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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨prom night¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


Prom night.

A night Julianna Lawrence has dreamed about since she was little. She even got the date she had dreamed of since she was younger. Julianna didn't feel like Eli had to ask her to prom since they were dating but Eli wanted to show his love for her after the crazy year they had.

Eli got Miguel to help get into Julianna's house, Miguel having a key at his place in case of emergencies. Eli decorated Julianna's room with rose petals, quickly changed into a tux and when he heard Julianna walking into her house, he quickly grabbed the sign he made her and jumped onto her bed, lying down.

Julianna walked into her room, immediately stopping as she looked at her bed. Her jaw dropped as she started to laugh reading the sign.

"I know you miss my mohawk, but wouldn't I look more-hot at prom with you?" The sign read, Eli and Demetri spending hours trying to find a play on words before deciding more-hot rhymes with mohawk.

Eli gave Jules an awkward smile as Julianna's smile widened. "So... Will you go with me to prom?" Eli asked and Julianna laughed, nodding her head. "Yes." Julianna said and Eli smiled, sitting up slightly. Julianna sped towards the bed, jumping onto it and hugging Eli.

Now it's prom night and Jules was getting ready before Eli came over for photos. Julianna was putting on her makeup in the bathroom when she heard her dad walk towards the door, leaning up against it as he winced at the sight of Julianna curling her lashes, always worried she'd cut her eyelid. "Hey, kiddo. I'm heading over to the LaRusso's with Carmen and Miguel." Johnny said, still cringing.

Julianna pulled the curler away from her eye, calming Johnny down slightly as he watched her, slightly worried. "You sure you don't want to come? You could tell Hawk to meet there." Johnny said and Julianna gave the man a grateful smile, shaking her head. "It's okay. I'm not ready yet anyway." She said before giving her dad a fake serious look, tilting her head down but keeping her eyes on Johnny. "As long as you're back on time for me and Eli's photos."

Expecting Julianna to say that, Johnny pulled out his phone, showing her an alarm. "One step ahead of you. Had Miguel set it up so I don't miss it. Because you are my main priority." Johnny said, emphasizing on "you" and Julianna smiled. Johnny walked toward Julianna, kissing her head before walking out. "Well, I'll be right back." Johnny said, walking out of the bathroom.

"Love you!" Julianna yelled after her dad. "Love you too!" Johnny yelled back before Julianna heard the front door close behind him.


It had been about an hour since Johnny left and Julianna had finished her hair and makeup. Eli and her dad should be there any minute so Jules started to put on her dress.

When the doorbell rang, Jules let out a small yelp. Jules was shocked at how quick time flew by. Julianna reached behind her back to find the zipper of her lavender dress but she couldn't reach it. Julianna groaned, trying to twist around so she could grab the zipper but it was no use.

When the doorbell rang again, Julianna sighed in defeat and walked towards the door. Luckily, her dress was zipped far enough for the dress to stay on her without her supporting it.

"Eli! I need help zipping up my—" Jules cut off her own words when she opened the door, realizing it wasn't Eli waiting at her doorstep but her mom.

"Mom?" Julianna gulped and Shannon smiled, looking passed Jules and inside the house. "Hi, Julianna. Is your dad home?" Shannon asked and Jules did a double take, looking at her mom like she was in shock. "Uh, no. He's out." Jules said but Shannon kept looking inside the house as if she didn't even listen to the girl.

Jules squinted at the woman, looking at her at her as if she was crazy. "Is everything okay?" Jules asked, not really wanting to hear an answer but not wanting to slam the door in the woman's face.

"Yeah. Yeah. I just need to ask him something about this Silver guy." Shannon muttered and Julianna's brows furrowed. "Wait, what do you mean?" Julianna asked and Shannon turned back to Julianna, sighing as she shook her head.

"He came by my apartment today and he gave Robby a car to take him to prom saying that him and his date were gonna go first class all the way." Shannon rambled and Julianna's brows furrowed, waving her hands slightly. "Wait, Robby's going to prom?" Julianna asked and Shannon rolled her eyes, groaning.

"That's not the point, Julianna!" Shannon yelled and Julianna face fell as she took a small step away from the woman. Shannon noticed Julianna's movements and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to calm herself before opening her eyes and speaking again. "Since this is Cobra Kai or whatever, your father needs to handle this."

Julianna's face scrunched in confusion, looking at her mom like she was crazy. "He's going to prom. He's finally being a normal high schooler after the shitty year he's had!" Julianna yelled and Shannon's eyes widened, shocked Julianna was yelling at her.

"He's happy! He's got a date to prom! So how about you do what you do best and stay the hell out of it!" Julianna yelled before looking down at her watch, scoffing. "And I have to be ready in 5 minutes." Julianna said before looking back at Shannon. "You have to go. I have to finish getting ready for prom. Because in case you forgot, it my schools prom he's going to."

Shannon looked down at Julianna in her dress before looking back up at the girls eyes. "And your dads not here to help you get ready?" Shannon said but Julianna could immediately tell Shannon was trying to make Johnny look bad. Julianna bit her inner cheek, shaking her head in disgust.

"If you're gonna try to make it seem like he's the bad guy for not being here prom night, it's not gonna work when the person trying to get into my head left me at his doorstep." Jules spat, getting right up in Shannon's face. The woman's eyes darted to the floor and Jules smirked, shaking her head as she continued to glare. After Julianna opened up to her dad, the two got a lot closer and Julianna could tell Johnny was making an effort at being there for her better.

"Hey, kiddo! I'm here and I ran into someone on the way in!" Johnny cheered as he excitedly walked into the house, Eli right behind him. Johnny froze at Shannon standing in his home, his entire mood dropping. "Shannon, what are you doing here?" Johnny asked and Julianna clenched her jaw, her eyes never leaving Shannon. "She was just leaving."

At Julianna's words, Shannon finally faced her and Julianna gave the woman a fake smile. "See you the next time Robby needs help." Jules snapped. Shannon looked at Julianna, hurt by her words before she turned around and walked out of the house.

Johnny watched the woman leave the apartment complex before turning back to Jules, watching her take a breath to calm herself down. "You okay?" Johnny asked and Julianna turned to her dad, crossing her arms as she nodded. "Yeah. Apparently Silver gave Robby a bunch of stuff so he could take a girl to prom. Which I don't even know how he can go considering he doesn't do to the school anymore." Jules rambled as Johnny clenched his jaw.

Julianna turned her head, her eyes falling on Eli in a tuxedo and she smiled, letting out a happy laugh. "But I want one night without karate drama." Jules said and Eli smiled. Julianna felt butterflies erupt in her stomach as she reached out and grabbed one of Eli's hands, squeezing it. "I want one night with my boyfriend and my friends."

Eli smiled at Julianna, their eyes never leaving each others. Johnny looked between the two back and forth before clearing his throat loudly, making Julianna and Eli turn to him. Johnny nodded, walking towards the island and grabbing the camera. "Let's get the photos." He yelled excitedly and Julianna gasped, turning around so her back was to Eli.

"Can you zip up my dress? I couldn't reach it." Julianna said, moving her hair over her shoulder. Eli looked at Julianna's not completely zipped dress before turning to Johnny, silently asking for permission. Johnny rolled his eyes, nodding his head.

Eli turned back to Julianna, zipping up her dress and Julianna smiled widely once her dress was completely zipped. She turned back around to Eli and smiled, muttering a small thank you. Eli looked Jules up and down in awe before meeting her eyes again.

"You look beautiful." He whispered before looking down at his hands, handing her a lavender corsage to match her dress and his boutonniere. He grabbed Julianna's hand and put the corsage on her wrist as Julianna watched him with a big smile.

"Alright. Alright. Let's just take the photos." Johnny groaned and Julianna laughed, turning to her dad. Julianna turned her body to Eli, wrapping her arm that wasn't facing her dad around Eli as Eli put his arm around Jules. Julianna put her hand on Eli's shoulder, turning to the camera and smiling.

Johnny squinted as he brought his phone up to his eye line. "3... 2... 1..." Johnny said before he pressed took the picture. Johnny pulled the way away from his face, holding the phone far from him so he could see the screen. When he clicked on the photo to see it, he let out a victorious laugh, showing the teens the phone. "I got it!"

Julianna laughed, looking at the photo before looking back at her dad. "Your finger didn't cover it!" Jules cheered, making Johnny and Eli laugh.

When his laughter started to die down, Johnny have Jules a soft smile, nodding his head behind him towards the door. "Alright, you two go. You're gonna be late." Johnny laughed out and Julianna smiled, grabbing Eli's hand and pulling him towards the door. "Bye, Dad! Love you!" Julianna said as she walked out of the house and Johnny smiled after her. "Love you too, kiddo!"


Jules and Eli barely had time to admire the decoration for the prom before Jules was pulled into a hug by Moon and Lexi, Joey and Demetri coming over behind them. "Oh my God! You look so pretty!" Moon yelled, pulling away from her group hug with Julianna and Lexi.

Julianna looked over her four friends, taking in their outfits. Moon was wearing a light teal dress, Joey's button up matching the dress under his black blazer, Lexi was wearing a dark orange dress that matched one of the ghosts on Demetri's pacman suit.

"We got a booth for all of us. Come on!" Lexi cheered, Moon pulling her towards the table, Lexi going to grab Lexi's hand but just barely missed it. Julianna laughed at her excitement, Demetri pulling Eli along after the two running girls.

As the four started to walk away, Julianna noticed Joey still standing with her. She held back a laugh as they both started walking after the group to their table. "Is he actually wearing a pac-man suit?" Julianna asked, loud enough for only Joey to hear over the blasting music.

Joey laughed, licking his teeth in amusement. "Oh yeah. You should've seen the look on Lexi's face when he walked into our house."


It had been a few hours at prom when Demetri got worn out from dancing and decided to sit out, it was almost over anyway, might as will rest. Knowing Jules would be fine dancing with Lexi and Moon, Eli left her to go sit with him after a few minutes too. The two boys sat in the booth Moon had saved for all of them when Jules tiredly limped towards the table.

"Uh oh." Demetri let out tauntingly, holding back a laugh loud enough for only Jules and Eli to hear. Julianna groaned, falling into the booth and into Eli's side, the boy instantly wrapping this arms around her as both him and Demetri turned their attention to her.

"What's up?" Eli's asked, moving his hand from around Julianna's waist to her shoulder, shaking it playfully. Julianna groaned, wrapping her arms around Eli so she was in his side as she rested her head in his shoulder. "My feet hurt. Those two tired me out." Julianna said, her eyes watching Moon and Lexi still dancing.

The three talked through a few more songs, laughing at jokes Demetri told as Eli ran his hand up and down Julianna's side. When the upbeat music started to drown out and a slow song started to play, Eli straightened up, a small smile on his face.

Lexi ran over from the dance floor, not even asking Demetri if he wanted to dance, taking his hand and pulling him onto the dance floor. Eli slowly dropped his hand from around Jules and got up from his seat.

Eli turned to Jules, giving her a big smile as he put his hand out for her to take. "Wanna dance?" Eli asked with a big grin. Jules looked back and forth between Eli and his hand before grabbing his hand, dragging him onto the dance floor, both of them laughing messes.

Julianna went to try and pull Eli closer to the center of the room and closer to her friends but Eli stopped, making Julianna get sent back towards him from their conjoined hands. Eli instantly wrapped one of his arms around Jules when she rammed into his chest, his other hand grabbing hers and raising it as they slowly started to dance.

It was quiet between the two of them, Eli smiling down at Jules while the girl held back her happy laughs. Eli looked around the room as a small chuckle escaped his lips. "Do you remember when we were in kindergarten and you always used to wear a tiara?" Eli started, remembering a memory of little 5 year old Julianna wearing crown everyday in class.

Julianna shook her head, not wanting to remember the moment but Eli laughed, continuing. "You said you'd be prom queen and demanded people called you a princess." Eli said and Julianna laughed, looking down at her feet in embarrassment before looking around the room, her eyes scanning the decorations in awe. "Yeah... poor little Princess Julianna never got her dream."

Eli watched as Julianna's smile got wider and wider as she looked around the room. A smile grew on his face as he watched her. "Mine did." Eli muttered. Julianna's eyes lift the decorations, turning to Eli with furrowed brows. "What?"

Eli's smile became sheepish as he shrugged, "You wore your tiara on the first day of kindergarten. And in that same day, you chose to sit next to me. I was so happy someone wanted to sit next to me that I wished you'd stay in my life. And you have. Through good and bad and I love you for that." Eli said, slowly raising one of his and Julianna's conjoined hands, spinning her.

Jules felt her face burn up as she spun before Eli exaggeratedly pulled her arm, bringing her back into his chest. Jules let out a small yelp at the action and once her body collided with Eli's, she laughed, facing the floor as she rested her forehead on Eli's chest.

Eli smiled down at Julianna softly, his hands slowly tightening around her waist, making her closer to him. He rested his head on hers as the couple moved back and forth. Eli looked around at all the different couples dancing around him; Lexi and Demetri, Joey and Moon, Sam and Miguel and even Robby and Tory. Eli's eyes darted down to Jules, wanting to tell her about Robby being a few dancers away but he remembered her comment at her house about not wanting any karate drama.


"I had a really nice night." Eli whispered as he walked Julianna towards her front door, their conjoined hands swinging opposite of their footsteps. A big smile grew on Julianna's face as she turned to him. "Me too." She whispered as she got up to the door, turning so she was facing Eli, her back to the door.

Eli, now holding both of Julianna's hands, brought one up closer to his face to look down at his watch before looking back to Jules, a joking pleading look. "Are you sure you don't want to stay at my place? It's late anyway." Eli asked and Julianna snickered. "I think I'd like to live to see graduation. Besides, it's already passed my curfew." Jules laughed out.

Eli frowned slightly before slowly starting to lean towards Jules. He placed a small kiss on her lips as he let go of one of her hands to cup her face. He pulled away from the blondes lips and smiled down at her. "I love you." Eli mumbled, his face still centimeters away from Julianna's. 

Julianna smiled as wide as she could, her eyes never leaving Eli's. "I love you too." She mumbled. Slowly, Eli started to back away from her, watching as Julianna unlocked her door. The two gave each other one last smile before going their separate ways.

Julianna walked into her home, a huge smile on her face as she turned to face the door, closing it quietly. She rested her head against the door, as she smiled down at her feet, remember this day as one of the happiest days of her life.

When she turned around to walk towards her room, her smile instantly dropped at the slight of her dad lying on the floor, bleeding and covered in beer.

"Dad!" Julianna yelled, running towards Johnny. When she saw he was asleep, Julianna cupped his face, hitting it gently to wake him up. Johnny groaned in pain as his eyes opened. When he saw Julianna in front of him, he smiled. "Hey Jules! How was prom?" Johnny asked drunkly and Julianna gave him a reassuring smile, nodding. "It was great. Dad, what happened?"

Johnny lifted his head off the ground so he could see his body before groaning, letting his head fall back onto the ground. "That old man can kick." He muttered and Julianna's eyes widened. "You went after Silver?" She asked quietly as Johnnys eyes started to drift closed again, humming out a small "Mhm."

Julianna sighed at the response, knowing her dad must be in pain. "Okay. That's fine. I'll get you an ice pack and an ibuprofen later but lets just get you up." She mumbled, wrapping one of Johnnys arms around her shoulder to stand him up.

Jules groaned as she pulled her dad up, Johnny putting almost all her weight in her but Jules was used to it after all the nights her dad came home from bar fights in the past. Slowly, Julianna started walking her dad towards his room as Johnny turned to her, his brows furrowed animatedly. "I wasn't expecting you to be home." He grumbled and Julianna rolled her eyes, laughing slightly as she turned to her dad. "It's one in the morning."

Johnny groaned, shaking his head crazily. "I know. I thought you'd sleep over at your boyfriends house." He slurred out. "Kinda wish I did now." Julianna muttered but Johnny didn't hear her.

After a few seconds, Johnny thought over his own words and his eyes widened. He turned back to Julianna, giving her a dead stare as he used his hand that wasn't around her shoulders to point at her. "Which I don't approve of." He added, making Jules snicker.

When they got to Johnny room, Julianna continued to lead him to his bed. "Okay, okay. Careful Dad." Jules muttered as Johnny lied down. Julianna helped her dad take off his shoes, looking down at him worriedly.

"Are you cold? Do you want the blanket one you?" Julianna asked, finishing taking off her dads left shoe. When she turned down to face Johnny, she saw him drunkly grabbing the beer on his bedside table. "Hey, no. No." Julianna whispered, shaking her head as she quickly went to try and grabbed the van from him.

Johnny noticed Jules trying to take his beer and shook his head, tugging his beer back widely, making the beer spill into the two of them. Julianna gasped, looking down at her now soaked dress with a look Johnny could only see as heartbreak. Johnny sighed, putting the can back on the table as he shook his head sadly.

"Sorry." He muttered, feeling bad he messed up the dress. Julianna looked down at the her dress, gulping as she shook her head. "It's fine. It'll wash out." Julianna said, giving her dad a reassuring smile.

Julianna grabbed the blanket at the foot of her dads bed and pulled it up and over him. "I'm gonna go grab that ice pack and your ibuprofen and then I'm gonna head to bed, okay?" Julianna said, going to walk out of the room but Johnny grabbed her wrist stopping her. "Wait. Wait. Listen."

Julianna stopped walking, looking down at her dad as he let go of her wrist. "I try to protect you, I try to be there for you. I just suck at it. I really suck at it." Johnny said and Julianna frowned.

Johnny looked up at Julianna, shaking his head. "But I wanna be a good at." Julianna slowly started to smile, nodding her head. "You're doing just fine." She said, giving her dad a big smile. Johnny smiled back at her drunkenly, making Julianna laugh. "I love you, dad." She said and Johnny smiled, starting to tear up as he turned over on his bed. "I love you too, Jules."



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