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¸„.-•~¹°"ˆ˜¨the more the merrier¨˜ˆ"°¹~•-.„¸


"So this isn't your first time doing a stakeout?" Sam asked, turning to Jules who was sitting in the passenger seat beside her.

A few days after Cobra Kai's attack on Lexi and Hawk, Sam and Jules came up with a plan on getting revenge or at least Jules had a plan and Sam was her ride that approved.

Jules hummed as she shrugged, watching the Cobra Kai dojo from Sam's parked car a few spots away from the dojo. "Stakeout should practically be my middle name by now. I mean... I'm not that good at them but I do them a lot." Jules shrugged out, making Sam laugh.

"So what are we waiting for?" Sam asked once their laughter died down, keeping her eyes on Cobra Kai as she leaned over the center console to get closer to Julianna. The Lawrence girl almost instantly bent down, grabbing something at her feet before pulling out two hats and a pair of sunglasses from her bag.

"Waiting for the perfect moment to strike." Julianna said swiftly, handing Sam one of the hats and the sunglasses before putting on the hat and sunglasses. Sam gave Julianna an odd look before slowly taking the hat and sunglasses from her, putting them on.

Jules watched as the Cobra Kai kids circled up, Anthony and Kyler stepping into the center to fight. At the sight of Anthony smirking and jumping back and forth for his weight, Julianna scoffed, turning to Sam. "I just can't wait till I can beat his ass at the tournament." Julianna grumbled as she slumped into the seat. Sam's face fell, turning to Jules with furrowed brows and a small frown. "You didn't hear?"

Juliannas frowned, her head tilting and her brows furrowing as she readjusted herself in the seat, shrugging. "Hear what?" She asked and Sam frowned, shaking her head. "The All Valley. We're not fighting against the boys. There's girls division."

At Sam's words, Julianna looked away and out the window, letting out an annoyed huff as she shook her head. Sam watched Jules with a look mixed with sadness and confusion. "Your dad hasn't lost his mind about it yet?"

Jules bit her lip at the question, gulping as she kept her eyes on the fight between Anthony and Kyler inside Cobra Kai. "I'm sure he is losing it. But I wouldn't know. I stopped going to practice after what happened to Lexi and Eli." Jules said and Sam's eyes widened, not expecting Julianna to say she hadn't talked to her dad in a few days.

"Why?" She asked and Julianna sighed. "We got in a fight that day. We've been getting into a lot of fights recently, Now I'm kinda... boycotting him. I live with him but we just... don't talk." Jules said before turning back to Sam. "But tell me more about this girls division."

"They're not having any of us fight the guys. Then they tally up all the wins between the boys, girls and skills and the dojo with the most wins. But I'm mad about the girls division." Sam said, making Julianna huff.

"I'm disappointed too. Now I can't be Anthony's ass." Julianna huffed before she looked inside Cobra Kai. When she saw the students turning towards the parking lot, she grabbed Sam's shoulder, pushing her down in her seat as she shimmied down herself. Sam looked at Jules in shock, shaking her head. "Wh- What are you doing?"

"They might see us." Jules said and Sam quickly nodded, catching on and shimming down her seat. The two girls watched as the Cobra Kai's left the front room, heading towards the back room to practice, making a big smirk grow on Julianna's face. "Bingo." She whispered before getting out of Sam's car.

Sam looked at Jules with wide eyes. "Wh—" She started before groaning, getting out of the car and walking around it till she was in Julianna's side.

As soon as Sam was close to her, Julianna grabbed her hand and pulled her through the parking lot, making sure the two of them were ducked and hidden until they got to a blue Range Rover. Jules let out a happy sigh, laughing slightly as she looked at the car.

Sam looked back and forth between Jules and the car before turning her focus completely on Jules, her brows furrowed. "I'm confused. Who's car is this?"

Jules turned to Sam, her smile getting even wider as she gestured to the car. "This... is Bolt. Anthony's pride and joy. I wanted to find something to do that would affect both Anthony and Robby but I couldn't think of anything so right now we'll just mess with Anthony. Think about something for Robby later."

Sam slowly nodded, looking at Bolt before turning back to Jules, smirking. "What are we doing to Bolt?" Sam asked, standing beside Jules as they smiled evilly at the car.

"Exactly what they did to Eli and Lex. Cut her up." Jules said, walking towards the car. Sam's brows furrowed again. "What does tha—" Sam was cutoff by Jules pulling a pocket knife out of her back shorts pocket. In one swift move, Jules opened the knife and stabbed it into one of the car tires.

Sam's eyes almost popped out of her head, running towards Jules. "Jules! What the hell are you doing?"

Instead of answering, Julianna stood up and walked to the back passenger tire. "We have to do something. The no fighting rule is still up so..." Julianna dragged on before stabbing the knife into the tire.

Sam watched Julianna with wide eyes as the blonde stood up straight, running a hand through her hair as she looked at what she had done. She turned to Sam and smirked, holding up the knife. "Wanna do the honors of popping the last tire?"

Sam's brows furrowed, looking at Anthony's car before turning back to Jules. "You've only popped two tires." She said and Jules nodded, handing Sam the knife. "I know. If you pop all four tires, insurance will cover it. But three... that's all on Anthony."

Jules watched as Sam looked down at the knife before looking back up at Jules, smiling.

Slowly, Sam walked towards the drivers side front tire since the Cobra Kai's wouldn't see her from that angle. Jules watched with her arms crossed as Sam squatted, raising her hand with the knife before jamming it into Anthony's tire.

Sam watched what she said done as she stood up. She looked up at Jules and smiled, walking towards her. Julianna smiled, opening her arm out to wrap it around Sam's shoulders once she got close enough.

"It's good to be bad sometimes, isn't it?" Jules said in a joking tone and Sam laugh, nodding her head. "It is." She muttered out with a smile as the two of them walked towards Sam's car to leave.


"And you're sure they're both here?" Dememtri asked as he and Jules walked up to Eli's front porch. Jules nodded, looking up at Demetri as she pulled an old key out of her back jean pocket. "Called Joey. He dropped her off here two hours ago."

Demetri's nodded as Julianna walked towards Eli's front door, sticking the key in the doorknob and twisting it, unlocking the door. As she walked in, Demetri gave her a slightly worried look. "And you're sure this doesn't count as breaking and entering?"

Julianna shook her head as she looked back at Demetri, grabbing his wrist and pulling him into the house. "We're not breaking anything so we're fine."

Jules and Demetri walked down the stairs to the basement and saw Eli and Lexi sitting on the couch, Lexi's knees pulled into her chest as she watched the computer on Eli's lap as Eli kept a hood on, covering his hair.

"Where the hell have you been?" Demetri yelled to Lexi and Eli, making their heads leave the screen and turn to Jules and Demetri. "How did you guys get in here?" Eli asked as Lexi moved to sit properly on the couch, putting a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

The day after the tattoo shop incident, Jules went over to Lexi's house and helped her fix her hair. Luckily, nothing was cut shorter than a little above her shoulder.

Julianna smiled as she held up the key proudly. "I have a key." Jules could see Eli holding back a smile but he shook his head, looking between Jules and Demetri. "What's so important?"

"Didn't you hear? The All Valley has separate gender divisions." Demetri yelled and when Lexi and Eli's brows furrowed, Jules gave them reassuring smiles, taking a seat in between them. "Don't worry. I didn't find out a out it until Sam told me." Jules said and the two beside her nodded but Demetri continued his rant, pacing back and forth in front of them.

"I mean, do I look like Miyagi-Do's best hope at defeating Robby Keene?! I mean, Mr. LaRusso says that anyone can be the hero but I'm not Batman. I'm more like Alfred." Demetri rambled before turning to Eli, pointing at him. "You're Batman."

"You're talking to a bunch of Marvel fans, Meat." Julianna said as Eli and Lexi nodded in agreement with her. Demetri groaned, waving his hand around to dismiss her words as he continued to pace. "Oh, right. I forgot, you guys don't like DC. Whatever. Forget Batman, you're the Hawk."

Eli sighed, taking off his hood. "Yeah, not anymore. So..." He muttered. Jules turned to him, smiling at his buzzcut. "I like it." She muttered and Eli turned to her and smiled softly.

"At least it looks better than the last time I saw it." Demetri said. Lexi's eyes widened and she instantly grabbed the pillow she was leaning against from behind her, throwing it at Demetri. Demetri let out a small yelp at the hit, turning to Lexi with a dropped jaw before he saw the upset look on her face.

"Everyone at school knows what happened. It's embarrassing." Lexi said, defending Eli. Demetri sighed, shaking his head at the two. "Who cares what they think? It'll grow back." Demetri said and Eli shook his head, sighing in aggravation.

"It doesn't matter. I ruined my reputation, talked big game, and just proved I was an asshole. To Sensei, to Miguel, to you guys." Eli said, looking between the three before looking down at his lap with disappointed look. "Especially you guys." He muttered.

Lexi's face softened, leaning forward so she could look at Eli as she shook her head. "Hey, we forgave you, Eli. Remember? We all forgave you." Lexi said as Jules grabbed Eli's hand, squeezing it.

Demetri nodded with Lexi, pointing at her as if to say he agrees before turning back to Eli. "And I can assure you none of us care if you have a Mohawk, or a pigtails, Miyagi-Do needs you." Demetri said and Lexi cringed slightly, shaking her head. "Don't get pigtails." She said, making Eli snicker slightly before looking back down at his lap.

"I'm not going back to Miyagi-Do." Eli muttered and Demetri scoffed, pacing again. "That's great. You're choosing Eagle Fang over your best friend. Because I know you're not staying there for Jules! Sha hasn't been there in like a week." Demetri rambled, pointing at Jules, the blonde just shrugging as she nodded, knowing he was right.

"I'm not going back to Eagle Fang either." Eli blurted, making Jules and Demetri freeze, slowly turning to him. Eli sighed at his friends eyes on him, shaking his head. "I- I'm done with karate. I quit. How about you interrogate Lex?" Eli snapped, making Lexi whip her head to him. "Hey! I'm taking a mental health week. I already emailed your dad about it." Lexi said, earning a small smile from Jules. "You and I both know he barely knows how to turn on the computer, let alone answer an email."

Lexi smiled at Julianna's words, making Jules smile before she turned to Eli on the other side of her, raising her brows. "And you can't quit."

Eli frowned, shaking his head as he turned to Jules. "I already told you, I made up my mind."

Demetri's brows furrowed at Eli's words, looking at him like he was crazy. "Hey, you're the one that got me into karate, remember?" He said, walking over to the couch and sitting on the other side of Lexi. "I was perfectly happy playing Dungoen Lord after school, but you put us in a position where I had to join a dojo. And you know what?" Demetri asked, leaning forward so he could see Eli from over Jules and Lexi.

Demetri waited until Eli was looking at him and once he was, Demetri nodded his head. "It was the best thing to ever happen to me. Besides meeting you three of course." Demetri said, gesturing to Eli, Jules and Lexi at his last sentence before he continued. "I got stronger, gained confidence, got the girl of my dreams..." Demetri's said, grabbing Lexi's hand.

Lexi smiled at Demetri's words, squeezing his hand as Demetri let out a breathy laugh. "I'm excited for the tournament. I never thought I'd say that. But, it's not gonna be as exciting if you're not there."

Eli didn't respond to Demetri words, making the boy sigh in defeat. "Okay, you're making me do this." Demetri said, reaching into his jeans pocket and pulling out his phone. Demetri sighed, pulling up a video on his phone before handing the phone to Jules from other Lexi. "Hold this, will ya?"

Jules nodded, taking the phone phone Demetri and holding it in front of her so everyone could see the screen. Julianna and Lexi immediately laughed at the thumbnail, excited for what was about to be played.

Eli rolled his eyes, turning to Demetri. "You said you deleted this." Eli said and Demetri's brows rose, nodding his head sarcastically. "Oh, I say a lot of things. Which tends to be a polarizing attribute of mine." Demetri said before turning to Jules, nodding. "Play it."

Jules immediately tapped Eli and Demetri old Binary Brothers video; her and Lexi kicking their feet in excitement. The girls cheered when young Demetri popped up on screen, pulling a computer keyboard from out of his jacket.

When the screen cut to Demetri and Eli typing on their keyboards; "BINARY BROTHERS" written over them, Lexi and Jules started to muttered the theme song as Demetri danced to it slightly.

As the video continued, Eli watched the screen before looking away as he winced, shaking his head. "Why are you showing me these?" He asked, turning to the three beside him. Julianna's face fell, upset that Eli still wasn't getting it. She turned off Demetri's phone and handed it to him, keeping her eyes on Eli.

"Because this is who you are." Jules said with a smile, making Eli scoff. "A loser?" He muttered and Lexi smiled, nodding her head. "Our loser." She said and Demetri, not taking his eyes off Eli, put a hand over Lexi's mouth as he smiled at Eli. "Our best friend." He corrected and Jules nodded.

Jules looked up at Eli for a second before sighing, looking down at his hands and grabbing them, making Eli turn to her with wide eyes. "I know you think that that Mohawk defined who you are, but it didn't." Jules said before looking up at Eli, shaking her head. Not to us."

"Eli... Hawk. Hell, call yourself Cornelius for all I care. None of that changes the fact that you're my binary brother." Demetri said and Eli gave him a small smile before looking back down at his lap.

It was quiet for a few seconds before Jules quietly cleared her throat, turning to Lexi with a thin smile. "We didn't do any of that nerdy shit but I love you."

Lexi let out a happy laugh, nodding her head. "I love you too."


After about another hour of trying to get Eli to come back to karate, Demetri left, Lexi going with him so he could drop her off at her place.

Jules decided to stay at Eli's and watch the movies he was gonna finish watching with him. The two sat in silence, watching the movie as they curled up together with a blanket over them; Julianna's head on Eli's chest as Eli rested his head back on the couch.

Eli looked down at Jules before back to his computer. Slowly, he grabbed the top of his computer and brought it down, closing his laptop, making Juliannas brows furrow.

"What if... I do go back to karate?" Eli asked. Julianna's eyes widened at the question, looking up at Eli before pushing herself off of his chest and moving herself around to sit next to him. "Do you want to?"

Eli shimmied himself hugged into his seat kn the couch as he moved around to face Jules, nodding his head. "Yeah, I think so. But... I think I'd want to be in Miyagi-Do." Eli said nervously and Jules broke out into a smile. "Really?"

Eli smiled, nodding his head excitedly. "Yeah. I mean, I really liked all that Okinawan stuff he was teaching us plus, Demetri said he needs my help."

Eli looked down at his hand before looking up at Jules, feeling nervous about what he was going to say. "I'd feel a lot more comfortable if you were there with me." Eli said and Jules smiled, nodding her head. "Then I'll go with you."

Eli's eyes widened, not thinking Jules would agree so fast. "Really?" He asked, his voice going higher than normal, making a dopey smile grow on Jules' face. "Yeah. I love you and want you to be comfortable. If you want me to go to Miyagi-Do with you, I'm going." Jules said, grabbing both of Eli's hands in hers and squeezing them.

Eli smiled at Julianna's words, glad she was okay with switching dojos before his face fell and he turned to Jules with a concerned look. "What about Lex?" Eli asked and Jules gave him a reassuring smile, shaking her head. "She'll be fine with it. Even since Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang split, she's been trying to get me to join Miyagi-Do." Julianna said before letting out and Eli's brows rose as he smiled. "Really?"

Julianna let out an amused snicker, nodding. "Yeah... I do like Miyagi-Do a lot more and I think she sees that. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the Cobra Kai and Eagle Fang techniques I've learned, I really like Miyagi-Dos teachings." Jules said, making Eli smile.

Eli grabbed Julianna's face, pulling her towards him and into a kiss. Julianna crawled towards him on the couch, sitting on her knees so she was taller than him. When they pulled away from their kiss, Eli let out a heavy breath, looking up at Jules with a smile. "So, Miyagi-Do it is?"

Julianna smiled at Eli's words, nodding her head. "Miyagi-Do it is. They actually have practice right now. We could go if you want." Jules suggested with a small smirk and Eli immediately nodded like an excited kid, getting off the couch and grabbing Julianna's hand, pulling her off the couch up the stairs. "Well, let's go!"

Jules ran after Eli up the stairs before she stopped, a small smile growing on her face at an idea coming to her mind. Eli watched his girlfriend with furrowed brows, shaking his head. "What?" He asked and Jules turned to him, still smiling. "We just have one stop before we go."


"Dammit!" Jules and Eli heard Demetri scream as they walked towards the backyard of Miyagi-Do.

They watched Demetri holding his stomach in pain as he stood across Daniel in the sparring deck, the rest of Miyagi-Do watching the fight that had just ended. Daniel shook his head, walking up to Demetri. "Hey, no. Hey... That was great. That kick was awesome, all right? You just have to be careful you don't expose your-" Daniels words stopped as his eyes landed on Eli and Jules walking towards the sparring deck.

Daniel smiled at the two, opening his arms. "Well, look who decided to come back." Daniel smiled as he hopped off the sparring deck. He turned to Julianna and tilted his head. "You here to drop him off?" He asked, gesturing his head to Eli.

Julianna smiled awkwardly, putting her hands in her sweatshirt pockets. "Here to learn if you'll have me?" She said, squinting slightly at the sun in her eyes. Daniel was taken aback by her words but immediately smiled, raising his arms. "Of course. There's always room." He said before turning back to Eli.

"Good to see you, Eli. Or is it Hawk?" He asked and Eli chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, doesn't matter. I'm just here to do what I can to help out the team." He said and Daniel smiled more, nodding. "That's good."

Julianna turned to Eli and feeling eyes on him, Eli faced Jules. The two had an unspoken conversation before Julianna turned back to Daniel with an uncomfortable yet hopeful smile. "I hope you don't mind but when Demetri told me you wanted more fighters, I knew somebody who'd love to join."

Daniel was about to open his mouth to speak but Julianna beat him to it, continuing what she was saying. "He can fight and has been wanting to join a dojo but his mom doesn't want him in too much violence. I figured Miyagi-Do was perfect for him."

Since Julianna had just answered all of the questions the man had, Daniel nodded. "The more the merrier." He said, making  Julianna smile excitedly. She turned around and brought her hand up to the side of her mouth. "Come on out!" Julianna yelled.

Everyone in the backyard watch the direction Jules and Miguel were looking and after a few seconds, Joey walked out from the side of the house.

When he reached everyone, he stood on the other side of Jules, reaching his hand out to shake Daniels hand. "Mr. LaRusso. I'm Joey Gomez." He said as Daniel shook his hand, connecting the dots in his head, and Daniel furrowed his brows at the boy. "Gomez. Lexi's brother?" He asked as they stopped shaking their hands.

Joey nodded as he put his hands in his sweatshirt pocket. "Yes, sir."

"Sensei." Daniel corrected, making Joeys face scrunch. "What?" Daniel chuckled, looking down to laugh for a few seconds before looking back up at Joey. "Call me Sensei. Not sir."

Joey pursed his lips, nodding his head as he started to smile. "Will do, Sensei."

Daniel sighed in happiness, glad he got more students. "Let's get you three some gi's." He said cheerfully before walking passed them and towards the training room.

Demetri was the first to walk up to the three, pulling Eli into a hug first. "Good to have you back, man." Demetri said once he and Eli pulled away. Demetri turned to Julianna, laughing slightly as he opened his arms out. Julianna let out an excited laugh, pulling Demetri into a hug.

"This is a shocking turn of events. Truly. But what about your dad?" Demetri asked and Julianna huffed, pulling away from her hug. "It will be... interesting." She said, making Demetri chuckle slightly.

As his laughter started to die down, Demetri turned to Joey. Demetri's smile faltered slightly, clearing his throat as he held up a fist in hopes Joey would fist bump him. "Good to have you here"

Joey looked at Demetri for a couple of seconds before smiling, returning the fist bump. "Good to be here." He said, making Demetri let out a calm laugh, nodding.

—demetri's awkward around joey bc it's his gfs older brother and is worried he hates him if anyone was confused about that last scene🧍‍♀️


since jules, hawk, demetri and joey are all in miyagido while lexi is in eagle fang, would you want to see lex in eagle fang and see how johnny reacts to jules "joining the enemy"?

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