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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨work in progress¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


If you asked Julianna, putting the two dojos together was a work in progress. After times and times of trial and error, Daniel and Johnny decided to let the other have chances to take over in the class so the kids from the opposite dojo could see what they'd have to learn.

Right now, Johnny was teaching and had called up Lexi and Mitch to fight. The two stood across from each other in fighting position, Lexi glaring at the boy to get more in the zone.

"Ready. Fight!" Johnny yelled and Lexi instantly jumped at Mitch, throwing any punch she would as Mitch tried to fight back.

"Oh my God!" Demetri whispered in shock at the sight of his girlfriend as Julianna chuckled. Hawk smirked at the fight, leaning towards Julianna. "Ten bucks says Lexi gives him a black eye."

Julianna turned to Hawk with raised brows and an amused smile, shaking her head. "Not before Daniel breaks it up." She laughed out just as Daniel started waving his hands around, breaking the two apart just as Lexi was about to throw a punch at Mitch's eye.

"Hey. Hey. Hey! You're just swinging at each other!" Daniel yelled as Julianna let out a small, victorious hum, opening her hand out. Hawk rolled his eyes, reaching into his back pocket and placing his ten dollar bill in her hand, the girl instantly taking it and stuffing it in her pocket.

"Don't you teach any defense?" Daniel yelled at Johnny, making Mitch laugh, pointing at Daniel. "Best defense is more offense."

Lexi rose a brow at Mitch's words, not wasting a second to raise her foot and kick him in the balls. Mitch froze as all the boys around her gasped. A loud groan left Mitch's lips as his hands went to his area, falling back onto the ground in pain.

Daniel looked at Mitch with wide eyes before turning to Lexi, taking a small step away from her. "How about we have some of my students fight?"

When Johnny reluctantly nodded, Daniel smiled, looking around at his students before pointing at Demetri and Sam. "Demetri! Sam! Circle up."

Demetri and Sam nodded, both walking to the center of the crowd and bowing.

"Fight!" Daniel yelled but instead of jumping at each other to fight, Sam and Demetri circled each other.

For five minutes.

"That's it. Keep circling." Daniel said, nodding his head. Lexi looked at the fight bewildered as Hawk leaned towards Julianna with furrowed brows. "What is this?"

Julianna's eyes didn't leave the scene in front of her, confused why neither had thrown a punch. "I don't know. I think I'm getting dizzy." She muttered before closing her eyes and dropping her head.

"This is more boring then my Abuela's shuffleboard. And that's saying something." Lexi muttered, making Julianna snicker, still facing the ground.

"One of you do something. What the hell is this?" Johnny asked and Demetri sighed, getting out of his fighting stance to look at Johnny. "That's not really how this works. One of us has to be provoked."

With that, Johnny threw his water bottle at the boy as Lexi opened her water bottle, splashing Demetri with water.

The boy gasped in shock, looking down at his now wet clothes before looking back up at Johnny and Lexi. "Provoked yet?" Johnny asked with raised brows and Demetri sighed, walking away from the fight and to Lexi.

"That was rude." Demetri whispered and Lexi shrugged, grabbing his hand as they walked towards the front for the next exercise. "It's okay. It's just water."


"That's right, clean it good. Want it brand-spanking-new. Get all the cans out of there." Johnny yelled, having Eagle Fang clean his car while Daniel had Miyagi-Do wax his cars.

Julianna was in the very back seat of her dad's car, trying to hold back a gag as she threw away old beer cans and fast food containers. "God, why is this thing so filthy? He's only had in for a few weeks." Julianna whispered in shock, making Hawk chuckle from the row of seats right in front of her.

"You find any loose change, it belongs to me." Johnny yelled and Julianna's eyes widened. She quickly stuck her head forward so she was leaning on the second row of seats and she could see her dad from the open car door. "Uh... no it doesn't!"

Johnny turned to Julianna, shrugging as the girl groaned, turning to look ahead of her when her eyes fell on Mitch in the passenger seat, pocketing a twenty bill he found in the center console.

"Pocket that money and the last thing you see is that dirty ass car floor." Julianna threatened, pointing at him angrily. Mitch's eyes widened, leaning towards Julianna to hand her the twenty which made Julianna smile at him as she put it in the same pocket she put Hawks ten dollars.


Now all the students stood around in what Julianna called the meditation room, since Daniel had yet to say what it was really called.

Hawk and Mitch got in their fighting stance as Johnny raised his arm before bringing it back down. "Fight!"

Hawk immediately ran at Mitch to attack, grabbing his shoulders so he'd have the advantage to knee the boy.

Mitch landed a punch on Hawk, making him let go. Hawk went to kick Mitch but right before his foot could meet the boy's face, Mitch ducked and Hawks foot landed right in one of the room's paper screens.

Julianna and Lexi gasped, Lexi's gasp turned into a laugh as Hawk struggled to unfree his foot.

"You see, this is why we don't spar in here." Daniel said as Demetri scrambled over to the boy, trying to help free him. Johnny sighed, shaking his head as he walked out of the room. "All right. Class dismissed."

"We should help right?" Julianna asked and Lexi nodded. The two girls looked at each other with wide eyes before running over to free Hawk.


"Today was something." Hawk muttered, his hair down as he and Julianna laid on Julianna's bed, the girl cuddled up against Hawk as they looked up at the glow in the dark sticker stars on Julianna's ceiling.

Julianna laughed at his words, nodding her head. "Oh yeah. It was definitely not what I thought it was gonna be." Julianna laughed out before turning to look up at Hawk with a small smirk. "Nice job breaking the screen, by the way."

Hawk groaned, the corners of his lips curving slightly as he held back a smile. "I already apologized and told him I'd buy him back for the damage." He said as he wrapped his arms slowly around Julianna's waist, looking down at her with a small smirk.

"And what about you?" He asked teasingly, making Julianna laugh more, shaking her head. "What about me?"

Julianna felt Hawks hands travel lower and lower down her back until they were right at the start of her jeans. Suddenly , his hand went straight to her back pocket, pulling out the 30 dollars she got.

"You were swindling during class!" Hawk yelled accusingly. The couple laughed as Julianna took the money out of his hands. "Hey! I earned the ten dollars from you fair and square. The twenty on the other hand... I've never seen it before in my life." She laughed out as Hawks jaw dropped, laughing along as he rested his head on Julianna's shoulder to control his laughter.

"Jules! Dinners ready!" Miguel yelled from the front door before he closed the door. Hawk groaned as Julianna laughed, untangling herself from the boys grasp.

"Hey, you know, it'll be over quick. I'll be back before you know it." Julianna said as she got off the bed and slipped on her shoes. Hawk looked at Julianna with wide eyes, watching as she already started to walk out of the room. "What am I supposed to do while you're gone?"

Julianna froze, looking around her room before pointing at her laptop on the foot of her bed. "Watch a movie or something. You know my passcode." She said before she quickly walked back over to the bed, leaning over to peck Hawks lips before running out of her house yelling an "i love you" hearing Hawk yell an "i love you too" back before she was out of the house.

She quickly sped across the courtyard, not wanting to be rude and late to the dinner. She quickly walked into the house, knowing they wouldn't mind her just barging in since the door was slightly open anyway and as soon as she was in, Carmen smiled at her.

"Oh, Julianna! There you are. Have a seat, we were about to start." Carmen sweetly said, pointing at the seat beside Miguel and diagonal from her. Julianna smiled, taking the seat as her dad walked over from the kitchen, holding the big platter of food.

"Dinner is served." Johnny said proudly as he placed the plate on the table. "All right, tonight's main course is fajitas and grilled vegetables. I have pico de gallo and corn and flour tortillas."

Carmen let out a little chuckle, looking up at the man as he took the seat diagonal of her. "Wow. This looks delicious, Johnny." The woman complimented, earning a snicker from Julianna. "Yeah, first time you don't need help cooking a good meal."

Julianna had never seen her dad look up to glare at her so fast. She cleared her throat, her eyes trailing to her food. "Sorry." She muttered, making Johnny nod, turning back down to his plate.

As soon as he was turned away, Julianna turned her head to Miguel beside her, a small smile on her face as she shook her head and mouthed "not sorry". Miguel held back a laugh at her as Johnny grabbed the big bottle of Spicy Mango salsa, smiling at Miguel's Yaya.

"Here, try this. Spicy mango." Johnny said as he opened the bottle. The woman nodded, pushing her plate towards Johnny slightly.

"Just like the old country." Johnny said as he poured the salsa onto the woman's plate. "Uh, gracias!" Yaya yelped when Johnny poured practically a cup of the salsa onto her plate. Johnny sent the woman a small smile as Julianna and Miguel held back their laughs. When Carmen turned to the two kids to talk with them, their hidden laughs stopped and they quickly composed themselves.

"So how was the big first day?" Carmen asked and before either of the teens could answer, Johnny butted in, worried by what Jules or Miguel would say. "Uh, you know, it's a first day."

"Work in progress." Julianna added as she took another bite of her food, not looking up from her plate but feeling her fathers glare from across the table. Carmen smiled, nodding her head as she turned to Johnny.

"I'm happy you and Daniel are working together. I just want to make sure Miggy's in good shape." Carmen said before turning to Julianna, sending her a soft smile. "You too, Jules."

Julianna smiled at the fact Carmen cared if she was safe, picking up a few more pieces of food onto her fork as Miguel sighed, shaking his head reassuringly at his mom. "My back's in better shape than ever, okay? You don't have to worry."

"She's your mom, she's gonna worry." Johnny told Miguel before turning to Carmen with a smile. "But don't worry, I'm watching him."

Julianna loudly cleared her throat to catch her fathers attention as Miguel's grandma spoke with him.

Johnny turned to Julianna, the girl raising a single brow at her father, making him crack a smile nodding his head. "I'll be taking care of you too. Don't worry." Johnny said and Julianna smiled, taking another bite of her food.

"I'm glad you and Sam are back together. She's cute." Carmen said since that was what she, Miguel and her mom were talking about. Miguel chuckled at his mom's words, nodding his head at Sensei. "I'm not the only one who's getting back together with an ex. Huh, sensei?"

Johnny, Julianna and Carmen's faces all fell. Julianna knew her dad and Carmen had been... together  after she caught Carmen walking out of her house and Miguel bringing up Ali would just ruin all of it. Thinking of a way to save her dad from a breakup, Julianna quickly butted in.

"He's talking about me." Julianna blurted. Carmen turned to Julianna, her face calming slightly as Jules smiled, nodding her head. "Yeah, me and Hawk got back together but my dad's not too happy about it." Julianna said, turning to her dad and sending him a playful smile.

Johnny scoffed at Julianna, picking at his food with his fork. "I'm sorry I don't like my daughter dating someone with the name Hawk." He muttered and Julianna's face fell, looking at her dad with an "are you kidding me?" look.

"You gave him that name."  Julianna muttered and Johnny shrugged, looking up at his daughter. "Well, I didn't think he was gonna get with my daughter when I gave him such a badass name. Should've stuck with Lip." He said and Julianna swiftly kicked her foot out, hitting her dad's shin.

Johnny winced at the kick as Miguel chuckled, shaking his head. "As much as I love Jules and Hawk back together, I was talking about Sensei Lawrence." He said and Julianna's eyes closed as she let out a defeated exhale.

"He had a date with the love of his life. The one that got away." Miguel said and Julianna bit her tongue and kicked Miguel in hopes he'd understand she's telling him to shut up but the boy ignored her as Carmen turned to Johnny with raised brows. "Is that right?"

Johnny immediately shook his head, looking down at his plate, too worried to meet Carmen's eyes. "It wasn't a date, no." Johnny said and Miguel scoffed, shaking his head as he turned to his mom. "He's being modest. We took all those cool pictures and made you look–" Miguel was cut off by Julianna kicking him in the shin harder, making the boy gasp, whipping his head to her.

"Ow! You know, at first I thought you wanted to play footsie but that was too aggressive!"


After a very awkward rest of the meal, Julianna headed back to her place as her dad stayed back to help Carmen with dishes.

When Julianna got to her bedroom, Hawk was still there. He was lying down still, watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on Julianna's laptop. When he heard someone walk in, he looked up from the movie and smiled at Julianna as she walked towards the bed.

"Told you I'd be back quick." Julianna said and Hawks brows furrowed, looking at the clock on Julianna's nightstand before turning back to her as she crawled into bed, getting under the covers with him.

"A little too quick. You were barely there half an hour. What happened?" Hawk asked, pausing the movie as he looked at Jules worriedly.

Julianna sighed, leaning into Hawk slightly as she told him about the dinner, the boy just letting Julianna talk and let it all out.

—first chapter of seaskn 4 and i HAD to bring back hair down hawk🙄

ALSO i make edits for my fics on tiktok... i just posted a iron fists edit you guys should check it out 👀 my users @/ lonely_sxcker

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