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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨i've missed that¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


"Sensei Lawrence and I have the same goal of preparing you for the tournament." Daniel spoke the next day at class, all the students standing in front of him and Johnny.

"But we have different ways of getting you there." Johnny said and Daniel clasped his hands together, nodding. "We realize that teaching you opposing viewpoints at the same time can be a little confusing."

"So we've discussed it and come up with a solution. We're gonna divide and conquer. Eagle Fang trains out front." Johnny yelled, nodding his head to the front yard. Lexi's face dropped slightly, looking at Demetri beside her before turning back to the senseis as Daniel gestured around him. "And I'll be back here with the Miyagi-Dos."

Juliannas brows furrowed, raising her hand. "I thought we were stronger working togeher." Lexi nodded along with Julianna, crossing her arms over her chest as she raised her brows at the Senseis. "Yeah, isn't that the whole reason we're... you know, together?"

"We're still working together." Daniel said, nodding his head at Lexi reassuringly.

"Just separately." Johnny added, making Julianna's brows furrowed, confused again. "What..?" She muttered, turning her head to Lexi and Hawk beside her, both of them shaking their heads, also confused.

"All right, Eagles, follow me!" Johnny yelled, heading towards the front yard. Julianna looked around sadly, sending Demetri a small smile before Hawk grabbed her hand, pulling her towards towards the front yard.

Lexi turned to Demetri, giving him a lopsided smile. "See you after class." She muttered, going on her tippy toes to kiss his lips and when she pulled away he smiled, brushing her hair back behind her ear. "See ya." He mumbled and Lexi smiled before quickly following her dojo.

Johnny watched his students crowded in front of him, scanning through all of them before he smirked slightly. "Hawk, since you're new to Eagle Fang, come on up."

"Yes, Sensei." Hawk yelled, bowing before walking up face to face with Johnny. Julianna watched her dad curiously before leaning towards Lexi, keeping her eyes on her dad and Hawk. "I don't trust this." She muttered and Lexi pursed her lips, shaking her head. "Me neither. But it may be entertaining." She said before straightening up, an anticipating smile on her face

Johnny smirked, nodding his head at Hawk before sweeping his leg under him, knocking the boy to the ground. The whole class jumped back slightly, none of them expecting that as Hawk groaned, looking up at Johnny in shock. "What the heck?"

Johnny ignored the boy on the ground, looking at the rest of his students. "Today we're gonna practice our front sweeps. On Hawk." He said, making the boys eyes go wide, quickly getting off the ground and looking at Johnny guiltily. "All right. I know I was a dick, but I'm sorry."

Johnny glared at the boy, part of him mad for betraying him and the dojo and the other part of him mad at Hawk for hurting Jules from the breakup even though they are back together.

"Talk is cheap." He snapped at the boy before turning back to his students, instantly pointing at Jules.

"Jules. Come on." He said, using his finger as if to say come on. Julianna sighed in defeat, knowing she wouldn't win a fight against her father as she slowly walked up to him and Hawk.

Julianna turned to Hawk, giving him a squinted look as Johnny backed away. "Sorry." She mumbled and Hawk nodded understandingly before Julianna stuck her leg out, sweeping her leg across Hawks, knocking him back on the ground.

Hawk groaned when he hit the ground again. Julianna took a small step back as Johnny stepped forward, shaking his head, "Stop whining like a little bitch. Get up."

As Hawk struggled to get up, Johnny turned back to his students before pointing at Lexi. "You." He said before pointing beside him as if to say "come here".

When Lexi got up to him, Johnny nodded. "Now Gomez, you are very good at sweeps but I want you to work on your punches." Johnny said and Lexi sucked in a deep breath, nodding.

As Johnny backed away to give the girl some room, Hawk stood in front of her, waiting for her hits.

"Don't be a pussy! Punch him in the face!" Johnny yelled and just as Lexi was about to do what he had said, she changed her move.

"You kicked him in the balls? What the hell is wrong with you?" Johnny yelled, watching Hawk hit the ground again before turning to Lexi, shaking his head. "Stop kicking people in the balls, Gomez!" Johnny yelled and Lexi shrugged.

Johnny rolled his eyes, gesturing to Hawk. "Do something else." Johnny demanded Lexi and Hawk tried to catch his breath, shaking his head. "No, please. She kicks really hard."

Johnny looked at Hawk for a few seconds before turning back to Lexi. "Gomez."

Lexi wasted no time punching Hawk in the gut. The Moskowitz boy clutched his stomach, groaning in pain as Johnny clapped. "Boom! Nice shot, Gomez! Right in the gut!" He cheered as Daniel walked out of the meditation room, looking at Johnny with wide eyes. "Sensei Lawrence! May I have a word with you?"

Johnny looked at Daniel for a few seconds before turning to Eagle Fang. "All right, everybody take five." He yelled to the kids before turning to Hawk, who was still holding his gut. Johnny patted his shoulder, nodding. "Walk it off." He said before walking with Daniel to the side of the building.

Lexi slowly walked up to Hawk, giving him a slightly worried look. "You okay?"

It took him a few seconds but the boy gave her a small thumbs up before holding his hand out for her and him to do a handshake he, Julianna, Lexi and Demetri made back in the sixth grade. Lexi smiled slightly, doing the hand shake with Hawk as Julianna walked up to them.

When they finished their handshake, Hawk stood up straight, smiling at Julianna. "I'm gonna go inside and get some water." He said and Julianna smiled, nodding her head.

As Hawk walked into the meditation room, Julianna walked towards her dads car, opening the passenger side door to grab her water bottle and her phone from the center console.

Julianna quickly turned on her phone as Lexi walked up to her. When Julianna saw no new messages in her notification center, she sighed, putting her phone back in the car. Lexi watched her with furrowed brows, tilting her head. "What's up?"

"Robby won't answer my texts." Julianna grumbled, opening her water bottle and taking a sip. Lexi frowned, leaning against the car. Julianna leaned against the car with Lexi, turning to her as she stopped drinking her water.

"Like I understand if he doesn't want to talk to our dad or Daniel. And if he doesn't want to talk to me either, that's fine too, I guess." Julianna said, looking down sadly before shaking her head, looking up at Lexi. "But I just want to know that he's safe. The last time I talked to him, he was sleeping in the back room at Cobra Kai."

"I'm sure he's okay." Lexi said and Julianna slowly nodded, trying to believe her best friends words.

"This was always gonna be a disaster, wasn't it?" Daniel yelled as he and Johnny stomped out from the side of the building where they were talking. "Everything's a disaster with you!" Johnny yelled, making Daniel's steps instantly stop, turning around to Johnny with a shocked look. "What?! Me?"

Lexi scoffed at the arguing men, shaking her head as she pushed herself off Johnnys car to watch them. "God, they're like a married couple." She muttered and Julianna snickered, crossing her arms as she watched them.

The door to the meditation room slowly opened and Julianna and Lexi watched as Hawk walked out, slowly walking over to Daniel. "Hey, Mr. LaRusso, can we talk?" He asked and Daniel sighed, stopping his fighting with Johnny and turning to Hawk. "What?"

"I don't know where I fit in here." Hawk said, shrugging his shoulders and Julianna's arms slowly fell from their crossed position, her brows furrowing sadly at her boyfriends words.

Daniel looked at Hawk in anger, shaking his head as he threw his arms in the air. "What did you expect? You burned bridges with pretty much everyone here!"

Hawk's face fell as he shook his head and walked down the driveway, off the property. Julianna almost immediately threw her water bottle in the car and went to follow Hawk, faintly hearing her dad and Daniel starting to argue again.

When Julianna got to the street, she slowed down when she saw Hawk sitting on the curb, his face in his hands. She frowned slightly as she slowly started walking towards him. Hawk slowly lifted his head and looked back at Jules even though he knew it was her and gave her a sad smile as she sat down beside him.

"Hi." He muttered and Julianna gave him a small smile before tilting her head. "What happened in there?"

Hawk sighed, looking forward. "A few Miyagi-Dos said something to me." Julianna's face scrunched, turning herself to face Hawk. "What'd they say?"

Hawk was quiet for a few seconds, trying to decide if he should tell her or not before he let out a small exhale, giving in. "They said I'm not wanted here and I should just leave."

Julianna frowned at his words. She turned her head to look at him and saw him shutting his eyes as hard as he could. Jules sighed, knowing that back before Hawk became Hawk he'd shut his eyes really tight and not listen to the people around him.

"Hawk..." Jules said but Hawk kept his head down, his eyes still shut. Julianna sighed, moving to sit criss cross in front of him. "Eli, look at me."

At her words, Hawk looked up and Julianna smiled, cupping his cheeks as she maneuvered herself so she was on her knees and the same height as Hawk. "You are wanted here. I want you here, Lexi, Demetri and Miguel, they want you here. And as much as he'd hate to admit it, even my dad wants you here." She said and Hawk laughed.

Julianna laughed with Hawk until his laughs died down and when they did and he started to frown again, she gave him a lopsided smile. "You aren't the same guy you were back then, okay? You left Cobra Kai, you left Kreese and you got better. Just give them time and they'll see that."

Hawk looked back down at his shoes, lightly nodding his head. As he went over what she had told him in his head, he smiled, his eyes lighting up slightly as he looked up to face Julianna, his smile only getting bigger. The Lawrence girl grew confused by her boyfriends stare, laughing slightly as she shook her head in embarrassment, not knowing why he was staring at her. "What?"

"I've missed that." Hawk muttered, his smile getting slightly softer when Julianna smiled back. "Missed what?" She asked and Hawk looked down to hide his smile. "You calling me Eli."

Julianna's smile got wider at his words, her head tilting slightly. "Really?" She asked, her voice a little higher than normal. Hawk laughed at how high her voice got but still nodded his head to answer her question.

Julianna bit her lip, a small smile behind it as she smiled sheepishly at Hawk. "I can start calling you Eli again...? If you want me to of course." Julianna said, not knowing if the question would make him uncomfortable.

Hawk smiled, almost smirking as he brought his hand up to go behind Julianna's neck, his fingers going into her hair. "You can call me whatever you want, Sunshine." He smirked and Julianna snickered, shaking her head s hawk pulled her into a kiss.

Seconds after their kiss started, a loud honk from a car pulling out of Miyagi-Do made the couple jump apart. They turned their heads and watched Johnny point at Julianna, the passenger side window rolled down so he could yell at her. "Jules! Get in the car."

Julianna's brows furrowed, pointing back to the dojo. "But I was going home with Lexi today. Joey was gonna take us and the rest of the group to the mini golf place." She said, turning her head to Hawk for a second as he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, not anymore." Johnny yelled and Julianna's face fell as he continued to yell. "You and I need to... ugh! What's that word you teens use when someone's bitching to you?"

The girls face scrunched. "What?" She asked, looking at her dad like he was crazy. Hawk slowly leaned towards Julianna's ear, looking at her once he saw the mans glare for leaning towards his daughter. "Like ranting?" Hawk asked and Julianna's eyes instantly shut, her head turning to the ground disappointedly.

"Oh God." Julianna muttered, shaking her head before turning back to her dad. "Do you mean ranting?" She asked and Johnny instantly snapped his fingers, nodding. "Yes! That! Now get in."

Jules looked at her dad for a few seconds and when she knew he was serious, she sighed, slowly standing up and turning to Hawk who stood up as well. "See you tomorrow, Eli." Jules said and Hawk smiled. "See you tomorrow." He said happily before looking at her with a slightly scared look. "I'd kiss you goodbye but your dads kinda mad-dogging me.

Julianna laughed at Hawks words, her hands going to hold either sides of his neck as she quickly leaned up to kiss him. Hawk gave her a quick peck, worried that Johnny might try and kill him for kissing Jules longer but the girl only chuckled, smiling at him before walking to her dads car.


After Johnny told Jules about how he is going to break off things with Miyagi-Do and go back to just Eagle Fang, the rest of the ride back to their apartment, Julianna begged her dad to try and make amends with Daniel at least one more time.

"Look, I tried. The only thing LaRusso and I have in common is hating Kreese. I thought that was enough but it's not." Johnny said, not even waiting for Julianna as he got out of the car and walked towards the apartment.

Julianna quickly got out of the car and jogged after her dad, slowly her steps to match his once she got beside him. She huffed as she ran a hand through her hair, looking up at her dad. "There's gotta be some way to make it work. Find more common ground." Julianna suggested and Johnny groaned, facing their front door to unlock it. "Not gonna happen. We're too different. There's too much history. Look, let's forget it. We'll take down Cobra Kai on our own."

Just as he was about to walk into the house, an idea came to Julianna's head. "What about Rocky III?" She blurted and Johnny froze, slowly turning around to face his daughter, raising a single brow. "What about it?"

Julianna smirked slightly, taking a step closer to her dad. "How did Rocky defeat Clubber Lang? He and Apollo had to work together. Even with all that history. They made it work and they took down Clubber Lang." Julianna said and Johnny looked down, a part of him knowing she was right.

"But only because Apollo had to reach out first. You have to be Apollo." Julianna said and her fathers head immediately snapped up to look at her. "Why?" Johnny asked and Julianna snickered, tilting her head at her dad with a small smile. "Because sometimes, being the bigger man feels good."

Johnny gave her an annoyed look, here words not effecting him. Julianna groaned, rolling her eyes. "Plus, striking first is way more badass."

Johnny chuckled slightly, a smirk on his face. "We'll see." He muttered before wrapping a lazy arm around Julianna's shoulder as they both walked into the house. "Sorry I took you from your friends."

Julianna let out a loud laugh, her head going back before she looked back ahead, shaking her head. "It's fine. I probably would've gotten mad for losing by now. Plus, I have homework to do anyway."


Julianna spent the rest of the night in her room. She could've sworn she heard someone in the living room talking to her dad but shook it off, thinking it was just the TV.

She was taking off her make up when her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and answered Hawks FaceTime, still cleaning her face with the wipe. "Hey!" She said, smiling at at the boy on the screen.

From what Jules could see, the boy had gotten out of the shower a few minutes ago; his hair down and still wet and he was shirtless, sitting up in his bed. Hawk smiled at her words but Julianna could tell he was excited about something and furrowed her brows.

"What?" Julianna asked and Hawk placed his phone on his laptop screen, turning to the laptop as he typed before Julianna got a text from him. Hawk smiled as he turned back to the phone. "I have an idea."

Julianna's brows furrowed, throwing away her makeup wipe in the small trash can in her room before sitting on her bed, opening her laptop so she could see what he sent.

She clicked on the photos he sent and her brows instantly furrowed at blueprints. "What are these?" Julianna asked, flipping through all the different photos to see all the different angles.

"I thought I could make a sparring deck in that back area of Miyagi-Do. You know the part that's gated off." Hawk sheepishly shrugged out and Julianna turned back to the phone, her head tilting in confusion. "Would the LaRussos be okay with that?"

"I asked Sam and she said her dad would be fine with it. She said even all the wood and materials we'd need would be there. But I thought I'd ask my lovely girlfriend to look over the blueprints to see if everything's good." Hawk said and Julianna let out a small "ahh.", nodding her head as she smirked.

"And what did she say?" She asked jokingly, acting as if she wasn't his girlfriend, making Hawk squint and purse his lips. "I don't know. She's a little slow." Hawk said and Julianna's jaw dropped, playfully scoffing at Hawks words as she turned back to the computer to check over the blueprints again as Hawk laughed.

"No but really. This is great." Julianna said and Hawk smiled, nodding his head. "The  I guess we're all making a sparring deck tomorrow."


"All right, stand back! It's coming down!" Hawk yelled, not even giving kids time to back away before he swung the sledgehammer right into the fence

"Hey! What are you doing?" Daniel yelled as he and Johnny ran into the backyard from the front, looking at Hawk like he was crazy. His face fell, giving the men a sincere look. "You were both right. Talk is cheap. So I'm building a bridge."

Demetri, Lexi and Julianna proudly walked up beside Eli, Julianna grabbing his hand as she showed her laptop, which had blueprints of the design, to the Senseis as Demetri spoke. "Uh, more specifically, an Okinawan sparring deck."

Julianna looked back at what would become the sparring deck before turning back to her dad and Daniel. "Eli's a design whiz. He called me last night and I looked it over and everything checks out."

"Mr. Miyagi just used this area for extra storage, but a new deck would mean a lot more room for training." Sam said, hoping her words would convince her father.

Julianna gave Sam a thankful smile, glad she's trying to help before she turned back to her Senseis with a small smirk. "We're all gonna help build it." Julianna said as Lexi quickly skipped up beside Jules, linking their arms as she smiled at the men. "If we have our delightful Senseis approval, of course."

Daniels eyes went to all the students working together, the kids standing in front of him trying to convince him and Johnny beside him before he finally nodded. "Sounds good to me."

Julianna's smile only got brighter as she turned to her dad who was already smiling at her, nodding. "Yeah. Sounds awesome."


and dexi at the beginning owning everyone's hearts

which if you haven't finished it yet, i will be talking about it in these authors notes so beware
but catch me trying to have him with his hair down as much as possible before... yk...

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