.

"Piper!" Moon cheered, letting go of Julianna and kissing her girlfriend. Julianna stumbled a bit from not having Moon's support to keep her up, accidentally bumping into Hawk making him grab onto her and wrapped her arms around her shoulder.

"Piper, this is Jules and Lexi." Moon said, pointing at the two girls. Julianna tried to wave but failed and Lexi awkwardly smiles. "Yeah... she's a little drunk." Hawk turned to face Lexi defensively. "A little? Look at her."

"I'm fine." Julianna grumbled, pushing herself out of Hawk's grip and going to hug Piper. "It was nice to meet you! But I need more beer." Julianna slurred as she did a little hiccup and walked away from the group. Lexi looked at Julianna walking away and sighed, turning to Piper. "I'm gonna make sure she doesn't do something too embarrassing. It was nice to meet you!" Piper gave Lexi a small smile and Lexi ran after Julianna.


"Is uh... is this thing on?" Julianna slurred as she whacked the microphone against her hand, making feedback screech through the speakers. Julianna winced at the noise and nodded. "Okay, it's on."

"HELLOOOO EVERYBODYY!!!" Julianna screamed into the mic as if she was a game show host. Everyone turned to her as Lexi tried to squish through the crowd to get to the very drunk Julianna before she embarrassed herself.

"I am Julianna Lawrence... Jules... Juli... I don't know what the hell you guys call me. BUT! But, but, but.... I am up here because you have all asked me to sing." Julianna said, stumbling over just about every word. "No we didn't!" Mitch yelled from the crowd and Hawk quickly hit the boys arm as Julianna's drunk smile dropped, turning to Mitch. "Shut up!"

Julianna smiled to the rest of the crowd, flipping her hair over her shoulder and clearing her throat, making the crowd laugh. "Now, I don't know what song to sing per se... but I do know a lot of Harry Styles songs so." Julianna cleared her throat. "What am I now- Hey!" Julianna interrupted herself when Moon and Lexi grabbed her waist, walking her off the mini stage. "Yeah. No more drinking for you unless it's water. You're done." Lexi mumbled, pulling her off to the side.

"I'll take that." Demetri mumbled, taking the microphone out of Julianna's hand and walking on the platform. Lexi stopped. "Wait. What the hell is he doing?"

"Excuse me! I'd like to make a toast." Demetri announced as all eyes turned to him. Julianna squealed in happiness, taking a solo cup out of a passing boys hand and raising it in the air to cheers but Lexi instantly took it, making Julianna pout. "To Eli Moskowitz!" Demetri cheered and Lexi's face dropped as Julianna had a dreamy smile take over her face. "Eli...." Julianna mumbled in a happy, dreamy voice, catching Hawks attention, making him turn to her for a second and smile before looking back at Demetri.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Some of you might know him as Hawk. But underneath that crazy clown cosplay and whatever type of Manic Panic he dumps in his hair, he's still good ole Eli. My binary brother." Demetri said with a said fake dopey smile that make Julianna pout, her eyes falling to her shoes. She missed him, whether it was Hawk or Eli, she missed him.

"Well, he was my binary brother. You know what he is now?" "Metri..." Lexi warned, worried what Hawk would do to him but Demetri ignored her. "A real zero."

The crowd oohed as Hawk shifted his weight on his feet. "All right, that's enough, Demetri." "Don't let that angry red hairdo fool you. He's a big softie. Ask Jules if you don't believe me." Julianna's eyes grew wide as she let out a tiny squeak of embarrassment at the feeling of all the eyes on her.

"Lexi, Jules, Eli... or should I say Hawk and I watched every Harry Potter movie together. And he bawled like a baby when Dobby died." Demetri pouted and started fake crying, making almost the whole room laugh. Lexi bit her lip in nervousness. "It's like he has a death wish." She grumbled under her breath and Moon turned to her. "Should we stop him?"

"In the words of Eli's hero, Steve Jobs, "I've got one more thing." Have any of you heard of sleep enuresis?" Demetri asked and even though Julianna was drunk off her ass, she froze, standing up straighter. "Demetri. Don't."

"That is the medical term, of course. In the King's English, it's good old fashioned bed-wetting. And Eli here is a pro. My mom even had a special air mattress for sleepovers. And she called it... Eli's waterbed."

"Yep. Now we stop him." Lexi said to Moon and they both let go of Julianna and ran for Demetri, the Cobra Kai boys right behind them but Chris blocked them. "Come on. We need to go." Lexi said, tugging Demetri's arm as Moon tried to stop Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai from fighting. Everyone froze at the loud noise coming from outside.

Police sirens.

Everyone started running out of the house and Hawk turned to Demetri, ready to yell him a threat when he heard Lexi. "Where the hell is Jules?"

Hawk froze, looking around at the running kids until he saw someone outside, stumbling by the pool. It was Jules.

He quickly pushed his way through the crowd, running towards the pool and saw Julianna walking along the edge as if she were on a curb of a street trying to keep her balance. She lost footing at went falling towards the pool until Hawk grabbed her waist, pulling her away from the water, stuffing her face into his chest. "I got you. I got you. Hey, hey. Are you okay?"

Julianna looked up at the sound of his voice, a dreamy smile on her face. "Hawk! Hi baby... I'm fine" Julianna sang and Hawk felt a flutter in his chest and a small smile grow on his face. "Okay, Sunshine. I need to get you home, okay?" Julianna just looked at him and nodded. "Okay."

Hawk helped Julianna to his car and into the passenger seat before hopping into the drivers seat and started his journey to Julianna's house.

It was quiet in the car when Julianna drunkenly turned to Hawk. "I've missed you."

Hawk tensed up a little at Julianna's slurred words before relaxing at looking at her for a quick second. "You're drunk. You don't mean it."

"But I do. I shouldn't. But I do..." Julianna's words started to slow and Hawk looked at her and saw her asleep in the passenger seat. Hawk bit his lip as he looked back at the road. Julianna missed him maybe just as much as he missed her.

"I miss you too, Sunshine."


When Hawk pulled up to Julianna's house, he saw Lexi slumped up outside the front door and at the sound of a car pulling up, Lexi's head shot up. Hawk got out of the drivers seat and walked towards the passengers side and carried Julianna bridal style to the door.

"Oh my God. She's okay." Lexi breathed out as Hawk stood in front of her, gently placing her on her feet. Lexi quickly wrapped an arm around Julianna's shoulders and let her put all her weight on her. "She's okay. Really drunk though."

Lexi nodded her head, reaching for the door knob before stopping and turning to Hawk. "Thank you." Hawk shook his head. "You don't need to thank me. I'll always help her out."

Lexi's smiled at the boy, glad he was showing some of his old self before walking into Julianna's house, leaving Hawk alone outside.

When Lexi walked in, Johnny and Robby shot up from the couch. "How'd she get that drunk?" Johnny groaned at the sight of his knocked out daughter. "She's not that drunk..." Lexi innocently mumbled and Johnny gave her a 'really' look. "She's shitfaced, Lexi!" Johnny screamed and Robby ran up, putting an arm around Julianna's other shoulder.

"Let's just get her to bed." Robby said and Lexi nodded, walking Julianna to her room and placing her on her bed were a just as knocked out Sam LaRusso was already sleeping.

Once they set Julianna up, Lexi started walking out of the house. "Are you gonna be fine driving home, Lex?" Johnny asked and Lexi smiled, nodding. "I'm okay. I didn't drink. Bye."  Johnny gave her a little wave while Robby nodded his head as a goodbye and the girl left.

but hawk misses her too🥺
ummm... soo
Next chapter is the finale.... and i've brought up Anthony and Joseph(Joey) before in past chapters. (Anthony is a Cobra kai jerk and Joey is Lexis older brother) but they will be in the next chapter so imma introduce them now and in the season 3 chapter so....

Richard Ellis as Anthony Lewis
Jake T. Austin as Joseph "Joey" Gomez

I watch the fosters so I had to make Jake Lexi's brother😭 🤚

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