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Julianna was at her locker which was right next to Miguel's when someone knocked on her locker door. Julianna turned her head and looked shocked at who was in front of her. "Dad?" Miguel turned his head to see what Julianna was talking about and grew just as confused. "Sensei? How did you get through security?"

"I went to school here. You think I don't know all the secret ways in? Hey, listen. I got some good news. Found us a pretty sweet spot for our new dojo. How's the recruiting coming?"

Julianna nodded. "I got Bert and Mitch to join." Johnny furrowed his brows. "Mitch? Who's Mitch?" Julianna sighed, rolling her eyes. "Assface." Johnny made an 'o' shape with his mouth and  nodded. "Okay. Okay. Good. We like assface. What about everyone else?"

Julianna and Miguel shook their heads and closed their lockers. "That bad? Jules, can't you get Hawk in? He listens to you." Julianna shook her head, looking down at her shoes. "Nope." "Everything's changed, Sensei. Cobra Kai, they... They all drank the Kool-Aid." Miguel added and Julianna nodded.

"Kool-Aid? What's wrong with Kool-Aid?" Johnny asked and Julianna sighed, turning to face her dad. "I already told you, Dad. Kreese is turning them into an army of little... assholes!" Miguel nodded. "There's no convincing them to leave."

Johnny looked passed Miguel and Julianna's shoulder before walking through them. Julianna turned around and saw him heading for Hawk and the rest of Cobra Kai. "Come on!" Julianna whispered, grabbing Miguel's arm and dragging him after her dad.

"Ok, listen up!" Johnny yelled, making all of Cobra Kai's heads turn to him.

"I screwed up. And I'm sorry. I made it about me. And that's not what a Sensei does. I took the easy way out. I gave up. What happened here at this school... It rocked me to my core. I couldn't look myself in the eye let alone face all of you." Johnny sighed, not taking his eyes off his old students.

"Yeah. I guess it makes it easier to tell yourself that. but the truth is, you bailed on us long before that fight happened. You got soft. And we paid the price." Hawk snapped and Johnny walked right up to his face.

"Now, you listen up. When you came into my dojo, you were softer than a baby's ass. I made you who you are, not Kreese. Because of me, you got confidence. The type of confidence to ask out Jules. You wanna know how you lost her? When you started listening to Kreese's no mercy bullshit." Julianna let out a tiny squeak of embarrassment as she directed her eyes to her shoes and Miguel chuckled, patting her shoulder.

"Kreese doesn't give a shit about you. About any of you. So if you wanna keep whinning about the past like a bunch of pussies, fine. We can play that game. You wanna stick with Kreese? Go ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you when you're life ends up in the shitter. Or you can sack up and join my dojo. Havenhurst and Magnolia, tomorrow at 4:00. If you wanna save yourselves, train the right way... you better be there."

Johnny went to walk away and Julianna walk after him, not meeting Hawk's eyes that followed after her. "And don't be late!" Johnny screamed, smacking a kids pile of books out of his hands. Johnny sighed. "Sorry, kid. Old habit." Julianna turned around to help the kid pick up his books as she was helping him, a smirk grew on her face as she looked at the boy. "You know, you should join our karate dojo so that doesn't happen again. Did you hear where it's at?"

The kid nodded his head and Julianna smiled, handing him the last book. "Be there." As she stood up, she could see Hawk smiling. Julianna started smiling, hoping that meant he would join her dads dojo.


"This is day one. We've been here before. But things are different now. They tried to tear us down. It didn't work. They said we needed a roof and four walls. Screw that! This park... will be our new dojo. 'Cause you don't need a dojo to be a dojo!" Johnny said and Julianna instantly furrowed her brows but shook it off.

"Is that understood?" Johnny yelled. "Yes, Sensei." Johnny nodded before pointing at Miguel and Julianna. "I started Cobra Kai with one nerd and my daughter... who also a nerd so technically, I started off with two nerds. But this... This is a step up. And if we're going to be taken seriously, we need a name that commands respect. A name that elicits power and dominance. Cobras are strong. They may be the king of the jungle, but the world's more than just a jungle. And there's only one animal... that can kill a snake."

"A mongoose?" Bert asked and Johnny scoffed. "A real animal, Bert." "Dad, a mongoose is rea- You know what? Nevermind." Johnny walked over to a cardboard box a few feet away from him and pulled out a folded red shirt.

"Welcome... to Eagle Fang Karate."

Lexi leaned over to Julianna's ear. "Eagles don't have-" "I know, Let him have his moment." Julianna interrupted but Mitch didn't seem to hear her. "Uh... Eagles don't have fang-" Johnny threw a shirt at Mitch before tossing everyone else some. Julianna threw the shirt over her tank top when she heard a huff a few people away her. "Anyone else feeling a little snug?" Mitch asked, looking down at his shirt that didn't fit him.

Lexi didn't even look up at him to whack his stomach, snorting a laugh. "Do some sit ups, Assface." Johnny nodded, pointing at Lexi. "She's right. Now everybody, Fall in!"

Julianna was watching her dad when she saw a red mohawk emerge from behind the bushes behind him. A smile started to grow on her face as Hawk and a few other kids started walking over. "Dad, look." Julianna breathed out, making Johnny and the rest of Eagle Fang turn their heads.

Julianna smiled at Hawk when he looked at her but when he didn't smile back and instead looked at the ground, her smile faltered. Johnny laughed at the kids coming over. "Look at that. I still got it. All right, everybody. Looks like our class just got bigger. Make room."

Right after he said that, Kyler, Tory and Anthony rounded the corner and Julianna's smile was completely gone. Then, Kreese walked over with the rest of Cobra Kai and Julianna felt a pang of betrayal in her heart.

"I told you. Cobra Kai for life." Hawk said to Johnny and Julianna shook her head. "Hawk..." Julianna went to take a step forward but Johnny put his hand out, stopping her and walking up to Kreese.

"Don't worry, Johnny. I'm not here for a fight." Kreese said as he takes off his glasses. "Yeah? Then why the hell are you here?"

"I'd like to make you another offer to come back to Cobra Kai where you belong." Kreese said and Julianna rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "You're crazy of you think I'm ever teaming up with you again. The garbage you're feeding them, the shit they're pulling, it's messed up. And you're to blame for that." Johnny said, getting right into the old mans face.

Kreese tilted his head to the side. "I have to disagree. I care about my students. They're strong and they're true fighters. And they wouldn't make the mistake of showing mercy and ending up in a coma!"

Miguel immediately started walking up to Kreese, Hawk walking up after him to intimidate Miguel, making Lexi scoff. "Oh come on Hawk, what are you gonna do? Break his arm?" Hawk kept his angry eyes on Miguel as Kreese pushed him back and Julianna grabbed Miguel's arm, pulling him back into formation.

"This is it, Johnny. There's not gonna be another chance." Kreese said and Johnny glared, nodding his head. "Good."

"You made your choice. And you're going to regret it." Kreese said one last time, putting on his sunglasses and walking away from Johnny. Cobra Kai stayed for a few seconds, sending Eagle Fang smirks as Anthony sent a taunting wave to Julianna to piss her off. Julianna went to jump at Anthony but Miguel caught her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back. "I swear to God, I'm gonna kill you." Julianna grunted as she tried to fight off Miguel's arms but not too much because she didn't want to hurt him.

Anthony just chuckled with Kyler and Tory before turning and following after Kreese. Hawk stayed back, watching Julianna as Miguel finally let go over her. Julianna huffed, moving the hair out of her face. Hawk looked at how his mad his teammates made Julianna, he hated that they made her get so worked up. His eyes fell to the ground, walking away.

-I feel bad that one chapter they're doing pretty good and the next something bad happens and Jules doesn't talk to him anymore but I promise I know what i'm doing with this so just trust me

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