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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨second pick¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


Julianna was searching her kitchen for something to eat for breakfast, nothing there but stale cereal and crunchy peanut butter. The girl groaned, walking out of her house and across the apartment complex to check Miguel's place.

Julianna walked into the house as if she lived there, her and Miguel constantly doing that at each other's houses. When she walked in, she saw her dad, Miguel and Carmen all in the living room and she smiled. "Good morning. Don't mind me, just looking for something to eat." She said as she passed the three to go into the kitchen.

Johnnys brows furrowed, turning to his daughter, not wanting Carmen to think he doesn't have food at home. "We have food at home. Why are you scavenging for some here?" He asked as Julianna looked inside the on of the cupboards, smiling at the Captain Crunch cereal.

"All we have at home is peanut butter." Jules said as she pulled out the box and a bowl from the other cupboard. Johnny looked at his daughter in confusion and shrugged. "Okay, so? We have bread. Make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." He said.

At the man's words, Miguel and Julianna turned to her, looking at him like he was crazy. "Sensei, she's allergic." Miguel said and Johnny scoffed. "There's no such thing as peanut allergies." Johnny said and Julianna's eyes widened. "Really?" She asked, watching her dad as she grabbed a spoon from the drawer and the peanut butter from their fridge.

Miguel's eyes widened as Jules opened the container of peanut butter and putting the spoon in it. "Let's find out." She said, going to put the spoonful in her mouth but Miguel ran over to her, taking the spoon and the peanut butter from her hands. "No!"

Jules groaned at Miguel, rolling her eyes as she turned to him. "I wasn't actually gonna do it!" Jules yelled and Miguel gave her a look before turning to his mom. "I left my water bottle in your car. Can I have the keys?"

Carmen nodded to her room, smiling at Miguel. "They should be in my room." She said and Miguel nodded, heading to her room.

When Miguel left the room, Carmen turned to Julianna and smiled. "So, Jules." Carmen said happily and the blonde turned to the woman. Carmen smiled wider at the girl, titling her head. "You should have your boyfriend come over for dinner with all of us. I've met Sam and she's lovely but I haven't met Eli."

Julianna smiled at Carmen, nodding her head excitedly. "Yeah. Yeah, that sounds great." She said and Johnny chuckled. "Maybe during the dinner I could tell Hawk to get out of that basement of his and come back to Eagle Fang." He said with a chuckle and Julianna smile and laugh faltered, gulping. Julianna went to speak up but before she did, Miguel walked into the room.

"Sensei." Miguel muttered, making the three turn to him and Julianna's eyes widened at Miguel holding Johnnys headband. Miguel looked back and forth between Johnny and his mom before setting his eyes on Johnny. "I think this is yours."

Jules turned to Carmen, the woman looking at her son in shock, opening and closing her mouth before she reached forward and grabbed Miguel's shoulder. "Let's have a seat." She whispered before turning to Jules, smiling softly. "Both of you."

Julianna nodded, her and Miguel taking a seat on the couch as Carmen and Johnny took a seat across from them. "Here's the thing." "We wanted to" Johnny and Carmen spoke at the same time. The two turned to each other and chuckled.

"You go." Carmen said and Johnny shook his head, giving her a soft smile. "No, you."

"Someone should go." Miguel blurted, shrugging his shoulders as he looked between the two adults. Julianna almost instantly raised her hand, starting to get off the couch. "I'll go." She said but before she could walk away, Miguel grabbed her hand, yanking her back onto the couch beside him.

Julianna huffed, leaning back into the couch to get comfortable as she crossed her arms over her chest, watching her dad and Carmen. When Miguel turned to them as well, Jules could sense her dads panic. He looked back and forth between her, Miguel and Carmen, letting out a quiet string of "uuhhh" before he cleared his throat and turned back to Miguel and Jules.

"So your mom and I are hooking up." Johnny spoke. Julianna's eyes immediately shut in embarrassment, her head dropping as she shook her head. "Oh, God." She muttered and Carmen turned to her son, shaking her head. "Not just hooking up."

"Uh, you see, when two people... When two people are... attracted to each other—" Johnny started and Julianna's head snapped up, eyes went wide in terror as she shook her head. "Oh my God! Just say you're dating."

Johnny whipped his head to Julianna, sending her a small glare as Carmen let out a breathy laugh, nodding. "We're dating, yes. We didn't mean for either of you to find out the way you both did." She said and Miguel's face instantly scrunched, turning to Jules. "How did you find out?"

Julianna let a small snicker, her hand going to her mouth as she covered her life before she turned to Miguel. "She walked out of my dads room really early in the morning. I was in the living room."

Miguel's face fell once he realized her was the last to know. Carmen tilted her head at her son, worry taking over her face. "Miggy, are you okay?" She asked and Miguel, who had been staring at the ground, shook his head and let out a breathy chuckle. "Yeah, I'm fine. Uh, I think. Surprised. But also not surprised."

Miguel turned back to Jules, his brows furrowed and his face scrunched in wonder, trying to put together a timeframe of when his mom and Johnny got together. "How long have you known?" He asked and Julianna's eyes widened.

Her eyes flickered to her dad and Carmen before she turned back to Miguel. "...A few months." She mumbled and Miguel's eyes practically popped out of his head and his jaw slacked. "Months?!" He gasped before he turned away from Jules and looked ahead of him.

"Okay, I'm feeling more left out now." Miguel muttered, turning back to the ground. Quickly, he lifted his head back up to his mom and shook his head. "But Sensei's a good guy. So as long as you're happy, I'm happy."

A big smile grew on Carmens face as she turned to Johnny, grabbing his hand. "We're happy." She said, staring at the man before she turned back to Jules and Miguel. "How about tonight, we all have dinner?"

Julianna and Miguel both nodded, Miguel looking towards the hallway before turning back to his mom. "Cool. Can I get my water bottle now?"

Carmen playfully rolled her eyes, nodding her head and Miguel smiled, getting off the couch and walking towards this back rooms.

With Miguel out of the room, Johnny and Carmen both turned to Julianna, thinking she'd have something to say. The blonde instead straightened up at all the attention in her, shaking her head. "I don't have any questions. I already knew about this."

It was quiet for a minute between the three until Julianna cleared her throat and pointed to the front door. "I'm just gonna..." She mumbled and Carmen nodded, silently saying she could go and Julianna sent her a small smile, getting off the couch and out of the house.


Demetri looked down at the weapons in his hands with wide eyes before turning to Sam, who gave him the weapons, like she was crazy. "You realize that by giving me these, you've dramatically increased my odds of being stabbed to death."

Sam rolled her eyes at Demetri's words, sighing in disappointment. "Believe me. I'd rather be training to fight Tory. We have to keep working on these skills if we wanna win the tournament." Sam said and Demetri groaned, tilting his head at the girl.

"Can't you let Jules or Eli have these things. I'll even trust Joey with these more." Demetri whined. Sam sighed, putting her hands in her back pockets. "Well, Jules and Eli are busy." She said, making Demetri's brows furrow. "Doing what?"

As if to answer his question, a loud whistle blew from the other side of the backyard and Demetri turned his head to see Julianna and Eli watching Joey wax one of Daniels many cars. After Jules blew the whistle, she pulled it away from her lips and clapped. "Keep going!"

Joey turned to Jules, squinting in confusion as he threw his hands in the air. "I didn't stop!" He yelled and Julianna rose her brows, pointing at him. "You stopped right now." She pointed out before blowing the whistle again.

"I am going!" Joey yelled in defense, his voice going higher slightly before he turned to Eli as he continued to wax the car. "Who gave her a whistle?" He asked as if Jules wasn't right there.

Before Eli could answer, Julianna beat him to it. "God. Now keep going!"

Demetri's watched the scene with wide eyes, slowly handing Sam the weapons and walking towards Jules and Eli, standing on the other side of Jules. "You okay there, Coach?" Demetri said, laughing slightly at his own little joke.

Jules turned to look up at Demetri, smiling widely as she nodded. "I was out in charge of training Joey." She said Demetri laughed, raising his brows sarcastically. "I can see that. But why didn't Sam train him?"

"Oh! Daniel was gonna have her train him but if she didn't that, I'd have to be training with the weapons with you... So Daniel thought it'd be better if Sam did it." Jules said with an amused smile and Demetri huffed, nodding his head as he pat Jules' shoulder with the hand that was around her. "Good choice."


"Listen up, nerds! Today's gonna be a world of pain. Now everyone fall in!" Johnny yelled. Lexi and Miguel quickly stopped their conversation, getting in line with the rest of Eagle Fang as they all watched their sensei.

"We have a new member joining us today." Johnny said as a girl walked into the room, standing side by side with Johnny. "This is Devon Lee." Johnny said proudly.

As Devon smiled to all the other students, Johnny turned to Lexi with a squinted look. "Sorry Gomez, I didn't see your email so I needed reassurance." Johnny said and Lexi shrugged, smiling. "You're all good." She said and Johnny nodded. "Now all we need is Jules to come back." Johnny said.

Miguel and Lexi's eyes widened, looking away from the man, both of them knowing Jules wasn't coming back to Eagle Fang.

Devon looked to her team, smiling at all of them as she nodded as a greeting. "Hi. My pronouns are she/her." She said and Johnny turned to Devon with squinted eyes. "The only pronouns we accept in this dojo are sensei and student."

Devon's face immediately scrunched in confusion, shaking her head at the man. "Those are nouns." Devon said and Lexi immediately started shaking her head aggressively. "Never correct him." Lexi whispered loud enough that Devon could hear hit Johnny couldn't.

Johnny slowly turned to Devon, getting annoyed with her as he squinted and tilted his head sarcastically. "Oh, I'm sorry. I think what I meant to say is "Quiet!"" Johnny yelled, making Devon jump back.

Lexi smirked at the girls flinch, leaning towards Miguel. "She's gonna fit in great."


"Cobra Kai pops your shoulder, be ready to fight with one arm." Johnny yelled as Lexi finished tying off Bert's arm to his torso so he couldn't use it.

"Like in Best of the Best!" Devon cheered and Johnny nodded. "Exactly. Now, you and Bert. Get in the center." Johnny said, pointing between Devon and Bert. Lexi rubbed the boys shoulder as he walked into the small huddle crowding around him and Devon.

When Johnny called the fight, Devon immediately went to kick the boy and Johnny clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "That's too far back and you're overextending your kick. Try it-" Before Johnny could even finish his advice, Devon kicked Bert, this time, much closer to the boy and taking control over her own strength.

Lexi, Miguel and Johnny all smiled at the girl in shock. "Not bad." Johnny said with a small smile as he nodded. Devon gave the man a happy smile. "I pride myself on never making the same mistake twice." She said and Lexi smirked, leaning towards Johnny. "I like this one." Lexi said and Johnny smirked, nodding. "Me too. Now everyone, fall in!"

Lexi went to fall in but Johnny grabbed her shoulder, stopping her and having her stand with Devon, him and Miguel. "No trick is too dirty, and no blow is too low for them. We have to be ready for it." Johnny said as he looked over all the boys lined up.

Johnny looked down at Lexi and Devon on either side of him before turning back to the line of boys as he dropped a hand on Lexi's shoulder. "Which is why today, we are having the girl who never misses, do what she always does even when we tell her to stop."

Lexi smirked at Johnnys words, walking towards the first boy in line. Devon went to follow after her but Johnny stuck his hand up, stopping her. "Watch and learn." He said just as Lexi got into her stance.

Devon watched in awe as Lexi kicked every boy in the balls one by one, her footing and stance never changing once with every kick she hit to the boys.

When Mitch hit the floor, groaning in pain, Lexi turned around to Johnny and Devon, nodding her as a big smile grew on her face. "It's good to be back." She said, out of breath in excitement.

Johnny laughed, nodding his head as he raised his hand for her to high five as she walked towards him. "Hell yeah, it is."


Jules sat at the dinner table in the Diaz house, sitting right across from her dad with Carmen in the seat between them facing the front door. Miguel was thirty minutes late, making Jules not talk much, sensing Carmen's anger.

"Why is he so late?" Carmen breathed out before turning to Jules, her eyes softening as she tilted her head. "Julianna, sweetheart, did Miggy text you back?"

Julianna's head lifted from staring off at her lap in boredom. She quickly turned on her phone to see if Miguel texted her back and frowned, looking back up at Carmen and shaking her head. "Um...no."

Carmen sighed, looking down at her plate in worry. Johnny frowned at her, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. "I'm sure it's fine."

"I'm gonna kill him when he gets here." Carmen mumbled angrily, shaking her head. Johnny looked back and forth between Carmen and Jules before shaking his head. "Maybe we should go." He said, making Carmen's eyes go wide as Jules' brows furrowed in confusion.

"What? No." Carmen said and Johnny sighed, shaking his head. "When my mom's boyfriends tried to discipline me, I didn't want to hear it. I don't want him to think I'm an asshole." Johnny said. Jules' brows raised in amusement, brining her hand up to take a sip of her soda.

The front door bursting open and Miguel walking in made the three at the dinner table freeze, turning to him. "Hey." Miguel said before he realized he was late for dinner, making his face dropped. "Oh. "

"Where have you been? You have to tell me when you're going to be late." Carmen yelled and Miguel started shaking his head guiltily, feeling bad for being late. "Sorry, I lost track of time."

Johnny smiled as he turned to Carmen, nodding his head while he gestured to Miguel. "He lost track of time." He said. Carmen turned to Johnny, glaring at him, making the man gulp, turning back to Miguel. "Which is very irresponsible, and you can't worry your mom like that."

Miguel's eyes flickered to Jules, almost as if he was silently asking her what was happening before he turned back to Johnny, shaking his head. "I was just hanging out with Sam."

Johnny smiled, turning to Carmen. "See? He was hanging out with his girlfriend. I get it."

Carmen looked at Johnny for a few seconds before sighing, turning back to Miguel with a worried look. "We just want you to be safe." Carmen said, making Johnny nod eagerly, pointing at Miguel. "Right.We want you to be safe. Always wear protection."

Julianna instantly shut her eyes, shaking her head. "I don't think that's what she meant." She whispered and Carmen nodded.

Johnny squinted as he looked back and forth between Jules and Carmen. "No? Don't wear protection?" Johnny asked before turning to Miguel, shaking his head.

"Don't wear protection." He said, making Carmen's eyes widen. "Johnny..." She grumbled and Johnny squinted again. "Uh, you let the girl decide that." Johnny said and Julianna dropped her head in embarrassment as Miguel scoffed.

"Just stop it!" Miguel yelled, making Johnny's mouth shut. Julianna's eyes widened at Miguel's outburst, turning to him with a look of shock and concern.

"At first I thought it was a little weird that you two were together but ever since you guys have, everything's been screwed up!" Miguel snapped, looking back and forth between his mom and Johnny before looking just at Johnny, shaking his head in betrayal.

"You said that nothing was gonna change." Miguel whispered and Johnny frowned, looking away before turning back to Miguel when he started to shout again. "It's weird at class. It's weird here. Jules barely looks anyone in this room in the eye anymore!" Miguel yelled pointing at Julianna.

The blonde looked away from Miguel when he turned to her. She crossed her arms over her chest as if it'd protect her from the stares she was getting from Miguel, Carmen and her dad as she turned to her lap.

"See?!" Miguel defended, Jules only proving his statement. "She's not looking at anyone. She's uncomfortable to the point where she's barely at home." Miguel yelled before turning to Johnny, shaking his head in disgust. "And now, she's not even in Eagle Fang because of you!"

Julianna's head snapped up almost instantly, looking at Miguel as if he had just stabbed her in the back. "Miguel!" Jules screamed as Johnnys face fell, his eyes flickering to his daughter before looking down at the table.

Miguel looked between Johnny and Jules, shaking his head angrily. "I'm over it!" He yelled one last time before walking into his room, slamming his door shut in the process.

It was quiet at the table, no one knowing what to say. Johnny, who was still looking down at the table, decided to be the one to break the silence. "What does he mean not even in Eagle Fang anymore?"

Julianna clenched her jaw and took a deep breath at the question. When he didn't get a response, Johnny lifted his head to look at Jules from across the table.

She could feel his eyes on her and she knew he was going to repeat the question. Before he could, Julianna shot out of her chair and walked towards the door, making Johnnys eyes widen, quickly getting up after her. "Jules?"

Johnny followed his daughter across the apartment complex and into their apartment. When Jules got into their house, she went to close the front door before her dad could get in but Johnny caught the door before it shut, walking into the apartment and slamming the door behind him, watching Jules make a beeline to her room.

"Julianna!" He yelled at the girls retreating figure. Jules stopped, knowing it'd be better for both of them if she stopped. She slowly turned around and bit the inside of her cheek as Johnny stood across from her, his face red in anger.

"You're not in Eagle Fang anymore?" He asked, his voice low and slow. Julianna crossed her arms worriedly, refusing to make eye contact with her dad as she shrugged. "It thought that was obvious when I stopped going." Jules said and Johnny scoffed.

"You're really gonna give me attitude right now? You think that's a good idea?" Johnny asked and Jules gulped, looking away from her dad. Johnny looked at Jules for a few seconds before shaking his head. "You said you were taking one of those mental health breaks and you'd be back. What are you doing instead of karate now?"

Jules pulled her lips into a line, not answering the question, only making Johnny angrier. "What? Are you doing nothing? Sleeping? Hanging out with that boyfriend of yours? I don't see Hawk at practice either!"

"I joined Miyagi-Do!" Julianna yelled to stop the man from screaming. Johnny froze, looking at Jules with a look of betrayal. "You did what?" He asked his voice low.

Jules gulped, looking away from Johnny. "Eli asked if I could go to Miyagi-Do with him so I joined." Jules said and Johnnys faces fell more. "You and Hawk joined Miyagi-Do? What about me? You're gonna leave me high and dry with just Lexi and Miguel?!" Johnny yelled and Julianna felt her last button be pushed and she let it all out.

"Be happy then! We all know you love Miguel more than me!" Julianna shouted, her words catching Johnny off guard and he instantly shut up, watching as tears started to pool in his daughters eyes.

"What?" Johnny asked, his brows furrowing as he took small steps towards her, not wanting to freak her out.

"Have you not noticed how many times you've left me high and dry for Miguel?!" Julianna yelled and Johnny gulped, looking to the ground and shaking his head. "I didn't notice." Johnny spoke and Julianna felt her throat burn, trying to hold back her cries. She let out a small, shaky breath, taking a seat at their kitchen island.

"It just feels like you're picking favorites." Julianna shrugged out, her voice cracking, making Johnnys heart drop. Before Jules knew it, Johnny had walked towards her, pulling her into a hug. He could feel her tears she had finally let out wet his shirt as he rubbed her back. "I'm so sorry, kid."

Jules sniffled, hugging Johnny back. "I was already second pick for mom. I don't want to be second pick for you too." She cried and Johnny shook his head, shutting his eyes, disappointed in himself.

Julianna sniffled, hugging back into her dad. "And I don't care that you're being there for Miguel. I want you to be there for him. But you leave me out of it." Julianna said, her voice shaky as she tries to calm herself down.

Johnny took in a deep breath, resting his chin on the top of Julianna's head. "I'm so sorry, Jules. I love you. You're my daughter. You're my kid. No one's replacing you." Johnny said, his voice quiet but loud enough for Julianna to here.

Julianna sniffled, hugging her dad tighter as a small smile grew on her face. "I love you, dad." She mumbled and Johnny smiled, nodding his head, her hair messing up slightly from his chin rubbing against the top of her head. "I love you too, kiddo."

—...how's everyone doing...?


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