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"I need your car." Julianna said as Joey and Lexi started getting out of the car in front of the school. Lexi stopped getting out of the car and went back into the front seat, turning to Julianna. "Why do you need my car?"

"I need to pick Robby up." Lexi smiled at Julianna's words. "Oh, he's getting out today?" Julianna nodded. "Yeah but my dad left before I woke up and Sam told me her dad was going which means those two will start arguing."

Lexi thought about it for a moment when Julianna groaned. "Come on. I have a free period right now." Lexi turned to Julianna and sighed, handing her the keys. "Please don't crash." Lexi sang and Julianna smiled. "I won't."


As Julianna walked up the steps to the juvie, she groaned at the sight of her dad and Mr. LaRusso already fighting. "Robby doesn't need you. You've done enough. Thank you. Goodbye." Johnny said, waving Daniel off.

"You got it under control?" Daniel asked just as Julianna got up to them, crossing her arms. "If he doesn't, I'm here." Johnny's head whipped to Julianna. "You're supposed to be at school." Julianna shrugged. "Free period. Figured I come. Don't mind me, I'll be at by the door. Continue your... 30 year rivalry or whatever."

Julianna walked towards the door where Robby should be walking out of and stared down at her phone, waiting for him to walk out and when he did, she quickly shot up, giving him a small smile and opening her arms out for a hug.

Robby smiled, slowly going in to hug her and from over her shoulder, he could see Johnny and Daniel arguing, making him groan. "Seriously?" The men stopped and turned to Robby. "I told you I don't want you here." Robby said as he walked up to Johnny. "You're my son. I wanted to be here." "So did I." Daniel added.

"Don't do me any favors, it's your fault I was in here." Robby snapped at Daniel. "Listen. I know you're upset. I was doing what was best for you. And now that you're out, I just want you to know I'm here. You always have a home at Miyagi-Do." "Or with me and Jules." Johnny butted in and Julianna smiled.

Robby just glared at the men. "Both of you stay out of my life." Robby turned to Julianna. "Did you come in your own car?" Julianna nodded with a proud smile, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "I have Lexi's. Come on." Julianna cheered, giving the men a little salute as she passed them.

When they got into the car, Julianna's phone instantly connected to the bluetooth, resulting in One Direction to blast through the car. Julianna sang along loudly to Story of My Life when she turned her head to Robby. Her eyes grew wide as well as a smile taking over her face at the sight of her brother bobbing his head and mouthing the lyrics to the song.

"You listen to One Direction?!" Julianna squealed in excitement, startling Robby as he turned to her, his eyes wide like a deer in headlights, caught. "I don't know what you're talking about." Robby said and Julianna scoffed. "I just saw you singing the lyrics. There's nothing to be ashamed of." Julianna said as if she were talking to a puppy and Robby quickly whacked her arm, making her laugh.

"What, you got a favorite member too?" Julianna joked, looking back at the road, not expecting him to answer. "Zayn." Robby mumbled but Julianna heard him, her jaw dropping as the ends of her lips tugged upwards into a huge smile. Robby, noticing is twins reaction, shrugged. "What?"

Julianna shook her head, looking back at the road. "No. Nothing. I just... haven't met someone who's favorite member was Zayn." Robby furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?" Julianna sighed, not taking her eyes off the road. "Well, I myself happen to be a Louis and Niall girl, Lexi's an obvious Harry girl and Moons a Liam girl."

"Moon's a Liam girl?" Robby asked and Julianna turned to him with the same confused expression. "I know. I didn't think she'd be a Liam girl but she is." Julianna pulled into the parking lot of the destination, turning down the music a little and turning to her twin.

"You sure you're good with me dropping you off here?" Julianna said as Robby turned his head, looking off at the police station were he would be getting a parole officer. Robby turned to face her and slightly nodded. "I'll be fine. You should get to school." Julianna laughed and handed him his phone that the officer had given to Daniel after he got arrested and Daniel was nice enough to give to Julianna.

"If you need me, text. Got it?" Robby nodded as he started to smile as well. "You're bossy." Julianna gave him an annoyingly cheeky grin. "I'm your little sister. It's my job to be a pain in your ass. Now go." Robby let out an airy chuckle, making Julianna smile that Robby was getting back to normal. "Bye, Juli." Robby mumbled as he hopped out of the car. "Bye Robby."


After Julianna dropped Robby off at the station, she blasted One Direction the rest of the way to school and even played it in her headphones as she walked to class, making her not notice the Cobra Kai boys sitting by the doors, waiting for her. When they saw Julianna, Anthony stood up. "Ah, heya Lawrence! You're here! Where were you?"

Julianna had not heard him from the headphones in her ears but they were covered by her hair so Anthony assumed she was ignoring him to piss him off, which it did. Anthony bit his bottom lip in anger as he walked towards her. "Hey! Don't ignore me!" Anthony pushed Julianna's back, making her stumble forward a few steps but she caught herself before she could fall. She slowly turned around to Anthony and looked at him like he was crazy.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Julianna breathed out, taking a headphone out of her ear. Anthony let out a breathy laugh, a small smirk starting to grow on his face as he inched towards the girl. Just as he went to grab her arm, Julianna grabbed his, twisting it around until it was behind his back. Anthony hissed in pain as Julianna went on her tippy toes and leaned towards his ear. "Don't try anything, Lewis. I'll beat your ass."

Julianna let go of his arm, making sure to push him a little as all of Cobra Kai watched the scene with wide eyes. Julianna started sending glares to every member and when her eyes landed on Hawk, he didn't seem mad or angry with her. He looked at her in awe and absolute shock, a small smile dancing across his lips as his jaw was hanging a little. Suddenly, two arms wrap around each of her shoulders and walks her away. "If you have to stop me from getting expelled, I'm stopping you." Lexi sang from Julianna's right as Joey was on Julianna's left, grabbing the free earbud and placing it in his ear, bopping his head to the One Direction song playing.

"But I wasn't doing anything." Julianna countered and Joey immediately butts in. "Jules is right, Lex. She's not getting expelled for checking out her ex." Julianna quickly hit his shoulder, making him laugh a little before taking the headphone out of his ear and walking over to Yasmine who was at her locker. Julianna turned to Lexi with raised brows. "I was not checking Hawk out."

Lexi little out a little 'humph' noise before looking back ahead, moving her arm from around Julianna's shoulders and instead linking their arms. "Yeah... You keep telling yourself that. Do you have my keys?" Lexi asked and Julianna dangled the keys in front of her friends face. "Here you go. Not one scratch on it. Honestly, you should let me drive your car more." Julianna shrugged out and Lexi instantly pulled her lips into a line, shaking her head no as she snatched the keys out of Julianna's hands. "No. My car. I drive."


"Good, Bert! Remind me not to piss you off!" Johnny screamed after Bert kicked to frisbee out of his hand. "Assface, you're next." Mitch groaned, walking up to Johnny. "Does my nickname gotta carry over from the previous dojo?"

"You wanna be penis breath?" Johnny asked with raised brows, making Mitch slump his shoulders. "Assface is fine." Mitch kicked to frisbee out of Johnny's hands, making him cheer. "Good, Penis Breath!" Julianna and Lexi both laughed as Mitch walked back into the line. Mitch rolled his eyes at the girls. "Don't laugh." Julianna raised her hands in the air in surrender as she walked up to Johnny.

Julianna didn't even give Johnny time to give her a comment before she kicked the frisbee out of his hands. Johnny stared at the frisbee flying with raised brows before turning to Julianna. "Atta girl! Didn't even let me give you a comment to make you all bitchy." Julianna sweetly smiled, doing a playful little curtsy and walking back to her spot.

"Diaz! You're up!" When Miguel got up into fighting positions, Johnny waved the frisbee around. "Imagine this is the guy I stole this frisbee from, all right? Just picture his stupid white dreads." Miguel nodded and went to kick the frisbee but only barely tapped it. Johnny sighed. "All right, good hustle. Who's next? Gomez, come on."

"No, I can do it, Sensei." Miguel insisted. "Miguel, it's fine." Miguel shook his head. "I got it." Johnny nodded. "All right. Get in a side stance. Use the balls of your feet."

Miguel went to kick the frisbee again but totally missed it and fell to the ground. Lexi and Julianna quickly walked over, trying to help him up but he whacked their arms away. "I'm fine!" Lexi and Julianna quickly backed off. "All right, everybody. Take five, go get some water. But not from the fountain, I saw some meth head wipe his ass in it." Johnny yelled, making Julianna and Lexi cringe.

As Julianna went to grab her own water bottle she brought, she heard a phone beep. "You gotta be shitting me!" Mitch cursed and Julianna furrowed her brows at him in confusion. "What's wrong?" "They cancelled the All Valley!" Julianna froze as Johnny's jaw practically dropped. "They did what?"


Julianna walked home from the park. Lexi had to pick up Joey from the wrestling meet at the school and Julianna had to meet Hawk at her house to finish her project.

As she walked through the apartment complex, she saw Hawk already there, leaning against her front door, staring at his phone as his backpack and all the materials they needed for the project sat by his feet. Julianna cleared her throat, catching his attention.

"Oh! You're here. I brought the stuff for the project." Hawk said and Julianna nodded her head, stretching her arms out towards the parking lot, gesturing for him to go. Hawk gave her a small smile, throwing his backpack over his shoulder and grabbing the bag with the supplies, following Julianna to their destination.

She had made sure they were a few spots away from where anyone normally parked so no ones parking space or car got damaged during their project. Julianna walked towards Hawk, taking the bag of supplies out of his hands, her hand brushing against his for a second, making her blush a little but continues working anyway. She kneels towards the ground, taking the beaker out of the bag and not long after, Hawk kneeled down beside her, helping take the stuff out the rest of the stuff.

Once they had everything out, Julianna let out a contempt sigh. "Okay, so first we need to mix 1/2 a cup of Hydrogen Peroxide, a 1/4 cup of Dish Soap and the food coloring." Julianna sighed as she stared at the directions and Hawk nodded, mixing the Hydrogen peroxide and the dish soap. When he reached for the food coloring box, he looked at it for a few seconds before pushing it towards Julianna.

"I'll let you pick the color." Hawk smiled out, making Julianna smile, reaching for the box and instantly pulling out a red. Hawk swiftly took the food coloring and added it to the mixture before wiping his hands on his pants, done with the first half of the project. Julianna reached for the packet of yeast, mixing it with some warm water before trilling her lips. "Now we wait."

Hawk furrowed his brows, looking at Julianna. "Wait? Wait for what?" Julianna looked off at the yeast/water mixture and pointed her finger at it. "For the yeast to activate. It's only gonna take like five minutes." The two sat in silence for a minute before hearing a yell from the center of the complex

"Jules! I need to use your bike!" Miguel yelled by her front door and Julianna quickly ran out from the parking lot and stopped by the fountain, watching Miguel take her bike from by her front door. "Miguel!" Julianna screamed, feeling Hawk run up beside her. Miguel turned to Julianna frantically. "I need to go! The fate of the All Valley rests in my hands!"

"The fate of the All Valley rests in my hands- Oh, Whatever! Don't crash my bike or you're dead!" Julianna mimicked Miguel before yelling to him as he pedaled away, throwing  a thumbs up in the air to show he heard her. Julianna rolled her eyes before going back to the project.

"So do you wanna be the one to make it and I'll film?" Hawk asked, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. Julianna shrugged, bending down to check the yeast mixture. "Uh... sure." Julianna turned around to face Hawk and saw him staring at her ass. Hawk looked into Julianna's eyes and his instantly went wide from being caught, looking off into the air as if he wasn't just looking at her.

Julianna cleared her throat, standing up straight. "Uh... It's ready." Hawk looked at her, awkwardly nodding her head and started recording. As soon as Julianna's eye fell on the camera she grew tense. "Aw, shit. What am I supposed to say?" Julianna asked, through her forced smile and Hawk sighed, turning around so the camera faced him and Julianna. "What's up class! It's Hawk and Jules and we are doing our project and making Elephant Toothpaste!" Hawk announced to the phone as if he was making a YouTube video.

Julianna laughed, going back and forth on her feet as Hawk took a few steps back to stand beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "So we have made our solutions and Jules here will put in the mixture and it will... blow up?" Hawk asked, turning to Julianna and she shrugged. "We'll see."

Julianna skipped to the red mixture they made first and once she knew Hawk was filming her, she poured in the yeast mixture in and quickly backed away, giggling as it blew up into a foaming mess. Julianna threw her arms into the air, cheering as Hawk laughed behind the camera. "That was awesome!" Julianna screamed, jumping over the project and taking the camera from Hawk, pointing it at him. "Hawk, wasn't that amazing?"

Hawk nodded, putting his hand on his chin. "Yeah. That was pretty cool." Hawk shrugged, hiding his obvious excitement that Julianna could easily see but instead covered it. Julianna scoffed, turning the camera to face her. "He's no fun. That was a great project and it was very fun. Bye!" Julianna turned off the camera and went to hand Hawk his phone back when Hawk pulled her into a hug. "That was awesome!" He cheered like a little kid on Christmas, making Julianna smile. He was showing her Eli. She smiled, nodding her head. "Hell yeah it was."

-i felt like this was a good way to end the chapter but idk🧍‍♀️
incase yall didn't know what elephant toothpaste is, this is it.

Uh... also i literally kinda gave you guys the directions on how to make elephant toothpaste but if it doesn't turn out right don't come for me👩‍🦯


and now for my daily jacob spam:

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